PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. UAT SH WILKEY BUMELESOCK HAS TO SAY THIS WEEK. Grisht ?”’ der froagt ¢Bisht doo en der nix nootsics boo keeper, woe seller/karl om groom- wor fer seim schtore- beere nows shtella schtore ae morriya. “Well, ich huff in der himmel tzoo kooma,’’ sawgt schtore keeper, ‘‘ich broveer tzoo doo was recht is, oon ich tzale mul ae dawg oof da guldenna schtroasa foon Neia Yaroosalem tzoo lawfa, ich mei bicher doe in daerra g’'schlussa hob.” “Well don, won Grisht bisht, we koomts os doo en box ful soe growsy seese groombeera founa der won wellt doo en on deim schtore shtay husht, oon won mer seese groombeera kawft shicksht doo en lot glaeny schwenzlin hame, net grayser we glaeny reddich? Denksht doo doo konsht in glaeny groombeera won de growsa soe der himmel oof soe drows husht fer en sample?”’ Der schtorekeeper is rode worra wet im g’sicht oon hut g’sawt ar sei customers net soe p’sheisa we sel, oon deer boo os de groombeera fordt g’fawra hut hut en mistache g’macht. SPORTING HILL. Misses Emma and Elia Wenger spent Wednesday and Thursday with relatives and friends at Eliza- bethtown. Decoration Day was observed by at least one person May be it was on account of it being birthday. Clayton Nissley was on the Hill on Monday. He is able to go out here. her again after being confined to his bed a few monthts. Services were held in the Union church on Sunday morning by the River Brethren, and at 7.30 in the evening by the Brinzer’s. Andrew Vogel and Annie spent from Friday to Mon- day in Baltimore, Md. His broth- er William was buried on Wife daughter Friday. aged 43 years. and three children survive. . -—— . RHEEMS' STATION. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Uriah Spayd a daughter last Monday. A. L. Campbell of this place, editor of the Denver Star, spent Sunday with his family. Last week thieves entered Cyrus Ruhl’s poultry house and got away with about thirty-five chickens. A. A. Arnold; emergency oper- ator from Lancaster, is on duty at K. U. tower until E. R. returns. Ebersole Abram Lutz and family, spent last Saturday and Sunday with her parents in Dauphin County, north o Highspire. : Albert Shirk, P. R. R. brakeman of Harrisburg and wife were guests of his uncle, David Brubaker, and family last Saturday, \ In order to to complete y the large orders for ballast at the S. G. Graybill quarry, additional force has been put on and 11 hours per day will be made until further orders. The German Baptists worshiped ,in their Rheems meeting house last Sunday morning with several strange ministers on the pulpit. The next regular evening service will be held June rrth. The directors of the Rheems Canning factory held a special meeting at their office last Tuesday evening where important business was transacted, relative to purchas ing cans “RT important matters oH AMBERLAIN'S STOMACH AND LIVER TABLEM BETTER THAN A DOCTORS PRESCRIPTION, Mr. Je w of Truhart Aa. says ne Liver than 0 doctor, wis able ald pro. pases of nstipa. 0 pre. hy J, t Joy Correct Clothes for Men Suits of Style Every new thought of fashion expressed— properly—in the suits bearing this label AliedPenjaminz@ MAKERS 3k NEW YORK The makers’ guarantee, and ours, with every garment. We are exe clusive agents here. M. Bachenheimer Eagle Hall. COLUMBIA, PENNA. Ch. Yes! Oh Yes! GEORGE S. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER Post Office Address, lorin, Lancaster Co., Pa Telephone Number 851. Rates Very Reasonable for AllKinds of Sale The Only Place to Get Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &c. IS AT 3 Scholing’s West End Bakery Mount Joy Penna For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Josocph Hershey Successor to W. W. Strasbach. tine Tonsorial Parler East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. WINDSOR HOTEL Between 12th & 131h ts. on Filbert St, Phila, Pa, Three minutes walk from the Reading Termi- nal. Five minutes walk from the Penna. R. RR. Depot. European Plan $1:00 per day and upwards. American Plan $2:00 per day. FRANK M. SCHEIBLEY, Manager ABNER M. HERSHEY. AUCTIONEER Mount Joy, Penna. Special attention given to calling all kinds of rea. state and personal property sales. Satisfaction Guaranceed, Charges moderate. Drop we a card reall wp 836 A. Scheduie in Effect May 25, 1905. SUNINAYDS EASTWARD—WEEK-DAY> g Pi or wn PB .-a £ Zz ii =~ = ir iB L | ell. “ | 8 4,88 uN ! iow nS BR = | & J4355g3 ; | ® 3FE2inEiz ti sts 83t | SugsSgt ce 3S Sas Ooms mE notice to Agent or Cone PARBENEEYS. Ss” Sgops on signal or ductor to receive or discharge “bh” Stops only on signal or notice to Condue. tor to discharge passengers, For time tables and additional information in quire of Ticket Agent, W.W.ATIERBURY, General Manager, GLO, W. BOYD, senerel Passenger Agent. J. R, WOOD, Cornwall & Lebanon Railroad. Time TABLE IN EFFECT May 29, 1906, A PMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE! Joy Borodgh, Deceased. been granted to the undersigned, all persons in- debted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment, and those having claims or de- out delay for settlement to the undersigned, re- siding in Mount Joy Borough. PENNSYLYANIE RAILROAD... Fuss'r Trafic Mgr, Leave... AM AM AW pm pm Monnt Joy 6°50 1045 243 TY Arrive. ..oiiee anne Mt. Gretna. 746 1240 418 821 Lebanon, ..... 805 100 4338 Bdl LOAVe. ci iainnansns . Lebanon. ...... 6 OB 131 648 Mt. Gretna... . 646 108 161 708 ; vd AVR ce irnin nin When" You Buy Spoons MOUNE JOY. asa erene bi 348 S01 knives, forks, ete., buy reliable brands, am am pm pm pm ev Af they do cost a little more, All trains on ©, & L. R. R. daily except Sunday ™# are worth the difference. If M1. GuersA PARK, on the line of thiv road, is the finest resort in Pennsylvania, and is the per- | Fatate of Elizabeth Patterson, late of Mount Letters of administration on said e-tate having mands against the same will present them with- F. A. RICKER, Administrator. CoYLE & KELLER, Attorneys. Crystal Springs DAIRY! fresh Orecam and Milk Delivered Daily Except Sunday. Special Orders Solicited. We Invite Inspeciion. We Solicit Your Trade, E. BH. ZERCHER NOTARY PUBLIC. WwW. fr. HOLTOWEBUSH ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna. Days at Lancaster, Monday and Friday. at No. 52 North Duke Street. Private Sale! 0 The undersigned offers at private sale in Marietta, his valuable 2% Story Brick attached, Frame Stable and all other necestary outbuildings. Also Fruit of all kinds. Property is pleatantly locat- ed and will be sold. Call on or address Wm, H. Gantz Prop. Farmers’ In, MT. JOY, PA. june7-4t WANTED. Men and women inthis and adjoining counties for home or traveling work, repre- senting and advertising the Wholesale and Educational Departments of an old estab- lished Manufacturing House. Salary $3 50 per day with expenses advanced. Rig fur- nished when necessary, position permanent; references exchanged. Address, Blew Brothers & Co , Home Dept. Chicago, 111. May305 © / [3 ¢uas. Bf ZELLER Real Estate and Insurance Office E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Calling and Clerking of Public Sales Settleme tofestatos, collection of rents, surveying and couveyancing. TENTION, FARMERS — Ef r OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO YOU. What Tou Have Lon ss \ =, wil The Two-whedjed Support for use in mucky soil, designed especially \to avoid side draft on machines cutting | ' from seven to ten feet. } . { Dialogue,—“The Two Farmers.” ¢ “Good morning: Farmer Johnson, you are just the man I have been looking for, neighbor Smith o)1s 1m that you got a Support for your binder and mower Inst season and he says thiut your horses had no weight to carry on their necks and that they seemed to work: io machines with more ease than ever before.” * Now, Mr. Johnson, the reason f wanted to see you especially is because some of my horses have sore necks, aug even if their necks were not sore, I think itis the duty of every humane man t4 guse the honest and faithful horse all he possibly ean through this hustling haying d harvesting season, after this hard spell of spring work.”””’ > Well, you dic 00d lot of talking but now I will tell you what I think of the Support after using 0 seasons. The Support is all right.” ‘I think it has paid itself twice since T ho jt by saving the machine much in wear, and by saving the horses in feed and ga]] cure,’ *I can run my machine just as easy with one horse less by having the Support, ”? “Oh bE armer Jolngon, where can I get this much wanted article ? Why, you just go to the phone and call A. Hl. WEAV ER, Blue Ball, Pa., and he will ship you one or as many as you want by freight or trolley, or he will send one of his &igents to see you; just as you say.’ ¢He is at you service.” ’ A Few Words From the Manufacturer. This Support is Dut an experiment, for it has long since passed from the experi- mental state. It has’been perfected, tried and found satisfactory. I have sold more than 1,500 in Lancaster County alone. I can show thousands of unsolicited testimonials all of which gre lond in their praise of this modern invention. Please read the Pructical Points of this Support in the next column and T am sure with a little cov jjeration you will agree with me that this is an article that every farmer with a 1 der or Mower should have, / 1,200 TONS OF IE! I hereby wish to inform the public that I have housed 1,200 Tous of Pure, Crystal Spring Water a= I CES n= which I amprepared to serve at very moderate charges, Will run a wag- on throtgs- Metint Joy and-I"erin daily. A share of your is respectfully solicited as this is the finest crop thessed in ten yoars. You can get ice at any time. patronage I am also prepared to do ALL KIND3 OF HAULING and also PLOWING atany time. CHAS. FRANK, MOUNT JOY, PA. + ARR A RR STOP AT THE West KiNG St., J-ANCASTER 5 West Kina Street. Dinner 25 cents. accommodations in every respect. your patronage solicited. v y A eure guaranteed if you use UDY'8 S pp { ny PILE} *%: Supposito D. Matt, Thompson, Bupt. Graded Schools, St, vesville, N. C., writes: '' I can say they de all you ch .™ for them,” Dr. 8, M. Devore, Raven Keek, Iv, Va, rites They give universal satis faction.” Dr. if. br. }eGill, Clarksburg, Teun, writes: “In a practice of 28 years, I Lave fouud no remedy to ual yours,” Puce 60 Cxxre. Samples Free. Sold by Druggltth. gaps 'N RUDY, LANCASTER, PA, ORT Sold in Mt. Joyhy E. “Silver Plate Berkshire Jiu & that Pattern. manent 1roation for the Pennsylvania Chautan qua the U, B, € G. of Penna, Trip mileage tickets sold at all stations to pe \sons holding P. K. R. mileage books. AD. MITH, Pres.and Gen, Supt. Jampmeeting, Encampment W | | Lebanon, IY ofl “[BA7 ROGERS BROS is the stamp it insures genuine Rogers quality, famous for wear. Sold by leading dealers everywhere; yor Catalogue “C.L," address the makers, International Silver Co., Meriden, Conn. Ty Sorrel Horse Hotel The annex now complete with the S ORRE L HORSE, mai:es a frontage of 49, 52, 53 gd es A share of A. B. ADAMS, Pro. Lb Ak W "Garber, Calltor free sample eve [een Wanlin BW Improved Patent Tongue Support For Self Binders, Reapers, Mowers, Corn Harvesters, Etc. A Horse Saver, A Machine Saver, A Help for the Driver. THIS TONGUE SUPPORT is vertically adjustable for cutting any height of stubbly, and for trucking on the road. Changes are effected by means of loosening bolt and clamp. A PRACTICAL TONGUE SUPPORT stands unquestionably among the fore- most of the devices and improvements calculated to ease the burdens of horses. Referring particularly to grain binders, it is well known that all manufacturers have sought to ease the horses by constructing machines better balanced. This is a partial remedy only for the evil of steadying two-wheeled machines by the horses hitched thereto. The practical and sure relief is a third wheel for supporting and steadying the tongue, Stop and think. Don't you see that something is radically wrong in the principle of balancing on two wheels? After all, it is the horses which maintain the so-called balance both in the draft and by the neck-yoke; and this is no trifle. If you think so, try the Support and watch that spring. The two wheels strike furrows, stones and uneven spots, which partially check their momentum. What checks the forward motion of the body of the machine high above these obstructions? Is it not the horses’ necks through the pitching of the tongue? For proof watch that spring which stands pounding and jarring better than horseflesh. Other advantages of the Support are: Firsr—The weight or counter-balance of the driver is on the Support and not on the horses’ necks when he is off the seat. Seconp—The Support bears the extra weight, otherwise thrown on the horses’ necks by an unbalanced machine on all down grades, Trirp—The Support holds down the tongue and away from the horses’ throats when tipped up by a much unbalanced machine on steep up grades. Fourra—The Support holds the heavy tongue for the driver when hitching up or unhitching. Frrra— A third wheel on the tongue steadies it laterally, so that it cannot pound or hip the horses’ shoulders sidewise; neither can there be any sawing on their necks. Sixta—The driver can handle his tilting lever with great ease on all grades of surface because the third wheel carries the burden of weight otherwise hanging on the lever. SeveNTH—The Support saves time in turning corners. Tamas The third wheel assists in holding the machine to a full swath on a glide hill, Ninta—Machines will last longer because less racked and because the motion is more steady, just as a four-wheeled vehicle is more steady than one of*two wheels. Texta Horses will do more work, do it easier, and sometimes an extra horse can be saved. For further information or any particulars, phone, write or call upon . WEAVER, Manufacturer, BLUE BALL, Lancaster County, Pa. 4 gt Al ie If you come to us, first for what youllvant in the Hat line, you need oo no farther, 1 f you have searched every other storein the city, without finding = . it, come to us and you'll get it. —-op tt Sotiris’ >So bobote LER TO EI. Is. BOAS 144 North Queer Street, BAXCASTER, PRES. 000000600006000000% 9000000000000 900000699020090025000%0 | a dyed yt ir Ver ee Yee TY SANITARY PLUMBING» %% Vapor, Steam and Hob Water Heating. o°% \ Have your Heating anil Plumb ing looked after during t@ Warm weather and be in shape when the frosts come, Full inc of Ftoves Hardware, Paints, §e. Ww As Tin Roofing and pouting a Specialy « West Main Street, MT. JOY. Loteteiole] LF ate 2% £0 0 60 C0 ER EH 00 40 0 200 ip HEH RE EH ER AE RH ER RE CH CR i F.H.Baker's coal and P : NT X | oh o Fo AS Yards RNY 2 Opposite Old P. B. R. Station nN 3 MouNTAIOY, PENNA. 3% Sole agent for Congo Roofi No. 1 Cedar Shingles always on hand 4 Joors, Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Ete, ai Als) Siding, Flooring, § Estimates Quickly and Cheerfu , on all kinds Building Material, ho) e833 '% No foTstetotetotetototeteiofeiote io ch 0 Gp HOH CO GH ED ERD DH 2 GOV OROOOE 0000000000000000000000000000600000000009 0000000000000 0000000 990 900000000000 000000090000000004¢ The Surest Way of being satisfied with your suit is to buy it We don’t know of a single er who is sorry that he trades here, but we WISHED here. custom- have seen a great who THEY HAD. The reason ! many Our clothes have individ- ual style—they are made by the best mak- ers in America—they are different from other clothes you see. We Guarantee Our Clothes. Oo FULD'S Clothier and Furnisher COLUMBIA, PA. 207 Locust St. : ” ir . ——— | $0000000000000000000026006000000005000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000009900000 20000000000000000060006000600000000000000000000000000 “7 Engle’s Furniture Warerooms Mount Jov, Penna. aap Po ores Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty Upholstering Done to Order et Ap POPLAR LUMBER FOR SALE IN LOTS T0 SUIT THE PURCHASERS, - +3 Undertakiag and Ernbalmine ETE IE EE ETRE A HOBO 209: $ Dainty Footwear for Spring | | We have it here for everybody. The preftiest of Shoes and Oxfords in L1.cks, Tans and Willtes with Hosiery to match them all. rR de ral SHATUB & CO. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and If AIERY | 18 North Queen Street, PERETTI SINT ITN LANCASTER, PENNA. 0000000000000000000090000090000000000000000000000000¢