EEKRY Brits VOL V. NO.2. MOUNT JOY, PENNA { - DNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1905 50 CENTS A YEAR COUNCIL CONVENES Quite a Lengthy Session Held on Mon- day Evening. Mount Joy Borough Council met in regular session Monday with all the members present. evening The minutes were read and approved. The report of H.C Schock for the past councilmanic month showed that he had collected $292.22 and handed same over to the borough treasurer. Chairman Hoffer of the committee reported as Several new crossing laid paired, all ashes and rubbish re- moved, and several bad places on Main and High streets filled crushed stone. Mr. Hoffer commended that North street be repaired and a crossing re laid on said street at Mount Joy; also relay crossing on East Main street at the post office; the gutt:r at the Red Lion be given the proper grade and South D:lta, South Mar- ket and North Jacob streets are in very bad shape should b. macadamized. Burgess Street follows: , inlet re- with also re- B.irbara and Here there was a lengthy discuss ion. Mr. Detwiler is of the opinion that all present macadamized streets should be repaired and kept in good condition before those small side streets are repaired. Messrs. Hoffer and Brown ditfer and thought they should be macadamized, Mr. Browu said they should be better shape and if there is not enough money here to do the tax rate.” put in it, “raise Hoffer's re- ordered Upon motion all Mr, commendations were and the three streets will be macadamized. Mr. Detwiler reported that the property owners from Frank’s malt house to the Farmer's Inn, on old Market street, should be compelled to lay the pavement. The short mentioned No action, railroad bridges aud proaches on Marietta Jacob streets are in bad shape and the Clerk was instructed to notify the P. R. R. to repair same. ap- and Mr. Longenecker reported the wood foot bridge at the Methodist church in bad shape, It will be replaced by an iron oe. now Mr. Hamaker of the Water com- mittee reported having purchased a carload of and Mr. Brown mentioned that the subsiding reser- coal voir was repaired. Mr. Detwiler reported that at a recent meeting of the committee, Wm. Manning’s house was assessed at $600. instead of $700. as here- tofore, The lights were all reported as being in excellent condition, Mr. Brown said the old pumps at the water works have been torn out and the foundation for the gasoline engine and pumps is in position. The pumps and engine are on thie way and are expected to arrive here this week and if there is no detention, they wil! be running ere the close of the month, new Complaint was mades about the waste water in the gutter along the Baker properties on Hast Main street and the Clerk was ordered to notify the residents in that vicinity not to run wash or waste water into the gutter hereafter and the Street com- mittes will investigate why the water after each rain does not drain off. Mr. Hoffer of the board of Health, reported having investigated the sewer outlet from Mumma & Det- wiler's slaughter house and even on a warm day there was no stench whatever, Also that in month this firm’s about a new slaughter house would be completed and the cld one will be deserted. There was “i lengthy dis- passion on this subject. Upon ation the inlet at the above aghter house was ordered closed 5 soon agdlumma & Detwiler va- cate, hn Mr, Longenecker ounds, that if one running TOO IPD, py Ye deptivk. © waste into the boragh®™} sewer pipes, others should #0 fbe deprived of the same privilege. Alois Bube’s connection to the sewer, Philip Frank Malting Com- pany and the Rollman Manufactur- g Company were then discussed. on motion of Mr. Detwiler the \ ¢ \ \ \ president appointed the followiog committee to look up all the con- nections made to the borough’s sewerage and report at the next regular meeting : Messrs, Detwiler, Longenecker and Hoffer. Mr, Hoffer also reported that he gave Mumma & Detwiler a permit to build a slaughter in the borough. Constable Eli Williams wants Council to assist him to do away with corner loafing by printing the ordinance relative thereto and he house will enforce them. The treasurer’s report showed a balance in the Borough account on June 5, of $109.27 and in the Water account on same date, $3,656.25. Main street was reported in bad condition at some places and should be repaired but Mr. Hoffer thought that it would be useless to do so as Council recently gave the Rohrers- town, Lancaster and Mount Joy Railway company right of way to lay their tracks ou said street and as the line is now being built, let them repair the street, The ordinance of the Philadelphia, Lancaster and Harrisburg Railway Company was then read action was taken. The ordinance contains a clause that $500 must be deposited at the Union National Bark as a guarantee of good faith that the line will be built within two years from the passage of the ordinance. A resolution was then passed by Council as suggested by the post office department, authorizing Bur- gess H. C, person to Schock as the proper receive all post office money. The paid : C. Schock, lumber, $3.09; Penna, R. R. Co., freight on car load of coal, 31.57; Frank Conrad, hauling, 42.60; ‘R. D Wood & Co., supplies, 58.36; P. R. R., freight, 3.57; Central Machine Works. supplies, 43.96; Hector Henery, labor and cement, 12.15: Adams Express Co.. 1 48; Wm, Elsworth, supplies, 3.45; HH. S. Newcomer, supplies, 50.86; Herr & Snavely, supplies, 10.45; Samuel Fas- nacht, labor, 42,20; David Garber, labor, 40.95; Jacob Garber, labor, 5.00; Andrew Weidman, labor, 2.50; Howard Nauman, Louis Siller, John Kramer, and Andrew Weidman, each 3.00 for cleaning reser- voir; A. B. Welsh, labor, 50.93; J. J. Pen- nell, salary, 5.00; Groff & Graybill, screening, 8.77; Frank Good, salary, $30. following bills were then Tax collector David Boyce was then heard and he was exhonerat.d from collecting 1904 taxes - to the amount of $47.48. Upon motion Collector Boyce was instructed to collect taxes from several persons if arrests must be made and Council will defray all expenses in such cases. Adjourned at 10.45 p. m A Good Thing For Farmers. Attention is called to the large advertisement of Adam IH. Weaver. It will pay every farmer to read the advertisement carefully, and also to follow Mr. Weaver's gard to his invention.—His supports have heen on the market for than five years, and adyice in re- mote are giving universal satisfaction wherever used Over 2,000 of them are in use in Lancaster county alone, while thousand’s of them are found in the great Western wheat belts, eg — Success, Mr. Swarr. Last week this office printed a lot of posters for K: H. Swarr, who re- sides a short distance south of town. He is the general representative of of the Brown Fence Company, the manufactures of one of the best, strongest and cheapest wire fences on the market today, He is doing quite an extensive ‘business in this community, —en Bought Hossler’'s Property. Auctioneer George S. Vogle sold the real estate and personal property of the late John Hossler of Florin, at public sale on: Saturday. The property was purchased by Ephraim Hertzler of near Schwanger’s black- smith shop for $2,395, Henry KE. Terry, a well known resident of Maytown, died at his home in that place at ten o'clock last night. Deceased was aged seventy-six years. Other local notes on page 4. but nc | LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Happenings of the Week Told in a Brief Yet Iteresting Mannner. The borough schools will close tomorrow. H. L. Mooney returned home from the hospital yesterday. A daughter was born to Oscar Pomel and wife on Monday. Home raised strawberries are be- coming quite pleaty at ten cents a box. Mrs. H. W. Kraybill fell in the garden on Monday and dislocated her shoulder, Martin Hiestand has the Harry Shrite Marietta street, Wm. H, Gantz offers his desira— ble brick dwelling in Marietta at private sale, See ad. va photograph gallery will be op- ened in M. L, Greider’s new build- ing in the very near future. M. L; Greider & Co..of this place will install an acetylene gas plant in Abram Cassel’s new residence at Manheim, On Monday morning a large number of foreigners arrived here and were put to work on the Man- heim road, : purchased property on John W. McGinnis is nursing a badly bruised arm the result of be- ing hit by a ball at one of last Tues day’s games. ; Frank Drabensta lt won the 214 dollar gold piece given away by Dr, E. W. Garber last week, Frank hid 31 sodas, Dr. B. Rubin will leave this even- ing for Washington. D. C.. he will spend several days, ing next Monday. where return— A horse that was recently injured in a runaway, was killed and fed to fifty five hounds owned by Bie Zeamers at Kinderhook. Miss C. Smith, who has been the head trimer in ihe millinery depart- meet at Yoffe’s store, left Monday for Baltimore where she will visit her sister. She will not return, There was much rumor afloat that the J. L. Tempest Dramatic Co. would show here in the near future This engagemer.t is off but the com- pany will be here in September. A young man from town was re- cently caught “swiping’’ at an east The guilty person krows who we mean and he is here- by warned to keep his distance in the future. end residence, An amusing incident occurred on Manheim street at the borough lim- its on Sunday. A certain gentle man in his endeaver to scare a dog. was 80 badly frightened by two la- dies that he is trembling yet. A valuable horse belonging to John Myers, south of town, met death in a peculiar manner yesterday. Mr. Myers threw the harness on th: animal when it reared and fell back ward striking its head and killing it instantly. When Mrs, P, J. Dieter returned home from [larrisburg on Sunday, she left her suit-case on the train and through our obliging station agent and the P, R. R’s. honest em. ployes, it was returned tLe follow- ing day. A special meeting of Friendship Fire company was held Monday evening. The company intends to participate in a parade at Lititz on the Fourth, but will only go pro- vided Otsego Tribe does not go to Middletown as a number of firemen are Red Men, Quit His Job. Samuel Hershey, the able young clerk who was employed at Wolf Yoffe's store for the past three months, quit his job on Monday and has gone to his home at Landisville, After a three weeks’ vacation he will start working for the Monitor Steam Heating company where he will learn stcam fitting, rn re fp Saturday Was the Last Day. Saturday, June 8, was the last day to pay the 1905 state and county taxes and get 5 per cent. rebate, After June 8 theamount wiil remain not until October 5, and after that date 5 per cent. will be added, it; rrr ir era ——— = THE WEEKLY BULLETIN ACTUALLY HAS A LARGER 8 Loc AL CIRCULATION THAN ANY MOUNT JOY PERSONALS. Owen Brandt is home on a short vacation. \ Henry Rinehart fof Steeiton, vis— ited friends here last week, Miss Geta Bendey spent a few days at Harrisburg last week, Miss Katie Shrite{ of New York, is the guest of her plarents here. Christ Stoner of Allegheny City, spent a few days hele with his sis- ter last week. { Miss Estella Long Jecker attend- ed the commencem, Jt exercises at State College. James Yellets | and Wrightsville, were visitors to our town on Monday. | Rev. and Mrs. I. EK. few days at Reading] Springs last week, wife of Runk spent a and Sinking Harry Barnhart aod family of York enjoyed an automobile ride to our town on Sunday. Mrs. Hattie Wagner of Marietta, was the guest of her daughter Mrs. Wm. Wagner on Sufday. Miss May Manni of Metzgar College, Carlisle, wagwahe guest of her parents the past week. B. M. Root and wife of York, spent Sunday with the family of E. M. Trexler on Marietta street, Ira Brandt of New Yo. < City, spent a few days in town with his parents, J. M. Braudt and wife. Miss Katie Witmer left on Friday for Swampscott, Mass! where she will spend some timegffva relatives, Miss Fanny Henny spect ' Friday at Neffsville where, she was called op account of the illness of her sister. Jacob Grissinger, wo is busy sawing out lumb ests of Virginia, spent town. Miss Sallie Fer sher left on Saturday noon for sburg where she will spend her sumwmer’s vaca- tion. very r in the for- "Sunday in Herb, Hartman and wife of Lan- caster, were Sunday ° visitors with the latter’s parents, T. M. Brene- man and wife. Hon. and Mrs. J. D. Cameron arriyed here on Sunday and went to their mansion at Donegal, where they will remain for some time, Mrs. Barbara Hemperly left on Monday for Washington, D. C., where she will visit her son Charles and son-in-law, Dr, KE, C. Rice and family. Miss Annie M. Walker of New- ville, a former teacher here will ar- rive here on Friday where she will spend some time with the family of John F, Pyle. Samuel Sheaffer and daughter Ethel spent Sunday and [Monday at Cross Roads, York county. Miss Ida Bell accompanied them to this place and will make her future home here. A CHURCH DOINGS Services at Cross Roads on Sun- day were well attended. The German Baptists in the M. E. church at Sunday. worshiped Ilorin on The Brethren in Christ held pray- er-meeting at the home of J. G. Hershey in Florin last Saturday evening, Children’s Day services were held in the U, B. church Sunday evening when an excellent program was rendered. Z. W. Keller led the Epworth League in the Methodist charch Sunday evening on the | subject, ‘I'he Sins of Our Town.” Rev, Henry 8S, Bower of Mont- gomery county, preached an able sermon at Kraybill’s meeting house on Saturday afternoon and at Boss- ler’s on Sunday afternoon. | Rev, C. C. Burkholder pf Cali- fornia, who conducted a series of meetings at the Cross Roads five years ago, will be present on next Wednesday and Thursday when the love feast will be held, \ The Brethren in Christ vill hold preaching in the hall tdwporrow evening when Rev. Harvey | Kansas and others, mission South Africa will preach C. C. Burkholder of Califor Solomon Engle of Philadel also expected to be present, BOARD ORGANIZED Elected a New Jauitor on Monday Eyen- ing—Other Business. The regular monthly meeting of the Borough School Board was held on Monday evening when the Board organized as follows : # Pres.—T. J. Brown, Sec.—J. W. Eshleman, Treas—M. M. Brubaker, Janitor—]J. H. Shellenberger, The salaries of the teachers were slightly changed at this meeting. Hereafter the principal will receive $80 per month instead of $75. The assistant principal will receive #5 more making it $55 per month while the remaining teachers will receive $45 per month. The tax rate is same as last year 8 mills ; 634 mills school tax and 14 mills building tax. There was an exceptionally large number of applicants for the jani- torship this year there being eight as follows, Jacob Morton, Jacob Garber jr., John W. Greenawalt, Frank W. Conrad, Wm. Greenleaf, R. H. Herr, Cyrus Foreman and J. H. Shellenberger. The latter was elected but only on the fifth ballot. The present janitor Jacob KE. Kover was not an applicant. A special meeting will be held next Monday evening when teach- ers will be elected We are in- formed that with the exception of Miss Lulu Greiner, all the present teachers will be applicants for re- election. —-_ Aer Ferkauft de Beshta. Vel nochber ve sin die awga olavile. Denksht net du setsht a pore brilla hova. Von se net darich der dawk broucht, ferlicht setsht en pore hova fer laesa. Now lus mich der sawga, von du goota brilla vit un aw brilla des die awga fitta, don vit du fer sure tzum Duck ter Rubin. Aer is necksht wuch ny McGinnis sie vats-house tzana konsht oly dawk. Now ferges es net un tend datzu graut aveck. Wreck at Florin. A slight wreck oceurred on the P. R. R. at Florin and the prompt action of the road’s employes pre- vented a second wreck, A west— bound freight train passed through here at about five o'clock Friday evening when one of the trucks nin der a lime car broke and the ear was derailed and ran on the ties for some distance. The switch at F. N. tower in Florin threw it off the track and delayed traftic for an hour. The Columbia wreckers put the car which was loaded with line, tracks again. No one was injured. — —— — In Good Shape. Section Foreman Frank Stoll, who is certainly a hustler, has th sidings at Schock’s, Baker’s, De- Long’s and Brand § Stehman’s in better shape than’, s becn for years, Netw ties werd putin and the plank crossing for teams and foot passengers on North Mark: street, was replace l with a stone crossing covered oyer with screen- ings. Mr, Stoll deserves praise for the condition in which he keeps his entire section, —— Rr 4 How He Got It. \ J. H. Shellenberger is em- ployed at Middletown, on Friday read a copy of the Daily Journal of that town when he saw the item that this paper contiined last week and which was copied by the Jour- nal iu reference to a janitor. Mr. Shellenberger at once: made appli- cation and on Monday evening was elected to the office, therefore it is through this paper that he got the job, Ads. in this paper bring the result, who ——— mst. Now Will You be Good. At 12,30 on Sunday morning Constable Eli Williams was awak- ened from his quiet slumbers by three gentlemen from town who took a fancy to singing. Mr, Will. 1ams placed the teio in the lockup, went home and finished his “nap” nd let the men go. They will be ga sshven a hearing this week. ‘else is men with Ball Notes. Maytown on Saturday afternoon won its seventh consecutive game when they defeated the Lafayettes of York, by- the score of 3 to 2. “Owie” Brandt held down secon: base for Lititz on Saturday played a star game. He had 2 rans, 8 hits, and 4 assists. Lititz won. The All Stars met defeat at the hands of the Keystones at Elizabeth town on Saturday by a 11 to 10 score in twelve innings. certainly playing the game. Mr. Billet, the crack left fielder of the York Tri-State league team, was the guest of Eli Shreiner in town on Saturday forenoon. Mrs. Billet spent the past week here. Mount Joy will have Rohrerstown as their opponents on Eby’s field on Saturday afternoon when the boys will try and lift another scalp. Game at 3.30. Turn out and en- courage the boys as they are play- ing good ball at present. and That’s As suggested by this paper one month ago, the G. I. C. team will hereafter be called Mount Joy and will not only consist of Grey Iron men but of the best to be had in the town. On Saturday they had no trouble in taking the Lancaster Amateurs into camp by a score of 12 to 8. The visitors were com-= posed of three ex-Akronites, two of which were given a chance.n the Tri-State League, but with all that we had a cinch, The first few inn-- ings were the finest seen here this season but after that it was a slug- ging match. Not Observed as Haretofoe Lured away from the of their youth by the recent heayy rains the majority of the farmers in this vicinity spent the greater part of Ascension Thursday to bacco. They felt that they onzht to spend the day in their usual man- ner of picnicking along the river, but the splendid opportunity afford ed them to plant the weel provel too great a temptation. Quite =a few of them, however, took a half or quarter holiday. traditions es Work on the Trolley Line. The work of making the road bel for the trolley line between Lancas- ter and Mount Joy is being pushed as rapidly as possible. The work is being done under the supervisio of the Conestoga Traction company. One hundred more Italians were put on the work, which makes about 400 men on the job. What the con tractors want more than anything horses and carts and they seem to be very scarce, rn pr, . Eight Per Cent Dividends. Among the new advertisers in this. week’s issue is that of the In- ternal Lumber and Development Co., of which H, J. Miller, Lancas- ter, is the resident manager, This company has a plantation of 238,000 acres of land in Mexico which it is endeavoring to cultivate, It isa rich country for many products and should have your consideration. Read the ad carefully on page 4, ——— Piking the Manheim Road. The surveyors have complete l their task and the work of piking a mile of the road leading from here to Manheim has begun. The State will defray half the expenses of this work while the county will pay the other half. The section to be macadamized is from Kready’s nursery to the residence of Peter Brubaker, which is very necessary. Aten. Gradually Advanuiig. The Mount Joy Athletic. Associa- tion, which is becoming very popu- lar here, made another marked im- provement to their grounds when it placed wire netting around the ten- nis courts on the north, east and south, The grounds are also being leveled. : tee Deserves Much Patronage. We call the attention of our read ers to the advertisement of Mrs. Fred Koch in another column, She cleans, presses, and repairs clothing in a very satisfactory manner and surely deserves a share of your patronage i tery, NE WSPAPER FLORIN NOTES. Many Brief items of Interest Throughout This Section. Miss Annie Shank spent Sunday at Maytown, Don’t miss the festival in town Saturday evening. Elmer Walters of Columbia, vis- ited in town Sunday. « Henry Young and family Sunday at Elizabethtown. Irvin Walters and wife of Mount Joy, spent Sunday in town. Operator Ed. Booth was off on a two days’ vacation this week. Harry Dietrich of Palmyra, paid his brother here a visit, Sunday. * Rev. H. M. Miller of Elizabeth- town, visited friends here Saturday Andrew Hostetter of Millersville was a welcome guest in town Sun- day. Miss Barbara Becker of Man- heim, spent Sunday at John Mas- terson’s. spent A. B. Winters and wife spent Sunday at Manheim as guests of their son. Mrs. Sheaffer of Elizabethtown, called on her acquaintances here last week, H. S. Musselman recently ex- changed his organ for a specially fine piano. Aaron Hossler and wife of ILe- high county, are spending some time in town, Children’s Day services will he observed in the M, E. Sunday, June 18. church on Milton Shank, wife and daugh- ter of near Hossler’s church, spent Sunday at Shank’s. Mrs. Annie Clark and Mrs. Hen- ry Witmer of Donegal, were guests in the family of John Shank Friday. last Miss Carrie Reitzel and gentle- man friend of Middletown were the guests of Mrs. John Morton one day last week. William Watson and wife will go to Steelton on Saturday where they will visit the families of their son and their daughter. Beginning on Sunday, June 18, a series of Evangelistic meetings will be held in the Florin Park, to to continue for an indefinite time. The polling place in town, on East Donegal! township side, was changed by the Court on Saturday from Amos Sheaffer's residence to John Raymond’s new building. T. M. Yost and wife, Miss Ber- tha Yost, Dr. Rhoads and Harry Palmer, of Middletown; Miss Gert rude Brehm of Gettysburg, Chas. and Wm. Dierolf of Elizabethtown spent Sunday at J. S. Carmany’s. — -— NEWTOWN. Mrs. Minnie Hahn and Susan Gruber paid their parents a visit on Sunday. Clayton Spahr and family of Landisville, were.the guests of Ab- ram Mumma on Sunday. Albert Rhoads and family of Co- lumbia, John Roads of Gravel Hill were the guests of their mother on Sunday. Elizabeth, wife of John KXem- merly sr., fell on the brick pave- ment in her yard and broke her arm above the wrist, The Quarterly Conference for this appointment will be held on Saturday the 18th at Silver Spring Communion services Sunday after- noon with Rev. Lowry officiating. Richard Frank, a well known citizen of this place, died at the home of his daughter in York from dropsy. Deceased was born in Germany Dec. 8, 1834. Heis sur- vived by 10 children, 36 grand- children and 7 great grandchildren Interment took place at York. OBITUARY NOTES Henry Davis, one of the best known citizens of this borough, died on Saturday at his home here aged 60 years. He was very well known throughout this section. He leaves a daughter, Mrs. Harvey Shelly of Lancaster. The funeral was held from'Brunver’s undertak- ing establishment Monday aftern a with interment in the Eberle 1 ae ™ Shs EELS Pe