The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, October 19, 1904, Image 1

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WwW Job Printing of

VOL IV. NO. 21.
Mrs. Stephen Grissinger Passed Away
Fianna, wife of Ex-County Treas-
urer Stephen Grissinger, died at ber
home one mile east of this place
yesterday morning. She was at
tending to her daily duties about the
house when she became ill very sud
denly and dizd half an hour after-
ward. 74th
year and lcaves a very large circle
of friends.
Deceased was in her
Mrs. Grissinger was in
very good health of late, Heart
failure was the cause of her sudden
death. She leaves a husband and
five children as follows: Mrs. John
E. Lengeunecker, Mrs, John Engle
and Jacob R. Grissinger all of town,
Stephen of Lancaster and Harry at
The funeral will be held tomorrow
forenoon at ten o'clock at the United
Brethren church with interment in
the Florin cemetery.
rtm Simin
Y. M. C A. Star Course.
Mount Joy Hall. Saturday even-
ing, Nov. 5th, Roney’s Boys Con-
cert Company. J
Thursday evening, Dee.
Samuel Gray, lecturer,
Three ’s in a Pod.
Thursday evening, Jan. 26, 1905,
The Fioyds, entertainers.
Ist, Ora
subject :
Tharsday evening, March £0,°05
Mattison W. Chase, lecturer, sub-
ject : Big Bugs and Big Humbugs.
Full course reseryed seat tickets,
$1. Re-
served seats 25c¢. under
General admission 25e¢.
The chart for the
first two nights opens Oct, 29th at
Garber’s drug store.
13 years, 15c.
A Fine Lecture.
*ad another one is to follow to-
night at 8 o’clock m the U. B.
church. Last night the Hon. W.
T. Bundick, of Vargirvia, delivered
one of the finest lectures ever given
in Mt. Joy. lis argument is clear,
not abusive, but tremendously con-
vincing. The church is expected to
be crowded toright and should be
to hear Mr. Bundick on “The Blot
on the Civilization of the 20th Cen-
Going to India.
A. L. Musser, wife and son and
Henry Angeny and wife of Philadel.
phia, Sarah Landis of Bucks county,
arrived in town on Monday and are
spending a few days with D. H.
Engle and family. They will sail
for India, Oct, 26.
Returned to Town.
John Bombach made sale and
voved to Emporia, Va. about a
eek ago where he owned a farm.
on hi: arrival there he found a
rchaser for his farm aad sold it
h neat margin and has returned
wn again.
i ———
The Fifth Shipment.
arge lot of clothing, dried fruit,
vas packed at D. H. Engle’s
day and shipped to India. In
is about two tons and is the
ever sent from Mt. Joy.
ination of these goods is
8 north of Calcutta.
Supper in the Hall
d supper will be held in the
turday evening, October
the auspices of St. Mary’s
‘hicken and waflles, ice
cake, ete. will be served
lic is most cordially in-
dged Bankrupts
thers, the extensive tea
rchants of this place,
1dged voluntary bank
assets are $1,217.77
ities to their forty-
are $3,158.90.
of Colts,
ctober 28, J. B.
at McGirl’s stock
ar load of Erie
ar-old cclts that
bd bred, color and
be busy baker of
rchased the ea-
, Eby and will
er’s many cus-
The People’s Friend.
Mount Joy is the only place in
big Lancaster county, that has so
valuable a bureau of information in
the shape of a newspaper at 50 cents
per annum. The Bulletin this week
contains 14 columns of reading mat-
ter and the same amount of adver-
tising. It is the intention to make
the Bulletin a true representative of
Mount Joy and her interests, and it
is quite gratifying to the manage-
ment to know that it is receiving the
hearty co-operation of all. It has
never been necessary to force the
paper into giving its patrons the
very best service possible, for the
reason that we always believe that
nothing is too good for Mount Joy
and its people, and have always act.
ed upon this line. The public has
long ago realized this fact, and tc
that can be attributed in a large
measure their appreciation of our
Jurors Drawn.
The following jurors were drawn
on Saturday for the November and
December courts from this locality:
Grand Jurors, Nov. 21.
Wm. Lace, East Donegal.
Amos B. Herr, Mount Joy twp.
Quarter Sessions, Nov. 21,
Joseph G. Werner, Rapho.
Eli F. Grosh, Mount Joy township.
Harry Shireman, East Donegal.
Peter N, Rutt, Mount Joy township.
Common Pleas, Nov, 28
Christian Snyder, Mount Joy twp.
David Eaby, Rapho.
Henry Charles, East Donegal.
Harry 8, Newcomer, Mount Joy.
E. M. Trexler, Mount Joy.
Christian Gingrich, Mount Joy.
Common Pleas, Dec. 5.
Wm. Wade, West Donegal.
Daniel KE. Miller, Mount Joy twp.
Christ Flory, East Donegal.
A. B. Cling, Mt. Joy.
a mmernia
Railroad Notes.
A. 8S. Weaver, who has been as-
sistant to P. R. R. foreman Harry
Stoll, was appointed foreman of a
division from Landisville Bast tc
KF tower. Mr. Weayer took
charge of the division on Monday.
Amos B. succeeds Mr.
Weaver as assistant foreman here.
B. F. Stoll, brother of Harry Stoll
of Florin, who has been a P R. R
foreman at Landisville for the last
twelye years, has been appointed
foreman of the diyision from Mt
Joy to SA tower. Mr. Stoll took
charge of the division on Monday.
An Auto Accident.
Mr. Alwine, another gentleman
and two ladies of Middletown, were
going through Florin in an automo-
bile Sunday and as they were going
at a pretty lively clip when they
crossed the crossing at J. S. Car-
many’s store, one spring was broken
This made the machine unmanage-
able and it ran into a tree at Gin
grich’s bakery. No one was injured
but the auto was damaged consider-
Train Makes a Great “‘Spurt.”
Train No. 24, known as Philadel-
phia & New York Ex. which is due
to pass through Mount Joy at 6.57
in the eyening, made quite a record
on Saturday eyening by running
from Florin to Dillerville, a distance
of eleven and a-half miles in 9
minutes. This is a very heavy train
being composed of seven large
Pullman cars and one postal car,
S—— er ——
Property Withdrawn,
The farm of B. KE, Hiestand just
west of town, was offered at public
sale last Wednesday and withdrawn
at $5,000.00, Prior to the sale Mr,
Hiestand was offered that amount
and algo since then but as the prop-
erty is a very fine one and the land
could be used for various purposes
aside from farming, he will not dis-
pose of it ai that figure,
Can Get Home at Midnight.
Weare requested to announce
that all persons wishing to go to
Lancaster to attend the Republican
parade on Satrrday evening, can get
to this place Ly train about mid-
night. This will undoubtedly be
quite an inducement for many of our
citizens and a good turnout from

ar future.
Mount Joy can be expected.
Many Brief Items of Interest Throughout
This Section
Roneys’ Boys will
November 5th.
Irwin Ober of Milton Grove, 1s
suffering from blood poison which
resulted from a slight bruise on his
John H. Stauffer, of near Landis.
ville, has on his premises a chestnut
tree 32 feet in circumference— un-
less the tape measure slipped.
John E. Garber has purchased a
lot of ground at Rheems and will
erect a large tobacco warehouse on
it where he will pack tobacco.
be here
Reist & Pierce, fruit growers of
near Rheems, have picked over a
thousand bushels of Kieffer pears
and are shipping them to market.
The United Zion children held
services at the residence of John B.
Longenecker, at Florin on Saturdny
evening and on Sanday morning in
the Florin Methodist church.
Auctioneer C. L. Peirce met with
a bad driving accident while return-
ing home from Elizabethtown one
evening last week whereby he was
thrown from his wagon and severly
The viewers appointed to asses
damages 1ssued by the taking of
land of Benjamin Hoffman of Conoy
by the Pennsylvania Railroad com-
pany, awarded Mr, Hoffman $3,915
Church Notes.
United Brethren—Rev. Runk will
preach Sunday morning at 10 and ic
the evening at 7 o'clock. The C. E.
will meet at 6 p. m., beginning
Sunday evening.
Teachers meeting after choir prac-
tice on Thursday evening.
Don’t forget the Lecture in the
U. B. church tonight, It is
to all and should not be missed.
Monday evening the official board
which constiiutes the estimating
committee, met and planned for the
inances of the coming year.
The Class leader and stewards
which constitutes the election board
to hold the election for delegates to
the General Conferenee, aiso organ-
ized with B. F. Greenawalt Presi-
dent and E. W. Bentzel Sec., and
set Sunday Nov. 6 as the day to hold
the election.
United Evangelical —Church ser—
vices at 10 a. m,, and 7 p. m. in the
evening, Rev. Garr will have for
his subject “The Believers Ques-
Fourteen at Elizabethtown.
Dist. Dep. Grand Mas. Stager and
the following members of Mount
Joy Lodge No. 277, I. O. O. F.
visited Elizabethtown on Thursday
cight and installed the officers of
Elizabethtown Lodge No. 128. H.
L. Stager, Clint. S. Longenecker,
Chas. L. Dierolf, Mart. A, Spickler,
fF. G. Pennell, Benj. W. Brown,
James Glatfelter, David Gaftin, M.
M. Leib, Eph. F. Heiner. Eph.
Dougherty, Phares Kraybill, E. C.
Hertzler, Samuel Donaven.
re eee,
Gunning Season Open.
The qnail and squirrel season
opened on Saturday and many gun-
ners from town were scouring the
country in search of game. Many
gray squirrels were shot in the
vicinity of Mastersonville and quite
a number of our local sportsmen
came home with one, two or three
quail each, Near Lawn a large coon
was shot while walking along on
the top rail of a tence.
A Change in Clerks.
Miss Lily Shrite, who has been
employed at KE. C., Hertzler’s for
some time, severed her ccnnections
with the store on Saturday and has
gone to Philadelphia. Harry Wit-
tle is filling the vacancy caused by
her resignation.
Business Places tu Close.
We are requested to make public
the fact that on and after Monday,
October 17, all the leading business
places in town will close every

evening at 8 o’clock except Satur-
| days, This continues until May 1,’05

Are Very Moderate


Mrs. Elizabeth Myers is visiting
her son in Baltimore.
Milton Shirk of Middletown, was
a caller in town over Sunday.
Mary Buckwalter has gone to
Cumberland county on 3 visit.
Mrs. John Hamaker spent last
week at Manheim with friends,
Jacob M. Schroll and wife spent
Sunday with friends at Manheim.
C. H. Herr and wife were visiting
relatives in the country on Sunday.
Mrs. C. G. Sherk has returned
from a visit to her niece at Reading
Miss Annie Connelly of Manheim
was a Sunday visitor to our town.
Mrs. Shroff and son John, are off
on a visit to friends throughout New
W. F. Woener and wife, of Lan-
caster visited friends in towu over
Wm. Spera of this place, paid a
flying visit to Cleveland, Ohio Sun-
day and Monday.
Miss Mae Campbell left yesterday
to spend a few days at Baltimore
and Philadelphia.
Joseph Breneman, wife and son of
Lancaster, spent Sunday in our bor-
ough visiting relatives,
Miss May. Mannirg of Metzger
College, Carlisle, was the guest of
her parents over Sunday.
Harry Dattison and family of
Landisville, spent Sunday in town
visiting the family of Ed Barto.
Mrs. Henry Coble of Springfield,
Ohio, is visiting in the family of S.
S. Royer. She arrived Monday.
Harry Youtz, wife and two child.
ren of Mountville, spent Sunday in
town yisiting relatives and friends.
John Meads of Tacoma, Washing-
ton, is spending some time in town
the guest of his mother Mrs. Shroff.
Miss Lillie Fissel teacher of the
Sunnyside school, spent Saturday
and Sunday with her parents ic
this place.
+ Frank Brunner returned to his
home in Philadelphia yesterday
after spending a week in town with
his father.
Frank Baker and wife and L.
Sheaffer and wife are attending a
love feast at Mountville this after-
noon and evening.
Al Rosenstein and three gentlemen
friends from Lebanon, made a trip
to this place on Monday in a large
touring automobile,
Mrs. O. G. Longenecker left on
Sunday for Cresson, Pa., where her
mother Mrs. A. L. Kolp, of this
place, has been quite ill,
Rev. and Mrs. M. J. Bieber -of
Binghamton, N. Y., are guests of
the latter’s parents, A. K. Manning
and wife, for a few days.
Mrs, C. H. Zeller, Mrs, Harvey
Carpenter, and Mrs. George Haines
left Monday for Allentown where
they will attend the Daughters of
Liberty convention in session at
that place.
A tallyho party consisting of
about thirty people from Lancaster,
spent Sunday in town and had a
special dinner served at Jno. Me-
Ginms’ Exchsnge Hotel. Their
vehicle was drawn by four very
beautiful horses.
Resigns His Position.
H. H. Myers resigned his position
as secretary and treasurer of the
Farmers’ Creamery Company on
Friday after serving in that capacity
very ably for the past eight years.
Under his supervision in that office,
the company was very successfully
managed since 1896, it being two
years old when he took charge.
B. O. Musser, an employe of the
company for many years, is his suc-
cessor, and is well fitted and deser-
ving of the position,
Deeds Transferred
Winfield L. Heisey to A.S. Bard
lot of ground in Rheems, $300.
Joha Stoll to Joseph Eicherly,
property in Florin, consideration
Joseph Eicherly to Ma~y Eicherly,
same property and game oonsider-
Elias W, Brandt to Samuel Z,
Witmer, property in Mount Joy
township, $1,400,

Happenings of the Week Told in a Brief
Yet Iteresting Mannner.
Wait for Roneys’ Boys.
John Hollowell is nursing a very
sore thumb.
E. P. Roberts is quite ill at his
home the past few days.
Frank Carson is the proud father
of a daughter since last Sunday.
Mrs. David Zerphy is undergoing
an operation at tke general hospital.
A daughter was born to Benjamin
Heilig and wife on Sunday, Oct. 9.
Peter Brunner, who was quite iil
the past few weeks is able to sit
up again.
The new engine at the Industrial
Works was pressed into seryice a
few days ago.
A. B. Hoffer led the Christian
Endeavor meeting in the Church of
God on Sunday.
Harry Garber has accepted a posi-
tion at C. S. Gingrich’s Empire
Bakery in Florin,
Miller Brothers are putting a new
slate roof on the Mrs. Patterson
property on Weést Main street.
Rey. M. J. Bieber, of Binghamton.
N. Y., addressed the Lutheran Sun-
day school on Sunday afternoon.
The Philadelphia Inquirer of this
morning, contains an itlustration of
John H. Herchelroth of this place.
Mand, the little daughter of Chas.
Dillinger and wife, was quite il
on Monday but at this writing has
The Catholic church was neatly
repainted and recently remodeled
which gives it an exceptionally fine
There were no services in the
Methodist church on Sunday on ac-
count of the repairing of the interior
of the edifice.
Phil J. Dieter papered the rea
room of Yoffe & Gaffin Brose.
clothing store, in Mount Joy Hall
building yesterday.
On Monday we received a copy of
the Los Angeles, Cal. Times, a ver)
large daily newspaper of the far west.
which was sent us by a friend,
The sewer pipe from Frank’s malt
house to the large pipe on Market
street, was dug up on Monday and
relaid. They did not have fall
The linemen of the Postal Tele-
graph Co., were stringing wires ou
the poles on the railroad company’s
right of way through the borough
last week.
William S., Wm. Strickler’s valu-
able pacer, took second money at
Greensburg on Saturday, finishing
in 2.18 flat. The horse arrived here
The Mount Joy Branch of the
Needle-work Guild will hold their
annual meeting at the home of Mrs,
J. M. Brandt, on Tuesday afternoon,
October 25.
The five-year-old son of Jacob
Garber and wife fell off the alter
railing in the Lutheran church
on Thursday, sustaining a fractured
forearm. Dr. Newpher attended
the lad.
The person that took the blanket
off a horse tied in front of H. Dar-
renkamp’s Jast Thursday evening,
vas seen removing it and unless
same is returned promptly, suit will
be brought.
The High school recently organ-
ized a foot ball team, electing
Charles Cussel captain and John
Givens manager. Better get a move
on boys or the season will be over
before you play the unitial game,
The Mrs. Christian Gerber prop-
erty was offered at public sale on
Saturday evening by Auctioneer
Zeller and withdrawn at $2,100.
Prior to the sale she was offered
$3,000, It will now be sold private,
nr nm——— on —
Appointed by Court.
On Saturday the Court appointed
John E, Schroll Judge of the west
ward of this borough to succeed
Harry W, Leib, who has moved to
the east ward of said borough.
As an advertising medium for
this section of Lancaster county this
paper leads all. Our rates are very
reasongble, Try us,
A large majority for Prof. Brecht
in this place is predicted on the
Independent ticket.
Howard Stauffer returned home
last week with his bride and re-
ceived the usual serenading. They
will live with the former’s mother
on Broad street until Spring.
*Reuben Swarr Jr., who has been
in failing health for some time, was
removed to the General Hospital at
Lancaster last week, where it is
expected his ailment will turn into
typhoid fever.
William Sprout, who has been
in charge of John Hershey's res-
taurant the past year, has turned
over this business to Samuel Stauff-
er who will continue to serve the
public as before.
Last Saturday evening the Band
of this place accompanied by the
marching club, went to Petersburg
where a political rally was held and
and next Saturday evening a num-
ber of visiting clubs are expected
to make things lively at this place
and the Salunga Band will furnish
the music. :
Frank Stoll and family who have
been residents here the past 20 yrs.,
will move to Mount Joy on Novem-
ber 1st. William Sprout with his
family will occupy the house where
Mr. Stoll now lives and Operator
Fred Minnich will move into the
house that Mr. Sprout vacates.
Last Sunday forenoon the Old
Mennonites held Communion ser-
vices in their church which was a
very large gathering and next Sun-
day Rev. Harvey Hershey will
conduct preaching seryices the first
time since being returned to the
pastorate of the Bethel church here
for the second year and in the
evening the Holy sacrament will
also be observed.
The Eagle mills here will be sold
on Saturday.
There was singing at the home of
Elmer Shearer on Sunday evening.
Last week Gingrich & Brother
of Lawn, sold twenty-seven car-
loads of cattle.
On Saturday evening a protract-
ed meeting will begin at Gibble’s
meeting house.
Miss Barbara Masterson is visit-
ing in the family of Dr. Henry
Becker near Colebrook.
Joseph Connelly, who was con-
fined to the house for twelve weeks
is able to be about again.
The German Baptists held their
love feast at the Chiques meeting
house last Thursday and Friday.
H. N. Becker is having the foun
dations built for a large annex to
his barn as well as a hog stable.
H. R. Eby has the painters and
plasterers at work on his new house
which is soon ready for occupancy.
John Divet of Columbia, was the
guest of his parents on Sunday.
Harry Witmer of Indiana coun-
ty, paid his parents a visit over
Clayton Spahr and family of
Landisville, were on a visit to Ab-
ram Mumma on Sunday.
Mrs. Catharine Helman who has
been suffering with internal troub-
les, is still confined to the house.
The River Brethren held their
regular meeting on Sunday morn-
ing in the church here. Revs. Hei-
sey and Engle occupied the pulpit.
Owing to the resignation of Rev.
Frances, who had been appointed
by conference as pastor of the Sil-
ver Spring Circuit, there were no
regular services in the U. B. church
As yet there has been no minister
appointed to fill the vacancy.’
Sporting EIXill
H. H. Rohrer returned home on
Monday from a trip to St. Louis.
Andrew Vogle had a saver kraut
supper at the hotel Saturday even-
Hiram Richards of near Master-
sonville, spent Sunday with the
latter's parents in town.
John K. Rohrer left on Tuesday
for Philadelphia where he will

spend some time with his daughters
and their families,

What Transpired in Our Busy Village
the Past Week,
Emma Widman spent Saturday
at Lancaster with friends.
Roy Baker and Miss Bess Wittle
spent Sunday at Steelton.
John Keener and his force are re-
modeling George Vogle’s dwelling.
Mrs. C. S. Good and son Myron
are visiting at Atglen and vicinity.
Misses Clara Edwards and Elsie
Stacks spent Sunday at Milton
John Shank and family were the
guests of H. White near Maytown
on Sunday.
Mrs. Fanny Booth and daughters
Ella and Myra, spent Tuesday at
Harry Stoll visited his sister
Mrs. George Lindsay at Marietta
on Sunday.
Mrs. Reuben Swords and Mrs.
H. S. Musselman were at ILancas-
ter yesterday.
Mr. Burkholder of Lancaster,
spent part of Friday in town with
J. W. Shank.
Mrs. Ed Steigerwald of Philadel-
phia, is spending some time here
with her parents,
John Widman and his gang of
painters are repainting Amos B.
Winters’ dwelling.
J. E. Hoover, night operator at
FN tower, will start for St. Louis
today to see the Fair.
Jacob Snyder is about comptle=
ting the stable at his new property
in the east end of town.
Rev. H. M. Miller will move his
family and household effects to
Elizabethtown tomorrow.
Al. G. Dissinger and wife of
Manheim, visited the former's sis-
ter Mrs. Ed Booth, Tuesday.
Mr. Garman of Derry Church,
spent Saturday evening in town
the guest of Miss Annie Shank.
Mrs. Annie Clark will move to
Elizabethtown in the very near fu-
ture which place she will make her
future home.
Amos Epler, a P. R. R. operator
at SQ tower, Harrisburg, and wife
visited his aunt Mrs. Frank Fair
on Thursday.
Mrs. Amelia Metzroth has gone
to Clearfield, Pa., where she will
spend the winter with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Harry Trout.
Harry Goos of Lancaster, who
has been employed at Gingrich’s
bakery for some time, quit his job
and will engage in trucking.
Miss Ellen Gochnauer of Peters-
burg, was pleasantly entertained
by her friend Christ Charles at his
country home, a mile southwest of
town, last Sunday.
Mrs. Annie Clark’s property was
sold by Auctioneer Zeller on Sat-
urday to E. S. Weaver for $1,200.
It will be occupied by Henry P,
Baer in the near future,
Harry G. Musselman of Harris-
burg, spent Sunday in town with
his parents. Mr, Musselman is
now the only extra train dispatch-
er at Harrisburg, which is a very
responsible position and controls a
salary of $92.50 a month.
Albert Grove has returned from
a few months’ trip to the west.
A handkerchief surprise was ten-
dered Sylvester Shank on Thurs-
day by his many friends.
Ed Work and wife of Harrisburg
are visiting the latter's parents,
Emanuel Wagner and wife.
John C. Smith, wagonmaker,will
soon occupy the new shop now be-
ing erected for him by Isaac Grove
Walter L. Sink left on Thursday
morning for Pittsfield, Ohio, where
he will spend the winter with his
Jacob Shank will move to the J,
G. Stauffer farm, which will be va-
cated by Milton Heilman, who will
move to Elizabethtown.
Apples are now being canned at
the Rheems canning factory where
nearly four hundred thousand cans
of beans, corn and tomatoes have
been put up this season. About
seven car loads of goods have been
sold and the company will be able
to market the entire pack. &