f VOL 1V. NO. 39. =e THE WEEKLY BULLETIN LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Happenings of the Week Told ina Brief | Yet Iteresting Mannner. For Rent—Three good rooms. Call at this office. Yoffe & Gaffin Bros. dissolution sale will end in ten days. Now is the time to have your checks redeemed at Hertzler’s store. | Cottage prayer meeting was held | at the home of Fred Koch on Mon- | day evening. Rev. Runk will Florin U. B. evening, preach in the church James Smith moved his house- hold goods to the coal Monday. ~~ News Express was almost two hours late Monday morning owing to a wreck. Samuel Sheaffer was off duty on Monday owing to an attack of rheumatism. Martin A. Spickler was promoted at the Herald cflice on Ile is now foreman. Monday. Next Sunday morning a number of persons will be taken into the Methodist church on probation. Jacob Boyce is rapidly recovering from the injuries he received by a fall at his home on Wednesday. Butcher Amos Kaylor was off duty several days last week on ac- count of injuries received by a fall. Proprietor Monn of the La Pierre | House, is a member of the Sons of Veterans since Wednesday evening. Note the new advertisement of the Windsor Hotel, Filbert Philadelphia, in columns, street, our advertising Miss Annie Campbell was ten- tered a birthday surprise by many of her young friends last Monday evening. Walter Eshleman will member of Washington 538, P. U.S. of A.,, In near future, become a Camp No. the very We neglected to make mention of an arrival in the fumily of Elvin Baker. The baby is two weeks cld and doing fine. David Gable and wife have adopt ed a six-months—old baby girl that Mrs. Gable brought here from Phil- adelphia last week. Thirty-nine cents per pound was paid for butter fat at the Kruider branch of the Farmers’ Creamery, of Mount Joy, for January. John A. Monk has made appli- eation to the courts for a hotel license. If granted he will erect a fine hotel in Chickies Park. Cn Monday John Roth moved from South Barbara street into the property which he recently chased of Daniel Shelly on neim street. pur— Man- Since our last issue the F. of A. band has decided to hold their sup- per in the hill Saturday March 4, instead of two stated last week. Harry H. Zeller has taken the agency for a novel invention, name- ly the Gem photograph holders. They are very simple but O, K, and sell at 2 cents each, evening, nights as Desher & Sload’s minstrels cer- tainly pleased the audience in the hall Friday evening and we ara sor ry that the building was not packed as that company deserved it. Amos Ziegler, secretary of the East Donegal school board, paper at the teachers’ institute at Millersville yesterday on “Why Encourage the Township School.” read a Justice of the Peace Charles Hl. Zeller, on Thursday evening mar- ried Frank Smeltzer and Mise Mary Koch, both of this place, the cere- mony taking place at the Justice's office. Notice is hereby given to the members of Court Mount Joy No. 28 Fo'iWers of America to be esent al Monday eyening’s Piz. Special business will be transacted, Frank Edwards from Africa gave a very interesung talk on Africa and its pecple last Wednes- d:y evening and also showed a lot of wearing apparial and other inter- esting things made by the native Africans, bo | satisfactory means Thursday | regions on | THE WEEKLY BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PENNA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1905 Forgot to Pay Board Bill. | Edison’s moving picture and | vaudeville company that appeared | in the hall here jdid not prove | The show they gave was Thursday evening, very satisfactory. fair but | such a determined bunch of people | never came to our town. The re- | gular ushers were barred: few com- plimentaries were accepted; pad- locks were placed on the rear doors | admittance, and various other un- employed by Worst of all, on Friday morning Constable Donaghy notified by a Lebanon hotel to arrest the company as they got to pay their board bill in that city. Mr. Donaghy informed the Lebanonite that he vould get the company at Middletown. -—- A Few Flittings. Rev. J. L. Garr, the pastor of the church, loaded his furniture on Tuesday. Eli Ebersole moved from property on East Main street the one vacated by Charles Ault- house. them. was man, for— Evangelical Peter Greenawalt of near Moore’s mill, yesterday moved into the E. L. Nissley property at Florin which was recently vacated by Emanuel Hendrix. Yesterday Charles moved from the property of Aulthouse Mrs. Shaffner on East Main strect to the house yacated by John Roth on South Barbara street, Cr om Will Move Next Spring. Amos Martin leave the Wolgemnth farm Rheems and will move to Elmer Engle Rock Point school house, on the Wolgemuth farm. Harry Gantz, of near Maytown, will occupy the farm now conducted by Jacob Hoffines, who will on the farm of H, S. Beates. Beates will move to Witmer will near Rowenna next spring. near will move move Mr. his recently purchased property in Elizabeth—- town, a A Long Cold Drive. Middletown Journal. About 183 young couple from Swatara IIill and vicinity enjoyed a sleighing party to Mount Joy on Thursday night. The party m:t at the home of Eli Brinser on Swatara Hill, and took supper at Mr. Harry Greenawalt’s in Mt. Joy. port an excellent time, sleighing. They re- and good Homer Baum conveyed the party in his large sleigh. After spending several hours at various games, refreshments were served, — The Columbia News Says : Sixt:-en men, said to be from Mt. Joy and Florin, rounded the corner of Market street and Elbow in Marietta, too rapidly that sleigh overturned, scattering men, straw and blankets all over the road No one was hurt, Thc driver claimed he was unable to hold the the team, but he managed to check them almost immediately after the sleigh upset. Lane, their - —-—- Spring Price Lists. Last week our Job department turncd out the 1905 price lists for the Mount Joy Nurseries, W. S. Krady, proprietor. No matter what kind of a job you may want, we are prepared to accommodate the public at prices that are right, Se m——— Rapho Closing Institute. seventh elosing of the Rapho township teachers’ institute will be held at Sporting Hill on Saturday, March 4. An excellent program has been ar- ranged for an all-day session, The session annual -—— - New Bar Clerk. David Cooper, who was employed on the P, R. R. at Harrisburg, has accepted a position as bar clerk at H. L. Mooney’s. Mrs. Cooper has also accepted a permanent position at the same place, rr ———— I. Getting Close. There are three cases of small- pox reported in Mount Jey town- ship, Cards for same were printed at this office for Constable Eli F, Arfldt, on Monday, of the hall so that no one could gain | the | into | YESTERDAY'S ELECTION A Very Interesting Fight in Both Wards for High and Ward Constable Eli Williams Defeats Wm. Donaghy for High Constable-=Andrew Weidman Had a Close Call for Ward Constable in the East End==Jac. Fissel Defeats Chas. Culp. Although there was little opposition at yesterday’s election, it was very interesting. In the East End it was nip and tuck between Andrew Weidman, the Republican candidate and Ed Henry, who was runn- | ing independent, but the former pulled through by the narrow margin of two votes. In the West Ward, | Jacob Fissel defeated Charles Culp. Although the latter was supported by several Republicans, his party and the “‘floaters,” Fissel was victorious by a majority of 43 votes. Williams and Donaghy is also worthy of note. { lots but when the vote was counted he had 17 to spare. The High Constable fight between The former’s name only appeared on the West Ward bal- The correct vote is appended : BOROUGH COUNCIL BOROUGH AUDITOR | | iJ. S. Hamaker, Republican {John F. Pyle Democrat ! Elisha Wallace : C. S. Longenecker, Republican | SCHOOL DIRECTORS { M. M. Brubaker, Republican | Thos. J. Brown, Republican | Alex. Kramer, Democrat | William Donaghy, Republican | Eli Williams, Democrat Ed Henry Jacob C. Fissel, Republican Charles Culp, Democrat A. C. Widman, Republican Ed Henry Independent Jacob Morton Gala Event of the Season. Charles A. Greider, the known teacher of the E!m Rapho township, completed arrangements to and entertain— ment in the Mount Joy Mall, on Saturday evening, March 11, 1905. There will be three widely Tree school, in has hold a grand spelling bee four classes, will be curad among which will be a year’s Very valuable prizes subscription to one of the leading magazines and al. c one year’s sub- scription to Mount Joy's leading The Bulletin. Good music and an elocutionist will be two leading attractions, Admission, 15 and 20 cents. newspaper, Doors open at 7; exercises begin at 8 o'clock. Yesterday's Lecture. Yesterday afternoon Miss Cora R. Price of Lancaster, gave an illus- trated health talk to women under the direction of the educational de- partment of the Viavi organization in the hall at 2 o'clock. The sub- ject of her lecture was “Woman as She Is; Woman as She Ought to be. Quite a goodly were present and the talk. BR number of ladies greatly enjoyed Bee on Saturday Evening. A spelling bee will be held at the Garfield school, one mile south-east of Mount Joy, on Saturday ing Feb. 25, 1905. There will be dialogues, recitations, instrumental and vocal music and three classes with four prizes to each class, Doors open 6:30; Exercisas 7.30, Admission 15 cents, Anna M, Over holser, teacher. even— ar————I een. en Worth Your Consideration. We just received one of John Kienzle’s seed potato and onion sct catalogues with prices, We the low prices Gvery farmer that wants are astonished to see quoted, good seed potatoes at the very low- est prices, should write to John Kienzle, 126 Dock st. Philadelphia, for one of hir catalogues. By doing 80 you will save money. Granted a Patent. Reuben J. Myers, foreman at the Grey Iron Works here, was granted a patent for an improved grinding machine which he recently complet. ed, it being constructed ina very satisfactory manncr, rr AI. The Maytown Grammar school will hold a spelling bee in the school house, Saturday evening, Feb, 26, WARD CONSTABLE spelling and a general information. | pro-| WW EW 98 | S. F. Eshleman, Republican Ww WwW 106 51 | H. S. Hinkle, Democrat : : 49 I 117 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE A. K. Martin, Republican ‘ . 13 JUDGE OF ELECTIONS 36 | John E. Schroll, Republican / . 112 65 3 | Harry K. Hildebrandt, Democrat Ed Henry : HIGH CONSTABLE | E. M. Barto, Republican . INSPECTOR OF ELECTIONS Irvin Geistwite H. H. Morton, , Republican . 78 Democrat . . 83 Charles Dillinger, Republican George Frank O. M. Donaven John Lawrence Clarence C. Craley . SCHOOL REPORT Names of Pupils Who Have Not Missed a Day the Past Month. High School—Harry Hoffman, Henry Reist, Jonas Brubaker, Clayton Hoffwan, I John Kraybill, Taylor Wilson, Chuiist | Walters, Mary Bear, Alice Dillinger, Ada Shelley, Esther Bowman, Myrtle Beatty, | Hilda Eirnshaw, Ruth Hoffinan, Mabel | Hoffsornmer, Bertha Missemer, Florence Reist, Marian Shrite. Charles B. Shank, teacher, | Grammar School-—Gertrude Greena- | walt, Mary Hoffer, Martha Stauffer, | Myrtle Walters. May Zeller, Joseph | Brenneman, Samuel Brubaker, “Karl | Bube, Edgar Eshleman, Oliver Funk, { Edgar Hagenberger, Hector Henery, { Esrnest R berts, Walter Root, Aaron { Rye. Lulu Greiner, teacher. Iuterinediate Schoel—John Breneman, Ralph Cramer, Ralph Eshleman, Bysshe Heilig, Arthur Schock, Arthur Hffer, Eail Miller, Gny Culp, Walter Eby, Smiley Greenawalt, Lewis Geib, Frank Germer, Samuel Royer, Arthur Yingst, | Ruth Groff, Ella Grissinger, Alice Klugh, | Lottie Loraw, Annie Myers, Esther Shelly, Hattie Witmer, Lydia Carpenter. Carrie Druckenmiller, teachers Secondary Schoo!—Viola Baker, Anna | Car pbel!, Mary Cunningham, Mary | Dyer, Esther Ebersole, Lucy Gibbons, | Pear] Hanenstein, Annie Witmer, Esther | Frank, Lottie Good, Clarence Gochnauer, | Willie Roberts, Willis Greenawa't, Ed ward Rye, Reuben Sheilenberger, Harry | Snyder. Miss Renner, teacher. Fourth Primary—Frances Bailer, Elsie | Brown, Pauline Germer, Edna Hershey, | Marie Klugh, Katie Shires, May Flowers, Lizzie Shire, Albert Myers, Clarence | Newcomer, Walter Goud, Howard Arots, | Oliver Easton, Howard Haines, Omer Kramer, Martin Kauffman, Esther | Hagenberger. Lou Kuline, teacher. | Third Primars—Muriel Greenawalt, | Lizzie Wagner, Rebecca Helman, Rath | Panabecker, Frances Shellenberger, | Esther Reist, Franklin Funk, Harvey | Sumpwman, Chester Greenawalt, John | Murphy, Bennie Hoffer, Bernard Eber- sole, Emerson Zeager, Mary Weidman, Jennie Witmer, Katie Yingst, Mary Mussina, Abram Jackson, Frank Blyer, Harold Browr, Matilda. Mumma, lHer- bert Frank, Samuel Keller. Elizabeth Brubaker, teacher. Second Primary—Catherine Brene- man, Laura Brown, John Dyer, Owen Greenawalt, Raymond Niesley, John Schroll, Fannie Gingrich, Maria Stewart, Beathel Baller, Willie Cunningham, Esther Weber. Mary E. Newpbher, teacher. First Primary @-Arthur Moyer, Irwin Heisey, Ellsworth Shrite, Jay Klugh, Bennie Eby, Howard Greenawalt, Allen Morton, Beatrice Murray, Ruth Bru. baker, Dora Wagner, Catherine Witmer, Lilthe Weidman, Virginia Frank, £ya Germer, Ethel Yoffe, Austin Fellenbaum Mrs. M. G. Miller, teacher. The Lancaster Intelligencer has employed a cartoonist since last week and now some of that city’s of ficials are “getting it.” More Local Notes. Read the Bulletin. Wasnington’s birthdayjtoday. Both banks are observing a hol day today. Clarence Schock was ill days but is improving. a few Mrs, B. O. Mueseris quite ill at her home the past few days. Don’t forget G. Moyer's big sale, in town on Saturday, M rch 4. The G. A. R. will make its annu- al visit to the borough schools to- day. The three rural mail carriers from this place, arc enjoying a hohday today. Three sleighing parties through town yesterday. schools, passed All were The annual reunion of the Six teeners’ is being hela in the hall here today. A ball and banquet will be held after the meeting this evening, Wantcd—A general horse for several months, Will take the best of care. Want the horse on the feed and addition are willing to pay for the use of same, Apply at this office. purpose PERSONALS. Clyde Spera spent Sunday at Mil. lersville and Kast Petersburg. Mrs. C. N. Gerber and Mrs, J. M. Schroll spent Sunday at May- town. Harry Nissley and wife of Ilarris- burg, spent Sunday in town with friends, Mrs. Wolf Yoffe has gone to Bal- timore where she 1s spending a few days with her parents. Charles Eliphalet Reed of Pl ila. delphia, was the guest of his father and sister in town over Sunday, Mrs. John Hollowell went to Philadelphia last woek to have one of her eyes operated on for cataraut, Harvey Groff, who has been at Buffalo, N. Y,, for some time, re. turned home. for some time. He will remain here Was Feeling Good.. This morning while Christ Charles’ borse was tied in frout of the post office, it was frightened and ‘jumped on the railing and fell over on the pavement. The animal was "captured before more damage than broken harness, was effected, The "horse was hitched to a sleigh, ACTUALLY HAS A LARGER LOCAL CIRCULATION THAN ANY MOUNI 50 CENTS A YEAR Mrs. Martha Lindemuth, aged 7s | eesti | Many Brief Items of Interest Throughout years, died at her home in Marietta last week, Mrs. Matilda Snyder, aged 59 years, died at her home in Manheim last week. Lewis Koch of town is a brother of the deceased. The eleven-weeks-old child of Jacob Brubaker and wife, residing | a few miles south of town, died and was buried in the Eberle cemetery on Monday. Mrs. Gallagher, a well known and highly respected lady of Newtown, died yesterday forenoon. The funeral will be held in that town on Thursday at 10 a, m. where ment will also be made, Barbara, wife ot Henry Miller, of Rapho township, died at her home near Sporting Hill Monday evening from a complication of diseases, aged 49 years, 9 months and 13 days, Deceased was a mem ber of the German Baptist church and well and favorably known. She is survived by her husband and the following children : Mary, wife of Jacob Mumma, residing ut Naumanstown ; [lerman, at Mount Joy ; Merlie, wife of Amos Greena— walt, at Moore's mill, Raphc town- ship, and David, William and Florence at home. The funeral was held Friday afternoon, inter- Engine Derailed. While Dillerville Local was doing some shifting on the siding near the malt house on Monday forenoon, the engine and a coal car were de- railed owing to a broken rail. It required the wreck crew and section foreman Frank Stoll’s gang to work several hours before the en- gine could be put on the tracks. es Shookers’ Success. George H, Shookers, formerly of this place, who is well known here recently secured through Hapgoods, of 309 Broadway, New York, an ex cellent position as Superintendent of the National Vectilating Co., a large plant at Harrison, N, J. 1lis many friends will be glad to hear of his success, Taken to the Hospital. Last evening Dr. J. J. Newpher removed Mrs. David Garber to the County hospital. Mrs. Garber has been ill for almost a year brought about by a bad fall which she tained last summer. She 1s precarious condition with hopes for her recov. ry. SU — ma slight nly ws Church Notes. UNITED BRETHREN. C. E. at 6 p. m. Sunday eyening lead by Mrs. Jno. Hendrix, Preaching services Sunday morn - ing and evening by the pastor. Prayer services this evening fol lowed by Teachers’ Bible study. rest EE aE Done Papering at Reading D. C. Reist, the well known North Barbara street paper hanger, was at Reading from last Monday to Thursday where he artistically papered two houses for Mrs. Zach arias, mother of Rev. I. E, Runk of this place. Making More Room. The carpenters are about com- pleting another spacious addition to Yoffe & Gaftin Bros. general store. The new part is as the present grocery department ard certainly makes a fire large store room. large as The Thirty-eighth Snow. Snow bezan falling at an early The records 38th snow Some of them were shighs, but a majority were snow falls. Me. Shonk, who has been con- ducting a smithshop on the Mount Joy and Mariétta turnpike for some time, will move into the Andrew Hershey property which he recent- ly purchased and open a smithshop there. hour Mondiy morning. show that this was the of the winter. heavy The regular monthly meeting of the Hall Association was held Mon. day, The main business was the inspection tour, \ { ' JOY NEWSPAPER FLORIN NOTES. This Section. E. N. Hershey of Mayton, spent Saturday in town with friends. Mrs. John D. Easton called on her mother at Enhaut, Monday. John Nissley of Lancaster, visit- ed his parents in town, Sunday. Miss Minnie Nissley of Harris- burg, is home on a short vacation. Don’t forget Emanuel Miller's sale in town on Saturday afternoon Butcher Shank has taken a job at Frank's malt house in Mount Joy. Charles Menaugh of Middletown was the guest of his parents here Saturday. Miss Elsie Zook of Lebanon, was a guest at the home of Henry Bren eman over Sunday. Ed. Reider has opened a saddler and shoe repair shop at his resi- dence on Stauffer’s hill. Miss Emma Biemesdet fer of Lan- caster, spent Saturday in town with her sister, Mrs. C. A. Wiley. Herbert Risser of F. & M., and John Hambright of Lebanon Val- ley College, were home Sunday, John Shank and wife were guests of the latter’s brother, Simon Wit- mer, at Elizabethtown on Sunday. Samuel Clark and wife of Harris burg, spent part of last week in town ia the family of John Shank. Mrs. Baker and son Roy returned to their home at Dillsburg after spending some time with friends here and at Mount Joy. Elizabeth Greider and Frances Book of Strasburg, and Emma and Mary Nissley of near Mount Joy, were the guests of Miss Bertha Kraybill. Phares Sweitzer met with a bad accident while coasting on Hersh- ey's'hill on Sunday. His sled ran into a telegraph pole, the young man’s head striking, rendering him unconscious for some time. The trustees of the United Breth- ren church, have purchased the lot of ground on Main street, between the residences of Christian Wach- stetter and Joseph Nissley. Itwas bought from J. H. Haldeman and a very fine brick church will be erected thereon the coming summer — eee NEWTOWN, William Witmer of Harrisburg paid a visit to his parents last week. Louis Krall of York, was in town on Sunday on a visit to his sister Mrs. Catharine Helman who has been ill for some time. The largest class of pupils from the Secondary school of this place, of which Rufus Hipple is teacher, enjoyed a sleigh ride last week by visiting the Garfield and Airyvale schools. Preaching services were held at the church in this placeon Sunday evening by the pastor in charge who delivered a “strong and in- structive sermon to a fair audience. Servides will be held again on next Sunday morning at 10 a, m. — —— Township Elections. In Mount Joy township yesterday E. F. Heiner was elected registry assessor by a neat majority. In East Donegal at the Florin poll, John D. Easton was defeated for t! e third time by Amos B. Sheaffer for registry assessor, the latter win- ning yesterday ‘by nine votes. Michael Myers was elected super- visor of that township by an im- mense majority, Hats. off to “Mike,” na — Won't Hold Water. At a recent election of Friend- ship Fire company, C. N. ‘Mumma was elected Chief of the Depart- ment, which amounts to naught as that officer is appointed and not el cted, It is the duty of the Bur~ gess to make the appointment but who it will be, "vas are at present unable to say, Harrison Stauffer discontinued clerking at H. K, Ebersole’s store. He may now be found behind the counter at Yoffe's. Ag CN ae in ST SE