The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, May 25, 1904, Image 3

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    A orued from solution
B Billy recognized. The miner re-
ceives the theory because it explains the
making of gold to him, but he often won-
cers how it is done, so here is what has
been seen: Daintree once prepared a
solution of gold and .left in it a small
piece of metallic gold. Accidentally =a
gmall piece of wood fell into the solu-
tion; the solution decomposed, the gold
essumed a metallic state and collected
and held to the small piece of undis-
solved gold, which increased in size. An-
other investigator, says Mines and Min-
erals, heard of this and made a dilute
gold solution, in which he immersed a
piece of irgn pyrites and left it there a
month. He added also organic matter,
and at the {month’s end the pyrites were
tered with a film of metallic gold.
galena were next tried, and
tvered with gold. Gold, cop:
arsenical pyrites, galena,
e also tried with similar re-
li¢ precipitates were. tried,
bev threw down the gold as
7derthey did not cause it
plate any of the sub-
Organic matter thus
lecessary chemical agent.
ood used in these experi-
disseminated in fine
ne those experiments
nature through ages and
d be a nugget.
Automobile Vouldn’t Stop When the
Drive Told It 'To—Cost
Him $300.
the result
The horsemed of Rochester who have
pot yet surrendered to the automobile’s
wiles are laugting heartily at the mis-
hap which o/ertook one of their num-
ber whose affection for the equine fly-
Ers did not prgve so adamantine, says
the New York T{ribune.
He purchased] an expensive electric
runabout, and, Yalthough an ardent
horseman, beca rested in
manipulating hj nn,
It took
” Y
th veral days to get over
jg which attacked him
ked over the dashboard
v only the road in front, but he
in time to forget the absence of
hccustomed horse. It was this for-
ulness which caused the trouble.
e took a pleasant little spin one night
st week and returned along the familiar
roads. The automobile ran with
smoothness and his mind was un-
He swung up the wagon road, saw the
barn doors wide open, and, with the ma-
thine at the “third power,” rolled swift-
ly over the threshold. As the wheels
touched the floor he tossed his hands off
the steering bar and shouted in his old-
time voice:
When he dared to look, he found that
the machine had bucked its way through
a thin partition between the carriage
floor and the stalls, and was trying to
eat hay out of a feedbox. His friends
fleclare that his second of forgetfulness
cost him $300.
fudden Shower Came Near Ruining
Eighteen Dollar Bonnet of a
Fair Young New Yorker.
A sudden shower came up just as the
yourg woman alighted from an “L”
train. She bought a popular magazine
from. the newsboy and then went up to
the ticket chopper, says the New York
“Kindly notify me when it has
stopped raining,” she said to him. as
she passed into the ladies’ waiting-
. room. There she disposed herself as
comfortably as is possible on a hard-
backed bench, and for more than an
placidly read her magazine.
es the gateman slipped
and saw her im-
oblivious to her sur
e shower passed
his head in at the
he announced.
h a smile,
it and rolled
yas passing
that some
ed to the
pout two
nter to
than to
¢ being
, O10
Reverte. It occu
says an enchange. After dispos™
two bulls Reverte had twice plunged
sword into a third, of great strength and
ferocity, and as the beast continued ca-
reening wildly the spectators began tc
hiss Reverte for bungling. Wounded tc
the very quick of his pride, the Spaniard
shouted: ‘‘The bull is slain!” and,
throwing aside his sword, sank on one
hee with folded arms in the middle of
the ring. He was right, but he had not
allowed for the margin of accident.
The wounded beast charged full upor
him, but the matador, splendid to the
last, knelt motionless as a statue, while
the spectators held their breath in hor-
rified suspense. Reaching his victim
the bull literally bounded at him, and
as he sprang he sank in death, with his
last effort giving one fearful lunge of
the head that drove a horn into the
thigh of the kneeling man and laid bare
the bone from the knee tothe joint. Stil
Reverte never flinched, but remainec
kneeling, exultant in victory, but calm-
ly contemptuous of applause, tiil he was
carried away to heal him of his griev-
ous wound.
Number of Femnle Teachers Increng.
ing—Three Quarters as Many
Priests as in 18582,
The Italian government has pb
lished some interesting figures relat ¢
to the modes of gaining a living in Ite
Recording to these statistics, the gr
est number of persons afte devoted
teaching. In 1882 there were 32,9(
male tutors, while now ‘here are 34
the number of women teachers in 18¢
was 46,887, and now 62,643, showing tha
female teachers are on the increase. Irn
the medical profession the increase is
in men—there are now 22,139 male ph

sicips ainst 18,984 J and
DN 82,
the women 20 again o of the same
date; while the lawyers number 24,196,
against 20,353.
There is a notable increase in the
number of monks and nuns. In 1882,
they were 28,172, while they are now
40,251. On the other hand, the priests
are somewhat fewer, having decreased
from 84,834 to 68,844.
Disease of Naval Officers.
The medical officers of the navy who
have been making a study of neurasthe-
nia, which has disabled so many offi-
cers, ascribe it to the conditions of the
ife in the navy now imposing upon offi-
ers’ long tours of duty on remote sta-
ions, where the opportunities for di-
ersion are not many, and where home-
ickness and discontent, combined with
he uncertainty of detachment, have
sroduced this distress of mind and
body. ; : ,
ec. ee cell ld dA
Expected to Work Marveloud Kensull:
in the Treatment of Cancer
and Blindness.
The Anglo-Indian. Review sum
marizes an interesting account of the
possible future applications of radi
um. The area where success is prac
tically assured is at present not very
large, but in the medical field it is al
ready fairly extensive. In the work
Ing of X-rays and in the marvelous re
sults achieved in the treatment of can-
cer and blindness we have every hope
for great and universally benefiting
results. In its Industrial applicaton
we ar¢ somewhat restricted by the
extremely limited supply of radium
available, but it is stated that a small
fraction of an ounce, properly em
ployed, would probably provide a good
Yght sufficient for several rooms, and
would not require renewal during the
present century. It has been calcu
lated that the energy stored up in one
gramme of radium {is sufficient tg
raise 500 tons weight a miie high. An
ounce would, therefore, suffice to drive
a bH0-horsepower motor car at the rate
of 30 miles an hour round the world.
The Hydrophoblia Microbe,
Dr. A. Negri, at Pavi, announced las{
March the discovery of the specific mi.
ero-organism of hydrophobia. He now
states that he has examined more thang
100 dogs with natural or laboratory
hydrophobia, and has never failed tc
find the specific micro-organism in the
nerve centers. On the other hand, he
has never found it In other dogs.
Through) the Sues,
vilian passengers through the
last year numbered 92,000
emigrants and oo
— a,
id 4

er keielt, 00 8
harlicha g’laebt mit eerem 1zwetta mon,
oon d’no is ar g’schtorriva. Se hat feer
kinner bei eet kotta--ol derfoon wawra
maed, 19, 17, 15 oon 8 yohra olt. Noch
em dote foon eerem tzwetta mon is se mit
eera maed widder tzrick noch Utah gae-
tzraga. De- weil se weck foon Utah wor
huteera arshta mou pawr mul mae
keiert, oon hut feer weiyer oon tzway-
oon-tzwonsioh kinner katta. Sei arshty
fraw oon eera maed hen now aw de
Mormon karrich gae-joined. Ae dawg
hit se eera arshty mon oof da schtrose aw
gae-drutfa oon der arsht leeb is widder
tzrick kooma zoo eena ol tzway. Seller
owet Lien se keiert, oon sel hut sei finfty
fraw g’macht. Eb long hut ar aw ee a
drei arshty maed keiert, oon now wawrt
ar fer’s yingsht olt gaenoonk tsoo waerra
fer se aw noch tzd>o heiera. Ar mawg
ferleicht en harlichea laeva hov' a mit ol
denna weiver, ovver ich doub¢s orrich
Wos denksht derfoon, Mister Drooker?
Wel, ich hob ae fraw oon kae kinuner,
oon ich date net bletz schwoppa mit
kens foon sella Mormon kar! Ae fraw
is gae-noonk fer ich date
meiny net fer-hcndella fer en dootsendt
onuerry. -
mich, oon
ee Beem.
Watches, Clocks, Graphophones, Music Box-
es, and Mysical Instruments
Promptly and Satisfactorily Repaired.
I Sell All Kinds of Electrical Supplies, In-
stall Private Telephones, Burglar Alarms
and Electric Lights.
Harry Peopples
Ind. Phone 860. Mount Joy, Pa.
Office : West Donegal Street.

\ bs

All The Latest News.

You can get it by
sending us 50¢ for which
we will send you The
Weekly Bulletin for
one entire year to any
part of the U. S., post-
‘We issue the Bulletin

Don't Spend Time
ng to clean your dirty hands with
y, sand and pumice, but use KLEENO
pause KLEENO will clean your dirty
ids quicker and better than soap, and
Il not leave an unpleasant odor on
em like tar soaps and the large variety
Jf cheap soaps made from poisonous an-
mal fat which close the pores of the
kin, causing black-heads and various
kin diseases. KLEENO contains no
~and or pumice stone liketar soaps,which
roughen the skin. KLEENO is a deli-
ately perfumed powder composed only
of harmless ingredients and is guaran-
reed not to injure the most tender skin.
K LEENO 18 put up in fine powder form
in 4-ounce tin boxes, the lids of which
are perforated so that it can easily be
sprinkled on the hands or on a wet towel
for washing the face. Try it once and
vou will use it all the time. Price, 10c¢
per box. For sale at Yoffe & Gaffin
Brothers’ Department Store.
An Open Letter.
From the Chapin, 8. C., News. Early
n the spring my wife and I were taken
aith diarrhoea and so severe were the
pains that we called a physician who
orescribed for us, but his medicines
failed to give any relief. A friend who
nad a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand
gave each of us a dose and we at once
lefi the effects. I procured a bottle and
before using the entire contents we were
entirely cared. It is a wonderful remedy
and should be found in every household.
H. C. Bailey, Editor. This remedy is
for sale by J. 8. Carmany Florin Pa. and
all Mount Joy druggists.
Reduced Rates to Gettysburg.
For the banefit of those desiring to at-
tend tde Annual Escampment of the
Grand Army of the Republic, Depart-
ment of Pennsylvania, at Gettvsburg,
June 5 to 11, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell eacursion tickets to
Gettysburg from all stations on its line
inthe State of Pennsylvania, on J une 4
5, 5,7, sud 8, good to return until June
13, inclusive, at rate of a ingle fare fo
the round trip. For epecific i ates, apply
to local tics: agents,
The I
LLETIN would make a nice
for a friend. Oaly 560c a year.
The undersigned having been restored to health
Tne Ni : Ta after suffering for several years
> » affection, and that dread diseas.
is anxious to make known to hi.
he means of cure. ‘To those wh.
heerfully send (free of charge) a
rintion used, which they will find
onsumption, Asthma, Ca-
tis and all throatand lung Mal
11 sufferers will try his remy
Thos desiring the prescription
othing, and may prove.
Wh a 50)
every Wednesday and
send them out in the
evening mail, reaching
our readers a few
days earlier than the
other weekly papers.
We give all the latest
news from the immedi-
ate vicinity, and from
all parts of the County
and State. Try it fora
year and be convinced.

The Weekly Bulletin.

Ch Yes! Oh Yes!
Post Office Address, Florin, Lancaster Co., Pa,
Telephone Number 851.
Rates Very Reasonable for AllKinds of Sale

Oreee0eot stot otsotototodode(
I Risserxr’s
» Ellx horn 1
Steam |
, Tm=aundry
Our Solicitor will call on you every
Tuesday and Deliver Every Friday
Your Work Solicited.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Oooo tetototseototototodete]

Shires’ Meat Market
Rear or Nivsley's Tobacco Warehouse
W. W. SHIRES, Propr.
Dealer in Fresh & Smoked
Meats, Tallow, Lard, &e.

How can you live without a Loca
Newepaper ? Smoke ten cigars less a
year which will mean a year’s sub-
scription to The Weekly Bulletin.
$uas. ZELLER
Real Estate and
Insurance Office
Calling and Clet\ing
of Public Sal

Settle entofy

tes, collectio
hia. Leave
18 2). v nes
Columbia .......
Marietta ......... ...
Harrisburg, Leave
Middletown .
Mount toy
Murtettd, Arrive
+4" Steps on signal or noticetn Agent or Con-
ductor to receive or discharge passengers.
“b” Stops only on signal or notice » Con duc-
tor to discharge passengers,
For time tables and additional information in
quire of Ticket Agent,
General Manager, Pass'r Trafic Mgr.
General Passenger Agent.

48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna.
Days at Lancaster, Monday and Friday, at No,
62 North Duke Street.

Ask Your Grocer For
It 1s the Only Powder on the
Market that 1s Free From
Alum and Acids. Man-
ufactured by

Easy and Quick!
To make the very best soap, simply
dissolve a can of Banner Lye in cold
water, melt §% lbs. of grease, pour the
Lye water in the grease. Stir and put
aside to set.
Full Directions on Every Package
Banner Lye is pulverized. The can
may be opened and closed at will, per
mitting the use of a small quantity at a
time, It is just the article needed-in
every household. It will clean paint,
floors, marble and tile work, soften water,
disinfect sinks, closets and waste: pipes.
Write for booklet “Uses of Banner
The Penn Chemical Works. Philadelphia

Sorrel Horse Hotel
The annex now complete with the SORREL
HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 52, §% and
5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents. Best
accommodations in every respect. A share of
your patronage solicited.
A. B. ADAMS, gro.

If you are going to have a real estate or per-
sonal property sale consult
H. H. MORTON, Auctioneer
Specislattention given to callin of every dp-
scription, Charges moderate, Eatistaction wash
Telephone La Plerre House, Mount Joye” Pa,
The undersigned wishes to inform the pub.
lic that he Manufactures All Kinds of Woven
Rugs at Very Reasonable Prices. Also works
Old Ingrain and Brussel Carpet into Rugs,
If you have oll carpet, let him make you a
pretty rug fory our parlor,

makes made-to-nmew
everybody can afford to 8 :
house and are showing over five hunt rou
The Smart Set
A Magazine of Cleverness
Magazines should have a well-defined purpose.
Genuine entertainment, amusement, and mental recreation are thg motives >
of The Smart Set, the
Most Successful of Magazines
Its novels (a complete one in each number) are by the most brilliant auth—
ors of both hemispheres.
Its short stories are matchless—clean and full of human interest.
Its poetry covering the entire field of verse- -pathos, love, humor, tender-
ness---is by the most popular poets, men and women of the day.
Its jokes, witticisms, sketches, etc., are admittedly the most mirth-provoking
160 Pages Delighiful Reading
No pages are wasted on cheap illustrations, editorial vaporings or wearying
2ssays and idle discussions.
Every page will interest, charm and refresh you.
Subscribe now, $2.50 per year.
der, or Registered letter to
The Smart Set
452 Fifth Avenue, New Yk.
Remit in cheque, P. O. or Express or-
| Order Tour Spring Work Now

~~ $8.00
A Dozen Best Rodgers Knives 2 Forks
Reduced From 4.28
ROGERS TEASPOONS, 85 cents a set ; reduced from $1.25,
ROGERS TABLESPOONS, $1.65 a set ; reduced from $2.00.
SPECIAL OFFER TEA SETS, from $5.00 up.
Pirosh ¢ Simmons
The Old Established Pawnbrokers and Jewelers Ind, Phone 1338 A.
20 Queen Street, Lancaster. Penna.

'Vaas LA
me, Store and Street.
or Home, Approsch to Sunlight and Almost as Cheap,
Make your stores light as day. A Hardware house us:
“We like your lamps so well we are Nag
now working nights tad of dor LL EE v
also manufacture TABLE LAMPS,
SAAR Fei et
Ber ety safe. THEY SELL AT SIGHT, Exclusive ler
¥itory to good agents. EI Write for catalogue and priced.
gency for your town, Call e apd
and you will gu rely W,
Box 92, Mouxy