The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, December 14, 1904, Image 4

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POOL P00000600000
The Aquarium
An aquarium is a beautiful household
ornament. It suits everywhere, parlor
labratory, dining-room, sitting-room and
may indeed be introduced in the apart-
ments of the sick. Aninyalid will watch
with delight, the motions of the fish in
an aquarium ; it has a tendency to help
make home cheerful and its inmates hap-
py; therefore an aquarium must not be
considered a luxury but as a necessity.
Prices on aquarinms- haye been greatly
reduced. You ought to bethe proud pos-
sensor of one of these beautiful and use-
ful ornaments. I have a very fine selec-
tion of common Long-tails and Fan-tails
Gold Fish at 5¢ te 50c each.
Street Car, size 84x13} ; Base Ball size
9x15; Buster Brown's own game, hand-
somely lithographed playing surface. The
players follow ‘Buster Brown’s mischevi-
oue doings and are fined accordingly.
Spinner and disc with directions with
each game.

KNIVES—Would you like to own a
bang up good Pocket Knife? Ifso then
come and take a look at our splendid
Holiday Line. The handles are O.K.
and the blades are the finest tempered
steel. All sizes, shapes and prices.
Everyone worth the price and more to.

Imported Horizontal Steam Engine,
Horizontal Boiler, polished brass with
double fly wheel ; Brass Whistle, Rus-
sian Tin Perforated Fire Box, high Rus-
sian tin chimney with brass trimmings,
mounted on polished wood base, 10}x5,
extreme height 14} in.
“Bear Hunt” Bank painted in colors,
represents Indian shooting a bear, by
placing coin in rifle and pressing lever
Indian shoots coin into bear, lndian’s
head moves and bear opens mouth, size
103x73x3} in.
Orchestrian Organ, oblong, (7}x5})
painted tin box, musical interior, by
turning crank a beautiful anthem chorus
with all the tones both loud and soft,
are produced.
Schoenput pianos made of wood, right-
ly proportionedand handsomely finished
Beam Engine, sheet steel, 10} in. long
height 9% in., boiler polished brass, fire
box base of hard wood, safetv valve,
whistle and walking beam, iron supports
balance wheel is turned, finished, faced,
shaft carries a small pulley to which belt
can be attached to run small toys.
Upright Engine, height 12 in., base
5x8 with stairway and railing, brass boil-
er, genuine water glass which wii 1 egis-
ter amount of water in boiler, sheet iron
fire box, whistle, perfect in every detail.
Giant Automobile, finished in dark
maroon enamel with gold and green
trimmings, green enameled wheels, is
164 in. long and 7% in. high, with chafl-
eur and lady passer.gers.
Horizontal Steam Engine mounted on
wood platform, brass boiler with whistle
and safety valve, brase cylinder, Russian
tin body, perforated tin furnace, heavy
fly wheel, tall smokestack with brass top
metal canopy and four brass posts with
brass rail and stairs, size of platform 61x
73, height 11} in.
Tool Chest with Tools, fancy oak fin-
ished chest, 7x14x5, dovetail ends, wal-
nut stain moulding on cover and bottom
removable, partition tray, mallet, ham-
mer, jack plane, tri-square, miter box,
“7” pencil, rule and paper of nails.

All big pieces ; all of the same pattern;
new and very brilliant, heavy cut dia-
mond design, rich finished and fine pol-
ished pieces that are worth 25¢ each,
will be sold for 10c and 15¢ each.
8% in. deep, Round Berry Bowl ; 11 in.
long, deep Celery Tray ; Fancy Shaped
Open Sugars, 8 in. deep, High Footed
Comport ; Bottle Salt and Pepper, Salt
with deep tray ; Large Covered Sugar
Bowl, Handle Cream Pitcher, Large
Spoon-holder, 6} in. deep, Round Footed
Bowl ; 7x6 deep Fancy Shape Dish, 7}
in. extra deep Round Berry Bowl, 8x5}
oblongdeep table dish, 7} in. High-Foot-
ed Bent-Up Salyer, 6} in. large deep
handled Olive Dish, 9% in. Fancy Dish
with bent-up sides, 8} in. Shallow Foot-
ed Salad Dish,-8}16% in. extra deep Fan-
cy Shape Bowl, Tall Tankard Jug, height
9 in.; 10} in. large round Bread or Cake
Plate. I have some fine Glacsware at 5c
each. Also Odds and Ends in
ware to be sold cheap.

Musical Goods
Violins, grand solo, “Anoty” model,
fine flamed neck, back and sides, ebony
finger-board, tail piece and pegs, shade
light brown and yellow polished, with
purpling around edge, imitation snake,
wood bow with geauine silver button
and tip, ebony gray with pearl slide and
dot. Each $5.
Concertinas, Mouth Organs, Trumpets,
Clarinetts, Blow Accordions.
000000000000 0000000000000000000000090000000000000000000000000000000 PL0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Ni TI “x
There is but one White Mountain
Baking Powder on the market and
I claim is the purest without fear of
contradiction. It positively contains
no alum, ro amonia, or impurities of
any kind. I use the best material in
manufacturing it and once using will
always use.
A ml i Hii] Jum UII

for that money.
pected. We have given out samples
It is for horses, cattle, hogs and sheep.
the people came
There is no
in the market.
Just Try It
You will Never Use Any Other
Sie :
and a great deal is claimed for them ;
tion is, which is the best food for all
you must pay from 10c¢ to 12¢ per pound for stock food in 100 pound lots, you are paying too much money and when
you buy a food for 3c or 4¢ per pound 1n 100 pound lots, you are paying too l:ttle for your can not put up a good food
We have been experimenting with our food
and fina the results have been more than what we really ex-
back and bought food for the results haye been very satisfac-
We have scld small quantities and the people came
back and bought 100 pounds at a single buying.
doubt in my mind that this is the best food
We sell it under a guarantee that it must be as represented.
Call around-and we will explain the merits of the food.
you want it in quantity call at Brandt & Stehman’s mill for it. _
$6.00 per 100 pounds, Small quantities, price on proporticn. |


Throu:h the kindness of our friends the year 1904 has heen exceptivnally good to us, and we desire to take this occasion to thank you all, and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.
During 1905 we hope to have the pleasure of serving you further, and if given the privilege, assure you that we will do everything in our power to serve you well.
Come and look through the stock.
This month only I will give one
small fish globe and 2 small fish with
every pound of Baking Powder. This
is not given as a premium. It is mere
ly given to get the powder introduced
50 Cents a 1 Lb.
25. 3
1 “
Tlere are a great many stock foods on the market
but the great ques
purposes. Where

to digest same.
Price 25c.; 5 bottles $1.00. Neutralize acids and saponify fatty matter.
Indigestion and Dyspepsia are caused by taking food into the stomach and not having sufficient digestive fluid
Fermentation takes place, a gas is generated, blond is forced out, circulation is arrested.
full and depressed feeling is the result. A stomach out of order, you feel miser.ble and unfit for anything; you become
nervous and irritable ; can’t eat, can’t sleep.
W. Garber, Druggist, 81 East Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna.
Garber’s Improyed Digestive Tablets will cure you.
Garber’s Improved Digestive Tablets-—Cure [udigestion, Dyspepsia, Nausea, Heartburn
Sick Headache, Constipation and all ailments arising from the stomach.
Directions ; One or two tablets after each
Digestive, Stomachie, Tonic and Laxa-
That heavy
Made only by E.


NURSING NEEDS—Bottles, Nipples,
Breast Pumpe, Food Warmers, Bottle
Cleaners, Talcam Powder, Rattles, Teeth
ing Rings, Teething N cklaces, Whistles,
and a Full Line of Infants’ Foods, Mel-
lins, Nestles, Horlick’s Malted Milk, Es-
kays, Imperisl Granum, Cereal Milk,
Robison’s Prepared Barley, Eagle Brand
Condensed Milk. We try tokeep every-
thing tnat could be needed in the nur-
gery. Telephone if you're too busy to
come to the store and we will send at

thing and enjoy, providing you take
Garber’s Improved Dyspepsia Cure after
each meal until your stomach gets well
and strong. Price 25¢c. come and get a
sample to try before you buy.

Fountain Pen
WA Are you tired of using stee
{A pens? Are you not even)ANi
EA tired of using inferior AR)
A fountain pens? A poorf§
EA pen is a nuisance. A
A good pen isa blessing. 8
and stand behind the J
Come iu
and let us show
you how amooth
and easy these
pens will
Fountain Pens
What a beautiful present a foun-
tain Pen would make. We call
your attention to the best pen on’
the market, the Parker Lucky
Curve, It was awarded gold med-
als at the St, Louis World’s Fair,
We invite you to come and exam-
ise our fountain pen No. 44. The
barrel is covered with heavy Ster-
ling silver filigree work. It is sup
plied in either ladies’ or gentle-
men’s size. Tas a place reserved
on name plate to engrave owner's
name, It is good enough and
beautiful enough to be carried and
used a life time. You could not
hit upon any article of similar]
price that would call forth such ex
clamations as “Oh how perfectly
beautiful !” Did you ever see any
as exquisite ? The Parker Foun-
tain Pen Co. also manufacture
fountain pens ranging in price
from $1.50 to $20.00 each. A guar-
antee goes with each per. I have
the sole agency in Mt. Joy. Come
and look over mv line. Yov are

SOAPS---Perfumes in Beautifal Holiday
Attire, Elegant Bottles in exquisit cases;
all sizes and prices to suit all givers.
Perfumes in plain bottles and perfumes
in bulk. We have paid special attention
to this line of goods and our reputation
is suré to be enhanced by this years
stuck together chewing them.
60c a pound that ARE FRE<H.
the lot.
The cream of 1904 ; Illustrated Juve-

One of the sweetest pets tohave in the
house is a Singing Canary. We have just
received several Hartz Mountain Canar-
ies that are very good songsters. You
can hear them sing before you buy. Give
your order at once so you will be sure of
a bird on Christmas.
be given,
No nicer gift can
niles ; the best things from the best pub
lishers. There are many Juveniles in
the market but they are of different val
lue from this line. We have selected
the best and give the greatest value for
the money invested.
Old Woman's Pig, Cinderella, Apple
Pie A B C, Circus Tricks, Pus- in Boots,
Your Footed Friends, Mother Goose, The
Ten Virgine, Red Riding Hood, Colum-
bian Speaker, Wood’s Natural History,

1 East Main Street,
Et ————————————————

Our Budget, Santa Claus’ Big Picture and |
FRESH CHOCOLATES axp BON-BONS3—Here’s a word that’s much overworked.
Did you ever inquire about candies that were not ‘fresh?’
welcome to investigate at any time
Everybody's candies are
They're always ‘fresh’ even if your {ee'h get
Bat let me tell von that we have some delicious Chocolates and Bon-Bons at 50¢ and
They are so mellow and soft that they melt in your mouth ;
Bring them back if they are not all right.
not a hard piece in
Don’t fail to try a box of our Saturday Candy at 30: per lb.
Rexall Remedies
| We handle a very complete line of Rexall Remedies,
each package we sell
A gnarantee goes with



A GREAT CHRISTMAS EXHIBITION —Be gnick it you want first pick.- All Oar Big Holiday Stock is Nw Here. There's so much of it that we hardly have room to turn around. But we're Doing Business, and lots of it because
EXCEPTIONAL Christmas and New Year Gifts are “Cacching on.” We never have b en able before to offer such nice things for so litile money
It will cost you nothing.
I Use It I Don't
This household remedy is offered in
place of “patent” medicines. It is not
claimed that this is a “care all” but we
do believe that it is as good a stomach
remedy and system tonic as can be found
on the market. We call special attention
to this Stomach Bitters because we know
that it is harmless and reliable. We
know exactly what is in it and just how
it is made. The materials from which
it is made are of the beet quality that can
be obtained in the market ard of such a
character as to produce a general stom-
ach remedy and general tonic of marked
afflcacy. We do not want anybody who
Needs a Doctor to Buy This Blood Rem-
edy, but if you are going to buy a “pat
ent” medicine which vou have seen ad-
vertised for stomach and other ailments,
then we would urge you to giye this bit-
tere a thorough trial in any of the follow
ing ailments :
Rheumatism, backache, lumbago and
kidney ailments generally ; sleeplessness
and nervousness, boils, pimples, carbun-
cles, felons, ulcers and other eruptions
due to poisons in the blood ; paleness
sallow complexion and a general tired
feeling due to sluggish liver ; headache
due to indigestion constipation and other
disorders ; poor appetite, sour stomach,
acute dyspepsia ana distress after meals.
Chis stomach bitters has given good sat-
1sfaction among our customers and we
much prefer to sell it in place of ‘patent’
medicines, the ingredients of which we
do not know and therefore c«nnot tell
whether we are selling an injurious or
beneficial medicine.
clothing well brushed is as much a work
of good breeding, as is keeping the hands
clean or the teeth brushed. We have a
most excelleut collection of Wis; Brooms
and Clothes Brushes. Tne prices are
low, the goods are thoroughly reliable in
every particular. Let us supply you with
your needs in this line.
a large bottle (your money’s worth of a
perfect cleansing Powder) fragrant, leav-
ing a clear fresh taste, cannot scratch
heals and hardens the gums, polishes the
teeth, retords decay, preserves the
enamel) destroys bacteria, then we haye
just what you want. We make it our-
selves. No better material could be used:
nor could they be more thoroughly pre:
pared. Price only 15¢ per bottle.
CHEST PRO I'ECTORS--you may be
indifferent to the value of a Protector
against colds and inflamation of the chest
and lungs, or you may be prejudiced
against wearing anything like this over
your chest. All that we can say is, come
and talk the matter o ‘er with us, examine
the Protectors, and then wear one, and
you will wonder why you ha ve neglected
this means of protectors so long.
Syringes combined. Have you a good
one? Haye you any at all? 1f not you
do not know what a comfort they are;
they take the place of all the old..ashion
ed hot bandages, etc. The great com-
mon house hold article, We have theni
of the very best of rubber with a 2 years
guarantee. Let us show thein to you.
Do aot consider yourself under any ob 1-
gation to buy, simply because you look
at the Hot Water Bottle we merely want
you to know all about them, so that if
you should ever have need of one you
will come here for it,

The happiest you have ever had

C00 0000000000000 00 000000000000 0000000 0000000000000 00000000002000000000000000000000000000000000060 FOE 000 00000000000000000000000000000000000060000000600000¢
LINIMEN I'--Stiff Joints, Sore and
Lame. A Pain Relief and healing lini-
ment that those who use never seem to
tire of it my Nerve and Bone Liniment.
This is very strong;--A little goes a long
way. One bottle will lasta family along
time 1f you bay a bottle of it, (no one
else sells it as we make it onrselve:) and
if not contented with vour purchate,
comeback and get youn monev. Price 25¢.
MUCUIONE—Wine Peruvian Bark,
Syrup Hypophosphites, Beef Wine and
Iron, Kidrey Cure, Rheumatism Cure,
Cherry Juice, Cough Syrup, Soothing
Syrup, Rubbing Oil, White Liniment,
"93 Hair Tonic, Spices, Ete., Ete,

CORN CURE---Follow our directions
and we will cure your corns. The troub
le with so many people is, as soon as re-
lief is obtained they quit using it and
naturally back comes the corn. You
must continue until every trace of the
corn is removed.

Chocolates and Bon-Bons—Say Sport,
[f vou’d be ‘game,’ take the lady a box
of Fenway’s Chocolates and Bon-Bons
when you go around. Sold only at our
HOT BEEF 'TH5A—On a cold day there
18 no drink so healthful.
It warms you
Also is almost equivalent to a light
lunch 5¢ cup.

Keep Your Eyes Opeu—All is not gold
that glitters. We promise you honest
drugs and our reputation is such that
you can depend on our promise.
cils, Inks, Blotters and all sorts of school
supplies at low prices.

nearer consumption. Records show that
this terrible disease makes its first ap-
pearance as a simple cough allowed to go
uncurred. If you wanta remedy that
can be depended on to stop the cough
right short, get Garber’s ‘White Pine
Cough Syrup. All weve got to say about
it is that if you do not like the effective-
uess with which it cures, come right
back and get your money. We haye
made this cough cure for sometime and
know that it 1s a cure, but you do not
know it. So we make this guarantee in
order to get you started right. Price 25¢.
POULTRY POWDER,—Weclaim that
this Powder will largely increase egg
production, s'rengthens weak and droop-
ing fouls,promotes the health and growth
and development of all varities of Poul-
try, and insure tine condition and smooth
plumage. Compounded upon the most
scientific chemi al principles, being
highly tonic, 8 imulating, antiseptic and
alterative makes it a most powerfull and
natural preventive and curative agent,
beside being specially adapted to make
ing hens lay. As an egg fod for making
hens lay it has no superior. For carry.
ing foule safely through moulting; fitting
for exhibition and market, increasing
the size and strength, and hastening the
groth of young poultry, it has no equal;
is absolutely pure and highly ooncentrat-
ed. One ounce is worth a pound of any
other kind. Strictly a medicine, to be:
given in the food, once daily, in small
doses. Prevents and cures all diseases
of hens Worth its weight in gold when
hens are moulting and to keep then
healthy there is no other food on the

market like it, 1} Ibs. 25¢.; 3 Ibs. 65c.

BC VON IRL 110 a essed th, loi
