The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, April 12, 1905, Image 3

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R. Depot. European Plan $ 10 per day and |
upwards. American Flan $2:00 per day.
waar sawiLkey susriesock nas | | Correct Clothes g Men $ NC govoson WOI 1B Y OFF E
TO SAY THIS WEEK. ar oy =] Sl Store Closes at 8 p. m. a Store Closes at 8 p. m.
it — — — EE. —— a Tt
8 i *
Sui $ Boys’ Suits Easter but three weeks off. This SPECIALS IN
LS store is magnificently prepared for | 3
' 1.50.2 00 = 50, 3 00 the demands of the season. Those Carpets and Mattings
. : . . ’ . - AE ro.
Bearing this {abel ’ 0 departments devoted to wearing ap- | Extra Carpet Bargains
: % : 2 to 5.0 parels and millinery are bright, A clean, neat rag carpet, closely
The Spring Sa'e of Carpets and Mattings is on. The assortments . brilliant and beautiful with the lat- | (oo. ot strongly made for 25c a
| It d ew o are double all our previous showing. The selections the most choice of rin oy Iixyres, est and best styles. But the chief | yard. sip
PA 3 : he : od 4 2 ’ feature of the store, of course, is tl |
e ehjaming ¥ the season’s productions. and the prices the lowest to be found in Mount $i double-breasted Hion and Russian bs wrk hr is Bota br Japanese Mattings
Joy. We shall take pleasure in showing you the entire line. blouse suits. A very large variety Ces,
% MAKERS 3 NEWYORK a ————————— for the little men. WV ) § : A 11 Quaint, neat, and flashy designs ;
omen’s Spring Apparel Al the kind you pay 25c a yard for,
¢ : In CARPE TS—Savonneires, Axminsters, Wilton Velvets, Vel- Men’s Fancy Hose ; : marked 20c.
Are in a class by them- vets, Body Brussels, and all grades of Tapestry. y : Amazingly Low Prices. .
selves. Equal money io . 12 1-2¢ Spring Hats
: won’t buy as good. More In INGRAIN—From the cotton. chain to the most expensive Black body, double heel and toe, | Trimmed and untrimmed. The
Ingrain in all grades. neatly figured with silk threads; the Natty Sori | most beautiful array of artistic mil-
wo - 3 in k y stic mi
SCHLIFFLETOWN, Nufember der money cannot buy bet MEET Eb kind you pay 19¢ for at 121{c. al J Op § Jae els linery ever seen here. The loveliest
, ! Der . : : i Overt. o als i
4b, 1904. Mer hens gedu er. In RAG CARPETS—AI new rags, in all grades, from cotton Men's Sh og Solow covert Sth : Heo SHE Gud Surly Summer designs =
Winkeleisa hut aw for der Roose- Th _ 4 chain to an all wool stripe at'ssc per yard. A splendid Domestic car- en’s 0es ack; collarless or shaped collar, Our Fe s prices. pe
? e makers’ guarantee, and ours, pe at'55¢C per y, € loose,” Have double-welted seams Trimmed Hats at $1.
Yeit gevoie, un noch rel ontiery: With every ganment,. We are exe peta 25c a yard, 1 50 Others finished with straps satin.
Se hen yoosht dreitsay majority clusive agents here. rn ln lined, full sleeves, with turn-back | The most charming creations in
: 3 Patapsco shoe comes in lace, with ihe Tiliner: TI
doh—gain sivva for uns. Bully MATTINGS—AI grades of China and Japan, patterns are exceed tip; congress, plain tip; lace, plain | Cuff. Worth $12 at §7. the iver's a he vwatied,
. : : . : : 3 C9 288, ’ © most B y
for uns. De Bevvy lust dich, un - ingly choice, another new feature is the patent edge, making it more tip. They have solid leather soles Fhe ia } arcs fests mons eautiii] .
\ der Bill, un der Colfax greesa; un M BR h h i durable as well as more sightly. Special prices per roll. and counters. The kind that’s Stylish Walking seprodiced. with _ those Inimitable
: now, mind, ich gea nei for de Posht ” ac en € mer . worth $2, marked $1.50. Dress Skirts touches for which our milliner is so
office, for ich bin yetz shun nine Eagle Hall We also carry a line of Art squares, can be given you in all sizes. Boys’, Youths’, and Little Gents’ celebrated. Hats that would cost
1 : ind Denksht ni shoes and oxfords, in tan, black and All wool cheviot broadcloth, cov- you elsewhere $10 to $15 are here
Woe 21 er party; Sits ates ” i 7 : patent leathers. None but de- ert cloth, shepherd’s plaid cr man- for $4.
is noatwendich das ich selwer tsum RUGS—In Axminsters, Smyrna, Velvet Brussel and Ingrain. but dependable makes kept here. nish wear materials, light or dark |
Bill gea derfore, odder denksht de i colors. A number of styles; some | ; : :
Bevvy set gea? Ich bin g'sund. BACK RUNNEWS A full line of Carpet Lining, Stairpads, Buttons, etc. are plain, others deatly trrimmed | April Butterick Patterns & Delineator
, geb gor nix. mea um selly The schoolhouses are closed and a HATS TRIMMED FREE. from $1.50 to $2.00. Now on Sale,
watch, for wannich de Posht Office quiet reigns supreme. WINDOW SHADES In felt, opaque oil, both fringed & plain $ -—
krick, bin ich all tight. Se sawga | Services were held at the home EC ——
der Seimoyver waer besser derheam | of Rev. Amos Sheetz on Saturday Yours for business. x x 7 Ls t ES
: geblivva. Der alt Dinkop is kronk, | €vening.
un der Joe Muckafliggle is doat| The Fairview Sunday school at BE RSOLE, SUCCESSOR TO YOFFE & GAFFIN BROS.
re i 3 Fairview was well attended on * 2 ; rv
g'suffa. Now mind, de Posht : Opposite Post Office ="IR NAT CO ST OXRIYCESS = Mount Joy Hall Buildin
Offis ? Sunday. Mount Joy, Penna. Pposize Bost Oy Jo) "we
Free Wendel Becker and wife, of 2000000000000500000000000000000000000000000066060 MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
MASTERSONVILLE. Elizabethtown, were visitors in the | 600000060600600000000000000005000990000000000000000000¢
Benjamin S. Cupp was the first | family of his brother, Aaron G.
to sow this vicinity. He | Becker, on Sunday, - — mm -
sowed hiscoats last Thursday. -— oy Arr ote ; 0000000000000 0000-000 0000-00-00000-00000000000-0-0000000000
On Mouday Jacob Z. Haldeman SERIOUS STOMACH TROUBLE CURED. ES RUDYs suppository
the saddler trade with E. S. Sho. k, | Stomach, sourstomack aud vomiting speLs Finds us ready to serve you with | §is igs um da:ics sor 8 |
a: : ted \ and can truthtally say tha amberiain’s . . § faction. Dr. i. D. McGill, Clarksburg, Tenn., writes: s . :
3 Master Roy Gray bill, the Soll Of | Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me.— ; all that is new in soft and stiff hats | Jn mei sre fii iaiite Is Leading the Procession Today
\ Isaac B. Graybill, has hired him | Ms. T.V. WrLLcams, Laingsburg, Mich, z x § > Drssii. maRTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA. A
self to work for Jolin W. Witmer, | Chese tablets are guaranteed to cure every ‘ 2ATNIS . S 3 ¥ EERE Hu ER
Miss Minnie 2 (iinder. who was case of stomach trouble of this character. and caps for > pring. Sold in Mt.Joy by E.W. Garber. Calltor free sample
i ! Y _. | Forsale by J S. Carmany, Florin, and all re tt des iscsi dae : :
teaching Hosler’s school this Win- | yount Joy druggists. eee The Only Place to Get
fer; went to. the Elizabethtown Joc o_o ( \ B 1 I T | fl Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &e.
College on Monday. WANTED. h . < na \ ind ard
EET y 3 g Men and women inthis and adjoining \ » 8 \ d W .
Seam 2a and Ww ife, enter couaties for home or traveling work, repre- i m= Ep wn pe + Scholing’s West End Bakery
tained the following visitors on | senting and advertising the Wholesale and I
Sunday : Isaac B DS ravbill and Fdsastional Tepartioanty of an old estab- SUCCESSORS TO EE. IL. BOAS Mount Joy Penna
. ’ d d lished Manufacturing House. Salary $3.50 \ y \ Cee
wife James Boyd and wife John per day with expenses advanced. Rig fur- 144 Nexth Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENNA. For a Neat and Clean
\ 1. 7 . ? Dished when necessary, position permanent; a : Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to
J W. Witmer and wife, John Hershey | references exchanged. Address, Blew NOTE=---This is the time to let us have your Panama to
and Mary Hill. Brothers & Co , Home Dept. Oar. repair for the coming season. Joseph Elershey eh
4 io oa s Successor to W. W. Strasbach. i’ § Vive iohte en fl ads ; a a
On ‘I uesday Roy Zug and family | — | 006000620000020020000000000000000000000000000000000600¢ Successor to rasine This is positively the Lightest Draft Spreadsr made tod AY, Vecause the
1 int S 1 Eshl ’s » Fine Tonsorial Parlor machine does not have a cog gearing on it, Strongest Built, Largest Capacity,
Hove nto. oanmuel. sieman sg PENNSYLVANIA Rill ROAD Always Have on Hand All i As Lslat 50, 60, 70, 100 and 150 Bushels. Built with Movable Slat Bottoms and also
house, which was formerly owned 4 ‘ All Al. Kast Main Street. Mount Jov, Pe. rae Tight Bottoms, It will pay you to come and look it over. Call at M. L. Grei-
1 by Benj. S. Garman, and Will Schedule in Effect November 29, 1903. Kinds of Green Goods in Season WIN] YSOTR HI TEI der & Co., and examine it for yourself.
Pfautz and wife, moved on the ; x ~ \ - a i ert ern sr wr wre waar ar's
property he bought frum Josiah ; Between 12th & 31h Sts., on Fibert St, Phila, Pa. } N. HOSTETTER, General Agent
i Frey, near Manaeim. Fine Oyste rs by the Three Minuits wilk fiom the Reading Terniis 4
} ete er on ar eo od nal. Five minutes wal” from the Penna. R.
: By The Great Specialist in Treating Chronic
and Lingering Disease.
Bbl, 100 or Ot.
a' very short notice.


Ce Will Send $2.50 Worth of His Personal Treat- APPLES MALAGA GRAPES
\ ment Free asa Trial. FINE FLORIDA ORANG ES $ 50
\ + To demonstrate the unusual curativl A £ ‘ -
t powers of ‘his new and complete specia, | =$% ’
rose K¥oieg. Or dortons diswania, Shh oi Longenecker’s Green Grocery EEE 0)
tis «breath, pain in the side, oppresssson in the of East Main Street MOUNT JOY, PA EE a ae >
chest, irregular pulse, palpitation,”smogher- pd SX ESE. |
; ing speils, puffing of the-anktes, or dropsy, as 0000000000 000000000000 0000000000 00000000000900000000 p 5
be will send $2 50 worth free as a trial, to
all who mention this paper.
His treatments are the results of twenty-
five years of careful study, extensive re-
search, and remarkable experience in treat-
ing the various ailments of the heart,
stomach and nerves, which so often com=~
plicate each case. So astonish ng are the
results of his complete special treatments
that he does not hesitate to offer all pergons
2 trial free.
Nothing could be liberal Few physicians
have such confidence in their remedies.
There is no reason why all afficted persons
should not avail them selves of this exceed-
ingly liberal offer, as they may never have
another such opportunity. No death
comes as suddenly as that from heart
Mrs, A. Krouck, of Huntington, Ind,
was cured after thirty physioians failed;
Mrs. Kior: Greater, of Bristolville, O.,
after twenty-two; Jas, R, Waite, the noted
actor, after a score had pronounced him
incurable; Mra Frank Smith, of Chicago
after five leading physicians had given her
up; Mr. Julins K.i- ter, of Chicago, after ten:

Just a few plain Are you going to buy
: a buggy, surrey or ve-
words —no idle e hicle of any kind? If
talk, but
not, pass this. | If you
1 ° b e are, here is somes=
a P alin Uusiness | thing for you. We
ee, own and directly
proposition manage our vehicle
plant. We sell direa’ yo
users and have for 33 years. We add a sugl)
profit to the actual cost of material and boy,
Our way cuts out travelers’ salaries and expenses, the, aober's
; “ and the dealer's profits, and gives you for your money wha! J4 pay
I — hers for. Wheels, gear, body, top, etc., in the shape of a good, izes
XS p ¥ well made ly finished rig. Next. We do not clair {hutt
7 the only people who can build good vehicles. Mo: Others
« ; could if they would. Certain it is that many don’t. Like a vehicle
. manufacturer once said: “1 lay awake at night to see how cheap'l
can make them, not how good.” The desire to make money quick
is so strong that they do not hesitate # bring their work actually
down to the danger line. [I can put on our rigs the same grade of
wheels that is used by many other houses and save $10,000 this year.
Here is your question. What am [ going to get for my money? *
000000006066: 000000000000 IN

Dainty Footwear. for Spring

We have it here for everybody. The prettiest of Shoes
ard Oxfords in Blacks, Tans and Whites with
Hosiery to match them all.

a 3%
10 25%
Ls \


Mrs, R. Parker, after sixteen, failed.
B¥% teks : 18 Nort" Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENNA.
ands references i i i= > Ld G nit y
mui la from Distiaps, Clorsy man, Bankers Triiiiis en 90et 000000000:000000000000
Farmers, aud their wives will be sent free : hd sor 4

= 30
dws) re





upon request. Send a careful diseripnion










sPiii 006000000 BEER A Send for our Catalogue at once. It is the best we have
of your case, and vite for Book, valuable 3S on B : i 4 OY a BAL (ES ever issued — it will interest you
‘ive and Treatment Free. Address, Tl Pa %-8.iign ( 5 El eK Ili interest you.
2dvicy BI Teun ey Demi. H.. 449 to aml 3 g ga £ SHOOHBO HGH HSS SSS SOHNE [> Cae WAL ie et When we st our factory it was not to build an average
A Main St., Elkhart, Indiana. ue REPRE 2 - mm & (NosZA \J buggy. We detern.sed to make ideal work and to give the
mpermp—————————— pe 0). ECE BH 2Zszd » | H E Toe E € LX people that bought f h liabl
a3 b Sts ght from us the strongest, most reliable
ABNER M. HERSHEY. i ziges 1 ll TER £ and best finished vehicle for the money ever sold.
AUCTIONEER 2E=AS3S £33325: 2 I ES ER : 2 Candidly, that is just exactly what we are doing.
: | oF That is what your money will get for you here. This explains wh
» “1” St on signal or notice to Agent or Con. | sxe - . y
DEGREE Ferg. BP OBnA a Sy ot FLEA! 07 Botise A 2 1 our vehicle trade increased 20 per cent in 1904; why others fell
egtita ant poral property ide, Satiafiction “bh Stops only on signal or notice to Condue- od PI AN O & | s4 3s behind 30. We build our work to last. We are looking forward
wards dd, Charges morerate, op me « dise a DI \ a Cp :
Guar assed.” Gary erate. Drop me @ care ok, to Hissharge § gh Soiohaalivh: & & to the triumph of coming years. We mean that a reputation for
Gol hime ’ {LOI 1 vehicles at the lowest prices shall outlive the temptations
ttm ———— ie eee | qurive of Ticket Agent. be - SLL a £00(C p Pp
v7 CRT
Ch Tes! Oh Yes! W. W.AT'ERBURY, J. kt, WOOD, & B ETTER i r= BA fr to cheapness. : CUT OUT THIS COUPON
GEORGE 8 VOGEL AUCTIONEER General Manager. Fass'r Trafic Mgr. re 2 $ Q os pi e v [) Ze We are Bow print MONTGOMERY WARD & 00., Chicago.
y GEO. W. BOYD, rm ay 1 Y { ER # 7 ba N ng avery elabor- Gentlemen — Please send a copy of your Mllustrated Vehicle
Post Qffice Address, lorin, Lancaster Co., Pa wenerzl Passengor Agent. OF 1 H AN uv nt & (a) Rus? Ne) we Vehicle als: Catalogue to the following address:
. Telephone Number 851, . Rd aE aye 4 BEFORE oF 7A ost { Mn te or] age
ates Very Reasonable for All Kinds of Sale & Lost & (NX? Fd A h Bio sen a Gopy
’ Lester 4 oall personsinter-
el SR eee Cornwall & Leban:n Railroad. £8 Wherever cultife and refinement abide, you'll find Ielenduul thi astey 2 7 (fo 104i] per Framer oni
: : i —-_-s Piano. This splendid instrument has earned the confidence of the m he made guaranteed
OH YES OH YES OH YES Time TABLE IN EFFECT Nov, 28, 1904, oF public, Itis acknowledged everywhere as the crowning achievement in the oF : vehicles, who want | mr. b. Rous Nien
HM you A rota ty site commit” or per. ems & realm of the artistic. Its mellow tone is regarded as the standablegl Iousi: 20! theverybestatihe | wi ou ame snd wideamon above aes cut ook
. Leava.....cuniviines Am AM AM pm pm onli y chon _narfact in op A 7 lowest possible | mail to Montgomery Ward & Co., Ohi and you wil} hr
H. H. MORTON, Auctiones a \ prices. This cat- | He ae Lh ati thease
MQU NL XN $ 9 alogue tells about | mentof Mr. F, L. Shaw, x
welalattontiq Hh, our factory, shows
ih a A how we build our vehicles, describes the materials, shows the difference
| \ 2 =
between an honestly built rig and a fraud, illustrates and prices our full line,
and contains much other interesting vehicle information. Let us send you
this catalogue for you to look over at your leisure in your home. You will
find it very interesting and instructive. = Kindly eut out the agcompanying
coupon, fill in your name and address and send to us. The catalogue will be

sent by return mail, postage paid, Respectfully,
F. L. SHAW, Vehicle Interests,
MARAE pe Shicle Int Ward & Co,

bntgomery Ward &» Co., Chicago |
Michigan Avent dison Washington St ets) — : {
"y 5 : ! op
Ey g
. *