SfFeekLY BULLETIN Mt. Jov, Pa. J. E. SCHROLL, Editor and Publisher Gsbeutiption, 50 Cuts a or &8ix Joaths, 25 Gents. Single Copies 2 cents, Sample Copies Free. Legal Advertising 10 cents per line each insertion Entered a the Post Office at Mount Joy as second class matter GIVES VIGOR TC THE SOit, Fallen Leaves Aid in Furnishing Ate mosphere Nitrogen Which Fer- i tilizes the Earth. | Recent Investigations indicate that the chief source of the enrichment of the soil, noted particularly in wooded lands, is not altogether due to a con- servation of the moisture and the ad- dition to the soil of needed elements by the decomposition of the fallen leaves. Of probably greater impor- tance is the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by dead forest leaves when these rest on a moist substratum of soil. In effect this phenomenon is 8imilar to that which is produced by the tubercle growths on the roots of legumes and allied plant families. A similar observation has been made in regard to the mountain pine, which if verified, will account for the hardi- ness of this tree and the ease with which it maintains itself in soils thal contain comparatively few nutrients, It has been found by the Danish Heather Improvement society, which is interested in planting trees on bar ren sandy stretches on the western coast of Jutland, that spruce and mountain pine, when planted togethe: in pairs, mutually help each other te thrive, the valuable nitrogen-fixing functions of the pine serving to pro- vide nourishment for both trees. It has been repeatedly observed that where such trees are planted in prox- imity on barren lands if the pine is cut down while the spruce is stiil young the latter will d®or else make a sickly growth. On the contrary, curiously enough, if the pine is not cut down until after ths spruce gets a good start the latter will make better progress than if the pine had been al- lowed to live. NO TRAMPS IN GERMANY. Xabor Conditions There Are Not Fae i wvorable to the Development | of “Weary Willies.” | To-day the lot of the laboring man fn Germany is in many respects bet- ter than that of ours, says a writer in National Magazine. The German state recognizes the right of every man to live—we do mot. When the German laborer becomes old or feeble the state @ensions him honorably. In Germany the laboring man can ride on the elec- tric cars for two cents—we pay five “German cities have public baths, pub lic laundry establishments, big parks, free concerts and many other features which soften poverty, although they may not remove it. ! The corollary to this is that the eme peror permits no tramps to terrorize his highways. The police is organized for rural patrol as well as city work, and every loafer is stopped azd made to give an account of himseld. In England va- grancy has been a public nuisance for generations—with us it has become of fate years almost a public danger. Ger- many has no tramps. The man who is without work In Germany finds no in- ducement to remain idle. A paternal government sets him to such hard work that the would-be unemployed finds it flecidedly to his interest to seek some other employment as soon as possible. THE POPE'S SLEEPING CAR. Pius X. Will Make Use of Magnificent Traveling Apartment Built for Leo XIII The pope owns a sleeping car. It was constructed in 1868, when the Hne from Rome to Naples was opened, and will be shown at the Milan exhibition 4n 1905 to inaugurate the Simplon tun- mel. The car consists of three com- partments—a throne room, a compart. hent for the guard of honor and a edroom, says Home Notes. Thethrone pm is richly furnished and has a ola engraved with the papal arms he twelve apostles, anged that the pope, when his throne, can be plainly y the crowds who might be ex- to throng the stations for his ing. As a matter of fact, the wds do not assemble around the pal car, for it Is never used. Whether p Plus X. will make use of it re- ns to be seen, but Leo XIII. kept up B traditions that the bishop of Rome as a prisoner in the vatican and never eft {t, though he was really as free 5 go whenever he would as the most Rumble priest in the kingdom of Italy. } | | A Holiday for Germs. The state of Utah has established holiday in honor of germs. It is peneral Health day, and is the first onday in October. On this day all heaters, churches, public halls, hotels, oarding houses, etc, must be thor pghly disinfected. Millions for Adulterated Food, he people of the United States spend ,000,000 a year In adulterated foods, ich are classed as having poisonous otherwise noxious ingredients” by government analyst. my, — TWO WEEKS’ TOUR TO FLORIDA, he first Pennsylvania Railroad tour op on to Jacksonville, allowing two 8 in Florida, will leave New York, adelphia, Baltimore, and Washington cial train on January 31, jon tickets, including railway ation, Pullman accommodations ) and meals en route in both ons while traveling on the special will be sold at the following rates : York, §50.00 ; Trenton $49.00 ; Phila- atTisbrg. Baltimore, and Wash- }48.00; Pittsburg, $63.00 ; and at te rates from other points, ad - NEWTOWN, Samuel 8. Greider killed a hog of 554 pounds dressed weight. Mrs. Catharine Helman who has been critically ill for some time, is still con" fined to bed with slight hopes for her final recovery. There is quite a contest for Registry assessor in the 54th district, Raphotown- ship. There are three candidates and two of these must surely be defeated, All these candidates are in the fight to the finish. There will be no revival seryices con- ducted in tbe church here at present, as the Presiding Elder Rev. Lowry has failed to supply Silver Spring circuit with a regular pastor in thé place of Rev. Martin Grofl from Highville, who only cenzented to take temporary charge un- til the vacancy could be filled per manently. BR RHEEMS’ STATION. Joseph Risser is yet quite ill. Henry H. Bard is nursing a badly in- jured leg since last week. The Canning Company has disposed ot all the canned corn and tomatoes. Wm. Evans, wife and daughter, spent last Monday with friends at Steelton. The local stone quarries were idle the past few weeks owing to the inclement weather. Mrs. J. E. Hoover of Mount Joy, spent last week with her sister Mrs. A. L. Campbell. Mr. Skiles received a carload of pota~ toes from the farmers in this vicinity a few daye ago. B. H. Greider received a carload of baskets which will be used in supplying his many orders for eggs. MILTON GROVE. A flock of wild ducks spent a few days on Keener's dam last week. Harry Weaver of Rowenna, spent Sun- day in town with his father. E. 8. Weaver of Florin, transacted bus- ness in this locality last Monday. Harvey Wittle and wife spent a few days with her parents at Newville last week. | Very interesting revival seryices are in progress in the U. B. church near Un- ion Square, A protracted meeting opened last week at Hossler’s church in Rapho township. The attendance is good. Martin Longenecker cut down an oak tree, the first eight feet of the butt of which made 520 feet of lumber. —- RAPHO. Messrs. Henry Flory and U. Z Geib are over their sickness—mumps. Rag and bone peddlers are quite nnm- erous in this community these cold days Harry Strickler, a P. R. R. operator of Rheems, spent last Saturday with U. Z, Geib. Abraham Barnhart is able to be about again after a three week’s spell of sick- ness. Stauffer & fon have a strong force (f men at work felling trees and sawing tl e same into lumber at the Chiques chuich John Sowers is converting the top wood into cord wood. SPORTING HILL. The Brinser denomination held servi- ces here on Sunday. Samuel Newguard and spouse were the guests of Ervin Brandt’s Sunday. A lot of muskrat hides and butter was stolen at the residence of Samuel Shelly. Phares Nolt and wife of Silver Spring, spent Sunday with H. H. Rohrer ard family. R. L. Miller of near town, lost his yal- uable shepherd dog last week. Reward for his return. Jacob 8. Hershey of Lancaster Junc- tion, sold two hunared cases of his 1903 seed wrappers. ree eee MASTERSONVILLE. Samuel Fasnacht is gradually improv- ing. The revival services closed here with four converts. John Pyle is the proud father of a gon since last Friday. Rev. G. D. Zellers conducted services in the Chiques church last Sunday. John Hershey of near Manheim, vis- ited his daughter 1n this place Sunday. Hiram Hollinger, wife and son Ab¢l, called on Hiram Gibble last Sunday, he latter being quite ill. —————— pet. SALUNGA. A daughter was born to George Way and wile last Thursday. Miss Esther Kendig visited friends at Lancaster, last Sunday, Amos Cooper recently sold two very desirable building lots. ‘fhe German Baptists began a series of-revival services in the church here on Saturday evening. The singing class at the Garfield school which is conducted by M. Bomberger, is well attended every Friday ever ing. A sams, EAST DONEGAL. John Miller of Elizabethtown, spent last Sanday in this section. There is considerable tobacco in section that is yet unsold. Henry Hiestand and Benjamin Trout- wine did some extensive butchering last week, this ————— A] ———i ‘When bilious try a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and realide for once how quickly a first-class up-fo-date medicine will correct the disorder. For by J. 8. Carmany Florin, and all Mount Joy druggists, PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. WHAT SHWILKEY BUMELESOCK HAS TO SAY THIS WEEK, Ich hop der onnr dawg g’laesa in’ra tzeiting foom a porra, daer en iyverowsy plainy breddich g’'macht hat tzoo seina karrichr gleeder om letschta Soondawg. Ar hut da elterra worning gevva fer acht tzoo nemma foon eera kinner oon se in de karrich bringa oon in en Grishtlicher oon ondtliche waeg oof 1zeeya. Ar hut g’sawt mer date heitichdawgs foon soe feel schlechtichhkeita oon dreck ichkeita haerra, os awgaena oonich_ da yoonga boova con mae’, dos es aem drowverich macht draw tzoo denka wos eera endt sei mawg. “Drei foon da schlimshta socha fer de voonga leit, oon was se es g'schwinsht tzoo ruination bringt,” hat ar g’sawt, ‘is fer eena arlawbniss gevva on donsa tzoe dae, oof da shtrose room schpringa oon in en doonklv shtoob sitza luesa fer eera korraseera tzoo doo.” area I eee. FOUND A CURE FOR INDIGESTION. I use Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets for indigestion and find that they suit my case better than any dyspepsia remedy I have ever tried and I have used many different remedies. I am nearly, fifty-one years of age and have suffered a great deal from indigestion. I can eat almost anything I want to now;—Geo. W. Emory, Rock Mills, Ala. For sale by J. 8. Carmany Florin, and all Mount Joy druggists. ASSIGNEE’S SALE OF Valuable Real Estate and Personal Property THURSDAY, FEB. 2nd, 1905. The undersigned assignee will sell at pub- lic sale at the residence f Jac. M, Gruber, in Rapho township, Lancaster Co., Pa, about 1)4 miles north of Mount Joy on the road leading from Mount Joy to Masterson- ville, the following personal property to wit: 2 Fat Steers, 1 Cow, springer ; 5 £hoats, 1 Sow, market wagon, pole and shafts ; two 2-horse wagons, spring wagon, wagon box, land roller, tobacco ladders, spring harow, 2 plows, corn planter, lot oi’ tobacco lath, sled, rake, riding cultivator, scorer, har- | ness, bridles, fiynets, butcher knives, saw, cleaver, hooks, gammon-sticks, windlass, lot of hog hair, lard, smoked hams, bologna iron kettle, lot of tallow, meat cutter, pota- toes, corn in the ear, and a variety of other articles too numerous to mention. Also at the same time and place, all that certain small TRACT of GRAVEL LAND CONTAINING 4 ACRES AND 110 PS. situate adjoining and being in Rapho town- ship, Lanc. Co., Pa., adjoining lands of Mrs. Stauffer, A. Gerber’s Estate, Philip Frank and others. This is a fine tract of land and under good fences and in a high state f cultivation. Persons wishing to view the same prior to the day of sale, will please call on Jacob M. Gruber, residing near by. Title and possession given on April 1, 1905. Sale to commence at one p. m,, Thurs., Feb, 2, when terms will be made known by THOMAS 8. GEISE, C. H. Zeller, Auc. Assigne of Jacob M. H. H, Zeller, Clk. Gruber and wife. For Sale! A LOT OF GROUND ‘in Mount Joy Borough and Township, fronting on Mari- etta street, containing one acre, Would be a very desirable building site. Apply to MRS. GEO. DERR For Sale! S000 SECOND-HAND BUC R GY ont LEATHER TOP APPLY TO J. N. HOSTETTER, Mount Joy Shires’ Meat Market Rear of Nissley's Tobacco Warehouse FLORIIN PENIN A. W. W. SHIRES, Propr. —— Dealer in Fresh & Smoked Meats, Tallow, Lard, &e. UARLOAD OF TOYS. Largest and Best Stock. Lowest Prices. You are cordially in- vited to call and see our Handsome Display, Covering 600 square feet and get our Start- ling Prices. Sprecher & Canss SEEDS AND IMPLEMENTS 31 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa, Administrator's Notice Ome Estate of Elizabeth Gensemer, late of Florin, East Donegal, Township, Lancas- ter County, Pa., deceased. Letters of administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all per Mount Joy, Penna. 2 feRetetototetetototafoteolote ke, X Just Think of It Success, American Boy, Frank Leslie and Technical World, all for $2.50. Regular Price, $5. Other combinations Just as pleasing. We are Headquarters for Magazine Subsecrip tions. Can get anything you want and and save you from 20 to 50 per cent Ladies’ Home Journal is still $1. Ladies’ Home Journal and Saturday Even- ing Post, for $2 25, No better holiday presents than good magazines ————— A. B. ROOT South Market Street, MOUNT JOY, PA. » 25,000 | NEw WORDS are added in the last edition of Web- ster’s International Dictionary. The Gazetteer of the World, and graphical Dictionary "have etely revised he In- ternational is kept always abreast of the times. It takes Sonstant work, expensive work and woriy, , e but it is the only way to keep t dictionary the STANDARD AUTHORITY of the English-speaking world. Other dictionaries follow. Webster leads, It is the favorite with Judges, Scholars, Educators, Printers, ete., in this and foreign countries. A postal card will bring you in- teresting specimen pages, ete. G & C. MERRIAM CO,, SPRINGFIELD, ViASS., PUBLISHERS OF WEBSTER’S 4% INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY 000000000 9000000000 IST TTS TTT IR TTT SITS ETT Rr eee ets of Electric Seal. tle pieces ; they’re of a style that won’t change readily. not too large and lined with Skinner's Guaranteed Satin. $47.50, $50, $55 and $65. up for criticism. ly balanced and shaped ? front too loose or too tight ? hang right ? Correct Clothes—$10, $12. $13.50, $15, $16.50, $18, $20, 22.50 and 35.00. Flegant Fur Coats, $830.00 If you don’t care to invest in a good Seal Skin, get one of the new warm jack These $30 Coats are unusually fine ; they are made from entire skirs, not lit- the far is particularly thick and even on the pelt. The secret of their goodness lies as much in the cut and fit as in the skins and 24 inches long ; box front ; revers Other Coats at $25 ; and finer qualities ; some trimmed with mink sable, at How Does 1t Fit? That is the question you ask when you put on a new suit, Every point comes Is the collar too high or too low ? Are the shoulders proper- Are the sieeves right in length 2 Is the back, and Are the trousers too long or too 8" ort 2 Do they All these clothes-features yon will find to be “just right” if you wear these Young Meu’s Snits--6.50, 8.00, "10. 00, 12.00, 13.50 and 15.00 31-33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. ST brOSr ire ous IIPS TE TOPPED SITEIITISIIINS 2060000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000600000003000000000 \ RUBBER J 0000000000000 0008000000000000000000000000000000000000 Always Have on Hand All Kinds of Green Goods in Season Fine Oysters by the BANANAS A SPECIALTY APPLES, East Main Street 0900300000009 00000000009 GREAT REDUCTIONS Just What You Want i Of all kinds can be found here. Quar basement department is full of the kinds of footwear needed for this weather. LG 5 Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Hosiery 18 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. C0900090309000090000°900009900000020000090 6300090300002 Cood Newly Made Cider, 15¢c Per Gal. APPLES (aka Chee New yuk Stile App All the Leading Varieties such, Fle. Will be COME such as Non- Greenings, Batawins, sold by the barrel, bushel or peck. AND SEE THEM. W. SHANK, FLORIN I IN it hn HAN i ih he Hn \ I HEN LN v A } h ha | Ii Bbl, 100 or Ot. at very short notice. MALAGA GRAPES FINE FLORIDA ORANGES Longenecker’s Creen Crocery MOUNT JOY, PA 00000000 Ladies’ Silver Chatelaine Watches reduced from $4 to 2.75 Gold-Filled Watches; guaranteed for twenty years; Waltham movement; for ladies or gentlemen, reduced from $15 to 1075 Rodger’s Knives and forks reduced from 4 50 to $3 Rodger’ Teaspoons reduced from 150 to 90¢ Butter dishes reduced from 250 to 1 25 000000004 00000:0000000000000000000¢ 0000000¢ od Sugar Bowls, Cream Pitchers, Spoon Holders, and many oth- er pieces of broken sets at half price, The Old Established Pawnbrokers and Jewelers. Ind. Phone 13384. We are not in the Race Good shoes, rightly made and good looking you are always sure of here. more than trashy but price to recommen’ them. our “La Frances's wears nicely, and is suitable for dress or street wear, The shape is new and the fitting qualities are as good as clever shee-making can make them, Yet the prices is only —$3 —and in all sizes, to. — & for Cheapness. And they cost but little *‘cheap’” kind that have nothing This shoe is one of ade of Patent Colt, which itis * Philadelphia Shoe Store Pirosh & Simmons 20 N. Oueen Street, Lancaster. Penna. 247 Ihocust St.,. COLUMBIA,FA. | Ask Your Grocer For White Y Mountain Baking Powder It 1s the Only Powder on the diarket that 1s Free From Alum and Acids. Man- ufactured by 00000000000060000000000000600000000 E.W.GARBER 81 EAST MAIN ST., MOUNT JOY, PA. $04 119¢90340090020030000 | 000049)000000 our Ofrer! : The publisher of this paper is desirous of giving the people an idea of the vast amount of news THE WEEKLY BULLETIN con- tains for Fifty Cents a Year, not quite one cent a week, and any person who will send us their address on the blank below, will receive a few sample copies. Do it now, 200000000000 000000000000¢ : ® SE 3 STE Pool fl ag 2 LT o $0 dae Vat Eo otro adh } IT ] 112] 1 loess } 212 $ 14 Tha } 1 ] :. 1 Ah $: eR 3 1 m } J JAE PDR) Th Seip id as Sot 3 Lat $ & ¢ 3 NT $ 2 2 3 ® 0909000000000 00000000000 D, Matt, Thompson, Bupt. @ Graded Schools, Statesville, N. C., writes: “I can say they do all you claim for m.”” Dr. 8. M. Devore, i Raven Rock, W. Va, writes: * faction.” em,’ They give universal satis- Dr. H. D. McGill, Clarksburg, Tenn., writes: «f “In a practice of 23 years, I have found no remedy to equal yours.” Pmics, 50 Canta. Samples Free. Sold gf by Druggists. pm ARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA, Soldin Mt.Joy by E.W. Garber. Call for/free sample $00000000000000000000000 AGENCY FOR SCRIBNER’S MAGIC ELECTRIC SEARCH- LIGHT A Sate Liantern For all purposes. 400 ALLA LLLL60006000 POPPI IVIPIVIIVIIVIVIVIIVIIVIYVYY Full line Supplies For Photographers W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St., Mount Joy AGENCY FOR STANDARD Steam Laundry LAUNDRY CALLED FOR MONDAY DELIVERED FRIDAY 0000000000000 00000000000¢ Aa asaala AAAs a ab aaalsaoas POPP PPP PPP PPP IPIIIPITIITITITIT YY YY YY YY 0000000000000 000000000000000000000000000039P0P000000¢ ad STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel West KiNG ST., LANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORREL HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 52, 53% and 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents. Best accommodations in every respect, A share of your patronage solicited, | A. B. ADAMS, Pro. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Anyone sending quickly ascertain o Rivent on 18 rotabl 0 tions str triouis sonfid x ont Shih nt fr Scienific ic Finer A handsomely {llustrat ou on of hy Roy Be Too tet Mui four Fi 0 bio 2 ¥ Bt, Washi