RICKER'S WESTERN TRIP. What” ¥ount Joyan Saw on a Trip Through Colorado. (Continued from last week.) The public buildings are handsome and costly from churches to school houses. The conrt house cost nearly half a million dollars. On the highlands east of the city stands the National Home for Union Printers, founded by George W. Childs, of Philadelphia. Colorado Springs has a water supply costing over $1,000,000; twenty-eight miles of electric railway, seventeen public school buildings; a handsome opera house, &ec. The Colorado College (the oldest insti- tution of its kind in the State) with over 800 students is located here. Manitou, the Spah of the West, 18 at the junction of three cliffs in the rock- ribbed hills. One is the famous Rute pass, the old Indian trail down which the Utes were wont to come when seek— ing their enemies on the plains. Anoth- er is Wiiliam’s Canon, one of the most rugged passes in the Rocky mountains, The third is Ruxton Canon, the natural route to Pike's Peak. Manitou is the In- dian name for the Great Spirit, the deity of the Red Man. To the white race it has become synonymous with health, pleasure and a beautiful habitation at the foot of Pike's Peak, a place where sparkly waters gush from the earth. Manitou’s famous springs are twelve in number, some are strongly impregnated with scda, others with iron and magnesia Manitou was founded as a town in 1872. and almost immediately its fame spead Gradually fine hotels an houses have grown up and there have come in other features to attract tourists. It is esti- mated that 74,000 strangers visited the resort last year. The Garden of the Gods is situated be- tween Colorad) Springs and Manitou. It has an area of about four sqaare miles Its attractions are made up from immen- se collections of eroded sandstone rocks, formed by time and weather, into all kind of figures ruins, spires, balanced rocks, animals, mushrooms, &e, It derived its name from the fact of the In- dians visiting che place annually to per— form their religious ceremonies. A rock has been pointed out by undoubted au- thority, as the one wo:shiped as their “Great Manitou” (God), hence “Garden of the Gods” ‘“Tnere is probably no scenic point in the world better known than this spot, due perhaps to its access ibility, its very apt name, and to the fact that it lends itself to the photographic art in a wonderful degree, Helen Hunt Jackson, author of Ramo- na lived at Colorado Springs as one of its pioneer citizens and her graphic de- scription in “Bits of Travel at Home” und other articles gave the garden its first fame. Great rocks hundreds of feet high rise straight up fromthe level plains and hundreds of fanciful designs may be seen. The cog road from Manitou to the summit of Pike's Peak, is a wonderful engineering achievement, and in many respects it is the most wonderful railway inthe world. The road is almost ten miles in length and in this distance it overcomes one and one-half vertical miles. The ou side rails are of the ordinary T pattern and here the simi- larity to the ordinary railroad ends. It is the cog rails in ihe middle of the track upon which the propa!sion and safty of the train depsunds. Tne cog rails are double every inch of the way from the depot at Manitou to the summit of Pike’s Peak. The locomotives are a novelty to any- one withan interest in machinery. Two double cogwheels underneath the loco- motiye engage Lhe toothed cog rails. The locomotive and coaches are sapphed with brake powerin abundance, and can be stopped instantly cn any grade, 10 matter how -teep. The coaches precede the locomotiye on the ascent and in de- scending, the engine precedes tne coach- es, the two however, are never coupled gether and by this arrangs ent the coaches can be stoppzd instantly and in- dependently of the locomotive. I. takes half a day to make the trip to and from the peak and the fare is $5.00 the round trip. On seeing Pike's Peak ior the first time fiom the plains, it does not seem to be as high as some of the others beside it, but on making the ascent of the pzak and on looking dywn you find that the others are small, that not one of them is even above “timber line” and the timber ceases to grow above 11,000 feet. Upon the summit of Pike's Peak at the Summit Hotel, by the use of a pow- erful telescope eighty miles away to the north, Denver can be recoguizad ; to the south Pueblo, the Pittsbarg of the wes’, crowned by the smoke-clouds of its fur- nace fires ; to the west Cripple Creek, and the other towns of the Cripple Creek district ; Manitou at the eastern base of the mountain, and beyond, Colorado Springs lies like a yast checker-board on the border of the plain. Colorad) Springs is fourteen miles distant, vet so near does the telescope bring it to the obser- ver, that signs on the stores may be read The top of the peak comprises several leyel acres thickly strewed with big rocks that are principally in cubes and other rectangular shapes. The Bottomless Pit and Abyss of Des olation, are great rents in the top of the mountain into which the sun never finds its way, and where the snow never nee The rifle of forty-five miles from Colo- rado Springs ovar the C, 8, & C. (!. Short Line to Cripple Creek is one continuous panorama of Nature's most gorgeous mountain and canyon scenery. A climb of seyen miles brings you to Point Bub: lime, 7,200 feet above sea level, where you can see the most gorgeous spectacle of mountain and canon scenery in the world. Some railroads boast of a single “‘horse-shoe curve,” this road has them by the score, single and double, forming Abe letter “8” and Joops of a'l kinde spanning the canons and twisting around the mountains. Twenty miles from Colorado Springs the summit of the range is crossed at an altitude of 10,000 feet. From this point one of the most magnificent views imag- inable can be seen--beautiful canons and mountain peaks numerable, while to the scuth Pueblo, the manufacturing metro- polis, forty-five miles away, is plainly seen. © As the train goes down the western slope by all kinds of mountain torrents, over creeks, through forests, winding and twisting, with as many as four- tracks, one below the other, being visible at one time, the ruggedness of the scenery is awe inspiring. Bull Hill in the distance looms up to turn one's attention to mines and mining and to warn usthat the great Cripple Creek gold fields are at hand. Cripple Creek district, the most fasci- nating spot in the State; is noted for some of Colorado’s grandest scenery, including the Sangre de Cristo (Blood of Christ) snow-capped range. There is no trip more enjoyable, than this journey of forty-five miles o'er canon and crag to the land of gold” via the Colorado Nprings and Cripple Creek Short Line The scenic grandeur and marvelous con- struction of this railroad are continuous from one end to the other. It is one grand panorama of nature's most gor- geous and stupendous mouutain and can- on scenery. Near Clyde station is a perpetual ice cavern at the base of a large granite spire ice formed in the winter from the moun- tain stream that enters the cavern re- mains solid throughout the summer months. Between St. Peter's and Dauffi- elds you travel over three miles by rail 10 gain a distance of 1,600 feet, and an elevation of 540 feet, west of D uffields you view the east end of tunnel No. 7 and the westend oftunnel No. 8, making a complete loup of the mountain. The Devil's Slide is a solid mountain of hard granite with a smooth surface 1,000 feet fiom top to bottom, the road being cut through the face of this mountain of granite, The now famous Cripple Creek gold fields were for many years a cattle graz- ing country. Inl189l a ranchman found some good looking gold ore. He brought some specimens to Colorado Springs and interested a few men with capital and from that time on Cripple Creek has be- come one of the greatest gold producing areas in the United ~tates. Io all the Pike’s Peak region there ia no spot more picturesque, beautiful and awe-inspiring than Cheyenne Canon. Just inside the gate are the twe trem- endous cliffs. “The Pillars of Hercules.” They seen to stand eqnarely across the canon, completely filing it and demand. ing a halt. The way seems barred, and you are at a loss to know which way to 20. Oa either side are perpendicular walls, over a thousand feet high, and at one place but forty feet aparr, barely giving room for the creek and road-way between them. At Seven Falls, which is some distance farther up the canon, Nature outdoes her self in a grand display of mighty cliffs and rushing waters. Hoare the canon proper ends in 8 mighty amphitheatre, down one side of which plunges the foaming torrent in seven distinct leaps from a perpendicular height of 234 feet. You are not compelled to ead your jour- n'y here, however, for a safe and easy stairway ascends on the face of the way to its top, from whch pointa most beau- tifut view is presented, not only of the Seven Falls below, but also of Colorado Springs, miles away on the open plains. While a great deal more might be writ ten about the scenic grandeur of the Pike’s Peak region, no exhaustive verbi- age could properly present ils magnifi- cence, and feeling that one who visits Colorado will consider that visit complete without a trip through Pike's Peak reg- ion after reading this article. S, A. RICKER, PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH . WHAT SIH WILKEY BUMELESOCK HAS TO SAY THIS WEEK, Der onner dawg hov ich en breef grickt foom Johnny Retcher, foon Saegtown, ivver der onner side em Schlonga-barrick. Waer der Johnny is waes ich net sel macht ovver aw net feel ows. Beim nawma noch moos ar ennyhow endtwetters cn boo udder en mon sei. Der Johnny sawgt in seim breef dos ar shoon fer some time en deitscher hrref schreiva hut wella oof der subject foon ¢Leeb.” ovver dos ar immer g'farricht hnt ich date’s ennyhow net in der BULLETIN, doo fer een, Ar sawgt we ar ovver g'saena hut de onner woch dos ich en schtick drin kotta hob dos enonnerra karl tzoo meer g'schickt hut, hut ar sei meindt oof- g'macht ar date sei schtick now schreiva oon saena eb ich’s aw nei doo date fer een. Der Johnny moos aw aens foon da karls sei dos denkt es is en easy ding en deitscher breef tzoo schreiva oon dos es en ferdulter growscr doom-kup nemt dar net soe en gooter, won net en bess- erer, oof-greeya kon os ich kon. Ar mawg aw recht sei, oon fer selly oorsoch doon ich sei breef in der BuL- LETIN de woch, doch glawv ich net os der Johnny en g'schrivva hut. Es scheint meer dos ich shoon pawr yohra tzrick endt-wetters es naemlich ding selwert g'schrivva hob udder arriyetz in'ra tzeiting udder im a bunch g'laesa hob. Ovver ich will em Johnny nix letzes doo oon doe-room insist ich net droof dos sei echtick net originial is. Fer leicht is es oon ferleicht is es aw net. Ennyhow des is wos ar g'schrivva oou t200 meer g'schickt hut oof Leeb, NIAGARA FALLS EXCURSIONS. Low-rate Vacation Trips via Pennsyl- vania Railroad. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has selected the following dates for its popular ten-day excursions to Niagara Falls from Washington and Baltimore: July 8 and 22, August 12 and 26, Septem- ber 9 and 23, and October 14. On these dates the special train will leave Wash- ington at 8.00 A. M., Baltimore 9.05 A M. York 10.45 A. M., Harrisburg 11.40 A. M. Millersharg 12.20 P. M., Sunbury 1258 P. M.; Williamsport 2.30 P. M., Lock Haven 3.08 P. M., Renovo 3 55 P. M.,, Emporium Junction 5.05 2. M. arriving Niagara Falls at 9.35 P. M. Excursion tickets, good for return passage on any regular train, exclusive of limited express trains, within ten days will be sold at $10.00 from Washington and Baltimore : $8.35 from York; $10.00 from Littlestown; $10.00 from Oxford, Pa.; $9.35 from Columbia; $8,50 from Harrisburg; $10.00 from Winchester, Va. $7.80 from Altoona; $7.40 from Tyrone: $6.75 from Bellefonte; $5.10 from Ridg- way: $6 96 from Sunbury and Wilkesbar- re; $5.75 from Williamsport; and at proportionate rates from principal points A stop-over will be allowed at Buffalo within limit of ticket returning. The special trains of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will be run with each excursion running through to Niagara Falls. An extrachargs will be made for parlor-car seats. Ap experienced tourist agent and chap eron will accompany each excursion. For descriptive pamphlet, time of con- necting trains, and further iuformation apply to nearest ticket agent, or address George W. Bovd. General Agent, Broad Street Station, phia. Passenger Philadel- —— ere Select Excursions to the Seashore. The Penpsylvania Railroad Company has arranged five day excursions to At- lantic City, Cape May, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon, Anglesea, Wildwood or Holly Beach on August 4, 18, and Sep- tember 10. Excursion tickets will be sold at the following rates, good going only on trains named below to Philadelphia, thence to either of the seashore points aboye men- tioned by regular trains within time limit ofticket. Rate to Rais to all ey pti Tow A.M, River Bridge Wharf. Conewago 7.16 4.10 4.00 Elizabethtown 6.50 4.10 4.00 Florin £7.00 395 3.85 Mount Joy 7.06 3.95 3.85 Landisyille 17.15 395 3.85 Bainbridge £7.37 4.10 4.00 Schock’s Mills £7.34 4.10 4.00 Marietta 7.50 4.00 3.90 Watts f7 44 4.95 3.85 Philadelphia, Ar. 11.30 “f” stops on signal. Rates via Market Street Wharf do not include transfer through Philadelphia, but convenient connection may be made by electric cars at a fare of five cents. Return coupons will be valid by regular trains until the following Monday, inclu- sive, and will be good to stop off at Phil- adelphia within limit either going or re- turning. For further information sult ticket agents. con- A Warning to Mothers. Too much care cannot be used with children during the hot weather of the summer months to guard against bowel troubles. As a rule it is only necessary to give the child a dose of castor oil to correct any disorder of the bowels. Do not use any substitute, but give the old fashioned castor oil, and see that it is fresh, as rancid oil nauseates and has a tendency to grip. If this doesnot check the bowels give Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remady and then a dose of castor oil, and the dizease may be checked in its incipiency and all dan- ger avoided. The castor oil and this remedy should be procured at once and kept ready tor instant use as soon as the first indication of any bowel troub.e ap- pears. This is the most successful treat- ment known and may be relied upon with implicit confidence even in case of of cholera infantum. For sale bv J. 8, Carmany Florin, Pa., and all Mount Joy druggists. Nothing on the Market Equal to Chamber- lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This fact is well known to druggists everywhere, and nine ont of ten will give their customers this preparation when the best is asked for. Mr. Obe Witmer a prominent druggist of Joplin, Mo., ina circular to his customers’ says: “There is nothing on the market in the way of patent medicine which equals Chamber- laiv’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel compl inte. We sell and recommend this preparation.” For sale by J. 8. Carmany Florin, Pa, and all Mount Joy druggists. ————— Reduced Rates to Mt. Gretna, On account of the United Brethren Camp Meeting, to be held at Mt. Gretna Pa., Augnst 2to 12, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell round-trip tickets to Mt. Gretna and return, August 2 10 12, good to return until Au ust 24, inclusive, from York, Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Parker Ford, West Chester, Ly kone, Shamokin, and inter- mediate stationv, at reduced rates (mini- mum rate, 25 cents.) How can you live without a Local Newepaper ? Smoke ten cigars less a year which will mean a year’s sub- scription to The Weekly Bulletin. I find nothing better for liver derange- ment and constipation than Chamber- lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets,—L, F. Axorews, Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by J. 8. Carmany Florin Pa., and all Mount Joy druggists, My Breath. Shortness of Breath \, Is One of the Com-= monest Signs of HeartDisease, Notwithstanding what what many physic- fans say, heart disease can be cured. Dr. Miles’ New IHeart Cure has per- manently restored to health many thousands who had found no relief in the medicines (allopathic or homoeo- pathic) of regular practicing physicians. 1t has proved itself unique in the his- tory of medicine, by being so uniformly successful in curing those diseases. Nearly always, one of the first signs of trouble is shortness of breath. Wheth- er it comes as a result of walking or running up stairs, or of other exercises, if the heart is unable to meet this extra demand upon its pumping powers—there is something wrong with it. The very best thing you can do, is to take Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure. It will go to the foundation of the trou- ble, and make a permanent cure by strengthening and renewing the nerves. i Dr. Miles’ New Heart medy. For a number rs Ss d from shortness of sath, oh spells, and pains in ny left side. For months at a time I would be unable to lie on my left side, and if I lay flat on my back would nearly smother. A friend advised using Dr. Miles' New Hear Cure, which did with good results, I began to improve at once, and after taking several bottles of the He: art Cure the pains in my side and other symptoms vanished. I am now entirely well. All those dreadful smother ing spells are a thing of the past.”—F. . DRAKE, Middletown, O. If the first bottle does not help you, the druggist will refund your money. FREE | Write to us for Free Trial Package of Dr. Miles’ Antl- Pain Pills, the New Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also Symptom Blank. Our Specialist will diagnose your case, tell you whet ne wrong 1d LS Free. MILI 4 LA Bora’ ! ORIES, LIAR: T, «CO, IND, Our Offer! y The publisher of this paper is desirous of giving the people an idea of the vast amount of news THE WERKLY BULLETIN con- tains for Fifty Cents a Year, not quite one cent a week, and any person who will send us their address on the blank below, will receive a few sample copies. Do it now, ® 99990099909990344409980¢ $ | | & Address Tue BuLLETIN, Mount Joy, Pa. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000900800000000000200000 ROUTE NO......c..ciniiinieranransrivesansiviaversns EE eT STII IIa TTT TET se IA HPT CA Sooo 0006000000066660060060005 PRIVATE SALE! The undersigned offers at private sale the Fine Residence fi On West Main Street, Mi. Joy, Pa. Opposite the First National Bank. This property is one of the finest and best private residences in the town, in a specially good locality, and is conven- ient to most of the leading business places in town. It is in Excellent Re- pair and has all the Modern Improve ments and Conveniences. The price and terms are very reasonable. For further information call on the owner residing thereon. Mrs. £. N. GERBER 3 MAD i Ar FRENCH FEMALE J PILLS. A Sapr, Cerraiy Reuiey for Surpresarn MENSTRUATION, KNOWN TO FAIL Sate | Sure! Speedy! Satis. NEVER X HOWN T {or Money Refunded, Sent prepaid Hf for $1.00 per box. Will send them on trial, to be paid for when relieved, Samples Free. If your druggist does not have them send your orders to the UNITED MEDICAL CO., BOX 74, LANCASTER, PA, Sold jn Mt Joy by J, C. Groff and E. W. Garber ores ov ct otetesetsteteteten $ Risser’s } ! Elis horn + Steam 3 * . T.aundry ! MOUNT JOY, PA. 1 + + * Our Solicitor will call on you every l Tuesday and Deliver Every Friday ! 4 Your Work Solicited. t ; Satisfaction Guaranteed. $ PPR roa. a 5 - pani €uas BH. ZELLER Real Estate and Insurance Office E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Calling and Clerking of Public foltleme {ofestates, collection of rents, surveying and souveyancing. Sa'es PENNSYLYANI RAILROAD. |: Schedule in Effect November 29, 1903. Spm ‘PM _SUNDAYS Spm $ PM EASTWARD—WEEK-DAYS WESTWARD—WEEK-DAYS STATIONS S41” Sgops on signal or notice to Agent or Con ductor to receive or discharge passengers. “by” Stops only on signal or notice to Condue- tor to discharge passengers. ! For time tables and additional information in quire of Ticket Agent. W. W.ATTERBURY, General Manager, Fass'r Trafic Mgr GEO. W. BOYD, General Passenger Agent. J. R. WOOD, Cornwall & Lebanon Railr:ad. Time TABLE IN EFFECT JULY 1, 1904 LeAVe..ciiiiiiiiees. AM AM AM pm pm Mount Joy......... 65 1014 1045 242 739 Arrive... FP Mt. Gretna « 746 11 02 1240 418 82] Lebanon... , 806 1150 100 433 841 Leave..... x Lebanon............ 550 900 1015 125 648 Mt. Gretna......... 610 918 1035 145 TOs Arrivo....... Mount Joy 706 952 1234 348 707 am am pm pm pm All trains on C. & L. R. R. daily except Sunday MT. GRETNA PARK, on the line of this road, is the finest resort in Pennsylvania, andis the per manent location for the Pennsylvania Chautau- qua the U. B. Campmeeting, Encampment N G. of Penna, Trip mileage tickets sold at all stations to per. sons holding P. K. R, mileage books. A. D. SMITH, Pres.and Gen. Supt., Lebanon, Penna NOTARY PUBLIC. WwW. MM. HOLTLOWBUSH ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna, Days at Lancaster, Monday and Friday. North Duke Street. at No. 52 [AAPA IS ASA ASAE ASASAAA A A § Ask Your Grocer For White Mountain Baking Powder i It is the Only Powder on the & Market that 1s Free From Alum and Acids. Man- 4 ufactured by E.W.GARBER & 81 EAST MAIN ST., A SNL NNSSSeSNSS%SESLSSIIITILTNILILSS MOUNT JOY, PA. : GOSS SLLLLLLLLLLRLLLVLLNSS aes STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel West Kina St, JoANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORREL HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 53 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents, accommodations in every respect. your patronage solicited, A. B. ADAMS, Pro. 52, and Best Easy and Quick! Soap-Making with BANNER LYE To make the very best soap, simply dissolve a can of Banner Lye in cold water, melt 514 lbs. of Great, pour the Lye water in the grease. Stir and put aside to set, Full Directions on Every Package Banner Lye is pulverized. The can may be opened and closed at will, pers mitting the use of a small quantity at a time. It is just the article needed in every household. It will clean paint, floors, marble and tile work, soften water, disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes. Write for booklet ‘Uses of Banner Lye''—free. The Peon Chemical Works, Philadelphia A share o” £5 0k 0k i & We Pay Cash Over 250,000 Pleased Customers Shipments made in boxes. Ia cate contents. Sen G. W. SHICKLEY & SON! MOUNT JOY STREET, MT.JOY PA. C00000000000000009000000900¢ FRUIT BOOK 44 pages 9x12 inches; 22 pages showing in natural colors 216 varieties of Fruit, with concise description and season of ripen ing of each; 64 half-tone views of Nurseries, Orchards, Packing Houses, ete. 50 ets. for book (post-paid) and Rebate Ticket permitting return of : book by mail within 60 days and we refund the 50¢. Or, mail us With in ] your, Rebate Ticket with $12 order for nursery stock and we will credit payment on your order and you KEEP THE Book free, weekly and want more home and traveling salesmen, OUTFIT FREE. —Stark Bro’s, LOUISIANA, Mo., Atlantic, lowa, Fayetteville, Ark. P0000 00000009090029009900000000000000000000000000000000 jain “Caspers + 11 YEAR: OLD WHISKEY > &xMaoe Dy HonNESTe Norms CAROLINA PEOPLE™ JEDITOR'S NOTE]—Before the firm through their Bankers, Bot hesitate to order sample lot. Be We desire to inform the public that we have harvested 1,500 TONS Pure « « « Spring Water Crystal ICE which we will serve to the public at very moderate prices. We Run a Wagon Through Florin Daily and would say if you want pure ice, clear from dirt and grass, we can supply it. Our solicitor will call on you in the near future. We also have for sale, the finest kind of BUILDING STONE. All Kinds of Hauling. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. ONE FULL QUART OF WHISKEY Je ‘We know the meaning of words and will do as we say. We laim te be th ced hiske, ouse Frees duh Grace Whiley Whitey izene 5 i Wo have some of this whiskey only 7 years old, gallon keg for 810 or will furnish on full Dea Tr rion rine elses es, making this whiskey cost less 02.20 per je] ; We fo ship § in pain box boxes with no marks to ae. Comtonin ote must add 20 cents per quart extra. 78 Ossper Bldg. a £& Fo 2 oF Lo] 2k 0% £o% 4k ok 2h < 4 2% OF 2k 20% 20% OF 4h 5 Eo GH EH HH CO EE 0 The Bullet, oll a yr. WE PAY TH “FREI T. Coneern in the South. All the free Ome Full cor] ress, Buyers West of Texas, THE CASPER CO; (Inc) e Rermitiing the above whiskey advertisement to appear in our columns, we javertisated © cheerfully endorse them, and friends in need of pure whiskies for medical uso need ©00060¢ $0999393009096900499035440400904 04900 4 $B EEEE BEE | AGENCY FOR SCRIBNER’S MAGIC ELECTRIC SEARCH- LIGHT A Sate Lantern For all purposes. Full Line Supplies For Photographers W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St.,, Mount Joy. AGENCY FOR STANDARD Steam Laundry LAUNDRY CALLED FOR MONDAY DELIVERED FRIDAY 0009900000000 0000000000 THR HTT TELE NEW STORE! LEGG ONLLLLLTLLINTLLNGSS GLENS LLLLLLINLLLNLSS °% Bargains ! Bargains ! At Hertzler’s Special Sale IS NOW Going on. 1’ GHANLLLLLLVLLLLINNGNSS LLHVLLILLLLLLLTLLLLN%YS E. C. HERTZLE E. Main §., Mount Joy prt LL TTT TH Shiver Meat Market Rear of Nissley's Tobacco Warehouse FTORIN . PENNA. Ww. W. RuIRES, Propr, Dealer in Fresh & Smoked Meats, Tallow, Lard, &e. ABNER M. HERSHEY. AUCTIONEER Mount Joy, Xena. Special attention given to calling all kiuds of rea, state and personal property sales. Satisfaetion waranteed, Charges moderate. Drop we a eard call up 836 A. Court Proclamation! WHEREAS, The Hon, Charles I. Landis, Pres- ident, Aaron B, Hassler, Associate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the county of Lancaster, and Assistant Justices of the Courts of ~ and Hon, Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Lancaster, have issued their Precept, to me directed, requiring me, among other things, to make public Proclumation throughout my batliwiek, thata Court of Oyerand Terminer and GeneralJd at! De Ivery, also, a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery will commence in the Court House, in the City of Lancaster, in the Commons wealth of Pennsylvania, ON THE THIRD MONDAY (THE 157TH, ) 194, nance of whieh precept PUBLIC NOTIOR | IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Mayor and Alderman of the City of Lancaster, in sald County, and all the Jus. tices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables of sald City and County of Lancaster, that they be then and there in thelr own proper persons with their rolls, records and examinations, and inquisitions, and thelr other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain in thelr behalf to be done § IN AUG. In pur prisoners who are or then shall be in the jail of the sald County of Lancaster are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. i Constables will make thelr quarterly returns MON- DAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1904, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated at Lancaster, the 27th day of July, 1904 AB, KREADY, Sugniey, Royer's Saddler SU West Main Street, Mount Joy Lam still making all kinds Af Harnsse Strictly, made, no machine work, 1 also sell anything in a saddler shop Repairing Prices to suit the Himes: Ch SE Oh Yes! GEORGE §. VOGEL, AUCTIONER! Post Office Address, Morin, Lancair © Telephone Number 85 Rates Very Reasanable for Alias and to all those who will prosecute against the