ty a BORSHENEW LAND WAS NEAR. Detecten Odor at Sea from Pasture Lands Two Hours Before Coast Was Sighted. When Thomas McGuiness, a well known horseman of Philadelphia, went to Europe some time ago, he took a blooded horse with him. The animal was fn a specially prepared stall on the deck and enjoyed the trip despite the rough weather. When Mr. McGuiness thought land would soon be sighted, says the Philadelphia Telegraph, he asked the saptain how far the ship was from the Irish coast. The commander of the steamer, in his usual gruff manner, re- plied: “Your horse will tell you; wateb him.” The owner of the animal could not understand what the captain meant, and he was not particularly pleased with the answer. Finally, however, a couple of hours before land was observed, the horse, which was a magnificent bay, poked his head through the grating, and, stretching his neck, whinnied loudly. “There you are,” said the captain to Mr. McGuiness; “your horse smells the land.” The horse was like a different animal thereafter until the coast loomed up. The captain, in explaining the odd oc- currence, said that the thoroughbred de- tected the odor from the pasture lands that was wafted far seaward, and that horses on board ocean steamers always glve the first signal when land is near. STOCK RAISING IN ALASKA. Northern Plains Well Adapted for the Industry-—Aleutian Islands to Be Converted Into Ranges. Next to the production of gold the most profitable industry in Alaska prom- ses to be the ralsing of live stock. With- fn a very few years it is predicted that regular shipments of cattle for export will be made. The extensive areas of rich growths of grass and the absence of storms in the winter make many sec- tions of the country ideal places for ranching. The winters of Alaska are more hospitable than those of the great plains of Wyoming, Montana and some parts of Nevada, and in the dead of win- ter horses and cattle can be worked with- out fear of being frozen. The tempera- ture frequently is very cold, but there are no storms. Several large stock growers of Wash- ington state are planning to convert the Aleutian islands into vast cattle and sheep ranges, which will surpass in ex- tent the rapidly diminishing ranges of Montana and Texas. One company has begun the shipment of 25,000 sheep and 6,000 head of cattle to the Aleutians, a first consignment of 8,000 head of sheep having recently been sent from San Francisco. The company had demon- strated previously that sheep will thrive there, living throughout the winter sole- ty on the grass of the islands, by having landed 1,000 head there about a year and a half ago. STOVE IN HIS POCKET. ©Chinese Ward Off Winter's Rigors by Carrying Hand Furnaces When Mercury Is Low. The contented smile of the “heathen Chinee” may be partially accounted for by their indifference to the coldness of the winter months. For in the north of China, says the New York Herald, they care not whether they be indoors or out; they always have a stove with them in the shape of a hand furnace. Instead of the fire being placed in the house it is carried about the person, be- neath the thickly padded cotton gar- ments or in the hand; at times it is placed beneath the chair on which the celestial is seated. The discovery of this unique method of avoiding wine ter's rigors was made by a traveler in Fu-kien province, whose attention was attracted to the universal and peculiar deformities of the inhabitants. Strange swellings projected in the most unac- countable places on the anatomy of the villagers. Speculations were set at rest by an old gentleman, who removed his coat and disclosed a small copper fur- nace secured around his waist by a band and neatly covered with basket vork. This artificial mode of warming the body is only resorted to in time of extreme cold, 2s on ordinary occasions the people deem their thick clothing a sufficient protection during winter. Wax Bullets for Duelists, Bhooting at a live adversary with wax bullets, by way of duelling prac tice, is the latest device of Parisian votaries of the revolver. GET SEASICK IN A HOUSE. Pecaliar Effect of Attempts to Walk im Storm-Beaten Duildings— Floors Were Solid, Too, At a recent meeting of the Women’s Literary club of Baltimore Mrs. Charles €. Morgan read a paper in which she cited a peculiar but well-authenticated fact concerning some storm-beaten bouses on Cobb's island, off the eastern coast of Virginia. The houses were eventually washed away by the en- croachments of the sea, but for a long time they were firmly imbedded tn the sand at such an angle that the wanderer could walk in the second story windows from the bluff, while the floors all slant ed at an acute degree. There was not the slightest danger at tendant upon walking up or down these floors, yet no one was ever found who could traverse their length without be- coming seasick, Experienced sailors, who knew no qualms in midocean, turned faint and giddy on trying te walk these perfectly steady planks. To all the neighborhood the buildings were known as the “seasick houses,” and that ation was proved by persons who never had heard of the tradition experiencing | the same unpleasant results. Mrs. Morgan, who resided on the mginland near by, concluded her ac: covnt of the houses by saying that a small dog belonging to her husband which followed that gentleman “foot to foot,” as the negroes term it, nevel could be induced to follow his master across the mysterious thresholds, be the command ever go peremptory or the in. ducement ever go strong. —— ID sta a. ee When troubled with constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablete, They are easy to take and pro duce no griping or other unpleasant eff- ect, For sale by J, 8, Carmany Florin «4 and all Mount Joy druggists. PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. WHAT SHWILKEY BUMELESOCK HAS TO SAY THIS WEEK. De grows tzeit on Atlantic City is soe about ferbei fer des yohr. Olly yohr gaena de 'ristocrats daert nocner oon hen en en growsy jeeit mit nooner. Es sin feel leit os olly Soomer nooner gaena oon derno hut’s aw feel os ae mul gaena oon os uet tzrick dreiva kensht mit'ma growsa hevvel noch eerem arshta p’sooch. Ich hob mul en mon gae-kent os g schtart is nows in de wellt awrem, ovver arlich, soe en karl we mer ebmuls laest derfoon in da shool im Dritta Reader. Fer ol sei arlichkeit is ar doch reich worra oon mul ae Soomer hut ar sich p’soona os ar nooner on der Say gae wet fer sich a wennich rooga oon 2 wenuich g’schpos tzoo hovva. Woe ar widder tzrick kooma is oon hut widder nows kenna hut ar meer de gons g’schicht fertzaylt: —— en. Sour Stomach. When the quantity of foon taken is too large or the quality too reck, sour stomach is likely to follow, and especi- ally so if the digestion has been weaken- ed by constipation. Dat slowly and not to freely of easily digested food. Masti- cate the food thoroughly. Let five hours elapse between meals, and when yon feel a fulness and weight in the region of the stomach after eating, take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and the sour stomnch may be ayoided. For sale by J. 8S. Carmany Florin Pa. and all Mt. Joy druggists. tt mip Suldiers in Battle Spare and Sustain Each Other Although on Opposing Sides, Many stories tell how the soldiers in our clvil war, men in blue and men in gray, held friendly parleys between the lines during intervals when firing ceased. Here the triumph of human fellowship over the bitter business of war was natural, for the opposing ranks were of the same nation and the same speech. Two instances of human broth- erhood between foes of different nations are related by Mr. James Elkinton in his book on the Doukhcbors. The stories were told him by a veteran of the Cri- mea, Ivan Mahortov, who fought for the czar, During the siege of Sebastopol, wher the batteries on each side were decimat- ing the ranks of the other, at least three times he heard men of the enemy say- ing: ‘Brethren, Russians, don’t hit— fire aside; ’’ and the Russians responded: “Fire aside, brother.” “After this,” said the old man, with tears in his eyes, ‘there was no more such carnage, and would to God that men and angels might never witness such awful work again!” The other instance of the humanity which will ever assert itself while men «re men, even when the grim destiny ot war compels them to act as destroyers, came to Mahortov’s personal knowledge In this way: The commander of his ship detailed him to visit a small detachment of the crew, who had been stationed on the land to raise vegetables in a certain ra- vine. Three of the Russian sailors had been captured by the Erglish. Mahor- tov, taking tremendous risk—for it was in the heat of the war—stole through the picket lines at night. One of his brethren found him secretea In the bush near the station, and threw his arms about Mahortov’s neck. Ma- hortov asked if they had any food and received this surprising answer: “Ih, yes, the English send us coffee, bread and butter in the morning, and the sama food they have themselves twice a day beside this. And they tell us: ‘Don’t be afraid; we won’t harm you. It is oul the governments that are guilty in this business.’ * Cured of Lame Back After 15 Years of Sufforing. “I had been troupled with lame back for fifteen vears and I found a complete recovery in the use of Chamberlain's Pain Balm,” says Jobn G. Bishier, Gill- am, Ind. Thisliniment is also without an equal for sprains and bruises. It is for sale by J. 8. Carmany Florin Pa. and all Mount Joy druggists. I have money to loan on real estate no { matter where located, at 434 and 5 per cent the seasickness was not due to imagin- | interest, There is no reason for paying a large rate. If you desire a loan and have real estate to warrant it, write to me about it, All correspondence strictly confidential I", Armington Peavey, Mortgage Broker, 1090 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, New York, How can vou live without a Local Newepaper ? Smoke ten cigars less a year which will mean a year’s sub- scription to The Weekly Bulletin. rn, (Columbia Records are best for all makes of talking machines, price 256 cents For sale by H. Peoples, Mt. Joy. The BULLETIN would make a nice present for a friend, Only 60c a year, Your Heart May Be Weak. One Person in Four Has a Weak Heart. One of the surest signs of a weak heart is shortness of breath after exercise. Your heart is not able to pump the blood fast enough to your lungs. Some of the other symptoms of Heart Trouble are: Pains in the Side, Back and Shoulder; Fainting or Weak Spells; Dry Cough; Swelling of Feet and Ankles; Cold Feet or Hands. No one can afford to allow a weak heart to go without medicine, because weak heart means poor circulation, and poor circulation means weak lungs, stomach, liver, kidneys, etc. If, therefore, you suspect heart trouble, begin taking Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure. The Heart Cure will do you good, as it is a splendid tonic for the blood and nerves, and will revitalize your entire system. Finally, remember, Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure is sold under a guarantees that the first bottle will do you goed. if it doesn’t—your money back. “I was afflicted with heart trouble for three years. I would be apparently all right, and without a moment's warning would fall as though shot. The attacks were frequent, and a terrible dread pos- sessed me, as I never knew when or where, nor under what conditions I would be attacked, and whether I would survive them. I consulted and was treated by some of the most eminent hysicians of the state. Not findin fef from this source, I began taking Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure, and began to improve at once. I used ten bottles, which entirely cured me, as I have not had_an_ attack for fre Jears."—MRS. JOHN DRESBACK, Leipsic, O. Write to ys for Free Trial FREE Package of Dr. Miles’ Antl- Pain_Pllls, the New Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also Symptom Blank. Ou Specialist will diagnose your case, tell Tu what is WIong, and how to right it, ‘ree. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO, LABORATORIES, ELKHART, 3 SO 0000000000000000000 VOTVIOPIIVIIVIPIIIPIIIIVIVIIIY AGENCY FOR SCRIBNER’S MAGIC ELECTRIC SEARCH- LIGHT A Sate Lantern For all purposes. OLD ANLOOLLLLL50600 F'ull Line Supplies For Photographers W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St., Mount Joy. AGENCY FOR STANDARD Steam Laundry LAUNDRY CALLED FOR MONDAY DELIVERED FRIDAY SCP P9000 POOCOPIPPOOPPIPIPOVIILVY lll Aled AOSLLLesre000000000000000 v CP9P0P0P9P009009PPP0IPPIIIPIVPIPIPIIPIVIVPIVPIVIIVIIVIIVIVIYYY Oe NeSeettdtdddoddddtdddddsdd ddd POCPIOPIPPPPVIIVOPIPIIIIVIIIIOW OOOO ld S00800006000000000800004A VOVIVVPIOVPIIVIVIIIOOPVPRPIOOOY STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel West Kina St, JANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORRELL HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 52, 53 and 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents. Best accommodations in every respect. A share of your patronage solicited. A. B. ADAMS, Pro. NOTARY PUBLIC. WwW. M. HOLLOW BUSH ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna, Days at Lancaster, Monday and Friday. at No. 52 North Duke Street. SRNNLTLLTLLLLLIRLLTRLNLLSS 3 a Ask Your Grocer For 3 . 8 2 White 8 . : 8 Mountain : Baking : 3 Powder 3 { 6 ¥ Market that 1s Free From 8 6; Alum and Acids. Man- 9 . 3 It 1s the Only Powder on the 2 ‘ 8 ufactured by E.W.GARBER § 81 EAST MAIN ST, MOUNT JOY, PA. § GOONS SLLLLLLLLLLLLVBLLYS Sssesseseneseny We desire to inform the public 5 that we have harvested id $k 1,500 TONS 2 Pure o « « Pe oF Id Spring Water £ Crystal IOE z which we will serve to the public 05 al very moderate prices, We OF un a Wagon Through Florin Daly and would say if you want pure ice, clear from dirt and grass, we can supply it. Oursolicitor will eall on you in the near future. We also have for sale, the finest kind of BUILDING STONE. All Kinds of Hauling. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. Lolototetetetelototeloleteiofc) & SESS SLESLSTBRESGSSDIOBEI0T ofoderetetetetogetogoie] & Our Offer! The publisher of this paper is desirous of giving the people an idea of the vast amount of news THE WEEKLY BULLETIN con- tains for Fifty Cents a Year, not quite one cent a week, and any person who will send us their address on the blank below, will receive a few sample copies. Do it now. 0 000000000000000008000008 TVIVIIVIPPIPIVPITIVYIIITVIIYIITYPTITIVYTY | & > : @ * i : . 4 3 : 3 < : © : : es 3 * : : > 3 : : ~ ¢ : i > ¢ a : : ® 3 1. = $ > : : * * : : o 2 : : | - : : 9 “» : : | c o 3 : : Ba LY : : | @ @ 3 : QO. ¢ @ : : ® ® : . & 9 : . | p= ® * : : | $ : : : ~$ . . | i ® : : | 2-3 3 : : : —- & : : { 4 ® . : - & Re : : : | m ® $ . : ' | wd ® $ . : . ® 2 i dh =. 3 31 | J IT 2 @ : : i * s : ; : | 4 : : : ¢ 3 : : : MN $ : : : 4 * : : : an) ® * : : : ® ® : : : fo ® * : : : | ® * : : : | : & * : : : | wv ¢ $ : : : | nn ¢ * : : : QO ¢ ® : : > ® ® : : 2 9 3 3 : = | "=. 3 2 ET , < $ 2 3 BJ Ct ® 3 ® 660600606008800 POPPI IVIISOVIVSS Fire, Life, Health and Acci- dent Insurance * ® ® ¢ — ® » ® * * * Real Estate Bought and Sold on Commission, Properties Rented and Clerking of Sales. Prompt and Careful Business Methods. ——— A.B. BOOT South Market Street, MOUNT JOY, PA. ABNER M. HERSHEY, AUCTIONEER Mount Joy, FPenna. Special attention given to calling all kiuds of rea, estate and personal property sales Satisfaction Guaranteed, Charges moderate. Drop me a card or call up 836 A. Shires’ Meat Market Rear of Nissley's Tobacco Warehouse FLORIN « EHX ITA. W. W. SHIRES, Propr. pt Dealer in Fresh & Smoked Meats, Tallow, Lard, &e. he Bulletin, ol a yr. Ch Yes! Oh Yes! GEORGE §. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER Post Office Address, lorin, Lancaster Co., Pa Telephone Number 851, Rates Very Reasonable for AllKinds of Sale PRIVATE SALE! The undersigned offers at private sale the Fine Residence gia On West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. Opposite the First National Bank. This AL - property is one of the finest and best private residences in the town, in a specially good locality, and is conven- ient to most of the leading business places in town. It is in Excellent Re pair and has all the Modern Improve ments and Conveniences. The price For further information call on the owne: and terms are very reasonable. residing thereon. Js. L. N. GERBER ADEE JL ene PILLS. A Saye, Cxrraiv Revere for SupPrRsSED MENSTRUATION, WN TO FAIL, Safe! Sure! Speedy | Satis: NEVER SNOWN TH or Money Refunded. Sent prepaid for $1.00 per box, Will send them on trial, to be paid for when relieved, Samples Free. If your druggist does not have them send your orders to the UNITED MEDICAL CO., 80x 74, LANCASTER, PA. Sold jn Mt Joy by J. C, Groff and E. W. Garber OF et et eteoteteststststestete ; Risser’s Ells horn + Steam IT.aundry MOUNT JOY, PA. Our Solicitor will call on you every Tuesday and Deliver Every Friday Your Work Solicited. 4 Satisfaction Guaranteed. PP V0PVPPOPN Itt bets esdD ’ TT €uass. HB ZELLER Real Estate and Insurance Office | E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Calling and Clerking of Public Sales Bottleme tofestates, collection of rents, surveying and ocouveyancing, £.0.L yte, Prircipal $5,000 FirstPrize . Second Prize oii, Third Prize . Fourth Prize . Fifth Prize wh $2,0NN.00 in cash | 1,000.00 in cash 500.00 In cash 250.00 in cash . 100.00 incash Sixth Prize . : ‘ 50.00 in cash Seventh Prize , . . 25.00 in cash’ 20 Prizes of $10 each . 200.00 in cash 1715 “ of$5each . 202 Prizesinall 875.00 in cash | $5,000.00 in cash Read the Conditions: This contest 1s based on the total voteto be cast for the office of President of the United States, and will close at midnight November 7. 1904, and no coupons received after that time will be considered. The official figures will determine the resnlt, and prizes will be awarded accordingly. In case two or more corfect estimates are re- ceived, the first prize will be awarded to the earliest one, prio1ity being determined by the time of receipt at The Inquirer office and the others will receive second prize, and so on in their regular order. Each estlmate must be gent in on the coupon printed daily for a similiar one cut from The nquirer) with twenty-five cents for one month's advance subscription to the daily Inquirer. 1f more than one estimate is sent, twentv five cents adaltional for each one must be inclos ed the extra money being anplied as further pay- ment in advance on the sender’s subscription, or at what-ever other address he may wish the paper delivered. Thus, if four estimates are sent, one dollar must be inclosed injpayment for four months’ advance subscription to The In- quirer, or twenty-five cents for each one. No coupons without the subseription will be entered in the contest. Pay no money to agents or solicitors. FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN G4 FOR INQUIRER READERS The following prizes will be given to those among the readers of The Philadelphia Inquirer who shall most neatly p dict the total vote cast at the next Presidential Election, to be held Tnesday, November 8, 1904. Date Do not wite in this space. No_ I predict that the total number of votes cast in the United States on November 8, 1904, for the office of President will be Inclosed find twenty-five cents, for which please (mail or deliver) The Inquirer for one month to Name... — Address Send this coupon with remittance to the EDITOR PRESIDENTIAL CONTEST THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER PHILADELPHIA, PA. Name of Carder... Give name of present carrier or agent if you are a regular subscriber. All coupons, together with the necessary subscriy contest. The inquirer will be delivered by your regular carrier or country agent, and the amout of your subscription will be sent to him by the Inquirer as your advance payment for the specified time. REMEMBER, that the Earliest Correct Estimate will be awarded the First Prize. tion for each, must be mailed or brought to the Iuquirer Office for proper registration in the So Send in Your Coupons AT ONCE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule in Effect November 29, 1903. | | SUNDAYS SUNDAYS SPM SPM 2 $ PM PM ¢ WESTWARD—WEEK-DAYS EASTWARD—WEEK-DAYS STATIONS £S33zRasEs sq Sgops on signal or notice to Agent or Con- ductor to receive or discharge passengers. “by” Stops only on signal or notice to Conduc- tor to discharge passengers. 5 For time tables and additional information in quire of Ticket Agent. W. W.ATTERBURY, J. R. WOOD, General Manager. Fass'r Trafic Mgr GEO. W. BOYD, ueneral Passenger Agent. Cornwall & Lebanon Railrcad. Time TABLE IN EFFECT JULY 1, 1904, Leave..... ym am am pm pm Mount Joy.. 65 1014 1045 242 T7389 Arrive........ «ecu Mt. Gretnf....o.ee 746 11 62 1240 418 B82] Lebanon...c..ueene, 806 11560 100 433 884i Leave.....viaviviine Lebanon. . 550 900 1015 126 64% Mt. Gretna G10 918 1035 146 TOs Arrive... sees Mount Joy.......uus 706 952 1234 348 757 am am pm pm pm All trains on C. & L. R. R. daily except Sunday MT, GRETNA PARK, on the line of this road, is the finest resort in Pennsylvania, and is the per maaent location for the Pennsylvania Chautau- qua the U. B. Campmeeting, Encampment N G. of Penna, Trip mileage tickets sold at all stations to per. sons holding P. K. R. mileage books. A. D. SMITH, Pres.and Gen. Supt., Lebanon, Penna. FIRST PENNSYLVANIA fate Normal Nehool Millersville, Penna. Illustrated Cata'ogue Free HEHEHE HHIF HIRES SSSR HHSB HIRO BOD OEE REGIS OBEIE SIO BIGOO0R000S Just Out---You Will Want It Cool Get it and Eee THE BAINBRIDGE SOUVENIR Of The Greatest Flood and Ice Gorge in the Memo- ory of Mend ® © Including Middletown, Red Hill, Falmouth, Collin’s, Locust Grove, Bilmyer, Shock’s Mills, Safe Harbor and York Haven. March 9 to May 2nd. The book contains 56 pages 7x9, containing 176 THINK OF IT! More than $30 worth of photographs, all for $1.00. Best material used in mechanism of book, and neither time Scenes from views. GHEE LGHERRR0D nor money were spared to make it interesting, tasty and instructive as well. Contains history of flood and data on clearing tracks. Five cents extra for postage. Address BRINSER & BRANDT Bainbridge, Pa. SOOO SSS HHS SOIR ONS ORHR PRK FRUIT BOOK GHGLOBOHHO 44 pages 9x12 inches; 22 pages showing in natural colors 16 varieties of Fruit, with concise description and season of ripen- of each; 64 half-tone views of Nurseries, Orchards, Packing Houses, ete. Send 50 ets. for book (post-paid) and Rebate Ticket permitting return of book by mail within 60 days and we refund the 50¢. Or, mail us within 1 year,, NL Tiokot with $12 order for nursery stock and we will credit $1.00 in fc payment on your order and you keep THE Book free. WE PAY THE FREIGHT. weekly and want more home and traveling salesmen. OUTFIT We Pay Cash Fee Stark Bros, LUISA, He., Atastc, iowa, Fayetvile, Ark Have Your Good Work Done by cod ”» 1) - ek a wn . ™ 3 NT La ve 2 4 aN a } #1 Fy NN RD G. W. SHICKLEY & SON MOUNT Joy STREET, MT.JOY PA. Get Your Sale Bills Printed at The “Bulletin” Office Over 250,000 Pleased Customers Shipments ade in plain ONE FULL QUART OF xen. o marks toindl. te. watering 80 any known competitor, a Ya ald Jor t's made b; North Oarolins, in old-style our grandfathers, r gallon, but it's not any better than “Oasper’s ploase or we will t back, Yohaves capital ah ¢ the Poop! ational Bank and the Pred rE "TO_CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffering tof Sr ud dfsonts COonsumption, anxious to make known to his fellow erers the means of cure. those who desire | fully gend (free of charge) a copy of jo wile: Sription aed , which they will find a sure curo for C onsumption, Asth ma, Ga- ronchitis and all throatand lung - dar ie hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, agitisinvaluable, Those desiring the prescription, whien wil cost them nothing, and way prove & blessing, will please address, Wh ha aha or nc or 1 and give free cor Ee EE 78 camer mud NE CAREER. SQ: 00 I EDITOR'S NOTE) Before {tting the above whiskey advertisement to Appear in our columns, we She firm through their Bankers, 0 Rove EDWARD A, WILSON, Brooklyn, New York y endorse them, and friends in need of pure whiskies fer medionl Bot hesitate to order sample lot