ECKERTS PHENOMENAL SHOE BARGAINS We bought a $5,000 Shoe Stock from a Reliable Dealer in the western part of the state, at a sacrifice, and to sell same quickly, we have slashed prices right and left. WNOTE THESE FIGURES: Men's Vici Kid and Satin Calf, Neat Dress Shoe, 1.48. Ladies’ Patent Colt and Vici Kid, Hand Turn or Goodyear Welt, Ladies’ Neat Dress Shoe, 98c. A Full and Complete Line of Boys’ and Youths’, Misses’ and Children’s. Men’s Viei Kid, Patent Colt and Velour Calf, $1.98, Men’s All Solid Shoe for Dress or Working Shoe, 98c. Ladies’ Patent Leather or Vici Kid, 1.24 and 1.48. Bear in Mind that this sale is Independent of the Regular Stock and that we will only iain asaes : THE QUESTION You will have to mest is, “ What Paint to use on your building to insure the best and most lasting result.” THE ANSWER If you have studied the matter must be THE SHER- WIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS, because they are the Best Herr & Snavely No. 7 East King Street, 2 Doors from Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. 9 9 Le 4, 2.48. sell at these figures wi 2 666006000000000004 ROSES 0000000000220 0S 240460600 000404 3( [1.93 and 2.24, ile this stock lasts. ==TAG! YOU'RE IT.== 7 Cetg eral Pe ecenana eo Caste. WTS bhp minnouin set Seer wet emape,t How easy it is to be “It.” The luxury of fine tailoring is brought within the means of moderate incomes. Times have.changed, for so far as dress is concerned, the clerk and mechanic are now on the same footing as the millionaire, The International Tailoring Co., makes made-to-measure garments of everybody can afford to pay. We are the local dealers for this famous house and are showing over five hundred of their new Spring styles. H. E. EBERSOLE, Mt. Joy. Deeds Transferred. Catharine Spickler’s heirs to John H. Hostetter, property in Rapho, 1,075. Martin Hildebrandt’s executors to Joseph H. Detwiler, property in Mt. Joy, $3,500. Lizzie Hoffer et. al, and Peter S. Risser and George Gantz to C. E, Herr, 126 acres and 80 perches of land in Mount Joy township and Lebanon county, $1,835,25. iat ees Unclaimed Letters. Following is a list of letters un- called for at the Mount Joy post office, April 20, 1904 : Mrs. C. L. Shultz, A. I, Mohn, John Strickler, Miss Emma Pennell, Post Mistress. inane lle Taking Desperate Chances. It is true that many contract colds and recover from them without taking any precaution or treatment, and a knowledge of this fact leads others to take their chances instead of giving their colds the needed attention. It should be borne in mind that every cold weakens the lunge, lowers the vitality, makes the systemn less able to withstand each succeeding cold and vaves the way for more serious dis- eases. Can you affurd to take such des- New York and Chicago, the highest standard at a price NOTHING EQUAL TO CHAMBERLAIN'S Colle, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for Bowel Com- plaints in Children. “We have used Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in our family for years,” says Mrs. J. B. Cooke of Nederlands, Texas. ‘We have given it to all of our children. We have used other medicines for the same purpose, but never found anything to equal Chamberlain’s. If you will use it as direct d it will always cure. For sale by J. 8. Carmany Florin Pa. and all Mt. Joy druggists. Danger of Cr¥mation, Dr. Braunstein, of Wepperfurth, ae- cording to the London Mail, has been ar- rested on a charge of murdering his wife: whose body was cremated by his instruc- tions. In November the dodtor mar- ried a lady in Halle, her fortune amount. ing to £7,500 in ready money. Imme- diately after the wedding the couple left Halle for a trip abroad, and shortly aft- erward news was received that the bride had died suddenly. Suspicion was aroused, and the doctor is now accused of poisoning his wife. Owing to the cremation of the remains, however, there is no possibility of the body being exam- ined for traces of poison, and the charge being thus either substantiated or re- futed. Our Exports, The value of the exports of the whole country in 1903 was 58 per cent. greater perate chanaes when Cnamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous for itscures of ' colds, can be had for a trifle? For sale by J. 8. Carmany Florin Pa. and all! Mount Joy druggists. - NOTICE! My wife, Mabel Kauffman, having left my bed and board, I would hereby notify the public that I will not be responsible for ' any debt contracted by her, JACOB KAUFFMAN, Mount Joy. Use Kvrreno, the modern hand clean er Price 10c per box. For sale at Yoffe & Gaflin Bros. Department Store, than in 1833; but the gain in New York was only 31 per cent. and the gain at New Orleans was 69 per cent., at Galves- ton 239 per cent., and at Mobile 432 per cent, rr — Pr — How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Caturrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Oure. F.J,CHENEY & 00,, 1'oledo, O, We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Ohen- ey for the last 15 years and believe him pertects iv honorable in all business transactions and Ranheially able to carry out uny obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MAR. Tix, Wholesale prugeists, ‘Toledo, O. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken interna ly, actin RT SHO Watt & Sha Wash ress Foods A soft, clinging material, very popular this 17 West King Street, EANCASTER, PA. cr nd STORE se ‘We put on sale this week several thousand yards of Silk Dress Ginghams in Silver Gray, Tan, Mode and a variety of Neat Styles and Figures. This quality has always been 50c a yard ; They will go fast at 29 cents. 10,000 Yards of Dress Ginghams Madras Ginghams in neat stripes, checks and plaids ; all the 32 in. wide, red, blue, black, fancy stripes, pretty wash colors ; an excellent quality | on light and dark grounds. A very super- at 6'4c a yard. ior quality at 12}4¢ a yard ; worth 20c. - TOILE DU NORD The best Dress Gingham made for the price ; it wears better, washes better, colors are faster, patterns handsomer, for Ladies’ or Children’s Dresses than any other cottcn cloth you can buy for 1224c a yard. Fifty new styles on sale this week. CRADUATION DRESSES A splendid collection of sheer white materials, suitable for dainty graduation dress es, in every variety of quality and prices. India Linens, Persian Lawus, French Batistes, Paris Muslins, Crepe De Chine, Voile, Albatross, French Nainsooks, Swiss Muslins, Lansdownes, Etc., Ete. BOURETTE SCOTCH TWEEDS For Skirts and Coat Suits, light grounds, flecked or tufted with streaks, of light and dark colors ; on sale this wesk—fifty pieces at 39¢, 50¢, 62}4¢ and 75¢c a yard. Many of A Lustrous Wool Fabric, with a corded them a full third under regular prices. effect ; makes a very handsome dress ma- | terial ; all colors ; 40-in, $1 ; 45-in, $1.25. Crepe De Chime Crepe De Paris season ; all the desirable shades, 40-in 5c. -~ Larf§downe Mohair Sicili Makes a handsome ‘summer dress, rich ohalr oicilians looking, and drapes beautifully ; black, | For Shirt Waist Suit or Skirt ; every de- white and all colors, 40-inch $1.25. sirable color ; 40-in. 50c.; 44-in. T5c. Light in weight, soft and p able, can be washed and ironed with a hot iron without icjury. Every pair fully g aranteed, 17¢ to 25¢ a pair, For silk waists or drop lin- ings by ¥ama Mai at 39: or anthersa at 58¢c. They corae in black; white and all the desired Golors. Agen for the Buigerick Patterns and Centimeri Kid Gloves. af = io —— RE I New Tork Store Cerner Square and East King Street. HICK'S DRESS SHIELDS Bemis Tobacco Plaaters Victor Double Row Corn Planters Campbell Single Row Ccrn Planters Empire and Champion Grain Drills Osborne Spring Tooth Harrows with Punlverizer Attachment LaDow Harrows, Diamond Backs, Self-Sharpening, Cultivator Shaped Tooth Perry Spring Tooth Harrows Auburn Wagons Star Steel Hay Carriers with Track and Fixtures Osborne Hay Tedders Uniyersal Cultivator with Hoeing Attachments The Famous Fuller & Johnson 0il-Cooled Gasoline Engines =~ Baker’s Traceless Harness & preventing undue breakage. M. L. M OF THE WORLD. THE MSCORMICK ; ; 1S THE CHOICE bg = v AND HAS BEEN OF THE FARMERS Ri”) FOR 73 YEARS The vast majority of farmers choose the HcCORMICK BINDER because it does splendid work in the field no matter whether the conditions are favorable or unfavorable. The McCormick has a record extending over a period of seventy-three years, which en- ables the farmer to reach a fairly accurate conclusion as to the merits of the machine. Read about the excellent points of the McCormick in the attractive book entitiad '‘It Takes the Palm,’ supplied free. mfp 2 “Try a McCormick Self-Dump Hay Rake™ a FRC The Vulcan Chilled Plow Strong, light draft, easily handled, well finished. Patent extension point, strongest chilled Interlocking land, standard and point, giving stability. sharp cutting edge at all times. Face chill on point prevents “scooping” at junction of poi caN and you will be satisfied. Price is soon forgotten but Quality is long remembered. We invite farmers to come and see our Line of Implements and we will make the prices Greid Full er PENNA. GULL LLLLTLLLLSLLLLODLL555% SULLLLLLLLLLLLSSLSLLLLNGS Job Printing Done Promptly SLLLLLRLLLLLLLLLLNGLLLGGSS SPRING STYLES In Footwear for this season never were so attractive and when you can choose from the Largest and Finest Assortment in Lancaster Why Look Elsewhere? RE le TO SHAUB & CO. Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Hosiery 18 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. The Smart Set A Magazine of Cleverness Magazines should have a well-defined purpose. Genuine entertainment, amusement, and mental recreation are the motives of The Smart Set, the Most Successful of Magazines Its novels (a complete one in each number) are by the most brilliant auth~ ors of both hemispheres, Its short stories are matchless—clean and full of human interest. Its poetry covering the entire field of verse- -pathos, love, humor, tender- ness---is by the most popular poets, men and women of the day. Its jokes, witticisms, sketches, etc., are admittedly the most mirth-provoking 160 Pages Delightful Reading No pages are wasted on cheap illustrations, editorial vaporings or wearying essays and idle discussions. Every page will interest, charm and refresh you. der, or Registered letter to The Smart Set Subscribe now, $2.50 per year. Remit in cheque, P. O. or Express or- A Few Moré Tickeis Left on that beautiful Steel Range and then it wili be chance; a get it. Come in and try your luck. A ticket goes wit Powder, Some ons will sur 1 every box ef Alderny Baking Plants...Hershev's Plants There is no necessity of going to Mount Joy fo, “s shey's Plants when you can get them here for the same money. All Different$¥ “% ctie, : All the Leading Poultry Powders for salc¥ itin time, ust the thing for Spring chicks.” Get At Hertzler’s Coon eA) OH) Knicker Zephys +./18€ from 20 to 50c Bates Ginghams . 12Y4¢ Percales in white & Black 1234c¢ Mercerized Madras from 15 to soc 6c 25¢ 12%c 25¢ 19¢C 4%, 5» 5%c¢ Tico Satine for Underskirts, joc Indian Linen, Apron Ginghams ; Ready-made Aprons Cotton Covert Skirting Men’s Black Gauze Plain Dress Linen Tobacco Muslin, Wo =X, WE & = Ye, $M LRLLLLLBLLLILLLNNGLGG LLLLLULLLLILLLVLLG050G ECH E. Main §,, . directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces . } “oh y ] Loe. Frist, 138 452 Fifth Avenyg New York. Take Hall's Family Pills or const{pation, his Ma / a / S FLORIN, PENNA. Fivems Forging, Sie me Cube Br Gaffin Br others CARPETS REDUCED OIL | CLOTH REDUCED MATTING CHINAWARE ‘c ir Ten Bargains Thi Week, 6 Salmon worth 15¢ a can, weigh A Good Rag Carpet worth 35c : ‘ 1 1b. each, 3 cans this week A Set of Cups and Saucers, 12 7 Tomatoes worth 12¢ can, weigh pieces ’ - 25¢ 3 pounds, 3 cans 25¢ Thirty Cent Japanese Matting, 8 Turkish Wash Rags, Five Cent Select Patterns oa 21¢ kind, 8 for . 25¢ { Karo Corn Syrup, . 9¢ 9 er’s and H. O. Buckwheat ahd Pancake Flour, 2 pac b 500 Dozen Men’s Mixed Hose, ur, 2 packs, We this week only. Per Dozen 209¢ 10 3c sige Raster Eggs, 3 for . 5c Yoffe & Gaffin Brothers | Opposite Post Office, Mount Joy, Pa. \ "ne SG LLNNLLNNSLSGSS%%5555555555% 1 BEGLNLLLLLLRLLULNGSL5GG Children’s Shoes p— We just mention a few of the New Ideas in Children’s Shoes, Girls’ Patent Colt Lace and Button Shoes, Girls’ Tan Russia Calf and Brown Shoes. (New Idea)', Girls’ New Oxfords and Strap Slippers. Y “If it’s Shoes or Slippers for Children and it’s new, we have it. “8. CQHEN & BRO, 247 LOCUST sT. COLUMBIA PA.