£, SCY &ubscriptica, 50 $A OLIN Fear. ‘Six Months, 25 Gents. “iugle Copies 2 cents, Sample Copies Free. Legal Advertising 10 cents per line ach insertion Entered a the Post Office at Mount Joy as sec ond class matter IAPS’ MARVELOUS WEAPON. Gun Throws Shell Tha That Bursts Into Thirty-Two Separate Bombs | of Great Power. ! Maj. Lynch-Blosse reveals a secret of the Japanese artillery which has not been known outside the intelligence de- partments of the European armies. The major himself until lately has belonged to the intelligence department of the British army and he is now an his way to Japan on a secret mission, reports the Chicago Chronicle of recent date. ‘Give the Japanese a button,” said the major, “and next day they will show you a button made by themselves which {s not only as good as yours, but 50 times better. It is the same thing with their artillery. They have taken European models and made for themselves guns East Max Sr. MT. JOY, PA. lar army. Cold figures which Within the year ending Jume were killed on duty Ir X : Qur store is full of bargains, is the talk of - We could give a dozen reasons why of these wounds. In t} We believe you are wise enough to To the same. make the showing stil wa mistaken in you? strength of the corpSCT of fatalities ir takes off Philipr* i Tose BIS J lrees into +000600660066600058566000000000000000000000000005000000000 $0000040000060040600049 18817 the man in toe Un tates TF mail service is far more gkely pA ] life than the soldier in Uncle S peared in two official reports of t= ernment prove absolutely tha ; : ghly Bf use Sams slog accused of selling goods from 15 to 25 per cent cheaper than other stores are doing. Merch hanks from all over the the 6 on regular o a vers killed in actin. “faye brought in a verdict that the charge is true "The evidence being ; So strong against us, we plead gi tty. and shall ee er oa] ‘the case. ; ; G.x ) we choose to so severely ae bey fees the way we do, but what is these. We never q Suaraficturer’s Motive when he sells is goods cheap of these wounds. I» It care to know why, we snap up the goods and say nothi on duty, besides the 21° : - make the showing Don't forget our $25.00 Fine Gold Watch will be given away free September 15, 1903, to the mall cle ¢ tess severely. 1f can of §1.00 worth of goods who guesses: nearest’ ‘tq the numb clerks with the 65.( lar army we will £ much highe® duty. It clerks in diers. Th 0 Lier than any European governm- ul TERR soc, 1ssiher suitable for building pur- | Ts 0000080000000 0000900000000090003900000900900009000000000000¢ We Need More Room The Clothing Stock goes into our Dry Goods Store on the corner of Mar- ket and AZain Streets, opposite the Post Office. will we give special bargains this week in all our Democratic News. On account: of the absence of the Committeeman, there was no elec— tion in Florin on the Donegal side Saturday cvening. The following delegates were elee ted in the various districts Saturday Mount Joy Twp, Florin—II. S. Musselman and A. B. Eicherly. Mt. Joy, East ward—Greo. jr. and Wm. Lockard. West ward elon: Siller, John Kramer and IT. 8. Hinkle. Rapho, oa Resh and Edwin Myers. ins sero RAPHO. Thirty-nine cents per pound for butter fat is what Reist, Nissley & Co. paid last month. Messrs. D. B. Hiestand, Samuel S. Shelly and Samuel Gantz have each planted over one acre of to- bacco. Henry H. Geib, of near Rheems, was with John W. Geib’s on Tues- day night, Mr. Geib had his left shoulder dislocated 4nd is off on a vacation. Mrs. Samuel K..Kulp, Mrs. Eli | Geib and Mrs, Isaac Werner at- tended the Penunville love feast last --« week. It was fourteen years since urs, Werner was to see her many relagves and friendsat Pennville. 300 to 500 ¢ Guineas! Old or young, single birds or flocks for Eich the Highest Cash Price will be paid if delivered to J. W. McGINNIS Wonderful Bargains This Week SHIRT ot walst OU Two hundred and fifteen Shirt Waist Suits at one-third to one-half off reg! ular prices will be interesting news to our lady customers. Materials are Cham , brays, Fine Ginghams, Lawns, Checks and white Linen, etc., made in the ¢ Smartest of the season’s styles, and worth from $4 to $10. They will go at from £2.75 ‘0 85 Persian Lawns Everything be in one. Fach To make room for the Clothing departments. Ladies’ 1oc Ribbed Vests, Fine 12¢ 2 for 10c. French Valencine Laces, 5c a yard. WHY SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISI? Why suffer frola rhenmatism Ww Lien one application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm will relieve the pain. The quick relief which this liniment affords makes rest and sleep possible, and that sioneis worth miny t 8 its cost. Many who have useditj So ng only for a iia? from suffering Sheer and hme, 32 inch ave been happily surprised to find that to 37%c ; 47-inch, 37 after awhile the relief became permanent | : A Special Bargain in New Lawns. Baby Shoes, 50 Pairs or so, 15¢ a par. These § Mount Ti iy Bulletin Fh '50¢ a Year ait GHA GAS or ose ENGINE Regular 15¢ and 18c values at 10c a yard. Victoria Lawns Are heavier but not so sheer as | Lf K lv Liner(, price range from gc to 25¢. width, 12 % 7c to joc. Cc MILTON GROVE. Tennes: | There was no Sunday school on Sunday. Miss Annie Armhold of Salunga was the guest of her parents last week. ; Harry Gibble received a very painful kick on the leg by a mule Mrs. U, H. Leggen of Xum Yum, see, U.S. writes “I ama great sufferer from rheumatism, all over from head to foot, and Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only thing that will relieve the pain. F or | gale by J. 8. Carmany Florin, and all Mt. Joy druggists. Deeds Transferred. French Batisies Are just a little heavier, give excellent wear and launder well, 25¢ to 62%¢. India Linens | The most serviceable of all white ma- | Are made in Ireland, the sheer, French Nainsooks ya KA A pe . — ~~ Are soft and fine with a pretty finish, 47 inch, 39c to 75C.40 Swiss Mull Muslins wire- a = 3 Is the only one that positively does not Ready to wear Hats belcw cost. Spring Hats greatly reduced to room for our Summer Display. 1.50 Hats for 75¢ 2.25 98c The make ol lot 8 and One Embroidery, oc kind, 3c. and 13c kind, gc. summer weight, The 12¢ Lawn Embroidered Baby Caps ess of the ‘material has made it popu- have any packing on the cylinder or any of 3.25 1.65 Qc er owns, 32- inches the working parts, There is no other En- an = gine on the: merket that has these improve- em rl A | ments. Sample 3l;-horse-power at half One Style or orso ot Ladies’ White | price. See our Traction Engine in opera- | Shirt Waists, 1.50 value for { tion at our factory. This is the only per- Te 4 - ttings | 9c fect one on tue face of the earth. If you jac shey, property in Mt. Joy borough; | Stripes, carpet designs and plain white come to our factory and buy we will pay $525 d imported to our special order. you your car fare. Second-hand boilers and : : : engines for sale and exchange. [Tarriet . | When you buy mattin, member that the cheapest is not always the gineg forsale nid exchange 78 perches of most desirable. Prices range from 8c to 35c a yard. We want to give you | C. H. A. DISSINGER & BRO., tastely made, most all sizes, Benjamin R. Zug to Shonk, 14 acres and : Special price styles that will be pleasing and qualities that will give satisfaction in wearing. 400 Hellam St., WRIGHTSVILLE, PA. | 2:50: Special price, RAS a $1.39 land in Mt. Joy township; $2.574.93. Brand New and so Reasonable. is what i terials, inade to wear and wash, 32- in. Abram S. Longenecker to William wide, Toc, 12 1.7¢ to 5008 yard. © H. Lane, lot of ground in Maytown; | Su $76... W. W. Cassel to Frances I. Her- A choice selection of { with unique oriental ) last week. Monroe Hershey and: family were the guestsof Curt. Good's last Sunday. Mrs. ‘Martha Haldeman is home sa spending a week with Frank x. at Rheems. Communion was held at the Evangelical and Risser’s churches on Sunday forenoon. Boys’ Wash Suits, all ages, 3 to 50C values for £0 are ad 25¢ Another lot of Waists, some finest qualities in white fabrics, all very valued at the Great Values in Shoes. Our store has the most complete and exclusive line handled. It is a pleasure fo buy shoes here, was a remark made - Large Crowd at Opening. The opening of Chickies Park for A splendid assortment of Hearth, Bed and Bureau Rugs in all sizes. the season took plice on Saturday sie with a piblic dance. Jtis quette and Smyrna Rugs in choice designs and coloring. eve V | called for at the Mount Joy post evening 3 that ally one thousand 2nd compare coloring. | office, May 31,1905 : people were in attendance. We show some Charming designs in the popular gxrz Carpet Rugs, Orien- Mrs. Ella F. Stineberg, | tal Zurkish, Floral and Continental designs. Miss Fannie Ebersole, prices. New orl Store Seth Brubaker, Corner Square and East King Street. by a customer of ours. cp A eee Unclaimed Letters. Following is a list of letters un- Rugs Rugs Rugs | the people say our work looks like, and Black Taffetta Ribbon, half price. Extra heavy and good widths, No. 100 | 19¢ This is a special bargain every should take advantage of it. Mo- aboutthe prices, OUR CLEANING and Look at the styles DYEING is the best in the city, Better start to be a customer here now, ) STAR STEAM DYEING AND DRY CLEANING —3 WORKS &— Wm. H. M’Comsey Co., 43 West Chestnut Street, LANCASTER, PA. Always look for the Star. Both Phones I=9"Dr. E. W. Garber is the local agent. Great Clothing Sale Over 500 Suits and 350 Pairs Men's one | Trouser’s to be sold at greatly reduced We have a lot on sale at special | | prices, Marriage Licenses. i | Eli H, Rambler, of Mount Joy, | and Carrie Lehman, of Lawn, Lebanon county.” FOR SALE! One of the finest residence properties in Mount Joy, located at the corner of Main WOLF YOFIFE ay. SUCCESSOR TO YOFFE & GAFFIN BROS. and Jacob Streets. Lot 50x180 ft., with ; | ‘Prettiness Opp. Post Office, MT. JOY, PENNA. stable, chicken house, fruit trees, etc. 000000000000 0000000000000000000000006000000000000000 The house is papered throughout and has 8 be rr rn Se : . all modern conveniences, including an For the ample hot water heating plant, combina- | Rom oom tion gas and electric light chandeliers, large and complete bath room, pantry, is the careful house wife's pride. G. Henry Goss, John D. Herr, Arch A. Talmage, Silver Spring Lime Co, J. Fred Fenstermacher, Post Master rrr ese Estates of the Dead. The following letters testamentary and of administration were granted: executor of i East Done- 00000002 000000000000 9303308008000 000000000000 00000000 1904 ANNIVERSARY 1905 cemented cellar, ete. The property will be sold at a low figure. For price and terms apply to my24-4t Dress Trimmings . —How time flies Ladies if you want some nice trimmings for your dresses, s Eleven Years ! —since we opened our dooys for business in Mount Joy. During these years we have labored incessai yn t only for our own welfare but for the interest of our patrons. It has alw been our highest aim to sell the best merchandise. Never sacrificing quali senting fictitious values; rather a paring of profits, feeling that a sot tomer is the best.advertisement a man can have, To our many patrons who have made success possible, thank To those who are not our patrons, we invite you to visit us. And as we on our 12th year it is with renewed energy and our highest aim to desires, even to a greater extent than before. Prefaced with these remarks we take pleasure in presentin nouncement, Lancaster, s0. Vogle late - GEO. BROWN'’S SONS. we have them such as Valenciennes for sca yard to match; To be Sm r pre- i cus- 1 am desiroulief inormiig the: public that It cannot be beat in the city for quality and price. Clean, Press and Repair CLOTHING on very short notice and mn a safisfac- tory manner at Reasonable Prices A Trial Fob Solicited. Mrs. Fred Koch Orphan School Bldg, MOUNT JOY Your rooms will look convinced, come and see our line. » N'S COUGH REMEDY THE CRY BEST. ng Chamberlain's . Cough bint to say itis the best cough ever taken,” says Geo. L. fant of Haelan, Mich, ion about its being the .ure a cough or cold in less her treatment. It should Ih the house ready for in- 1d can be cured in much Smptly treated. For sale Tlorin, and all Mount so much nicer with new paper on the walls. We can, show you WALL PAPER so low in price that you will be surprised. say, you. We also have the White Lawn for dresses from 1oc up to euter 20c¢ a yard. It is For India Linen come and see our line. * cater to your Washable Ribbons If you want some nice Washable Ribbons, just take a look at our line and we are conyinced you will buy at first sight if you know our prices and see the quality we are giving for the money. «ay *o fine in quality and price. g our Spring an- DRESS FABRICS—50¢ for 36 in. Silk finished Mohair in all the colors—eream, black, red. brown and blue blue and cream. 25¢ for 27 in, and green, . WASH DRESS GOODS~The most beantifdl display we A variety of neat and medium-size woven figures, narrow tripes, scroll and Marseilles effects. 20c¢ Sor Marseilles, new scroll pattens. ae \rseill Lotterny, 25¢ for Megeorized polka dot patterns. you ever saw. 30¢ for fancy mercerized wanted 25¢ for 36 in. Voile Crepe, in pink, All-wool Tricots, in black, brown, red, blue, tan had fancy have ever and wide Crystal Springs ~~ DAIRY! fresh Cream and Milk Delivered Daily Except Sunday. Special Orders Solicited, . We Invite Inspeciion. We Aoligit, Your Trade, 4 Be H. ZERGHER rly Closing. us nts of town ‘have de- their stores in the the summer. Be- jane 1, the stores will ook each evening ex. d Saturday, Fresh Groceries We wonld also call your attention to our fine line of Fresh Just think : California Apricots which sold. fo I15C a can, roduction has been the grost y¥, we might als¥ A JV Lppearance an Nu y 8 pd a ~ #04 00000000 HP0VIVIN HGH HLVLVOLIBHDAP IDL LLB LOVE Groceries. , 25C, Now For coffee we can not be beat in price and quality. don’t say this, but our customers say it for us, so i truth and nothing less. 0 , SHANK & hbo Cured RATOR'S NOTICE! izaheth Patterson, late of Moun )e0o ha