XFEERLY BULLETIN Mt. Jov, Pa. J. E. SCHROLL, E501 and Publisher &ubscription, 50 - a Fear. Six Months, 25 Cents. Single Copies 2 cents, Sample Copies Free. Legal Advertising 10 cents per line each insertion Entered a the Post Office at Mount Joy as second class matter DETERIORATION OF COAL. Claim Made That Fuel Kept in Free Alr Loses Much of Its Steam- i ing Power. The question of storing coal for fleets bas assumed such importance that the experiments made in England to over- come the deterioration due to continual stowage possess a definite interest, says the New York Herald. It is claimed that coal kept in free air quick- ly loses between 10 and 20 per cent. of its steaming power, while coal deposited under water in prepared basins suffers but little loss. In the experiments un- dertaken at the suggestion of the ad- miralty coal that had been submerged from three to ten years atthe Alexandra docks, Newport, a:@ other specimens that had drifted from wrecks into the River Usk were submitted to a compar- atlve test with the best fresh mined Monmouthshire coal. The result was that the Usk coal stood first and the Alexandra cock second, both by a sur- prising margin of superiority. Our expcrience In the Philippines, where the conditions are especially se- vere, does not show the asserted deteri- oration of 10 per cent. in 12 months, but there is such a sensible loss in efficiency that the new idea seems worth a careful examrmation. Submerged storage is cheap, and the coal, easily recovered when needed, can be dried so speedily by exposure to the sun that the danger of spontaneous combustion in the bunkers is obviated. Coal is a prime es- sential of war power, and we must rather extend than diminish our efforts to store it. ZACHARY TAYLOR'S TOMB. Resting Place of a Great General and | President Is Neglected—Few Visit the Spot. | “Z. Taylor. Died 1850.” That is the inscription on the tomb of |{@achary Taylor, twelfth president of the United States, according to the [Cleveland Press. | A correspondent who recently visited the tomb of “Old Rough and Ready” |says for over half a century it has lacked {the care of a kindly hand and is fast fall- ‘ng into decay. | Apparently nobody cares. The tomb lies five miles from Louis- ville, and is off the road. Ivy riots over the weather-beaten blocks of granite. he fastenings on the door are red with rust. So far as is known no key haa jturned the locks for 50 years. Visitors are rare. It is doubtful if half a dozer |tourists visit the tomb in a twelve- ‘month. { And this neglected spot is the last resting place of the hero of the Black Hawk and Florida wars. Here is the dust of that great soldier who with 4,000 {American riflemen drove in retreat 20,- 000 Mexicans under Santa Anna at Buena Vista. Here 2re the remains of the American Cortez and president of ithe United States. ! He who conquered the swamps and everglades of Florida and made Mexico surrender is forgotten by his country- ‘men. Not one in 10,000 knows the place ‘of his sepulcher. Stim FWIXT LIZARD AND BIRD. The Hoatzi~ 5 Curious Animal and an | Jraportant Link in Evolu- | tion of the Fowl. One of the most interesting birds known to science is the hoatzin, say Jerrard Grant Allen and Leonard But- tress, in an article on “Bird Babies,” Pearson’s. Indigenous to South erica, this precocious youngster has made itself famous by the arboreal feats which it performs while yet at . iy tender age. On the “thumb” d “forefinger” of the young hoat~ pins wing appear tiny claws, and, armed with these, the tiny creatura = As out of its nest and clambers {about the boughs of trees, using them a8 hands, by means of which it hooks ftself along. The progress, indeed, ex- actly corresponds to the early pedes- trian efforts of the human baby, whose rst perambulations are made with the tance of friendly chairs and otner ture. These little claws of the tzin are used only in infancy, drop- {ping oft as soon as the power of flight bas been attained. The chief interest of the species, however, attaches to e fact that it is one of the most rimitive forms of bird now in exist- once, and affords an important link with the ancestry of the fowl of to-day. nally, as is generally known, rds were evolved from the lizard ily, and the hoatzin forms a com- jparatively early step in, the progres- sion from reptile to bird. Even when ts wings are full grown, so imperfect re they that no upward soaring can be negotiated, and their only use is in making short flights from a higher to ‘® lower branch, while the ease with which the hoatzin climbs affords an- er indication of its proximity to the trike _— TWO WEEKS' TOUR TO FLORIDA. The first Pennsylvania Railroad tour of the season to Jacksonville, allowing two weeks in Florida, wili leave New York, - Phi.adelphia, Baltimore, and Washington . by special train on January 31. Excursion tickets, including railway transportation, Pullman aceommodations «(one berth,) and meals en route in both directions while traveling on the special train, will be sold at the following rates : . New York, $50.00 ; Trenton $40.00 ; Phila- Harrisburg, Baltimore, and Wash- 3 on, $48.00; Pittsburg, $53.00 ; and at ; ate rates from other points. Similar tours will be run February 14 28, Wor tickets, itineraries, and other n a agents, or to neral #hilacelphia, Passenger Agent, i } Mount Joy druggists. RHEEMS' STATION. J. S. Catmany has discontinued his delivery through this place. The revival services closed here last Thursday. There were twelve conversions. The German Baptists held servi- ces in the church here on Sunday morning. Jacob Wagner of town. is now a brakeman on the Middle Division of the P. R. R. Joseph Ulrich of Elizabethtown, purchased two acres of tobacco of Jacob Kready at 934 and 2. Jacob Shank will vacate his property April 1st and move into Leander Groff's double house. The seeds for early Spring plants were sown at the Rheems hot house last Saturday. Orders are booked for over 700 potted tama- toes, which speaks well. Mr. Skiles, the Gap potato buy- er, is loading the fourth car of potatoes that he purchased in West Donegal and Mount Joy townships He paid 40 cents a bushel for them -—— MASTERSONVILLE. N S. Zug has thus far purchased fifty-nine acres of tobacco. Samuel Fasnacht is still confined to his bed with typhoid fever. The local creamery paid its pat- rons $1.30 per hundred for Decem- ber milk. Samuel S. Stauffer will quit farm ing and move to Elizabethtown in the Spring. Last Friday evening a tramp set fire to a straw stack on the farm of Christian Gingrich. He is in jail. The singing class at the Master- sonville school in charge of C. K. Lehman, is progressing very rapid- ly of late. Benjamin S, Garman found one of his horses dead in the stable one morning last week. It got fast in the stall and struggled to get loose until it died. i MILTON GROVE. Eggs are 30c a dozen here. There is considerable shortage of hay in the township. Mrs. Monroe Ober is recovering from her spell of sickness. Constable Eli F. Arndt made his returns to court last Monday. Miss Ella Grosh of Harrisburg, spent a week here with her parents Mrs. Susan Swade has returned home from a visit to friends at the county seat. Aaron Gepfer, president of the Mount Joy township school board, is a candidate for re-election. Aaron Gibble, the local tobacco buyer scoured the couatry in the vicinity of Mount Hope last week. Amos Caslow, tenant farmer for Mrs. Anna Ebersole, has rented J. Snyder’s farm near Elizabethtown. SALUNGA. Emanuel Miller is very ill at his home with slight hopes for his recovery. Mr. Morris, the Maple Grove school teacher, spent Sunday at Baltimore. The religious services by the German Baptists are still in prog- ress with good results. Miss Elizabeth Breneman of Lancaster, is a guest of Esther Kendig the past few days. Rev. Niccols conducted services in the M. E. church last Sunday. Rev. Amos Hause of Washington Pacific coast, is a guest of friends in this community. RAPHO. Mrs. Peter Hollinger, widow, who is 72 years old, is recoverirg from the mumps. Ed. Gibble, tenant on Michael Ober’s farm, has rented Samuel Stauffer’s farm in Mount Joy town- ship. One day last week there were only two pupils attended Sunny- side school. Mumps is the cause of it all. ————— Fever That Seldom Diew Ont, Do you know there is such a thing as ‘newspaper fever” and that {it just sorms and burns its way into a fellow’s system and remains there as long as life lasts? It is a fact, says the New Or. leans Times-Democrat. Men who work around newspaper offices know it to be true. They know it is true not only to the men who work in the business, but many others who never happen to get into tho business at all. There is an old legend to the effect that If a man once takes the Mississippi river water he will keep coming back to the same old river, no matter where he goes. It isthe same way in the newspaper business. Taste it once and you have got it (n your: eystem for good. ‘When bilious try a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and realize for once how quickly a first-class up-to-date medicine will correct the disorder. For sdle by J. 8. Carmany Florin, and all PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. WHAT SHWILKEY BUMBLESOCK HAS TO SAY THIS WEEK. Mister Drooker vaesht du es anes happena kent is de gro-e meetin es ola vile De results sin der fon de beshta socha es do aw gate im hall. sheer so gute es se vora vu Johnson do vore. Sin feel lite es sich uf geva hen un vela now bes- se deena, abotich de es so vilt vora. ser du un ich vil hoffa Der Breticher Engle en galaenter mon un von aer bret- is gaviss icht mocht aer ollas so blain es en kint een f:rshtay kon. De grosa meetins sin aw abotich gute ga- tend un ich vil hoffa es se feel may grishtlicha lite mocha do in Mount Joy ep se uf hara. EAST DONEGAL. Mrs. Eli Tschudy was the guest of her mother on Thursday. Miss Edith Inners is spending a week with her sister at Marietta. Hiram Wolgemuth delivered his tobacco to Maytown last Tuesday. Anna Mary, a 6-year-old daugh- ter of Daniel Musser, scalding her- self very badly last Monday morn-— ing while carrying boiler water. Mrs. Benj. L. Troutwine under- went a painful operation last week. Her arm was out of joint and it was pulled in position while she was under ether. FOUND A CURE FOR INDIGESTION. I use Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets for indigestion and fiud that they suit my case better than any dyspepsia remedy I have ever tried aud I have used many different remedies. I am nearly fifty-one years of nge and have suffered a great deal from indigestion. I can eat almost anything I want to now;—Geo. W. Emory, Rock Mills, Ala. For sale by J. 8S. Carmany Florin, and all Mount Joy druggists. For Sale! A LOT OF GROUND in Mount Joy Borough and Township, fronting on Mari- etta street, containing one acre, Would be a very desirable building site. Apply to MRS. GEO. DERR For Sale! 6000 SECOND-HAND YZ BU 2 yn LEATHER 10° UG GY APPLY TO J. N. HOSTETTER, Mount 3h:407 TELE NEW STORE! Bargains we AT i Hertzler's § Wrapper were Flannels, 12 1-2C, NOW 9c Wrapper Fanne's, were 8c, now 6¢ HIELO RRRRRRERLREROY Skirt Patterns, 25c, now Men’s 25¢ wear, now Men’s wear Men’s now 20c¢ Under- 18¢ 39¢ Under- 33c Shirts, 25¢ 9g & 7c & 8¢ Crocheted Bed Quits $1.25, now 50¢ . Outing Flannel, 10C, NOW NTT TE 95¢ E. C. HERTZLER E. Maio §t., Moua Joy of SELECT En SHO oSeBGLEBLES We_ desire to inform the public that we have harvested 1,500 TONS Pure ¢ « « Spring Water Crystal ICE which we wiil serve to the public at very moderate prices. We Run a Wagon Threugh Florin Daily and would say if you want pure ice, clear from dirt and grass, we can supply it. Our solicitor will call on you in the near future. We also have for sale, the finest kind of BUILDING STONE. All Kinds of Hauling. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. foletetotetoteleletofotote ge] X Just Think of It Success, American Boy, Frank Leslie and Technical World, all for $2.50. Regular Price, $5. Other combinations just as pleasing. We are Headquarters for Magazine Subscrip tions. Can get anything you want and and sare you prom 20 to 50 per cent Ladies’ Home Journal is still $1. Ladies’ Home Journal and Saturday Even- ing Post, for $2 25. No better holiday presents than good magazines RABIES FEEEA5508 500088 BB oF | | EASSERSSRSEERANREASeRaGE A. B. ROOT South Market Street, ~~ MOUNT JOY, PA. For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Joseph Hershey Successor to W. W. Strasbach. Fine Tonsorial Parxler East Main Strcety Mount Joy, Pa. ABNER M. HERSHEY. AUCTIONEER Mount Joy, extn dnd perngna aa Guaranteed. Charges moderate. Drop me a card or call up 836 A. Penna. WANTED! AJ enterprising farmer in this section to canvass during the state fall end winter among the farmers In his vieluity. Must be active, capable and honest. Work will prove profitable toa good man and (an be made a source of regular and sily earned income each ye: To it mu ty be devoted as much or as jittle Ying as desired’ 1! Jers tad write at once to T. . Box74. Albany, N. Shires’ Mcat Market Rear ot Nissley's Tobacco Warehouse FIORIN . PENNA. W. W. SHIRE, Pr.pr. —pen Dealer in Fresh & Smoke Meats, Tallow, Lard, &c: CAKLOADN OF TOY. Largest and Best Stock. Lowest Prices. Y ou are cordially in- vited to call and see our Handsome Display, Covering 600 square feet and get our Start- ling Prices. g Sprecher & GCanss SEEDS AND IMPLEMENTS 31 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. 25,000 NEVE WoRos are added in the last edition of Web- ster’s International Dictionary. The Gazetteer of the World, an the Biogra) Rraplital Dist Dictio have been completely revised. The In- ternational is kept always abreast of the times. work, e but it is he only way to keep ti dictionary the , —~ dl SOND AUTHORITY t takes constant nsive work and w of the English-speaking world. ead dictionaries follow. Webster t is the favorite with Judges, Soh Educators, Printers, etc., in this and foreign countries. A postal will bring in- teresting specimen pages, G & GC, MERRIAM CO,, SPRINGFIELD, MABS,, PUBLISHERS OF WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY 2000000600000000 0000000000002 ‘We Clothe Men from head to Foot 3 3 0000090000004600000 Coats, $30 00 If you don’t care to invest in a good Seal Skin, get one of the new warm jack ets of Electric Seal. These $30 Coats are unusually fine ; they are made from entire skirs, not li*= tle pieces ; the far is particularly tick and even on the pelt The secret of their goodness lies as much in the ent and fit as in he skins and they're of a style that won't change readily. 24 inches long ; box front ; revers not too large and lined with Skinrer’s Guaranteed Satin. Other Coats at $25 ; some trimmed with mink sable, at and finer qualities ; $47.50, $50, $i and $65. How Does 1t Kit? That is the question yon ask when you put on a new suit, up for eriticism. Is the collar too high or too low ? ly balanced and shaped ? Are the sieeves right in length ? front too loose or too tight ? hang right ? All these clothes-features you will find to be “just right” if yon wear these Correct Clothes—$10, $12. $13.50, $15, $16.50, $18, $20, 22.50 and 35 00 Young Meu’s Snits--6.50, 8.00, 10.00, 12.00, 13.50 and 15.00 Every point comes Arve the shoulders proper- Is the back, and Are the trousers too long or too s ort 2 Do they 31-33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA 000000099000 00009009000 000020600048 000000908230000 'e i i ® ® : ° 3 Elegant Fur ® ? ® & ® ® ° $ @ ? ? ® ? + s 9 > ® > 3 > 3 ® @ 2600000006090000000000000000000080000060800000C 2 IRR ssE AT 7» EAST KING STREET! He RRR EsEs Everything the Carpenter or 3 % : Machinist Needs 3 : 3 % : : Ee eases You will find our stock covers all your wants in whatever line, and our prices will interest you Herr & Snavely 2 Doors from Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. HPF PSPS $$» 3» SHH I PH PSPS 0000000000029 33820000390090999000090900082 220839090 %003 Always Have on Hand All Kinds of Green Goods in Season A bY A) Bn AN es 0) FN Fine Oysters by the Bbl, 100 or Ot. a! very short notice. SHER SA HE BANANAS A SPECIALTY APPLES MALAGA GRAPES FINE FLORIDA ORANGES Longenecker’s Creen Grocery East Main Street MOUNT JOY, PA 1990900090300 0900 0000000090000 0000000000000 0000000000 GREAT REDUCTIONS Ladies’ Silver Chatelaine Watches reduced from $4 10 2 75 Fold-Filled Watches; guaranteed for twenty vears; Waltham movement; for ladies or gentlemen, reduced from $15 to 1075 Rodger’s Knives and forks reduced from 4 50 to $3 Rodger’ Teaspoons reduced from 150 to 90¢ Butter dishes reduced from 250 to-1 25 Sugar Bowls, Cream Pitchers, Spoon Holders, and many oth- er picees of broken Sets at half price. Pirosh & Simmons The Old Established Pawnbrokers and Jewelers Ind. Phone 13384. 20 N. Queen Street, Lancaster. Penna. i 9 We are not in the Race for Cheapness. Good shoes, rightly made and good looking you 2 wre always sure of here. And they cost but little more than trashy ‘‘cheap” kind that have nothin but price to recommen ' them. This shoe is one of our “La Frances’s” it is ade of Patent Colt, which wears nicely, and is suitable for.dress or street wear, The shape is new and the fitting qualities are as good as clever she e-making car make them, Yet the prices is only —$3 -and in all sizes, to. Philadelphia Shoe Store 247 IL.ocust St.. COLUMBIA FPA. 20000000000000000000000 2000000000000 0000600000000000 Don’t Forget That the worst season of the year is before you. The season when good, solid, tight shoes are the friends you need. You'll find them here, REN ile 70 SHAUB & CO. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY 18 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENNA. 81 EAST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY, PA. 10900080 E 3030600609 S90 0050090000000 4 00000 3 Aik Your Grocer For v 3 White g 3 : re 8 ’ Mountain § 3 : 3 i Baking : 3 3 $ Powder 3 2 3 & Its the Only Powder on. the v Varket that 1s Free From @ aya : 2 Aum and Acids. Man- : © ufactured by, : @ ¥ > > ° ® 3 @ © $ ® 3 $ ® ® Ld E.W.GARBER 20¢ Our Offer! The publisher of this paper is desirous of giving the people an idea of the vast amount of news THE WEEKLY BULLETIN cou- tains for Fifty Cents a Year, not _quite one cent a week, and any person who will send us their address on the blank below, will receive a few sample copies, Dea it now. : 99900000000 00000900. 00% 0 $1 <3 : i : : Oe 3 3 3 : : % 3 : : : ~ 3 11d 3 1 TLS + : : : — @ : . . | } 0 oe : : 4 Ell } i bere 3 } LE uid fee : I 1 BE Now } ge 3 1 CE ® : i ’ Pf $d ad 3 leo land so oop Po. fe : fo biol bo bool edie : : : gal eer $ 3 : : holler 0% 8 } | hJdh. 83% ® : : zo tars i: 1 ES} } £2 2 Bh 3 20000900000000000066005000 A cure guaranteed if you use Bors S it {PILES nse Suppor D. Matt, Thampin, Bupt. § | Graded Schools, Statesville, N. C. , Writes © : ba do all you “claim for them,’ Dr, 8. M. Devore, ! Raven Rock, W. Va., writes: re universal satis- | faction,” Dr. H. D. McGill, Clarksburg, Tenn. elias: i “In a practice of 33 years, I have found mo remed { equal yours.” Puce, 50 Cxxrs. Samples Free. ia bl § by Drugsists. maRTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, eA, “I can say Sold in Mt.Joy by E. W. Garber. Call for free sample 3 eerie eves InIINY, > AGENCY FOR 4 SCRIBNER’S § MAGIC ELECTRIC § SEARCH- ; LIGHT 4 A Sate Lantern : For all purposes. Full Line Supplies For Photographers W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St, Mount Joy. AGENCY FOR STANDARD Steam Laundry LAUNDRY CALLED FOR MONDAY : DELIVERED FRIDAY : . ETT TTT sos T TET wr asa or Ioewy Aah bbl tlio tdttstobdtoddotdsddssdbsoorssoosr err POPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PIII ITITITITITT TITTY VY YY $005600000000000000000 00. , -. STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel West King St, ANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORRELL HORSE, makes a frontage'of 49, 52, 63 and 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 tents. Best accommodations in every respect. A share of your patronage solicited, i A.B. ADAMS, Pro. 60 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE ATENTS COPYhronve &e.™ Anyone sendin enor, Ean Tun ufo lon Sa i Fin FAmerican, tions strict! A handsor tiated culation a Ly aL Horne oa a SHLHHP0P00 “Scientific WA oe oT 05 ¥ Bt. Wash { —