f LANDISVILLE. Israel Rest, the implement deal- er, received four new jenny linds last week. Harry Greider of this place, has been appointed teacher of the Gram mar school here. Mrs. Jacob Kurtz has purchased the property near the Bethel church lately owned by her son. A. B. Hambright and family vis ited Joseph Brackbill and wife at Leaman Place yesterday. Robert Lefever, teacher of the Grammar school, died at the home of his mother at Lancaster on Sat- urday morning after a week’s ill- ness. Nearly all of his pupils at- tended the funeral in a body. THE LAND OF TO-MORROW. Little Regard for Time in Japan Un- der Ordinary Conditions—Great Change in Time of War. In the countries over which Spain held rule the favorite word of the peo- ple is “manana,” meaning to-morrow, and in those countries to-morrow an- swers just as well as to-day. But even in these countries there is nothing which compares with the Japanese dis- regard for time. The Bible says, “Yet a little more sleep, yet a little more slumber, yet a little more folding of the hands i rest.” In Japan the traveler finds the phrase, “A little more tea, one more smoke and the folding of the legs to sit.” Japan is, under ordinary conditions, the Land of To-morrow, says the New York World. When the time comes to act quickly, she is the Land of Instant Movement. She strikes quickly, and, @s an American naval officer said the other day, “that is why Japan has made it understood that she is going to carry on this war as mistress of the eastern seas.” ) Snakes as Rat Catchers. | Snakes are not infrequently employed as rat catchers in the Philippines. Nearly all of the older bungalows in Ma- . nila possess what are called house snakes—huge reptiles that reside per- manently up in the roof and live on rats. These big creatures are harmless, and rarely, if ever, leave their abodes. i Smallest Coin the Maltese Grain. ' The smallest coin in the world hav- ing a genuine circulation is probably the Maltese “grain,” a tiny fragment of bronze about as big and round as the top of a slate pencil, and worth only one-twelfth of a penny. sourn sufding More Mille. ! "Phe official report on North Carolina textile mills, just issued, shows 289 in operation, these being in 50 counties, with 44,253 looms and 1,914,137 spindles, as against 276 mills the year previous, with 38,601 looms and 1,743,431 spindles. In spite of the loss caused by the high price of cotton the southern mills gen- erally are reported in a prosperous con- dition. The development of this indus- try has been even greater in South Caro- lina than in North Carolina, with Geor- gia, Virginia and Alabama making ex- cellent progress. If the building of mills continues at the present rate it will not be many years before the cottea of the world is manufactured in the section where it is grown.—Baltimore Sun. First Offense. An odd scene took place in an Eng- lish police court the other day when Lord Brassey, the British naval ex- pert, was summoned for riding a bi- cycle without a light. “Lord Brassey has not been convicted before?” in- quired the chairman of the bench, who happened to be his son-in-law. “Noth- ing known, I presume?” “No, sir,” said the superintendent. “Fined a shilling and costs.” “In default of distress,” asked the clerk, “any time allowed, sir?” Fortunately Lord Brassey was able to scrape the necessary sum to- gether, and the incident ended hap- pily. . Sailor's Exploit. Exploits in navigation by small boat -are extending to eastern Europe. Simon Strabrovsky, a hardy Russian fisher- man of Odessa, has just accomplished the feat of navigating alone in a small sailing boat from that port across the Black sea fp Constantinople and back, putting in at Constanza and Salina on the return voyage. One peculiarity of the adventure is #hat Strabrovsky navi- gated without a compass, declaring that the stars were enough. He received a sum of £200 for his exploit. ——— pre ee ere. CONTRACTED CHRONIC DIARRHOEA WHILE IN THE PHILIPPINES, “While with the U. 8. Army in the Phil- ippiness, I contracted chronic diarrhoea. I suffered severely from this terrible disease for over three years and tried the prescrip- tions of numerous physicians, but found othing that did me any good until I tried pmberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ody, two small bottles of which entire- gd me and I have since bad no re- he disease.” —HERMANSTEIN, 212 Ave,, Pueblo, Tolorado, For S. Carmany W¥lorin, and all gRists, ey ned Letters, ist of letters un- ount Joy post Days of Appeal for 1905 TO THE TAXABLE INHABITANTS OF LANCASTER COUNTY Pursuant to the provisions of the laws of the Commonwealth, the undersigned Com- missioners of Lancaster County hereby give notice to every taxable inhabitant within the respective borough, townships and city of said county, that appeals from the real estate, personal property and militia assess- ment of 1905 will be held in the County Com missioners’ Office, in the City of Lancaster, on the days following to wit : Marietta borough, Wed., Jan. Mt. Joy borough, Fri., Jan. Conoy, Tues., Jan. West Donegal, Wed., Jan. Mt. Joy Township, Wed., Jan. 25 East Donegal, Fri., Jan. 27 Rapho, Fri., Jan. 27 No appeal will be considered except upon the days designated for the respective dis- tricts unless satisfactory reason is given for failure to-come at the proper time, and pot then unless the person appealing is accom- panied by the assessor of the district in which the property under consideration is assessed. Under the law there can be no change in the valuation of the real estate at these appeals, unless there has been improvement or destruc- tion of property, as real estate cannot be re- valued until the next triennial year, no differ ence what price it may have sold ut during the past year. The Commissioners will sit to hear ap- peals from 9 to 12 o'clock in the morning and from 1 to 3 in the afternoon’ of the days designated. Assessors are required to be in attendance during that time, By order of the BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Attest: Samuel W. Diller, Olerk. 18 20 21 25 Our Sale Register ! Following is a complete list of sales for which bills were printed at this office or else advertised in this paper. If you want a FREE notice in this register, let us print your posters. Saturday, January 14—In Mount Joy Borough, a lot of ground with a 2-story frame house, frame kitchen and all out- buildings, an abundance of fruit, etc., by Aaron S. Siegrist. Zeller, auct. Saturday, February 4th—In Florin. 65 head of home raised shoats by D. W. Stoner, Agt. Also 20 head of horses and mules, buggies, harness, etc.,, by E. S. Weaver. Peirce, auct. Saturday, February 25—In Florin, large lot of household goods, farming imple- ments, etc., by Emanuel Miller, G. S. Vogle, auctioneer, Saturday, March 4—Near Mount Joy, horses, cows, farming implements and a large lot of household goods by William Hoffine, Zeller, auet. Thursday, March gth— Half a mile south of Mount Joy, horses, cows, bulls. farming implements, household and kitchen furniture by Jacob Zercher Zeller, auct. — ees TWO WEEKS' TOUR TO FLORIDA. The first Pennsylvania Railroad tour of the season to Jacksonville, allowing two weeks in Florida, will leave New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington by special train on January 31. Excursion tickets, including railway transportation, Pullman accommodations (one berth,) and meals en route in both directions while traveling on the special train, will be sold at the following rates : New York, $50.00 ; Trenton $49.00 ; Phila- delphia, Harrisburg, Baltimore, and Wash- ington, $48.00; Pittsburg, $53.00 ; and at proportionate rates from other points. Similar tours will be run February 14 and 28. For tickets, itineraries, and other information, apply to ticket ageuts, or to Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. CURED HIS MOTHER OF RHEUMATISM. “My mother has been a sufferer for many year from rheumatism,” says W. H. How- ard of Husband, Pennsylvania. ‘‘Attimes she was unable to move at all, while at all times walking was painful. I presented her with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and after a few applicalions she de- cided it was the most wonderful pain re- liever she had eyer tried, in fact, she is never without it now and is at all time: able to walk. An occasional application of Pain Ralm keeps away the pain that she was formerly troubled with.” For sale by J. 8. Carmany Florin, and all Mount Joy Druggists. For sale! One of the Finest Dwellings in Mount Joy. An 8 room FRAME HOUSE, with all modern conveniences, in good repair, will be sold very reasonable. For par- ticulars apply to Albert Culp, Mt. Joy. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF JACOB K. GRUBER and wife, of Rapho township, Lancaster county, Jacob K. Graber and wife, of Rapho township, having by deed of voluntary ass- ignment, dated January 7, 1905, assigned and transferred all their estate and effects to the undersigned, for the benefit of the creditors of the said Jacob K. Gruber, he, therefore, gives notice to all persons indeb- ted to said assignor, to make payment to the undersigned without delay, and those having claims to present them to HENRY B. MARTIN, Assignee, Residing in Mount Joy, Lancaster Co., Ba. W. M. Hollowbush, W. U. Hensel, Attorneys. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF JACOB M; GRUBER and wife of Rapho township, Lancaster county, Jacob M, Gruber and wifeof Rapho town ship, having by deed of voluntary assign- ment, dated January 7, 1905, assigned and ansferred all their estate and offects to ndersigned, for the benefit of the cred. the said Jacob M, Gruber, he, there ps notice to all persons indebted, to por, to make payment to the un. thout delay, and those having ent them to 8, GEISE, Assignee, t Joy, Lancaster Co,, Pa, h, DINeys, BAKING POWDER There is but one White Mountain Baking Powder on the market and I claim is the purest without fear of contradiction. It positively contains no alum, ro amonia, or impurities of any kind. I use the best material in manufacturing it and ounce using will always use. meal. tive, to digest same. nervous and irritable ; can’t eat, can’t Garber’s Improved Digestive Tablets-— Cure Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation and all ailments arising from the stomach. Price 25c.; 5 bottles $1.00. Neutralize acids and saponify fat'y matter. Indigestion and Dyspepsia are caused by taking food into the stomach and not having sufficient digestive fluid Fermentation takes place, a gas is generated, blood is forced out, circulation is arrested. full and depressed feeling is the result. A stomach out of order, you feel miserable and unfit for anything; yon become W. Garber, Druggist, 81 East Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna. BAKING POWDER © WHITE MOUNTAIN This month only I will give one small fish globe and 2 =mall fish with every pound of Baking Powder. This is not given as a pren.inm. li is mere ly given to get the powder intreduced PRICE; 50 Certsa 1 Lb, ‘ 25 “ 3 “ 15 M i VRE TT BIE. MAINST., MouNTJoY, Pa. us &% i } “ Ea I N usea, Heartburn Directions ; One or two tablets after each Digestive, Stomachic, Tonic ard Laxa- That heavy sleep. Garber’s Improyed Digestive Tablets will cure yon. Made only by E. I Use It T Dont Garber’s Stomach " Bitters and Tonic This household remedy is oflered in place of “patent” medicines. It is not claimed that this is a “cure all” but we do believe that it is as good a stomach remedy and system tonic as can ba found No. It is no use advertising unless you have the goods, and no use having the goods unless you advertise. Never forget that the convincing argument is what sells the goods— sec that there is one in your adver— tisemeént. TELE NEW STORE! Give Us a Call Our shelves are being filled with the best mer- chandise at the lowest prices. Our prices al- ways Lancaster prices. And don’t forget we give you Fine Preminmme Come and see them. Others get them, why not you ? E. C. HERTZLE E. Main 8t., Moun Joy ARETE EEE TERT EERE ERROR Read This Paper Large Stock on Hand Monuments, Tombstones and Flagstones Call and inspect them at MT. JOY MARBLE WORKS J. GLATFELTER, Proprietor Garbers Drug Store on the market. We call special attention to this Stomach Bitters because we know | kidney ailments generally ; sleeplessness that it is harmless and 1eliable. We | and nervousness, boils, pimples, carbun- know exactly what is in it and just how | cles, felons, nicers and other eruptions it is made. The materials frem which due to poisons in the blood ; paleness, it is made are of the best quality that can | sallow complexion and a general tired he obtained in the market ar d of such a | feeling due to sluggish liver ; headache character as to prodace a general stom- due to indigestion, constipation and other ach remedy and general tonic of marked | disorders ; poor appetite, sour stomach, afflcacy. We do not want anybody who | acute dyspepsia ana distress after meals. Needs a Doctor to Buy This Blood Rem- | This stomach bitters has given good sat- edy, but if you are going to buy a ‘pat Rheumatism, backache, Inmbago and isfaction among our customers and we ent” medicine which you have seen ad- | much prefer to sell it in place of ‘patent’ vertised for stomach and other ailments, medicines, the ingredients of which we then we would urge you to giye this bit- | do not know and therefore c:nnot tell tere a thorough trial in any of the follow injurious or ing ailments 3 whether we are gelling an beneficial medicine. 81 East MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PENNA. ARTISTIC TAILORING «International STYLE 1S EX- CLUSIVE and worth in itself more than passing cone sideration. Men of partic- ular tastes will do well to examine the International Tailoring Co.'s styles and prices. The addition- al satisfaction 5! obtained from garments of : their make, is really money in your pocket. | AR 2 DROP IN AND LET US SHOW YOU THEIR ENTIRE LINE OF OVER 500 MAGNIFICENT SAMPLES OF THE LATEST FABRICS AND DESIGNS. H. E. EBERSOLE, i Mount Joy, Penna. RE ER : 0000000000 C90000000009€ 0000009000000 0000000000000000 If you want to buy a GASOLINE ENGINE, call on G. MOYER. | | He sells the Columbus and New Holland Engines He is also Agent for the NEW HOLLAND CHOPPING MILLS. There are no better machines on the market today. Also Builder of Fine Jenny Linds, Buggies, Sleighs, &c. GIVE EXIIVI A CATX G. MOYER, Mount Joy, Pa. 000000000000 00900000400960P00090000000000600000000000¢ we FO Flee Man or Beast We have a line of Blankets that will meet your every need. A comp'ete line of lap robes and the largest and most comp’ete ‘ine of horse blankets in the city. HERR & Snavely MOUNT JOY, PA, AT. YOFFE & GAFFIN BROTHERS “STORES > Ladies’ Fleece Lined Shoes A special band that we hid made up for us by a Baltimore Manu- facturer. You pay $2 for them everywhere. We aie s ling them at 1.35 a pair. Six styles, clo'h top, ail leather. Heavy and lighi weights at both stores. Men's Cloth Boots If you care to have warm feet all winter, try a pair of our beaver lined cloth boots at 2.00 a pair. They look as dressy as a shoe. Both stores. Goodyear Glove Brand, the best. Rul bers, Boos, Arties and Felts—Any kind and any style for men, woinen aid chidren. No mat er what s'yle, we have it. The famous Ball brand boots tur men, cloth ing store. CILLOTHING For winter, Men’s Suits from 5.00 to 20.00. garment to give satisfaction or money refunded line of 10.00 suits. The tamous Meyer & Co. made 10 order depart- ment, clothing store. In ten days you have a sait made up to fir, no matter what physical deformity you may posses . and at it don’t fit you are under no obligation, as you do nat puy for the sut until it is fitted on you. DRY GOODS—Remnants From Stock—R«ductio's in most heavy cloths, compl te lines and all stylish cloths on hand; general store UNDER WEAR—Men's extra heavy, fleece lined, 85c¢ suit. Rib- bed fleece lined, 75¢ a suit. You can get these garments separate if you do fot wish a suit. GROCERIES-- Fancy and Staple. The grocery department is always ready to fill any order, no matter how large or small. ~~ We give you jure goods and we comply with all the pure food laws. * Yotte =(Gattin Brothers Opposite Post Office, MOUNT JOY C000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000¢ We guarantee every Don’t failio see our AA AALMALALALALALALALAL Mh AAA AALAALLALLLLALLLLLLLOO0000 AAALMLAALALALALALLLALLLLOLOOOY 90900000000000000000000000000000000000009000FCOTITIVITIIITRRITIFRFTTTTT 106000000000 000000006000000000 006000000000000040000000000000000000000000¢0 AA AALMALMALLLLALLLLLLLLS QPOVIVPVIVIVIIIIVIIVIIIVIITVIIVIYY Reasonable Prices Always pd om Aas AORN De Eats, Caps, Gloves, Neclzwear. FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHIDREN. = \@ YG) De SE I.argest I.ine in I.ancaster WINGERT & HAAS SUCCESSORS TO H. L.BOAS 144 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENNA. 4» A FULL LINE OF PLAIN HATS Watt & Shand _————————t aimnty ress Silks We put on sale today several lines of the best values in serviceable Silks in the newest designs at remarkable prices, Foulard Silks A special purchase gives you an op- portunity to secure an elegant soc dress or waist silk, neat designs, in all the pretty ground colors, for 39c a yard. Don’t miss seeing these silks. A few of them are on display in one of the large East King windows. . Fancy Silks In checks, hair-line stripes, Persian stripes and seed effects. The most pop ular styles for separate waist om shirt waist suits. All the prettiest effects in browns, blues and greens. A very su— perior quality at this price—49 cents a yard. Pompadour Crepe De Chines Beautifully colored rosebuds and exquisite Floral Designs on this most grace- ful silken fabric, makes it one of the richest and most desirable silks for even= ing and reception gowns ; 24 inches wide, 85c a yurd. Handsome Designs and rich color effects in Persian Band Trimmings and Lovely Embroidered Chiffons, for silk waist and dress trimmings. White Coods Sale Wednesday morning we will put on sale the largest and most complete lines that we have ever offered our customers in Ladies’, Misses’, and Childfen’s Muslin and Cambric Underwear. Corset Covers, Night Gowns, Chemises, Dreg¥ors and Children’s Dresses, No. 7 East King Street, 2 Doors from Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa, Corner Square and Bast King Street \ - New York Store wr» oo .