I.andisville Jonas Mumma visited his daugh- ter at Ephrata on Monday. P. R. R. Operators Byron Kern and Wallace Minnich left for St. Louis last Friday. Train Dispatcher Harry Kline and family of Pittsburg are spend- ing some time with Mrs. Kline's parents David Baker and wife. The frame work of Henry Hertz- ler’s new barn was raised on Tues- day, which replaces the one des- troyed by lightning several months ago. William Hanly a former tele- graph operator of this place, who has been working at Pittsburg the past five years, has returned and is again working as an extra. After a delay of one month, work has commenced on the new houses of Amos Cooper and Christ Blot- tenberger, the first car load of brick having arrived on Saturday. J. H. Von Neida’s force of men of Ephrata have finished laying cement walks at Samuel Root’s new house and have started putting down walks at Jacob Harris’ new house which he will occupy on November 1st. The congregation of the Bethel church at this place and Rohrers- town respectively unanimously voted for the return of their pastor Rev. Harvey Hershey for another year. Mastersonvwille The creamery paid its patrons 85c a hundred for milk last month. Daniel Lehman of near town, is quite ill with neuralgia of the heart Hiram Eby has the carpenters at work putting an addition to his house. A. S. Garman is nursing a badly sprained back the result of carrying too heavy. N. E. Ginder has converted his ice house into a butcher shop and is already doing a big business. The Joseph Brubaker farm near town, which was offered at public sale last Thursday, was withdrawn for want of bidders. Sporting ETill The Brinser denomination held services in the Union church here on Sunday. Miss Sue Buohl of Ephrata, is spending a week with her uncle, A.D. Frankhouser and family. Miss Mary Snyder, teacher of the primary school, spent Saturday and Sunday at Millersville with her mother. Wm. Horst, wife and daughter, of Philadelphia, are spending a few days in town with his mother, Maria Horst. York County Fair. For the York County Fair, to be held at York, Pa., October 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, the Pen nsylvania Railroad Company will sell on these dates, excursion tickets from Balti- more, Harrisburg, Frederick, Columbia, Downingtown, Middletown, Peach Bottom and intermediate stations at reduced rates, no less rate than 25 cents, Tickets will be valid for return passage until October 8 in clusive. On October 6 a special train will be run direct to the Fair Grounds, leaving Columbia at 8.40 a. m., and stopping at in- termediate stations. Returning the spe- cial train will leave the Fair Grounds at 5 p. m. On the same date a special train will leave Parkton at 8.30 a. m., running to York. Returning this train will leave at 6 p. m. stopping at intermediate stations in both directions. rr —— A —— World's Fair Excursion. Low-rate ten-day coach excursions via Pennsylvania Railroad, October 5, 12, 19, and 26, Rate, $17.50 from Mt, Joy. Train leaves Mt. Joy at 10.45 connecting with special train from New Yerk arriving St, Louis 4.156 p. m., next day. Common Sense Hold on to your money when you go buying and don’t be afraid to say that a thing does not suit you when you don’t like it—And when you come to the store where anyone can see that you get the best for your money—then let go. We're not afraid to tender this advice, for we know that if you act on our suggestion, we are bound to get your trade. Competition in larger towns or cities than Mount Joy, quote lower prices ; but when it comes down to honest ev- ery-day, face to face facts, the truth comes out. Expenses in large cities are higher. ‘Rent ts higher and salaries are higher. The merchandise costs the same because we get our goods in the same places as the larger stores in the cities. Now put two and two together, can the city store afford to sell cheaper than the store in the small town? Of course there are tricks in business. For instance : You will find one man ad- vertising a 5oc article for 22¢ and he advertises an article that’s really worth soc. Now that is what'is known as a bait or a leader to draw you on to come in the store. Not so with us ; we are satisfied with the least profit that will make our business'go and you will find that honest values pay the best in the long run, no matter what store you get itat, You are sure to get honest val — ues at — Yolle & Gallin Bros. Opposite Post Office, Mount Joy, Penna. for circulars, free. Take YOUNG BROS. 8 "OTOL: 5% 25 FotetoloteTofole] FLORIN, PA. Xo 44 IT SEs $Ee ge LG) Totedoletetelotote do & oF & a* iQ & x ox. Oh Joh OF + Premiums $8,000 Purses $3,800 THE GREAT York x Fair! Organized 1852. 2TH ARs aXe aXe Fog VE War IL AES wee avs Incorporated 1854 47th Annual Exhibition Oct. 3,4,5,6,7 EG Rd Ph 10h 15 LOL OEE, Agricultural, Horticuifural and Live Stock Displays the best ever shown on the grounds. LL Main Exhibition Hall More Attractive. Varied. Industrial Exhibits More Machinery Department Larger. Trial of Speed More Exciting Than Any Previous Fair. By Courtesy of the U. S. War Department Third U. S. Artillery. will be encamped on the ground, giving daily Drills and Exnibi- tions. EH xy - fofetelolototolototofetotatotetotototolol Liberation of 2,500 Homing Pigeons on Wednesday, Oct. 5, at 12 o'clock noon. You will missing this attraction. By way of Diversion and Amusement a Star Aggregation has al— regret BOTDOBBG ready been engaged, with additional negotiations still pending. LL all Admission, Cents. Excursions on Railroads For information address, Edw. Chapin, Sec’y Yori, Penna. 4% a%s oma A%3 ae orp Xe Ara Xp SEL SXy += pe feta oloTOLoT® tetototololololototole] OYSTERS Just received a very fine Jot of them. Will sell wholesale and retail. Special Prices in barrel lots. Prices as low as ever, Try them and you will always buy them. HE. A. Darrenlkamp Phone No. 866 B. Mount Joy, Pa. List of Sales. Following is a list of sales for which bills were printed at this office: Newtown David Moore lost his entire crop of tobacco owing to the frosts. A young son made his ap- pearance in the family of Samuel Weaver, Mrs. Barbara Bradley of Colum- bia, was the guest of her sister Mrs. Hipple on Sunday. Next Sunday will be the last services held in the church here for this conference year when Rev. Mowry will preach in the evening and celebrate Holy communion. Monday, October 3—At his residence in Mount Joy, a lot of household goods; black- smith and plumbing tools. In the even- ing at McGirl’s Hotel, two lots of ground with improvements by John Bombach, Zeller, auc. Friday, October 7—Half a mile west of Mount Joy, a tract of limestone land with improvements, Also three acres of land in Mount Joy by Wm. Hoftine. C. Zeller, auctioneer, Saturday, Oct, 8=In Florin, a lot of Ground with two story frame dwelling and outbuildings by Jacob Hostetter. auct, Vogle, - -—- Saturday, Oct, 15—At the Wasbington House, a two-and-a half story frame dwell ing, with summer kitchen attached, stable and all necessary outbuildings by Mrs, C, N. Gerber. Zeller, Auct. Saturday, October 15—In Florin, large lot of house-hold goods and a lot of ground with a 214 story Frame House as property of Mrs. Annie Clark. Zeller, Auct. Maytown Mrs. John McCurdy spent a few days with friends at Halifax, in Dauphin county, last week. Auctioneer C. H. Zeller on Sat- urday evening sold, the Annie Ken- dig property in Maytown, to Mr. Epler for $1,900. The heavy storms on Wednes- day of last week, blew down Evan- gelist Johnson's tent a short time after the close of the services. Large Stock on H A. and — ees RI ers a att May4 il eT GL PRA Deafness Can Not be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an ine flamed condilion of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it ig entirely elosed, Dealness is the result, and unless the inflammation car be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi- tion, hearing will be destroyed forevar; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con fition of the mucous surfaces, We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused hy catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send Monuments, Tombstones and Flagstones Call and inspect them at MT. JOY MARBLE WORKS J. GLATFELTER, Proprietor MOUNT JOY, PA. F.8 CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O., Druggists, 76c, all's Family Pills for constipation, Bold b i 90000000000 99000900000 THREE STANDARDS! VULCAN PLOWS AUBURN WAGONS W arehot Wagons . Seed 47000660 00906000600 408040840448444000 3005208 2:5 09000099 900900000006000900009000000 {0906002000000 0000 $000000000000000200000000000000000040 0000000000000 04¢ ‘We Clothe Men from head to Foot One striking point about the “IMPERIAL” Soft Felt Hats is the latitude they offer for expressing individuality. ‘em, or dent ’em, or scope em. The price remains one way, $3. and Stiff Hats $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3.50, $4 and $5. Can be formed in countless ways—crease Other Soft Smart and Trim for work, business, dress or any other occasion. line. Distinction speaks in every Our Special $10 Suits Possess fit and grace in cut, quality in fabrics and honest workmanship in the making—add to this the fact that you have seen nothing like these clothes and you have exclusiveness. You can’t afford to miss this showing of our ‘special’ AT $10. STAUFFER & COMPANY 31-33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. 3s ° 3 : $ 3 3 @ 3 ® 3 3 $ 3 : 3 3 3 3 $ $ : 3 3 3 $ $ $ $ © $ € : & Always Have on Hand All Kinds of Green Goods in Season If you want Bartlet Pears, please call. price is low. Sour Krout is now ready have it regularly hereafter Nice Bananas very cheap. Come and see us. If we you, tell others, if we don’t, tell us. The Will please Jersey nice. Sweet Potatoes ; they're certainly Fine State Celery always on hand. Peaches are scarce this season so if you want some for canning you would better call. Clams if you like them ; The Oyster season is at hand. Will have them in all grades. Longenecker’s Green OCrocery East Main Street MOUNT JOY, We Invite you to visit Our spect Our M. L. Greider &: Oo. 0000 6590500000080000000000000000000000505000060000000000080900000060000 > 00003209000 990000000 9000000000000 000PSSIPPOEE005000S 308 0c ii230400) $ ® 20000000000 98090000000005000000000000000000000200806000000 0000000 00000000000000000000000060600080006000000000000000¢ PA. $33333500sssse Ed Richrmronda se and In- 2 ise ane Champion Sced and 0990600000060 60000 990000009 , Plows & Drills oO 29090 Fertilizer . . . DRILLS sesaates Eastern Penna Agts. MOUNT JOY, PA. 960660060 3 Ay CP0P0CP990 90VP00PPVABLIPPTVIVVFC HOOT D903 99090 s JOHN HH. BUOHL SANITARY