The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, August 17, 1904, Image 4

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A ———— I A EI I
The Sanday school of the Church of
God held their picnic at Kauffman’s park
Undertaker Chas. Cross and tinsmith
Dalvin Sanders each bought a horse last
Ed Mavnard and wife attended the
funeral of the former's nephew at Mill-
ersville on Monday.
Mrs. Samuel Rant visited Miss Emma
Young at the Walters Sanitarinm at
Wernersville, Pa., on Sonday.
Rev. A. H. Long of Maunt Jav, spent
three weeks among ftiends in the town
and attended every service during camp
David Baker jr. and wife of Allegheny
returned to their home an Mondav after
gpending a month with the former's
Ed Myers of Salunga, last week drilled
a well for Christian Blottanberger and
one for Amos Cooper and has removed
his outfit to Newtown.
famuel Sander, the newly aopninted
agent here, visited his familv at Marietta
on Sunday and will on Monday move
from that nlace to Salunga.
Track foreman Stoll with his repair
gang, last week tore out the siding which
connects the P. R. R. with the P. & R.
tracks on the north side of the station.
Rev. W.H. Warner preached
church here on Sunday.
Rev. W. H. Warner is spending a week
with relatives in Maryland.
The Rapho school directors met in
their office here on Saturday to transact
Mise Edith and Master Clay Martin, of
Doylestown, are spending aboutten days
with relatives here.
Mrs. Jacob Mumma went tosome Lan
caster hospital last Friday to receive
treatment for rheunmaiism.
Messrs. John Kready and Emerson
Rohrer returned home on Tuesdav from
their extensive trip through the West.
We will have two lady teachers in our
schools thiscoming season. This is the
first time since we have the new school-
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Niscley and son
Ralph, and daughter Stella, spent from
Thursday to Sunday with relatives in
o Misses Emma Wenger and Naomi
¢« Horst lefton Monday for Ashbury Park,
+ N.J., where they will spend a few weeks
at the Albemarle House.
Ph Mrs. Rosa Kaffold, of Harrisburg, and
Mieses Anna, Grace and Ole Nauman, of
Millersville, spent last week with their
grandmother, Mrs. H. K. Martin, and
other relatiues in this place.
rr RP tits
Harry Witmer of Indiana County, is
on a yisit to his parents residing here.}
Louis Krall of York, paid a visit to his
sister Mrs.Catharine Helman onSunday.
Clayton Sparrow and family of Landis-
ville were the guests of Abram Mumma
son Sunday.
in the
ov Helman is confined to
3. Dr P.M Harry
or in
ich done
of Rapho
missed these
~. hail made its ap-
i not damage the
iSunday- School of this place will
jeir_annwal picnic at Chickies
on Saturday, Aug. 27. The Cornet
h of this place will turnish the
pfor the occasion. Everybody is
bly invited to attend.
agle had a good sale on Monday.
bert G. Engle of Bainbridge is
ding afew days visiting relatives in
¥ H. Rec
q, Reqseeker 2-7 Mrs. Martha
ose, of Lebanon, visited friends in
demuth 2 sophomore
Rn University, is visiting
\his week.
sfuneral was largely
sople partook of
wife of Fall-
ting the
yi Grosh.
R\ the
John E. Kesselring and family are
visiting relatives at Frederick, Md.
Miss Mabel Gans, of Bachmanyille
spent a few days with her friend, Miss '
Mary F. Heisey.
The canning factory is now busy with
corn and tomatoes, which are coming in
in a limited way.
Mr. and Mrs. Leander Groff and son |
are yisiting in the West and will take in
the sights of the St. Louis Exposition
before their return.
The German Baptists will have ser-
vices in their meeting-house next Sun-
day morning, and the Union Sunday-
school will meetin the schoolhouse at
8 o’clock in the morning instead ofin the
Quite a Runaway.
A bad runaway occurred yesterday
but fortunately no one was seriously in-
jured. Frank Saylors was using J. S.
Carmany’s team when the bit broke
and the horse ran away, throwing the
young man out uninjured. The ani-
mal ran from Florin te this place when
°C. N. Mumma tried to stop it by
jumping on the rear end of the wagon
while the horse was running at a lively
clip and drew ‘the brake. On West
Main strét it collided with Maurice
Groff’'s team, damaging a wheel.
There was no further damage.
How's This ?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that zannot be cured by
Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., T'oledo, O,
We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chen-
ey for the last 15 years and believe him pertect-
ly honorable in all business tramsactions and
financially able to carry out any obligations
made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MAR-
TIN, Wholesale pruggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken interna'ly, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 6c
per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take HalPs Family Pills for constipation.
List of Sales.
Following is a list of sales for which
bills were printed at t his office:
Thursday, Aug. 18—At the Exchange
Hotel Stables, in Mount Joy, 20 head of
fresh cows and springers and 12 head of
fine steers by Sol Rosenthal. Zeller, auct.
Wednesday, Aug. 24—On the premises in
Mount Joy township, a Tract of Gravel
Land with improvements as property of
Michael Rendler by Joseph G. Shearer,
Executor. Zeller, Auct.
Monday; Sept. 5—~In Florin, three lots of
ground two with modern dwellings and all
necessary outbuildings, pleasantly located
plenty of fruit, etc , by B. B. Eichelberger.
Beatty, Auct.
Saturday, Oct. 15—At the Wasbington
House, a two-and-a-halfstory frame dwell
ing, with summer kitchen attached, stable
and all necessary outbuildings by Mrs. C.
N. Gerber. Zeller, Auct.

Sate Normal Nehool
Millersville, Penna.
E.0.L yte, Principal
Illustrated Catalogue Free

A Very Desirable Property
in Mount Joy Borough
at a Bargain before
September 1st.
Immediate Possession. Inquire of

Executor’s Public Sale of Real Estate.
Wed. Aug. 24th
Pursuant to an order of the last will and tes-
tament of Michael Rendler, deceased, the un-
dersigned executor will exnose to public sale,
on the premises, on the road leading from Mt.
Joy to Milton Grove, about 24 miles from the
former and 2 miles from the latter place, in Mt.
Joy township, the following described real es-
tate to wit: A Tract of Gravel Land Containing
32 Acres, more or less, in Mount Jo, township,
aforesaid. adjoining lands of H, on. Meckley,
John E. Lindemuth, Christ Horst, Jacob Young
C. 8, Shearer's Estate, Mrs, Simons and other:
The buildings thereon erected consist ofa
Two Story and Basement Frame Dwelling jin]
House, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed and Corn
Crib attached, Large Hog Pen, and other neces-
sary outbuildings, The above buildings are in
good repair. There is a choice variety of fruit
on the premises, consisting of apples, grapes and
berries of all kind. This tract is in a high state
of cultivation and a No, ] truck farm, se to
market, churches, schools and mechanics of all
kinds, There is running water on part of the
land and a well with Jomp therein near the
door. This property will be sold in two parts or
as a whole as is for'the best advantage for the
estate. Persons wishing to view the premises

prior to the day of sale will call on Michael Ren
dler jr., residing thereon or the undersigned re-
psiding nearby. 8a le to commence at 2 o'clock
RL. m., terms made known by
Zeller, Auct. Executor
y Sep. 18,’04
d will expose to public sale on
the road leading from Kliz-
Ridge, about four miles west
miles east of the latter
gal township, Lancaster
described real estate,
cph Horst farm), to
t Sand Land, in the
L, Lanc, Oo, Pa
8, Ohristian Mil
11 and others,
» about four
gvy Timber,
tnut trees.
Clayton Farmer, who lives a mile and
a half northwest of town, lost a valuable
horse from lockjaw. Ten davs ago the
animal picked up a nail and a few days
the eafter lockjaw set in,
sunday evening the Rev. W. H. Hard-
ing, of Colwyn, occupied the pulpit of
St. John’s Lutheran church, ofthis place.
Rev. Harding was formerly pastor of St.
John’s and he and Mrs. Harding are
now epending their vacation in town.
The Rev. George P. Goll, who for the
past several years has been pastor of St.
John’s Lutheran church, in this place
resigned that charge to accept a United
States government position outside of the
minisiry. The resignation was accepted
at a meeting of the church council.
Large Stock on Hand
nd Flagstones
Call and inspect them at
J. GLATFELTER, Proprietor

Common Sense
Hold on to your money when you
go buying and don’t be afraid to say
that a thing does not suit you when you
don’t like it—And when you come to
the store where anyone can see that you
get the best for your money—then let
go. We're not afraid to tender this
advice, for we know that if you act on
our suggestion, we are bound to get
your trade. :
Competition in larger towns or cities
than Mount Joy, quote lower prices ;
but when it comes down to honest ev-
ery day face to face facts, the truth
comes out. Expenses in large cities are
higher. Rentts higher and salaries
are higher. The merchandise costs the
same because we get our goods in the
same places as the larger stores in the
cities. Now put two and two together,
can the city store afford to sell cheaper
than the store in the small town? Of
course there are tricks in business. For
instance : You will find one man ad-
vertising a” 5oc article for 22c and he
advertises an article that’s really worth
soc. Now that is what is known asa
bait or a leader to draw you on to come
in the store. Not so with us ; we are
satisfied with the least profit that will
make cur business go and you will find
that honest values pay the best in the
long run, no matter what store you get
it at. You are sure to get honest val-
— ues at —
Yolle & Gaflin Bros.
Opposite Post Office,
Mount Joy, Penna.

At Hertzler's
Knicker Zephys 15C
Indian Linen, from 20 to soc
Bates Ginghams + 12Y4C
Percales in white & Black 12%c¢
Mercerized Madras from 15 to oc
Apron Ginghams 60
Ready-made Aprons
Cotton Covert Skirting
Men's Black Gauze
Plain Dress Linen
4%, 5, Mc
Tico Satine for Underskirts, 3oc
Tobacco Muslin,

Ca aoa oa apo goseresoretetotetotetetatotetetogotogetoegetoged
ttt ttt isssssssss AA 006-004
Much More Effective Even Than Hand Hoeing
We have a cultivator that we feel sure will be
great success for cultivating and hoeing corn, pota-
toes and tobacco as our transplanter has heen for
setting plants.
Cultivates between the plants
hills in the row as well as between the rows.
vates between the plants and kills the weeds
plants or hills are not closer than twelve
On« man does the whole business when the
well trained.
to drive.
Best Tool for Cultivating Tobacco Ever Made
Six acres is a day’s work in tobacco when the
plants are twelve inches apart on the This
machine is just as valuable to cultivate tobaéeo, po-
tatoes, cabbage, corn, and fact anything that necds
team is
If not well trained, better have a boy
406 $6060 00600000606600060000000600
ett ttt itttceectctscesesss 00000000000
9000000000009 0000000009906909009000000000009000000006
Will appear here during the Week Commencing
On Newcomer's Lot
Under a Large New Water—Proof Tent. Will open on Monday
Night with Two Jelly Tramps and a change of program nightly
Prices are the same as on former occasions,
Reserved Seats, 10 and 15 Cents Extra

to both dealer and customer is regulated by quality and price
Our Vehicles
are the successful regulators. Thousands have proven it. Just try one of
our Latest Style Runabouts or any kind of a wagon you wish built.

Bargains to interest you we are selling our $1.25 and $1.50 grades of Oxfords
Our Men's Calf and Vici Kid $3.50 and $4.00 grades of Oxfords
FOR $2.85
UB & CO.
Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and H siery
18 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA.

Thinking of Buying a Piano?

A Postal Card Inquiry to Below
Address May Save You $100
Mount Joy, Penna.

M. L. Glreider &
6 00909009000000008900000006060900000000000000000000300000000000000000000000000000000600004)
2222224 3338
rooooo teed
2080828220000 000000000000¢
. Es : Mi
B13 VEX will be done with this alaehe
or any, eulti-
ment than will be done by hand hoeing
vator made. This is simple and easily operat ed. and
easily attached and detatehed and ail 10. any
grower of tobacco,
A Testimoni: 1. {
Lancaster, "a. wr 12 1903.
1t gives me great pleasure to give
piece of farm machinery as the toh. . 1 bougl's one for
wy farm in Manor township, on th ‘ L lf,. Greider
in 1900, and I found in far greater than he reco ndd.g it to be.
1 used it ag a cultivator for corn, potatoes and tobacco, it saved
so much man labor, that I bought a second one this y ear. We
farm 30 acres of tobacco aud owe to the work of these |, ultivators
the opportunity of farming so large a crop of tobacco.f puis ma=-
chine does its work far superior to any other harrow
I have ever seen. I would advise every tobacco
one. Respectfully yours,
H. H. MOORE, Keeper Lane, (
Eastern Penna Agts.
! SUCH a useful
YY ; caliivator
farmgly to have
». Prison
000065606 200000000800 000 0804000084 7000
594499985224 443 4348404830228 0 4241
069 C00000000000000000000000004 . 9

| Pret ier tei te Ste Feed
Vapor, Steam apd Hot
Water Heating.
°% f
Have your Heating'and Plumb
ing looked after during the warm
weather and be in shape when
the frosts come.
Linc of Stoves, Hardware, Paints, §e.
Tin Roofing and Fpouting & Specialty
West Main Street, MT. JOY,
Ten Day Reduction aie
§ 5.75 Refrigerator, $5.00 § 7.00 Refrigerator, $6.25
9.00 Refrigerator, 8.00 11.00 Refrigerator, 10.00
12.00 Refrigerator, 11.00 13.00 Refrigerator, II.50
$14.00 Refrigerator $12.50
I= A Money-Saving Proposition. I=5"See Our Bast Window.
pret G Pr
Herr & Snavely
No. 7 East King Street, 2 Doors from Centre Square Lancaster, Pa.

We put on sale on Saturday morning up-to-date, new garments at less Skirts at
half price and less. We closed out a legding manufacturer’s entire stock. The styles
could not be better up-to-date new garments at less than cost of materials, Not a
skirt in the entire line would sell for less than $5 and up to $12.50. Sale price, $1.50,
$1.95, $2.95, $3.95.
$12.50 Linen Coat Suits, $5.00
200 Dress and Walking Skirts at Less Than Half Price.
A small lot of twenty wash suits of Pure Linen, in white, light blue and tan, fitted and
loose back coats ; regular $10 and $12 values at $5.
White Waists Reduced.
Fifty dozen white lawn waists, made in the season's best styles, beautifully trim-
med with lace and embroidery, worth 75c to $2.50 ; Sale price 50c., 75¢ and $1.00,
$1.00 Wrappers, 50 Cents
A special purchase of Lawn Wrappers go on sale today at half price ; mostly light
colors ; all sizes up to 45. Don’t wait if you want a bargain—a Special Bargain 500,
Ladies’ Jersey Ribbed Vests, low neck, short sleeves or sleeveless, tape-trimmed
neck and armboles, very elastic, 8c.
Ladies’ Fine Swiss Lace Ribbed Vest, low neck, sleeveless, silk trimmed neck and
armholes, reduced to 17¢.
~~ -
Ladies’ Fast Black Hose, double soles, heels and toes, plain or ribbed tops, a regu-
lar 17¢ hose, two pairs for 25c.
Ladies’ Lace Lisle Hose, white, tan, black and blue, all over lace or boot patterns
10¢, 12)4c ta $1.00 a pair.
Special Bargains in Ladies’ Lace or Plain Black Hose, three pairs ir 500. Never
sold for less than 25¢ a pair,
(5 I 0 \V I nD
Ladies’ Two Clasp Suede, Lisle or Wash Gloves, bl ack, white and colors, 2b¢,
ard 760, Ladies’ Silk Gloves, black und colors, 50¢, 75¢ and $1.00,
A Cr temste ofp wer
New Tork Stor
_ Gorner Square and East King Street,
“hy ©

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