. FOR THE HOJSEWIFE'S USE. Small Items of Domestic Information Gleaned from Various { Sources. When making a pudding don’t forget 0» make a plait in the cloth at the top of your basin, so as to allow the pud- dizg room to swell. ’ When making soup or stew with old vegetables add one teaspoonful of su- gar, which will sweeten them and make them taste like new. To clean tinware first wash the tn thoroughly with hot soapsuds, wipe it thoroughly dry and then scour with flour and well-crumpled newspaper. To keep sponges soft and white wash them in water with a little tartaric acid in it, then rinse in plenty of cold water. Take care not to put in too much tartaric acid or the sponges will be spoiled. Stains may be taken off an enameled bathtub if it is rubbed well with rough salt, moistened with vinegar. This will also clean enameled pots and pans, no matter how burnt or discolored they may be. When a spoonful of borax is put into the last water in which white clothes are rinsed it has the effect of whitening them. Before it is added to the rinsing water the borax should be dissolved in a little hot water. Borax is a useful thing to have in a kitchen. Add a little to the water when boiling out enameled saucepans and iL will help to clean them. If add- ed to the water dish cloths are washed in it will help to keep them a nice color. Many housekeepers experience ex- cessive weariness after washing dishes, mixing bread, ironing or doing other work which requires bending over a table, stove or sink. If a stove is too low it may be raised by having the zinc beneath it lifted by means of a thick board cut to fit. If the table is too low try to have a kitchen stool and eit down whenever practicable. The housekeeper who has never tried the kitchen stool will be surprised at the saving of strength it embodies. If the sink is too low the dishpan may be placed on a large basin turned upside down, which will raise it sufficiently. Any device which will make house- work easier should be tested by the woman who has her own work to do and ‘should also be passed on to the maid if there is one. Every woman longs in her heart for hardwood floors. They are easy to keep clean and beautiful. These women who are so fortunate as to possess the longed-for luxury will find it mueh easier to keep thelr rooms glean and free from dust if the tropical plan is followed of polishing the floors with beeswax rubbed on with a cocoanut husk. It is a safe rule to go by to give the room a good cleaning the very minute the curtains ‘begin to look grimy and smell musty. Everything movable should be carried out of the room, and {it should be swept thor- oughly and the walls wiped with a clean cloth. In washing matting salt should be put in the water. Kerosene should be used for woodwork and am- monia for the window glasses and pic- tures. The best cleaning fluid for fur- niture is plain water, afterward rub- bing the articles with a dry, clean cloth. At all tims the rugs, hangings and pillows should be kept clean. RESENTED INSULT TO FLAG Gen. Sherman and James G. Blaine Were Boys Together — Former Bhowed the Soldier in Him. When Gen. Sherman was a small boy one of his intimate playfellows was James G. Blaine, says the Lippin- cott’'s Magazine. The two boys, to- - gether with Hoyt, a younger brother of the general, were out driving one day, when, as they passed a flag wav- ing in the breeze, “Jimmie” Blaine placed a thumb on the tip of his nose and made a very disrespectful gesture toward the banner. “Did you mean to do that at the flag?” demanded “Cumpie” Sherman, his loyalty outraged. “Yes, I did,” declared Jimmie, stoutly. “Well, if you do it again, I'll put you out.” Nothing more was said and the drive proceeded enjoyably. On the way home the flag was passed again, and again Jimmie Blaine put his thumb to he tip of his nose and so forth. Cumpie refined in the horse, took the uggling Jimmie and gently but firm- y lifted him out of the wagon. Then, in spite of Hoyt's remonstrance that that was not the proper way to treat a yuest, he drove off, leaving Jimmie to tramp the ten miles home as best he — mb —————a oy ~ CHAMBERLAIN 8S €OUGH REMEDY ABSO- LUTELY HARMLESS, The fault ofgiving children medicine con taining injurious substances, is sometimes _ more disastrous thanthe disease from which they are suffering. Every mother should know that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is perfectly safe for children to take. It . contains nothing harmful and for coughs, colds and croup is unsurpassed. For sale by J. 8. Carmany Florin, and all Mount Joy druggists, el — Looks for Things and Sees Them. Charles Frohman was discussing the morals of the average play. “I believe in a clean stage,” he said, “and I think the stage, pretty gener- atly, is clean enough. Here and there, to be sure, you ¢an find a spot of black, but you have to look for it. You bave to pose for it in the corners and remote recesses. Some of us can find uncleanness anywhere. A woman found uncleanness once in Dr. John- son's dictionary. ‘I am sorry, sir,’ she sald, ‘to see in your work so many naughty words.” ‘So, madam, you were looking for them, eh? the old lexicographer retorted.” eee DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local appplicants,’as they cannot reach the di seased on of the ear. There is only one way to _bure deatness, and that 18 by conytl- tutiongl remedies, Deafness is caused by an in- condition of the mucous lining of the . lan Tube. When this tube 18 inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is entirely clrscd, deafness is the result, and unless the inflamm (tion can be tak- out and this tube restored to ite normal con tion, hearing will he destroyed forever ; nine Sant but of ten are caused by oatarrh, which Is he ing but an inflamed condition of the mucous fanoes, . ei give One Hundred Dollars for any se of d ess onused by catarrh that cannot cured by Hall's Oatarrh Cure. 8:nd for cir- yg J.CHENEY & 00. Toledo, O, ree. v D ts, 760 “ha Family Pine fof constipation, Days of Appeal for 1905 TO THE TAXABLE INHABITANTS OF LANCASTER COUNTY Pursuant to the provisions of the laws of the Commonwealth, the undersigned Com- missioners of Lancaster County hereby give notice to every taxable inhabitant within the respective borough, townships and city of said county, that appeals from the real estate, personai property and militia assess- ment of 1905 will be held in the County Com missioners’ Office, in the City of Lancaster, on the days following to wit : Marietta borough, Wed., Jan. Mt, Joy borough, Fri., Jan. Conoy, Tues., Jan. West Donegal, Wed., Jan. ¢ Mt. Joy Township, Wed., Jan. 28 East Donegal, Fri., Jan. : Rapho, : . FriyJan. No appeal will be considered except upon the days designated for the respective dis- tricts unless satisfactory reason is given for failure to come at the proper time, and not then unless the person appealing is accom- panied by the assessor of the district in which the property under consideration is assessed, Under the law there can be no change in the valuation of the real estate at these appeals, wnless there has been improvement or destruc- tion of property, as real estate cannot be re- valued until the next triennial year, no differ ence what price it may have sold at during the past year. The Commissioners will sit to hear ap- peals from 9 to 12 o'clock in the morning and from 1 to 3 in the afternoon of the days designated. Assessors are required to be in attendance during that time. By order of the BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Attest: Samuel W. Diller, Clerk. 18 1-1 How a Correspondent During the Boer War Gave His Life for a Snapshot. In some respects one of the most re- markable war photpographs ever made was secured by a man named Meyer, a correspondent for a German illustrated newspaper durimg the war in South Africa, says Everybody’s Magazine. Meyer was with the Boers, and one day during one of Buller’s attacks along the Tugela he took a position on the firing line. The fire from the British batteries across the river was very heavy during the preliminary period of the assault, and shells literally rained on the low- lying kopjes occupied by Botha’s army. Meyer thought he saw a good oppor- tunity to secure a fine picture, and he jumped out of his ‘“schanze” to snap it, Just then a big lyddite shell exploded within a few feet of him, killing him in- stantly. I afterward secured his cam- era, which was comparatively uninjured, When the film it contained was devel. oped I discovered that Meyer had made a beautiful photograph of the huge shell which snuffed out his life. I sent a copy of the picture to his relatives in Ger- many. es CHAMBERLAIN’S COUGH REMEDY THE BEST MADE. “In my opinion Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best made for colds,” says Mrs. Cora Walker, of Porterville, Cali- fornia. There is no doubt about its being the beat. No other will cure a cold so quickiy. No other is so sure a preventive of pneumonia. No other is so pleasant and safe to take. These are good reasons why it should be preferred to any other. The fact is that few people are satisfled with any other after having once used this remedy. For sale by J. 8. Carmany Florin and all Mount Joy druggists. Administrator's Sale of Valuable Real Estate FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1905 By virtue of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Lancaster County, Pa., the under- signed administrator of Margaret A. Hersh- ey, deceased, will expose to publicsale at the Red Lion Hotel, Mount Joy, Penna., the following described real estate of said de- cedent, to wit : All that certain LOT OF GROUND sit- uate, lying and being on the northeast cor- ner of Mount Joy and High streets, in the Borough of Mount Joy, Pa., fronting 25 feet on Mount Joy street and extending in depth 180 feet to North Alley, adjoining property of Mrs. Henry. The buildings thereon erected consist of a TWC STORY BRICK DWELLING with Frame Kitchen and Summer House Attached, Chicken House, Hog Pen and all necessary out- buildings. Choice fruit on the premises also hydrant water. This property is pleas antly located and will positively be sold. Title and possession given April 1, 1905, Persons wishing to view the premises prior to day of sale will call on the undersigned administrator. Sale to commence at 7.30 p. m. of said day, when terms will be made known by W. M. HOLLOWBUSH, Zeller, Auct Administrator For Sale! One of the Finest Dwellirgs in Mount Joy. An 8 room FRAME HOUSE, with all modern*conveniences, in good repair, will be sold very reasonable. For par- ticulars apply to Albert Culp, Mt. Joy. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF JACOB K, GRUBER and wife, of Rapho township, Lancaster county, Jacob K. Gruber and wife, of Rapho township, having by deed of voluntary ass- ignwent, dated January 7, 1905, assigned and transferred all their estate and effects to the undersigned, for the benefit of the creditors of the said Jacob K. Gruber, he, therefore, gives notice to all persons indeb- ted to said assignor, to make payment to the undersigneq without delay, and those having claims to present them to HENRY B. MARTIN, Assignee, Residing in Mount Joy, Lancaster Co., Pa. W. M. Hollowbush, W. U. Hensel, Attorneys. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF JACOR M, GRUBER and wife of Rapho township, Lancaster county, Jacob M. Gruber and wifeof Rapho town ship, having by deed of voluntary assign- ment, dated January 7, 1905, assigned and transferred all their estate and effects to the undersigned, for the benefit of the cred- itors of the sald Jacob M. Gruber, he, there fore gives notice to all persons indebted, to said assignor, to make payment to the une dersigned without delay, and those having claims to present them to : THOMAS 8, GEISE, Assignee, Residing in Mount Joy, Lancaster Co,, Pa, W. M, Hollowbush, Mount Joy Granite and Marble Works BAKING POWDER There is but one White Mountain Baking Powder on the market and I claim is the purest without fear of contradiction. It positively contains no alum, ro amonia, or impurities of any kind. T use the best material in manufacturing it and once using will always use. meal. tive, to digest same. nervous and irritable ; can’t eat, can’t AA TT N S MounNT Jay. Pa Garber’s Improved Digestive Tablets-— Cure Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation and all ailments arising from the stomach. Direct Price 25¢.; 5 bottles $1.00. Neutralize acids and saponify fat'y matter. Indigestion and Dyspepsia are caused by taking food into the stomach and not having sufficient digestive fluid Fermentation takes place, a gas is generated, blood is forced out, circulation is arrested. full and depressed feeling is the result. A stomach out of order, von feel miser ble and unfit for anything; you becom sleep. (Farber’s Improyed Digestive Tab. W. Garber, Druggist, 81 East Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna. BAKING POWDER GF gn This month only I will give one small fish globe and 2 smzil fish with every pound of Baking Powder. Tins is not given a8 a pren inm. [' is mere ly given to get the power in rodne d PRICE, 50 Certsa 1 Lh, ‘“ 25 “ 2 “ ‘“ 15 €@ 1 N ions ; One or two tablets afer each Digestive, Stomachic, Tonic ar d Laxa usea, Heartburn That heavy lets will cure you. Made souly by E. I Use In T Don’t Garber’s Stomach This househe¢ld remedy is oflered in place of “patent” medicires. It is not claimed that thisis a “cure all” but we do believe that itis as good a stomach remedy and evstem tonic as can be found It is no use advertising unless you have the goods, and no use having the goods unless you advertise. Never forget that the convineing argument is what sells the goods— see that there is one in your adver— tisement. TEXE: NEW STORE! LEGLLLLLILLBLLLLNLOLLS SLLLLLLLILLLITINILNGSS TTT ——FOR—— Tall ao Winter hood := Give Us a Call Our shelves are being filled with the best mer- chandise at the lowest prices. Our prices al- ways Lancaster prices. And don’t forget we give you Fine Premios Come and see them. Others get them, why not you ? E. C. HERTZLER E. Main St., Moun Joy Read This Paper Monuments Tombstones LARGE STOCK ON HAND J. GLATFELTER, Proprietor W. U. Hensel, Attorneys, MOUNT JOY, « =» PENNA. on the market. We call special attention to this Stomach Bitters because we know that it is harmless and reliable. We know exactly what is in it and just how it is made, The materials fram which it is made are of the bert quality that can be obtained in the market a- d of such a character as to produce a general stom- ach remedy and general tonie of marked afflcacy. We do not want anybody who Net ds a Duetor to Bay This Blood Rem- edy, but if you are going to buy a “pat ent” wedicine which yon have seen ad- vertised for stomach and other ailments, then we would urge you to giye this bit- tere a thorough trial in anv of the follow ing ailments : Rheumatism, backach=, lnmbago and kidney ailments generally ;