BURIED BEAUTY Magnifieent Stonework in the Foun. dations of the Louvre in the 01d City. It has been known for some time that the roadway 1n front of the cathedral of Notre Dame, in Paris, is much higher that it originally was, and that the view of the entrance suffers in consequence. The architcctural expert of the Louvre museum, M. Redon, has discovered that the Louvre is also buried beneath the ground to a far greater depth than the original plans warranted, writes a Paris correspondent of the London Telegraph. M. Redon concludes from his first inves- tigations that, as planned at first, the Louvre was to have been encompassed by a moat, the excavation of which was prevented by the houses that surrounded it at the time. Afterward, when the houses were got rid of, the idea of the moat was forgotten, and the land rose naturally to its present height hiding over 2414 feet of the building. The com- mittee for the preservation of old Paris intends, under M. Redon’s supervisoin, to clear away the tarth and disclose the magnificent stonework of which the base is constructed. ‘“Sun Sets Twice n Day. There is only one place in the world where the sun sets twice in the same day and-that is at Leek, in England. There 1s a jagged mountain there and the sun sets behind it and it grows dark. An tour later the sun reappears at a gap in yie side of the mpuntain and it is light apaln until the Relation Betw Bills and It by en a Nation’s Food Commerce Shown Ntatistics, Statistics havefbeen collected to show that the measurg of the prosperity of a country is thi§ amount of food con- sumed byl its ] nhabitants—in other words, that diet jand commerce go hand in hand. [Ths c ies which consume the larges\t amou food and drink per capita are the countries which have the largest surplus for export to other lands; the coun which are abstemi- ous or moderate in their consumption of food and drink hgye Tittle surplus to send away, says the New York Sun. The average cost of food per capita in the United Staies ig 60 cents a day; thé United State ds at the head of exporting countries with an average of $1,250,000,000 in a y The average c mption of food and drink in Englan ) cents per capita, and England stor ecind on the list of exporting coun (Germany is the third with an exj« add of more than $1,000,000,000, and 45 the er neiih £pent | for food and er inclufled). a dey de of $800, AV EMNg 00 expense or ool and drink Russia With an ex- 5,000,000 bxpends 20 A and drini per capita, 275,000,000" of annual cents a day in maco- er articles of diet. nvinces statjaticlans ed this notiy, of the ftiveness 10 gjet that for each int gpitant” world powes in com- res and the surplus le soil Plant Out of Which Good r Is Made Muy Be Intro- duced in the South. pling experiences are now be- ied on by the department of e with a new paper plant pn, called mitsumata. The flients are the result of one cf Ps of Barbour Lathrop, of Chi- and D. G. Fairchild, torceign for the department, to Japaxn ler foreign countries in searck s for the government. mata is adapted to warmer the country and is one of the luable plants known for the pn of bark paper, so much the Japanese. It offers an en- crop to the south if it can fully raised here. Forty. on Japanese live upon the Reated by manufacturing pa- post of the product is manu- om bark cultivated upon ar one-third the size of the linois. UMmasa plant flourishes upon oor for rice growing, is es- apted to clay soil and from 0 pounds of raw bark are bon a single acre. Thie h in Japan from 15 to 1¢ er pound, or just fou: ch as the wood pulp im- Ameriea sells for in Yoke SHAH’S PALACE. Shop vf Valuable Things Conglomeration of lor and Luxury, of the shah of Persia, ac- pt. Donald Stuart, in “The ersia,” is an appalling f dinginess and splendor, luxury. One of the most ms is that filled with the the monarchs of Europe. pm 1s his majesty’s writ- Here stands a globe such in a school room, except pnts are made with gems prs, and all the names of ad in diamonds. On the py an old master is . highly-colored adver- ler in fishhooks. The '‘t sort of wooden bed, Oy six, the woodwork diamonds, emeralds, ires, some an inch long. e whole is estimated Ilion pounds. On the ne ir a carpet so thick the texture of the visible, while a huge iquoises and pearls, e with a cheap urn, imes seen at county hndedness. reat Britain have ons to denote left- ey are often prefixed left-handed child's the term is knack- eing also equivalent . *enqshire it is pawed, in Yorkshire gallock or gawk- handed, an expression dating back to at least the seventeenth century. In Derbyshire are used the terms keg- handed, cork-handed, or corky-handed, whilé in the Teesdale district cuddy- handed is common, and in Nottingham- shire wallet-handed. In the south of England special terms to denote left- handedness are also found. In Dorset it is scrame-handed and in Devonshire coochy-handed. In Scotland gawk- handed is used and in the west cawry- handed. In Ireland a left-handed man is called a kithogue. Horse Cars, With the exception of New York, the following cities are the only places in which more than five miles of street rail- way track are operated by animal pow- er: Hutchinson, Kan., seven miles; Santa Rosa, Cal., seven miles; Chicago, I11., six miles; San Francisco, Cal., five miles; Arkansas City, Kan., five miles, and Tuscon, Ariz, five miles. The cable, which, 15 years ago, had such bright prospects, is now antiquated. There are only two street railways operated ex- ¢l* sively br cahle rower. EVOLUTION OF THE RAILROAD. United States Now Has 205,000 Miles of Lines as Compared with Europe’s 180,000 Miles. There are single rails (60 feet long and 100 pounds to the yard) on the rail- roads of to-day as heavy as Peter Coop- er's old-time locomotive, says Leslie's Weekly. Before the civil war a train load of 200 tons was considered great. Now some freight engines haul loads of 2,500 tons. The first locomotives used in the United States had to he obtained from England. To-day Unit- ed States locomotives are found on the railways of Europe, Asia, Africa and the islands of the sea. One concern in Philadelphia. the Baldwin works, has made over 20,000 locomotives since it wag founded. It will turn out in 1903 hhlf a dozen every working day, or 1,800 fn all. When the United States, 70 years ago, began to follow in England's lead in the adoption of the railway nobody sup- posed we could catch up with that country. Between 1880 and 1890 the United States built 70,000 miles of rail- way more than England, France and Germany had constructed in 50 years. To-day there are 205,000 miles of rail- way in the United States, as compared with 180,000 in the whole of Europe, and dngland is not the leading country in Europe either in_the number of miles of road’ - The Common Schools, '~ The report of the commissioner of ed~ uncation places the total number of pu- pils enrolled in the common schools at 15,925,887, or over 20 per cent, of the entire population, The average daily attendance for 1902 was 10,999,273, or ¢¢ per cent. of the total number enrolled. Less than 28 per cent. of the teacherp were males, or 122,392 out of a total of 439,696. The private schools are tap- ulated at 1,103,901 for the elementary schools and 168,636 for academic and other secondary schools, The grand total enrollment for the year, including public and private, elementary, second!~ ary and higher educational: evenins schools, business schools, private kin) dergartens, Indian schools, state school/® for &phans /and others, is 18,080,840, DN nie. (7/4 DUTCH. TW BUMBLESOCK HAS TO SAY THIS WEEK. In Ost Pennsylvanie is es gebrauch- lich in de Busch Kerche, dass der Parre beim Singe die Leine vorsagt. Er gebt en Lein aus, un wann dio Leut sie ge- sunge hen, gebt er en annere Lein aus. Alsemol gebt er zweh Leine uf emol aus, un do vergesse die mehuste Leut die Worte, un Niemand singt die zweht Lein wie der Parre un der Vorsinger, un selle zweh hen Bucher. Der Plan is eigefuhrt worre 150 Johr zuruck, bekahsdie Lezt hen ken Bucher aatt. Faugebt es plenty Bucher, awer die Leut gleiche des Geld besser wie die Bucher, un so werd uf deralt Weg fortgesunge. Die Leut sin arg iu Favor vun alte Gebrauche, apartig wgnn Geld dabei gespart werd. Ich war schun oft in Kerche gewesst, wu die Leut uf den Plan singe. Es geht en Bissel schwach dabei, un die sach gemahnt mich alsfort an en ge- branch wu en mammy mit eme klehne Baby treibt. Sie nemmt en klehner theeloffel, nemmt en kleh wenig brei un steckt es dem Baby ins maul. Nau guckt sie zu un wart, bis das Baby der Brei geschluckt hot, dernoh gebt sie ihm wieder en wenig. So macht es der Parre. Er gebt den Leut en Brocke vum Lied, un wann sie sell ge- sunge hen, gebt er ihne wieder en Brocke. Es kummt mir allemol lach- erlich vor. Ich hann mich als schier net uwerzeuge, dass die leut im ernst sin mit ihrem Gesing. Der Gebrauch geht awer als mebner aus Faschon, un sell is gut. One Dollar Saved Representy, Ten Dollars Earned. The average man does not save \) ex- ceed ten per cent of his earnings. He must spendnine dollars in living expenses for every doliar saved. That being tie case he cannot be too careful about} un- necessary expenses. Very often § few cents properly invested, like buying seeds for his garden, will save several dollars outlay later on. Itis the same in buying Chamberlain’sColie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It costs but a few cents, and a botile of it in the house often saves a doctor’s bill of several dollars. For sale by J. 8. Carmany Florin Pa. and all Mount Joy druggists. —————— eee Don’t Spend Time Trying to clean your dirty hands with soap, sand and putnice, but use KLEENO because KLEENO will clean your dirty hands quicker and better than soap, and will not leave an unpleasant odor on them like tar soaps and the large variety of cheap soaps made from poisonous an- smal fat which close the pores of the skin, causing black-heads and various skin diseases. KLEENO contains no sand or pumice stone like tar soape,which roughen the skin. KLEENO is a deli- cately perfumed powder composed only of harmless ingredients and is guaran- teed not to injure the most tender skin. KLEENO 8 put up in fine powder form in 4-ounce tin boxes, the lids of which are perforated so that it can easily be sprinkled on the hands or on a wet towel for washing the face. Try it once and you will use it all the time. Price, 10¢ per box. For sale at Yoffe & Gaffin Brothers’ Department Store. TERM —— Reduced Rates to Detroit, For the benefit of those desiring to at- tend the National Convention of the Baptist Young People’s Union of America to be held at Detroit, Mich., July 7 to 10, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell round-trip tiokets from all stations on its lines to Detroit. July 5 to 7, in clusiye, good goiug on those dates and good to return until July 12, inclusive, at rate of a single fare for the round trip, plus §2.00. By depositing tickets with special agent at Detroit on or before July 10, and payment of fifty cents, an extension of final return limit may be obtained to leave Detroit not later than August 15. For specific rates and full information concerning stop-oyere, con- sult nearest ticket agent, When bilions take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by J. 8. Carmany Florin Pa, and all Mount Joy druggists. BE — Use KLiENo, the modern hand cleaner Price 10¢ per box. For sale at Yoffe & Gutlin Bros, Department Store. "TO CONSUMPTIVE' © The undersigned having been restored to health simple means, after safrering for several year witha severe lung affection, and that dread diseas Consumption, is anxious to make kuown to hi fellow sufferers the means of cure, To those wk. desire it, he will cheerfully eend (free of charge) copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for onsumption, Asthma, Ca- tarrh, Bronchitis and all throatand lung Mal- adies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, asitisinvaluable, Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove & blessing, will please address, Rove EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New York Y FOR RIBNER’S MAGIC ELECTRIC SEARCH- LIGHT A Safe Lantern For all purposes. Will not ex- plode. nor set fire to anything. Invaluable for Farmers, House- keepers, Physicians, Etc. W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St.,, Mount Joy. AGENCY FOR STANDARD Steam Laundry LAUNDRY CALLED FOR MONDAY DELIVERED FRIDAY i OOOO LLLLLLL Alls lll lldldlododdodddddoddddd C00000000000009P0PPPPIPPIPPIPIPIVIVIIIVIVITIIVIIIVIVIVIIVIYYY 3. ov Land (ASOPRA ARO TRYIN ABT Eq Nena The perfected Phonograph will entertain you for the balance of your life with the world’s best music, Opera and Vaudeville, Columbia Gold Moulded Cylinder, Records, 25c. Ma- chines sold on installment plan of 1.00 down and the dalanoce payable weekly or monthly. People’s Music Store Ind. Phone 860. Mount Joy, Pa. Office: West Donegal Street. whe er rd All The Latest News. You can get it by sending us 50¢ for which we will send you The Weekly Bulletin “for one entire year to any part of the U. S., post- paid. ‘We issue the Bulletin every Wednesday and send them out in the evening mail, reaching our readers a few days earlier than the other weekly papers. We give all the latest news from the immedi- ate vicinity, and from all parts of the County and State. Try it fora year and be convinced. The Weekly Bulletin. Ch Yes! Oh Yes! GEORGE S. YOGEL, AUCTIONEER Post Office Address, Florin, Lancaster Co., Pa. Telephone Number 851. Rates Very Reasonable for AllKinds of Sale OF e-t-ototetetototsotstestetre( ! Risseoxr’s ! Ellxhorn Steam IL.aundry MOUNT JOY, PA. Our Solicitor will call on you every y Tuesday and Deliver Every Friday Your Work Solicited. + Satisfaction Guaranteed. Oot otstotstetosotststste Shires’ Meat Market Rear of Nissley's Tobacco Warehouse FLORIN, . W. W. SHIRES, Prop. w—— Meats, Tallow, Lard, &ec. scription to The Weekly Bulletin. PENI A. Dealer in Fresh & Smoked How can you live without a Local Newepaper ? Smoke ten cigars less a year which will mean a year’s sub- Real Estate and Insurance Office Calling and Clerking of Public Sales couveyancing, \ nas. BW. ZELLER E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY PENNSYLVANTY RAILROLD. Schedule in Effect November 29, 1908. { ¢ AM 11 40 i Sr wun > 8 40 03 § SUNDAYS 8 30 9 36 10 25 AM? AM MN 03 8 4b 9 55 |e > « = T bx Ty 2 = | = [= 2 = |e | {= = | | | | | | | | | EASTWARD—WEEK-DAYS AAA NAAN hia. Leave STATIONS le STATIONS del 2 TO¥.eceeassss Lancaster olumbia Murtetta, A Elizabethtown. Middletown. ... Harrisburg iddletown ........ Elizabethtown ...... Harrisburg, Leave. ....... § M . Philadelphia Mount Joy... oS C “1” Stops on signal or notice to Agent or Con- ductor to receive or discharge passengers. “hb” Stops only on signal or notice 0 Cond ue- tor to discharge passengers. . ; For time tables and additional information In quire of Ticket Agent. W. W.ATTERBURY, J. R,. WOOD, General Manager, Pass'r Trafic Mgr. GEO. W. BOYD, General Passenger Agent. NOTARY PUBLIC. W. M. HOLLOWBUSH ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna. Days at Lancaster, Monday and Friday, at No. 52 North Duke Street. Ask Your Grocer For White § ee - Mountain Market that 1s Free From Alun and Acids. Man- ; It 1s the Only Powder on A ufactured by E.W.GARBER 81 EAST MAIN ST,, Easy and Quick! Soap-Making with BANNER LYE To make the very best soap, simply dissolve a can of Banner Lye in cold water, melt 534 lbs. of grease, pour the Lye water in the grease. Stir and put aside to set. Faull Directions en Every Package Banner Lye is pulverized. The can may be opened and closed at will, pers mitting the use of a small quantity at a time. It is just the article needed in every household. It will clean paint, floors, marble and tile work, soften water, disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes. Write for booklet “Uses of Banner Lye''—free. The Penn Chemical Works. Philadelphia STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel West Kine 81, LANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORREL HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 52, 58 and 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents, Best accommodations in every respect. A share of your patronage solicited, A. B. ADAMS, Pro. OH YES OH YES OH YES If you §'% going to have a real estate or per- sonal property sale consult H. H. MORTON, Auctioneer MOUNT JOY, PENN Specialattention given to Salling 8 of every de- scription, Charges moderate, Satisfaction guaran. Telophone La Plerra House, Mount Joy, Pa, Our Ads Pay : The undersigned wishes to inform the pub- lic that he Manufactures All Kinds of Woven Rugs at Very Reasonable Prices. Also works 0!d Ingrain and Brussel Carpet into Rugs. Settlomo tofestates, collection of remte; surveying and | If you have ol 1 carpet, let him make you a pretty rug for y our parlor, } H, ISHLER, FLORIN, PA, ==TAG! YOU'RE IT. he Sag - v.e a tenets ontinne ye “ Ne How easy it is to be “It.” The luxury of fine tailoring is brought within the means of moderate incomes. Times have changed, for so far as dress is concerned, the clerk and mechanic are now ou the same footing as the millionaire. 9 The International Tailoring Co.. Ney I makes made-to-measure garments of the highest standard at a price * everybody can afford to pay. We are the local dealers for this famous house and are showing over five hundred of their new Spring styles. H. E. EBERSLOE, Mt. Joy. 0000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 The Smart Set A ‘Magazine of Cleverness Magazines should have a well-defined purpose. Genuine entertainment, amusement, and mental recreation are the motives of The Smart Set, the Most Successful of Magazines Its novels (a complete one in each number) are by the most brilliant auth ors of both hemispheres, Its short stories are matchless—clean and full of human interest. Its poetry covering the entire field of verse- -pathos, love, humor, tender- ness---is by the most popular poets, men and women of the day. § Its jokes, witticisms, sketches, etc., are admittedly the most mirth-provoking - 160 Pages Delightful Reading No pages are wasted on cheap illustrations, editorial vaporings or wearying essays and idle discussions, Every page will interest, charm an Subscribe now, $2.50 per year. der, or Registered letter to The Snrait Set 452 Fifth Avenue, New York. 0000000000000 000000000000000000 Remit 0000000000 Order Wour Spring Work Nowr G. W. SHICK I 4g MOUNT .JOY STREET SLIP LIEILIIIILILL E0000 Unredeemed I Rambler Chainless Coaster Brake. High Grade Makes, all as 1 a Pirosh & Si The Old Established Pawnbrokers and Jewelers In 20 N. Queen Street, Lancas 900000000000 0000090000000000000000000 THE NULITE VAPOR LAMP. Q GAS Street. J Nearest Approach to Sunlight and Almost as Cheap. ARC ILLUMINATORS 1i060A% wo onvrs. | Make your stores light as day. A Hardware house writes we: ‘mine working wights instead of Gaye. SRANSEIR § REE No bey *e Oder. i Cy Write me for agency for your town, Call at my office ag and you will surely want ong H. PEOPPLES, Box 92, MounT Joy, RA