RFFEERLY BULLETIN Mt. Jov, Pa. J. E. SCHROLL, Editor and Publisher &ubscription, 50 ents a Fear. &ix oaths, 25 Cents. Single Copies 2 cents, . Sample Copies Free. Legal Advertising 10 cents per line each insertion Entered a the Post Office at Mount Joy as second class matter Men and Women Who Reached Year of Remarkable Length—Many Centenarians, The late Pope Leo had a long life, bil eompared with the ages of others wht had gone before him he was compara tively youthful at his death. Thomas Parr and Henry Jenkins are, respé¢ tively, credited with the ages of 152 ant 169. Jeanne Serimphan was marriec when she was 127 and died when she wa: 128. Dr. Dufournel married at 116 ans became the father of two children and died at 120. Marie Priou reached the age of 158. A woman of Metz, the mother of 24 children, died at the age of 100. Surgeon Politman celebrated hia one hundred and fortieth birthday. Pat- rick O'Neil buried seven wives and die¢ at 120, and a Norwegian peasant is re corded as dying at 160 and leaving twe sons, one aged 108 and the other only nine summers. Robert Taylor lived tc be 134 and died of excitemefit on receiv: ing the picture of Queen Victoria signed by herself. An Irishman named Brown who was a habitual drunkard, lived tc be 128; he had a daily jag for 90 years Durond -d’Estivel, of Cahors, lived to be 128. A woman: of 124 drank strong cof- fee In great quantities all her days, while a man of 114 lived on fruit, chiefly mel- ons, and chewed lemon peel. An entirely new scheme of whisky peddling has just been discovered in the Indian Territory, says the Topeka Capital, and it seems to have been go- ing on for months. The officers of the district northwest of Herbert have known for some time that whisky was being sold to various parties, but not until recently were the peddlers caught. They had traveled around the country in an old wagon drawn by a poor span of Indian ponies and were, presumably, buying eggs and poultry. They would sell small bottles of liquor to farmers and Indians through the neighborhood and one dollar a pint was the usual price. The officers discovered that both axles of the old wagon were of fron and very large. These axles were hollow and would hold about four gal- lons each. The peddlers would remove a small bolt and insert a pump ahd draw the desired amount of whisky. One of the peddlers admits having sold whisky in this way for five months, and has made enough money to buy a farm in Texas. He says he will serve his time in jail and thes buy a farm, Over the Deep, Blie Sea. ®very maritime corner of the world fas {ty deeply-rooted notions as to tha best fashion in which to shape and spread its salls to the favoring breeze, writes Frank H. Taylor, in Four-Track News. Half the charm of far-away lands is found in the barbaric craft which enrich the foregrounds. In the United States, where the Cape Cod “bankers” and Baltimore clippers were =reated and from which the “America™ went over the ocean to humble the yachtsmen of Britain, the science of yachting seems to have reached the highest point. At any rate the cup is still with us. Our way of getting over wore water in less time than anybody else by favor of Boreas is apparently the best way. Centers of -Byropean Population. London and Manchester are still dis- puting as to which is the greater Eu- ropean center of population. Most peo- ple would suppose that London owns the title beyond peradventyre. Eves if one draws a circle with a radius ot 30 miles about Charing Cross station ©ORe gets a population of more than 6,000,000, as against 5,500,000 within 8 similar distance from ‘the Manchester exchange. But-protracting a circle with a 40-mile radius one gets a great- er Manchester that shows a population of mere than 8,000,000, as against a : Sasater London of only about 7,000, cere A een. THE GREAT SUNDAY *‘PRESS” Everybody should make a point of get- ting and reading a new magazine which is ng issued each week with “THE SUN- x PRESS.” This magazine is a new de- parture in journalism. It has eight pages of color printing; it is printed on extra fine paper and is attracting a great deal of at- ‘tention among the publishers tnroughout the world. It is printed on the only Webb . lithograph press ever i nvented and through- out its sixteen pages the reading matter and the illustrations are of the highest character. For people who have been looking for a thoroughly up-to- date maga- zine with information that is valuable this new publication, which is given free with every copy of “THE SUNDAY PRESS,” fills a. long-felt want. Itis worth while for every reader of this paper to look this Magazine over carefully. RAPHO. The roads are drying off nicely. Wheat and grass fields are put- ting on a green coat. . The sawmill men are pushing ‘heir work atthe Chiques meeting ise grounds, They intend to sh up in a week or so. ~ On Tuesday Miss Minnie Ginder Josed the term at s school; place, and wife spent one day last week in Lebanon. valuable horses to Ed. Ream horse dealer of Mt. Joy. taken up the grafting of trees, suc- cessor to his father. employed by the National Biscuit Co. was the guest of this brother Lloyd, Sunday. household goods ‘s expected in the near future, brakeman, has resigned at Harris burg, returning to this place where he will accept all kinds of work. brakeman, who formerly made his home with his uncle, David baker, moved his outfit to Harris— siding, last Saturday. - RHEEMS’ STATION. Andrew Fry, dairyman of this E. L. Heisey sold one of his Henry Acker of this place, has Benj. Murphy, of Philadelphia, Elmer Witmer is placiag his into the Jos. Heisey house. The final flitting Walter Sink, formerly a railroad Albert Shirk, a P. R. R. freight Bru- burg last Saturday. KU tower was connected with telephone to the last end of Rheems This adds one more improvement to the great system of the P. R. R. to avoid detention to trains. While Wm. Snyder, tax collector West Donegal twp., was returning to his home on Mozday evening, he met S. G. Graybill's automobile which frightened his horse, causing him to run around damaging the wagon that he had to procure an- other vehicle to drive home. ee tire ! MASTERSONVILLE. S. S. Stauffer's sale was very well attended on Monday. A little girl made its appearance in the family of Benjamin S. Zug last Friday. There was a party in this section last week whe bought nine ‘hun- dred and eighty bushels of potatoes for thirty cents a bushel. : N. S. has sold his entire lot of tobacco, which he has received, consisting of more than thirty acres to the same party’ that bouglit his other tobacco, Hoffman Brother}, of Bainbridge. On Tuesday evening the last singing of the season was held at the Mastersonville schoolhouse. The class that had bzen under the instruction of C. K. Lehman was an entire euccess. On Tuesday a number of families moved into different homes: Sam- uel S. Stauffer and family moved: to Elizabethtown; N. E. Ginder and family moved into the house vacated by Mr. Stauffer, and Henry G. Ginder and family moved into the house vacated by Mr. ‘Ginder. —————— We do all kinds of good job printing. Try us. i Court Proclamation! Whereas the Hon. Charles 1. Landis, President and Hon. Aaron B. Hassler, Associate Ljw Judge, of the court of Common Pleas in and for the county of Lancaster and Assistant Justices of the Court of Oyer and Terminerand General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Pesce in and for the county of Lancaster, haveissued their precept to me directed, requiring me, amony other things. to make public proclamation throughout my bailwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery. also a Court of Geneial Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence iii the Court House inthe city of lancaster, ia the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ON THE THIRD MONDAY (THE 17TH), 19%. In pursuance of which precept public notice ishereby given to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Lancaster, in suid connty, and all the Justices of the Peace, the Corener and Con- stables of the said city and county of Lancaster, that they be then and there in their own | roper persons, With their rolls, records and exami- nations, and inquisitions, and their other rem- embrances, to do those things which ‘to their offices appertain in their behalf > be done, and toall those, wha will prosesute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be; in the jaic of the eaid county of. Lancaster, are to be then and there to prosecute aga inst them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster the 22nd day of Maroh, 1905. A. B. KREADY; Sh vif. IN APRIL ———— Planting Time | will soon be here. , Place your order with us NOW for Fruit Trees, Shade Trees, Shrubbery, Vines, &c. Over 50 best van- eties of Grape Vines. Califor nia Privet makes the prettist lawn fence; is better and cheaper than wire or board fencing. The New Rose, Baby Rambler, is never without a flower. “It is the sensation of the Horticultur- al World.” ———— A. B. ROOT South Markt Stroot, MOUNT JOY, PA, NOTARY PUBLIC. clita, the Sunnyside Shoo! clasedy and on yg oh . M. HOLLOW BUSH ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, } Cw Main fon, Mount. Joy, Penna, Sick Headache When your head aches, there is a storm in the nervous sys- tem, centering in the brain. This irritation produces pain in the head, and the turbulent nerve current sent to the stom- ach causes nausea, vomiting. This is sick headache, and is dangerous, as frequent’ and prolonged attacks weaken the brain, resulting in loss of memory, inflammation, epi- lepsy, fits, dizziness, etc. Allay this stormy, irritated, aching condition by taking Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills. They stop the pain by sooth- ing, strengthening and reliev- ing the tension upon the nerves —not by paralyzing them, as do most headache remedies. Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills do not contain opium, morphine, chloral cocaine or similar drugs. “Sick headache is hereditary in my family. My father suffered a great deal, and for many years ¥ have had gpells that were so severe that I was unable to attend to my business affairs for a day or so at a time. During a very severe attack of headache, I took Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills and they relieved me almost immediately. Since then I take them when I feel the spell coming on and it stops it at once. JOHN J. McERLAIN, Pres. 8. B. Eng. Co., South Bend, Ind. Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills are sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If it fails he will return your money. 25 doses, 25 cents, ever sold in bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind FT.ORIN ALAA SALADS LALLA LLLLLLLALLLL00000000000006 POPPI PIPIIIIIIPPIPIIIIIIPPIIIIPIIPIIPIIIITYIIYVIIIIYEY i BHR S JHB BHO We desire to inform the public that we have harvested 1,500 TONS Pure ¢ « « Spring Water Crystal XCE which we wiil serve to the public at very moderate prices. We Run a Wagon Through Florin Dally and would say if you want pure ice, clear from dirt and grass, we can supply it. Our solicitor will call on you in the near future. We also have for sale, the finest kind of - BUILDING STONE. All Kinds of Hauling, J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. LEStERERRREERALARURRTSES $e 9 hires Rear ot Nissley's Tobacco Warehouse PENNA 7 A W. W. SHIRE, Propr. GG SH SGSSSSVRBBV SLOG BRET aRasen 2a00000 ® VMicat Market Dealer in Fresh & Smoked Meats, Tallow, Lard, &e. FRENCH FEMALE {ADAMD DA Ft rem A Sax, Cerrar Reuixe for SupprEssED MENSTRUATION, FAIL, Safe! Sure! Speedy! Satis teed or Money Refunded. Sent prepaid ih i id for your ruggist oes not have them send your orders to the i UNITED MEDICAL CO., Box 74, LANCASTER, PA. 4 REVER R KNOWN TC T0 bt "00 per box. Will send them on trial, to be when relieved, Samples Free. Sold jn Mt Joy by J. C. Groff and E. W. Garber 0000000000000 0000000000 PPV IOOVIIPIIIOOOVOIPIIIIYT AGENCY FOR SCRIBN ER’ I) MAGIC ELECTRIC SIEARCH- LIGHT A Safe Lantern For all purposes. O6660 P09: Full Line Supplies For Photographers W. B.BENDER + Shaving Hair Cutting 4Shampooing E. Main St., Mount Joy. AGENCY FOR STANDARD Steam Laundry LAUNDRY CALLED FOR MONDAY DELIVERED FRIDAY + lll lldldedddddoddddddd P0000 009IVPOPPPIPIPIPIPIPIVPITIY A Ae AREA Stettdetdddddd 000009009900 VPIPIIVPIIIIVIITIIIIPYT 0880800000 00000000000a88 & VIVFIPTVITvIPITIYITIIIYITYYYTe 60 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE CUTIE To Mancs In our big Tunnel. ond ay say it will grow richer and better. MANY LARGE GOLD VEINS are just ahead and will be cut in rapid succession. WE OWN THE 200 ACRES WITHOUT DEBT AT GOLD FIELD The camp of QU/CK FORTUNES. We own 100 acres, with rich Gold Strikes all around. GOLD VEINS DISCOVERED. JOIN NOW and HELP US DIG EVERY SHARE OF GOLDEN SUN STOCK gives ownership in the Goldfield 100 acres and Colorado 200 total 300 acres. Divi dends declared on both would be TWO DIVIDENDS FROM ONE INVESTMENT . $15 BUYS 1000 SHARES $45 buys 3,300 shares, Full paid, Non-assesable. BUY BEFORE THE PRICE ADV ANCES SOO PER CENT ORDER AT ONCE: the CHEAPEST and BEST, with ore in the mines and cash in the treasury. If over subscribed your money will be returned. Highest Commercial and Bank References. MAKE ALL REMITTANCES PAYABLE TO The Golden Sun Mining €& Milling Go. 204 Kittredge Building Colo. Tg $90 buys 6,600 shares. Pores OLD SHOES MADE: NEW! PLEASE REMEMBER that our Reliable Cld Shoe- maker will return to Mount Joy and is always ready to do First-Class Repairing as he did before. live. Just give him a trial. LOUIS EHOFF MAN, Oppasite ] Hall, Mt. Jo: Pa. Live and let P00000000000000000000005000000000000000000000000000¢ It's Time to Change Give your faithful but tired Winter Suit a rest A few days ago it took courage to wear a Spring Suit. Now it takes more courage to keep on your Winter ¢‘Duds.” If you knew how many of the very best dres- sed men you meet, were wearing suits bouglt here you’d be surprised. We should be pleased to show the new things any day, ‘o- our, gar- ments invite admiration. 0 FULDS Clothier and Furnisher 207 Locust St. COLUMBIA, PA. 0000000000 00000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 JOHN H. BUOHL SANITARY «PLUMBING oS : Vapor, Steam and Hot Water Heating, | 2% } Have your Heating and Plumb ing looked after during the warm weather and be in shape when the frosts come, Full Wine of Ftoves, Fardware, Paints, fo. ®in Roofing and Fpouting a Freeciaty West Main Street, MT. JOX. EET 5 ..SEED POTATOES... AND ONION SETS Yellow Onion Sots, $2.60 per bu. of 82 1bs. ! OUR STOCK IS SOLD UNDER A FULL GUARANTEE | Green Mountains, St. of Maine, Rose, Hebron, Queens, Blush, &c., $1.70 bbl. sack of 1656 Ibs. JOHN KINZIE, Largest Seed Potato House in America, 126 Dock St., PHILADELPHIA. + $244444 F rm s Furniture -Warerooms Mount Jov, Penna. —eD ead Pre Pirem Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty * Uphaolstering Done to Order pat Re POPLAR LUMBER FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT THE PURCHASERS, ween P-scptem "ORE | high grade makes as low as $6.00. AT 7 EAST KING STREET! Clee SE Geet de fetter Tet Eg 2 Everything the (Carpenter or Machinist Needs You will find our stock covers all your wants in whatever line, and our prices will interest you err & Snavely| 2 Doors from Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. $3335 om cn ss pve ve 0080000000 00000000060009000000008000000000000000000000 UNREDEEMED. - BICYCLES... Slightly used, good as new, Wolf-Americam, Rambler and other Coaster Brakes $12.50. |Pirosh ¢ Simmons The 0ld Established Pawnbrokers and Jewelers. Ind. Phone 1338 A. 20 N. Queen Street, Lancaster. Penna. 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 If you want to buy a GASOLINE ENGIN 2, call 01 G. MOYER. He sells the Columbus and New Holland Engines He is also Agent for the NEW HOLLAND CHOPPING MILLS. There are no Also Builder of better machines on the marlet today. Fine Jenny Linds, Buggies, Sleighs, Ke. GIVE EXIM A CAXaXs G. MOYER, @ Mount Joy, Pa. 090000840000 200008000000000000000000000000000000000000 Furniture Buyers . will find our new show rooms now open. ‘They are the equal of any in the county for rocminess, light and convenience. Our stock of furniure is equally large and di- versified, consisting of Handsome Rockers In Rattan, Mahogany and Oak, Mahoga- ny and Oak Tables, Tabourettes, Foot- , stools, Ottomans, Iron Enameled and Wood Bedsteads of many kinds, Sideboards Everything in the furniture line Chiffioniers, China Closets, Writing Desks. that can be found in a first class furniture store. Undertaking and Embalming H.C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 0000000000000 000000000000000 Vhat is Needed Here's Just What No matter what style yon may prefer, we can fix you up on short notice and at prices that are right. Give us a call. y > Ran A es, Sahm — | I K&L $2 YOUNG ‘BROS, KFRUITB 9x12 inches; 22 216 K 34 gens with concise Suciption of each; 64 half-tone views of Nurseries, foke | 50 cts. for book (post-paid) and Rebate " Rebate Ticket with $12 order for nursery stock and we ra SHA 4. by mail within 60 days and we refund the 50¢. yment on Ca: order and you keep Tug Book free. WE P, p h weekly and want more home and travel ay. Cash nasa srs, LOUISIANA, Mo., AL We