The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, August 17, 1904, Image 1

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VOI, IV. NO. 12.
M. J. Brecht is a Candidate--Hershey’s
Challenge=--Socialist Ticket
From Tharsday’s Lancaster In-
The Republicans who intend put-
ting an independent
gh the field to fight the Griest com—
fin held another meeting at
9:50 this morning at Hotel Realty.
It was attended .by about fifty rep=-
resentatives fram different sections
of the county.
county ticket
Prominent among those present
was County Superintendent of
Public Schools M, J. Brecht, who
addressed the ndeeting and stated
that he positively would be a candi-
“date for Coryress against H. Burd
Cassell, the candidate of the ring,
whom he opposed and almost defeat-
ed two years ago,
John W. Appel. v ho "has been
spoken of as the independent candi-
date for judge against A. B. Hassler
was unable to attund the meeting,
but he sent a representative, who
stated that Mr. Appel had agreed to
stand as a slide
There whs consiflcrable talk about
the other candidat@§s who will be
placed on the tickdt, but everything
‘has not yet beer\ settled. It
known that the candidate for pro-
thonotary will be [Tobias Hershey
a prominent i
who is engaged in
of Petersburg,
he coal and lum-
be Andrew Musser, [president of the
Central National bapk of Columbia.
Candidates for the F.egislature will
be run in the Northern and South-
ern districts, but it ig
about the city districf
ber business at that place.
eandidate for county solicitor
not certain
These w ho atteded the mceting
manifestec a great dfeat of interest
in the proceedings aigd they bring
Ls the
Evfen the Griest
people admit that the tickets so
3 . 0d, sa,
far as selected is Ss have
very encouraging rep from
various districts,
On several oc! a weil-
past few weeks th
publisl ed articles
holding ex-Shen
Hershey up to public ridicule, anc
intimating herein nt during his
tenure of office Robbed the county.
maeeiodny WE. Hershey issued the fol.
owing challenge, which it is need-
less to say the New Era will not
A Number of Our Friends Are Called
Nancy Bollinger, aged 99 years,
died at the Baptist Brethren Ilome,
near Manheim Friday evening.
Knarr—John Knarr died at
home in Clinton county aged sixty
years, interred
in the Union cemetery at Maytown
on Monday.
The remains were
Gingrich—Jonas L. Gingrich of
Lancaster, a brother of Christian
Gingrich of town, died on Saturday
of malaria, aged 41 years, ‘The
funeral was hold at the Landisville
Mennonite meeting house yesterday
Detwiler—Dr. Isaac Detwiler,
aged 77 years, died at Manheim ov
Monday morning, Mr. Detwiler
was formerly a minister cf the Riy-
er Brethren denomination, The
funeral will be held tomorrow fore—
noon with services and interment at
Cross Roads, a mile west of town.
Longenecker — Wm. W. Longe-
necker died on Wednesday at the
home of his brother Clinton 8., who
is his sole survivor. Deceased was
28 years old and had beon ailing for
some time,
held on Saturday forenoon at the
Lutherai®hurch with interment in
the Florin cemetery.
Going to England.
4 mfinian Keller, son of Z. W
Keller and wife of this place, will
sail from New York in company
with J. Raymond Hemminger on
hugust 24, for London, England,
Lhere he has accepted a position as
vate secretary and stenographer
a). Alexander,
From Saturday’s Lancaster Ex-
The New Fra seems to be talking
itself very seriously when it talks
about me. It makes the charge
that I robbed the county several
years ago when I was sheriff. 1
wish to say while I held that office
I had Judge Landis, brother of
Jimmy Landis, the editor (God pity
our people) of the New Era, for my
lawyer to adyise me. When I step-
ped out of the office he congratulat
ed men upen the clean, houest busi-
ness character of my administration
and made it a poiut to say I came
out of the trying duties of the office
in such splendid shape bscause 1
was willing to cousult him and
always ready to follow legal coursel.
Now all I have to say is this. If
I was robbing the county, Judge
Landis knew it then and has known
it ever since, and if he has been
keeping it in the meantime from the
public until now, heis not a safe
man to sit on the Bench in our courts
of justice, For if the charge is true
I should be under arrest and Judge
Landis should be impeached.
Will the New Era ask the judge
to tell what he about the
robbing, which, it says, I was doing
under his instructions, that our
people may know if I am guilty or
if ghe New Era is lying?
The socialist party of the county
have nominated the following county
ticket: Congress, B. G. Ebersole,
of East Donegal; judge, J. W.
Johnson, of Maytown; prothonotary
I. 8. Clare; Lancaster; controller, F.
B. Emig, Ephrata; prison keeper,
Adam Kopp, Lancaster; poor direct
ors, Benjamin Portner, East Done-
gal, and Charles Nagle, Lancaster.
The office of district attorney will
be filled: later. The following

* | Shields,

vounty commtttee was elected: 1.
ite Wun.po If, E. Hoch, Abram
apes and’. ops
in Hoi J. G. Zook, Lititz;
wees rata; Leonard
arietta; J. W. Johnson,
Maytown; W. R. Cassile, Manheim.
The committee effected an organi-
zation by electing the following
officers; Chairman, _J. G. Zook,
recording secretary, H. E. Hoch;
financial secretary, I. 8. Clare;
corresponding secretary, Abram
Kautz; organizer, W. R. Cassile.
Left for St. Louis.
On Monday the following party
left Lancaster over the I>. R. R. on
a trip to California: W. W. Appel,
A. H. Powden, Esq.. E. F. Frailey,
D. P. Stackhouse, of Lancaster;
Justus Bard, Bareville Samuel
Mumma, Charles: Lehman Landis
ville; A. Jackson, George Wilson,
Philadelphia; Abram Brubak r,
Abram IHarnish, Aaron Weaver,
Ephraim Weaver, Rohrerstown; Dr,
Enos Mann, Bert Heiscy, W. H.
Raub, Dallastown, York county;
Howard Cassel, George R. Heisey,
Esq , Marietta; Eli Nissley, Florin.
Kast Peotersburg, Shock’s; Levi
Uross, East Petersburg; Mr. Hipple
Rol rerstown, and Frank Hoffman,
They occupied a special car and
were chaperoned by George R.
Heisey, Esq., of Marietta, and John
A. Mouk, of Columbia, Among the
places they will visit will be Placer-
ville, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland
and St. Louis,
ee A eee.
Was He a Doclur?
A Mr. Shwanger living some dis
tance north of town, owns a valua-
ble caw that broke into an apple
orchard and shcrtly afterwards be-

Funeral services were’
came sick, A man who terms him-
self a doctor, was’ consulted, who
relieved the cow (nit.) This doctor
took a pine stick several feet long
and about an inch in diameter, and
without tying the cow, ran the stick
down her throat, breaking it off,
Dr. Newcomer was sent for, who,
after lancing, removed the stick, To
end its sufferings the animal was
killed and upon examination it was
found that many splinters from the
rough stick used, were in the oow’s
throat as well as the liver torn by

the jamming done by that doctor (?)
Happenings of the Week Told in a Brief
Yet Iteresting Mannner.
Carrie Nation passed through here
this morning.
A son was born to Jacob Wagner
and wife yesterday.
For Sale—Fine celery
A. B. Root, Mount Joy.
A daughter was born to Arthur
Brown and wife on Sunday.
Harry Nissley is relaying the
slate roof on the Methodist church,
For Sale—A good autoharp with
instruction book. Call at this office
James Glatfelter purchased a
good bicycle from Earl Kaylor this
The festiyal on the lawn at A, C.
Mateer’s Saturday evening was well
The Catholic church will hold a
supper in the hall Saturday evening
August 20.
The brick-layers on the new
school building, completed the job
A new bridge is being laid near
the pumping station by the borough
James Glatfelter will erect two
tombstones in the cemetery at High
gpire tomorrow,
Addison Breneman was badly in-
jured by being kicked by a horse
last Wednesday.
Quite a number of our yourg
men left for Camp Nan this week
on a ten days’ outing.
. Constable Wm. Donaghy is quite
ill at his home an Marietta street
with stomach trouble.
We met the third person yester—
day that said he would contribute
toward a town clock.
Found— A gold ring, Owner can
haye same by calling on C. H. Zel-
ler and proving property.
It is rumored that Chas, A. Grei-
der will succeed Joseph Marfisi in
the green grocery business.
John Bombach moved from the
water works to his property on N.
Market street in this place.
The Lutheran Surzday school held
its picnic at Kauffman Park yester-
day. An immense crowd was pres-
ent. _
Miss Catherine Schoengerger of
Reading, is spending some time at
the home of her cousin, Mrs, John
In the absence of. the carrier
Nehemiah Gantz, one day. last week
James Frank had charge of Route
No. 3 from this place.
The Independent telephone was
placed in the office of the DeLong
Donegal Poultry Farms one day
last week. Call No. 873.
Rev. Samuel Sumpman of near
Williamstown, will occupy the pul-
{ piv in the Evangelical church Sun-
day morning and evening,
B. P. Harris of Danville, will
endeavor to institute an Improved
Order of Heptasophs in this place,
says one of our exchanges,
There were more festivals held in
Mount Joy and Florin this year
than during any previous year and
there are still a few more booked.
Rev. C. I. Eisenberger cf Schuyl-
kill Haven, a former Lancaster
countian, preached a very able ser-
mon in the Methodist church Sun-
day morning.
George Brown sr. was going up
town in his automobile Sunday and
and at the post office the machine
was disabled, Electrician Peoples
put it in shape again.
Henry Meckley residing two
miles from town, raised 105 bush-
els of Early Ohio potatoes on fourth
an acre of land. We doubt wheth-
er this can be equalled.
Our well known produce dealer
and sportsmen Gifford DeLong
bagged one of the finest ground hogs
we ever saw. Ie shot 1t in the
vicinity of Milton Grove on Satur-
duy, It weighed over nine pounds.
Will Lecture at Rheems.
Samuel Wormley of near Rheems,
will deliver a lecture in the Rheems
school house on Saturday evening, Aug.
27, subject “Intemperance.” A small
admission fee will be charged and Mr,

Wormley is well worth hearing.

Wesley Waltemyer will arrive
home today. :
Miss [da Wilgus of Maytown, is
visiting in town.
Miss Sipe is being entertained in
the family of A, K. Manning.
Miss Irene Martin of Lancaster,
is spending a few days in town.
Miss Lillian Brown and friend
spent Saturday at the County Seat.
Miss Mary Isaacs of Philadelphia
was calling on friends in town last
Charles Hemperly of York, was
the guest of friends in town over
Geo. B. Fach left for Camden, N.
J., where he will spend a week with
Miss Nellie Snyder of Maryland,
is visiting in the family of Samuel
Martin Welge, wife and son of
Brooklyn, spent a few days in town
with relatives,
Samuel Drace of Maytown, spent
Sunday in town with his sister Mrs.
F. B. Groff.
Miss Nettie Hemperly of Harris
burg, is the guest of her cousin
Edith Bentzel.
Mrs. E. W. Garber is slightly im-
proved, having had quite a severe
spell of sickness.
C. S. Gingrich and family attend-
ed the funeral of his brother at Lan-
caster yesterday.
Mastersonville, were in town on
business last week.
Wm. H. Winters, a prominent
insurance agent of Elizabethtown,
was in town on Sunday.
J. B. Wisegarver and wife
Daniel Schroll of this office,spent
from Friday to Sunday at Philadel-
phia and Camden, N. J.
Elihpalet Reed of Philadelphia,
spent the past few days in town
with his father and sister.
Charles Spangler and family of
Marietta, were Sunday visitols in
the family of Harry C. Culp,
Gabriel Moyer, a prominent citi-
zen of Palmyra, called on friends
here and at Florin yestarday.
Chas, Dillinger and wife and
Frank Baker and family spent Sun-
day with friends at Manheim.
Mus. Louisa Williams of Chicago
1s spending several weeks among
relatives in town and vicinity.
Walter Gochnauer will resume
his duties at Philadelphia next Mon
day after a few weeks’ vacation.
Samuel Smeltzer and wife left last
Thursday for Red Lion, York coanty
where they are spending a week
with frien ls.
Mrs. Mary Aon Easton and son
Gabriel spent last week on the farm
with the family of Amos Baker
near Maytown.
Frank Adams, a Philadelphia
Press reporter, was pleasantly en-
tertained by several of his friends
in town last week,
George Pyle and wife, who are
at Atlantic City, will arrive here
tomorrow evening to spend a few
days with his parents.
Harry Peopple, who is employed
by the Regina Music Box Company
at Rahway, N. J, spent Sunday in
town with his wife and parents,
Mr. Rengier and wife of Lancas—
ter, were guests of their son, Rev.
Richard C, Rengier, pastor of the
Lutkeran church here, over Sunday.
Misses Daisy Ritchie, Mary Sny-
der and Miss Lichtenberger of Lan-
caster, are being pleasantly enter-
tained by Miss Mamie McGinnis for
a few days,
J. E. Hoover and wife left this
morring to attend the niath annual
reunion of the Hoover family, The
reunion is being held at Chestnut
Hill Park, Philadelphia.
Wm, Sprout and daughters Gert—
rude and Mabel, Eli Smeltzer, Mrs,
Ella Wachstetter will leave tomor-
row for Cape May where they will
enjoy the sea breezes for five days,
Messrs, Joseph Hershey, David
and Samuel Gaffin, Wm. Conrad,
Frank Drabenstadt, Frank Bookman
and wife and Simon Menaugh and
wife are among those that will ac-
company the excursion to Atlantic
City oa Sunds : 7

What Transpired in Our Busy Village
the Past Week.
Mame Nagle of Chester, is visit—
ing friends in town,
Peter Krall visited Henry Young
in town on Sundny.
Miss Amanda Boyer of Maytown,
spent Sunday in our midst.
Henry Young made a business
trip to Columbia on Friday.
Irvin Ishler of Philadelphia, spent
Sunday in town with friends.
Ephraim Morton and lady friend
were Sunday visitors in town.
James Schlegelmilch of Columbia
spent Sunday in town with his par-
Amos Baker and family of near
Maytown, spent Sunday in this
Ed Gish aud wife of E’town,
spent Sunday in town with the lat—
ter’s parents,
John Stauffer of McKeesport,’
left for his home yesterday after
visiting here.
The woods meeting held in the
park on Sunday evening was
largely attended.
Harry Shank and family of Loba-
ta, were Sunday visitors in the fam-
ily of J. W. Shank.
George Whitecamp and family
of near Millersyille, spent Sunday
in town with relatives.
Mr. Hoover and family of Silver
Spring, were guests in the family of
John Masterson on Sunday,
Charles Menaugn and family of
Middletown, were guests of the for-
mer’s parents in town Sunday.
Mrs. Henry Keener and children
and Miss Ida Easton will camp at
Hillsdale during the camp-meeting
Miss Myra J. Booth left Saturday
for Middletown to spend a week or
two with the family of S. B. Long-
C. B. Winters and wife, who are
spending some time at Manheim
with the latter’s parents, spent Mon.
day in town,
George Flowers moved his family
and household effects to Harrisburg
this week where they will reside in
the future.
William Givens and family of
Newtown and Mabel Loraw of Leb-
anon, spent several days with Jacob
Loraw and family last week.
Howard Shickley and wife re-
turned to Philadelphia Monday af-
ter spending ten days here and at
Mount Joy visiting friends and rel-
Israel Bossler and wife, John
Flowers and wife, Emma Widman
and George A. Geyer will assist at
the boarding house while the camp-
meeting is in progress at Hillsdale.
A surprise party was held on Sat-
urday evening in honor of Miss Kt-
ta Carson. It was attended by
about twenty-five young folks, all
of whom spent a very enjoyable
A party was held at the home of
Mrs. Amanda Eichler on Monday
afternoon in honor of Eliza Hersh-
ey, who passed her 74th milestone.
The old lady is enjoying very good
health and we hope she lives to see
many more such pleasant occasions.
Returned from Colorado.
Photographer 8. A. Ricker re-
turned from his western trip on
Saturday afternoon. The trip was
a very interesting one and he
brought with him several sonvenir
looks of scenery throughout Colo-
rado which are well worth seeing
Mr. Ricker will cheerfully show
them to you if you call at his photo-
graph gallery. They contain views
of the Rocky Mountains, Pike's
Peak, Mamtau Springs, Colorado
Springs, Denver, Cripple Creek, ete,
Mr. Ricker is now ready for busi-
ness at his gallery and is bettg
prepared than ever to produce
latest syle photographs as he
number of new mounts
catchy designs.
Will Wed
A license to wg
Joseph FE. Bra

Frank Cood Was Elected Pumping En-
gineer Last Evening.
Chairman B. W. Brown called al
special meeting of Borough Council
last evening at eight o’clock, for the
purpose of taking action on the res—
ignation of John Bombach, pump-
ing engineer at the Borough water
Those present were Messrs. Det-
wiler, Brown, Hamaker, Hoffer and
and Mumma, The resignation of
Mr. Bombach was read -and upon
motion was accepted.

The communications from apph- |
cants were then read. They were
Frank Good, Lewis Koch and Geo.
After some discussion as to which |
one of the applicants was best fitted
for the position, a ballot was taken
Sold by the Sheriff.
Sheriff Kready disposed of the
(ollowing properties at the Court
House, Saturday.
A lot of ground in the village of
Florin, fronting 40 feet on Church
street, extending 200 feet, on wnich
is erected a one-story frame carriage
house and shop. Seized as the
property ofA. B. Eicherly and sold
to W. M. Hollowbush, Esq.,
Lot of ground on East Main street
Mt. Joy, on which are erected a two
story frame dwelling house, frame
kitchen, frame barn, etc. Sold as
the property of Joseph B. Gantz, tc
Fannie B. Gantz, for $1,250.
Since the aboye sale Dr. J. J.
Newpher purchased a portion of the
property on the east side on private
ee AQ erin
Ball Notes.
The High School base ball team
proved an easy thing for Bainbridge
on Siturday, our ball tossers being
lefeated by a score of 9 to 2
Sunbury was shut out twice yes-
terday 6-0 and 3-0 by KEdzewood
Park. In the second game, Frank
Schock who is playing right field
had two of the three hits. Haver-
stick pitched and allowed but five
Birthday Anniversary.
Mrs. Kate Geib celebrated her
birthday anniversary on Sunday in
a very enjoyable manner. Among
those who shared the pleasures of
the occasion were Joseph Stevenson
Harry Rose, Mr. Max and wife of
Harrisburg, Jacob Rose sr. and jr,
Edward Grissinger, G. W. Rose, J.
L. Diffenderfer and their wives of
Were Rowed to York County.
J. W, Crisswell, fish warden, and
his companion, who were imprisoned
on an island in the river, near Col-
umbia, during Sunday night, suc-
ceeded in escaping early Monday
morning. Raymond Ortman, of
Washington Borough, was paid a
good sum to row two men to the
York county side of the river.
Colored Camp,

The colored folks will hold ag
old time camp-meeting in Garbe
woods near Maytown, comme
on August 20 and continuei
the 28th. A good time is
ed as this will be one o
time camp-meetings.
Notes of the
James Bailey,
race by quit
posed to
and as every vote cast was for Good
he was declared elected.
Upon motion 4 new method will
be introduced hereafter as follows :
That the Water committee and the
Burgess make an agreement with
the pumping engineer as to what
his duties are, etc.
Mr. Good was elected to fill the
unexpired term of Mr. Bombach
and as the latter's resignation takes
effect August 31, Good will then
take charge.
It was suggested to leave the of-
fice of Water Superintendent va-
cant for the present and the Water
| committee will have the matter in
hands until a successor to Bombach
is elected.
Upon motion adjourned.
Many Brief Items of Interest Throughout
This Section
In Elizabethtown J. N. Olweiler
raised 1,600 cucumbers on a bed of
12 by 16 feet.
The Manheim Canning and Pre-
serving company has sold its entire
output of beans, consisting of
60,000 cans, to a New York firm.
John P. Swarr, one of Manheim’s
oldest merchants, has sold out to
E. E. Kready, a Rapho schoolmas-
ter, who will take possession No-
vember Ist.
Victor Naford of Bainbridge, has
in his possession a large string of
Indian beads he found along the
river since the flood and ice gorge
this Spring.
Little Florence Habecker, four
years old, a daughter of Jos. Hab-
ecker, fell from a lounge at hove
home Friday evening
when tu
They ha
jelly the
A calf
brows was born on,
ram Strickler, near’
is now owned by EsdUTICN
he is getting offers oi vr MoNDA
sell it to museums.
Vi ley!
The longest name ever placed
the marriage records in the wi]
was that of Missouri Arkansas
poleon Four Hundred Miles bg
the Mouth of the ‘Ohio Abshe
Butler county, O.; last week.
ln inte
Church Notes.
Church of God—Tnery 3 Sm
preaching services 'nex
Sunday school at 1.30 pd d
S. C. E. 4t 6.30 p. mi;
ing alone for God,;
Webb. Jr. S.C,
topic, What ou
doing in Chip
United I
regular rg
ces wi