The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, April 13, 1904, Image 1

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The Law and Council.
By reference to the Annual
Report of the Borough Finances
Miss Annie Boyce transacted
business at the County Seat yester-
ER Miss Ida Schutte isill at her Lome.
A Number of Our Friends Are Called
Happenings of the Week Told in a Brief
Brief Items of All Sorts Throughout
James F. Youtz, of Mountville,
formerly of this place, died last
night after a lingering illness of sev-
eral months, death resulting from a
complication of diseares.. Deceased
was 67 years of age and fs survived
by a wife and the following child-
ren : Miss Jennie, Harry E., James
H., Harvey and Charlds, all of
ountville, The funeral] will be
held on Friday a. m. at NO o'clock
at Mountyille with intermeght in the
me oy cemetery. © He was a
member of Cove Lodge No. 301, K,
of P. and Otsego No. 59, L
O: R. M. of this place. Years ago,
which appears in another column
of the Bulletin, the paper with tbe
largest local circulation got the
smallest amount from the town for
work done during last year, the
figures being as follows :
Herald, . . $44.06
Star and News, 12.65
Bulletin, : 5.25
We tru. that this year our Coun-
cilmen may see their way clear to a
more equitable division of the work,
especially when they are advised
that under the law and their oaths
they cannot legally give any work
to any one in Council who is inter—
ested either directly or indirectly in
Yet teresting Mannner.
Election Next Tuesday.
Mrs. Frank Baker is
home the past few days.
Vote for the loan at next Tues—
day’s special election.*
Almost a record—April 15, 1904
it snowed for about 13 minutes.
ill at her
A new wagon shed is in course of
erection at Brown's No. 1 mill.
The Foresters Band diseoursed
few selections on our streets last
Samuel Sheaffer dug out the
water pipes at his home which are
being repaired.
Miss Margaret Brown of Lancas-
ter called on friends in town on
Ezra Zercher and family spent
Sunday with friends near Stern’s
Mrs. J. D. Weigand and daugh-
ter of Elizabethtown, were visiting
relatived in town last week.
Mrs, Jacob Shelley and Mrs.
Wm. Manning spent Sunday at
Lancaster as guests of Mrs. Frank
Frank Landis and wife of
Waynesboro, were guests in the
This Section.
The managers of the Lancaster
county fairs of 1902 and 1903 are
arranging to hold another in Mec-
Grann’s park, next fall.
It is predicted that farmers will
not be plagued with potato bugs
next summer, as most of the pests
have been frozen to death.
Coal prices, it is announced, have
beeu cut 50 cents per ton, There
will be a monthly increase until the
winter prices are resumed next fall,
Marietta was visited by a gang of
thieves on Wednesday night,
before concluding operations, had
called upon seven families and paid
Irvin Kraybill of Millersville, was in
town over Sunday.
Henry Birch has employed a new
hostler at his hotel.
Abram Rinehart spent Sunday in town
with John Wachstetter.
Wm. Widman jr, transacted business
at Philadelphia on Saturday.
E. 8. Weaver held another good sale
in town on Saturday afternoon.
Ephraim Morton and lady friend of
Columbia, spent Sunday in town.
H. C. Shelley and wife of Harrisburg,
called on friends in town on Friday.
Benjamin Fair and friend Miss Geib,
yisited the former's parents on Sunaay.
John W. Shank and family spent Sun-
day with Henry Witmer’s near Donegal.
George Biemesderfer and wife of Lan-
92, total average 923.
female 92, total average 92.
pupils attending over 15 years old, 40.
The Attendance at Our Local Schools
the Past Month.
Report of the Mount Joy Borough
Schools for the month ending April 8th,
1904. Presert number enrclled, male
175, female 195, total 370. Total num~
ber enrolled during month, male 177, fe-
male 193, total 372, Number who have
attended eyery day 161. Per cent. of
attendance for month, male 93, female
Per cent. of at-
tendance during term to date, male 92,
Number of
Number of visits during month, 51,
Supt. Brecht and Directors Brown, Bru-
baker, Moyer, Eshleman and Newcomer,
W. R. Heiug, Prinpipal,
High School—Mary Baer, Geta Ben.
der, Mary Detwiler, Carrie Frank, Glad-
ye Harter, Maud Hershey, Paul Brubak-
family of Samuel H.
Amos Shtekley is busy painting
S. P. Lytle’s newly remodeled house
on West Main street.
caster, spent Sunday in town with C. A.
Mr. Givens and wife of Newtown, yis-
ited their daughter, Mrs. Jacob Loraw
on Sunday.
; Hershey on
Mr. Youtz was - superintendent of
the Root Manufacturiug Company
in this borough.
the profits of said work. The law
on the subject is very plain, and
judges view evasions with no mild—
ness when cases involving points of
this kind come hefore them,
their unwelcome respects. vr, Charles Cassel, Harvey Curgan, John
Givens, Walter Keller, Albert T.onge-
necker, Hershey Longenecker, Paul
Murphy, Charles Nissley, Christ Weid-
man. Miss Susan P. Rohrer, Teacher.
Principal Garber of Fulton town-
ship high school and Principal
Longenecker of East Donegal Ligh
school are
Mrs. John Runk of Springforge,
York county, was the guest of her
daughter Mrs. Wm,
H. 8. Meily of Middletown, sup-
ervisor on the P. R.. R., transacted
business in town the latter part of
last week.
Is it just that persons who don’t
pay their school tax, should be al-
lowed to vote next Tuesday?
Gifford DeLong repaired a burst-
ed water pipe at - his residence on
North Market street Monday.
If you don’t want to pay more
rent, you know what to do next
Tuesday. Vote for the loan.*
Master John Dillinger received a
beautiful canary as a present from
his grandmother Mrs. John Runk.
The community was shocked to
learn of the sudden death of Mary
A., wife of Rev. Amos S. Hotten-
tein, of East Petersburg, which oc-
curred on Saturday evening at 6.30
o’clack, from heart trouble. De-
ceaged was forty-seven years of age,
‘and was a consistent member of the
rerman Baptist Brethren Church,
he is survived by ber husband and
ughter, Killic M., wife of Klias
. Eby, and two grandchildren.
e funeral will be held this morn—
at nine o’clock at the house, and
:30 at the Baptist Brethren
irch, East Petersburg. Inter—
t will be made at Graybill’s
hetery, west of Petersburg,
Dillinger Miss May Musselman was a guest in
the family of Joseph Brandt at Middle-
town on Sunday.
assistant teachers in
Millersville Normal for the spring
Grammar School — Esther Bowman,
Hilda Earnshaw, Katie Campbell, Natha
Good, Mabel Hoffsommer, Ruth Hoff-
man, Bertha Missemer, May Zeller, Clay-
ton Hoffman, Christian Walters, Jonas
Brubaker, Aaron Rye. Miss Lulu B.
Greiner, teacher.
For and Against.
The voters who are opposed to the
proposed $15,000 school loan say
that if the loan carries 1t will mean
higher rents and higher taxes.
Those that favor the loan say that
the proposed improvements are
necessary, and that better sanitary
arrangements, more room and air
space for the children are absolutely
required. Every voter of the town
should go to the polls on Tuesday
next and register his opinion ; but
before he yotes against the propos—
ition he should rcmember that it
has the unanimous endorsement of
six meo who have been chosen to
represent him and that every thing
worth haying costs something.
Jacob Hostetter aud family were at
Lancaster last week assisting at their
A country hog goes to the large
daughter’s flitting.
packing houses at four and a half
cents a pound and comes back
breakfast bacon at 18 centsa pound.
He is not the only the
Mrs. Charles 8. Good and son Myron,
are visiting friends and relatives in the
vicinity of Gordonville.
Miss Annie Bube attended an
enjoyable hop at Lancaster on
Friday evening which was given by
the Senior class of F. & M. Aca-

Intermediate School---Samuel Brubak-
. er, Edgar Eshlemau, Roy Gochnauer,
Mrs. Dr. Newton, daughters Margaret [ py4ie Haines, Haman Cunningham,
and Bernice, and son John, of Philadel-| wyjter Root, Guy Culp, Paul Greider,
phia, are visiting in town. Arthur Hoffer, Annie Dearbeck, Mary
A. B. Cling, wife and daughter Grace, | Hofler,Myrtle Walters, Elva Webb, Clara
spent part of Sunday in town with their | Aruie, Anice Klugh, Hattie Witmer,
son-in-law Aaron S. Siegrist. Gertrude Greenawalt, Miss Carrie Druck
Henry Shelly, wife and daughter Miss | enmililer, teacher.
Minnie of near Mount Joy, spent Sunday
with the family of Israel Bossler.
hog in
Harry Stoad, alias “Harry Seott,”
a cigarmaker employed by Omer
Bacl man, at Bainbridge, on Wed-
nesday morning attempted to com-
mit suicide
Messrs. Walter Frey of near
town and Paris Hershey of near
Florin, left on Monday forenoon for
Canton, Ohio, where they will spend
some time, thence going to Kansas.
Edgar Bentzel left on Monday
for the Williamson School. Prior
to his departure he called at this
office and subscribed for the
Bulletin as he wants to get all the
news each week.
James Webb and son Charles put
a new tin roof on the addition at
Yoffe & Gaftin Bros. store yester—
by dringing a
quantity of laudanum,
was unsuccessful.
o Secondary School--John Bowman, By-
The attempt sshe Heilig, John G. Longenecker, farl
Miller, James Baughman, Frank Germer
Clyde Fenstermacher, Arthur Yingst,
Walter Ebv, Clarence Gochnauer, Chas.
Funk, Smiley Greenawalt, Ella Grissing-
er, Lottie Loraw, Eva Strickler, Mary
Dyer, Cora Jackson, Amelia Peopples,
Edna Good, Fannie Mevers, Anna Hen-
drix. Miss Ada S. M ser, teacher.
Mrs. Samucl Sheaffer was quite
ill on Saturday and Sunday but at
this writing is able to be about
Harry Groeh is the first person in our
town this Spring to beautify his fences
and outbuildings with whitewash.
Walter Morton and son of Lancaster,
spent Sunday in town with the formers
parents, Alpheus Morton and wife.
Christ Blottenberger of Landisville,
spent Sunday very pleasantly with the
families of A. B. and C. B. Winters.
N. 8. Menaugh, a P. R. R. operator at
Derry, Pa. returned to duty Monday af-
ter spending a week with his parents.
Mrs. Ed Steigerwald, whe has been
spending some time in town with her
The County Commissioners in
session Thursday decided not to pay
any bounty for scalps of foxes,
minks and wild cats, after May 1,
1904, as the law under which these
bounties are paid was recently de-
clared unconstitational.
s. Zora Myers, wif: of Wm.
dicd at her home in May-
prday morning, aged 42
esulting from pneu-
eased was a mem-—
Rarch, and is
The auditor’s report of Mount
Joy Borongh may be found in the
advertising colums of the Bulletin
this week.
Robbers at Rowenna.
On Friday night Robbers entered
the home of Adam Sweigart at
Rowenna ard carried away a large
lot of fresh meat. He had just
butchered on Friday and it is sup-—
posed the thieves were familiar with
Church Notes.
Preaching by the Pastor Sunday.
Subject, 10 a. m., Modest Gocdness
7.30 p. m., Does it. pay to be a
Christian in This
Fourth Primary- Mary Cunningham,
Ruth Boyce, Esther Ebersole, Margaret
McCurdy, Anna Witmer, Gertie Baugh-
man. Irene Cover, Maud Hinkle, Eliza:
beth Hendrix, Mary W=hb, Pauline
Germer, Gertrude Good, Esther Hagen-
berger, Kati #Zerphy, Francis Krall, Rus
Don’t forget the special election
next Tuesday. Your vote and in-
fluence respectfully solicited—for
the loan.*
Arthur Schock shook hands with
Our Subside.
We are very sorry to say indeed
that our subside at
station, is at present miserable
the pumping
fact. The thieves also visited

ment in
“known th
nthe Ma
five years
Elizabethto Klugh
of Maytown{, 18a brother of the de—
Alexander § McAfee died at his
home in Marietta yesterday aged 69
years. Mr. MoAfee was with Rev.
Joh: son durin{z his stay in this
place and is wll known here.
Then| and Now.
Fifteen years higo the poor man
with a large famfly (and the rich
man, too, for thal matter) when a
school term begaln, had to reach
down in his pocke}t for ten or twelve
dollars to buy new books for the:
children, and durilg the term there
was a constant draih on him for pen-
cils, pens and ink, Aen holders, copy
books, practice | paper, slates,
sponges, ete. All these things are
now furnished to the pupil free of
charge, and in consequence the poor
¢hild, so far as these things are con-
cerned, is in the samd position as
one morc happily plaged. The 50
cents a month which shay be added
to each month's rent, \or a little
more tax if the school n carries,
are nothing in compar@ion to what
these supplies used to cdst.
a a
Now for Brick.
A new brick firm has been estab-
hehed, David L. Suber Son, of
Kast Donegal township, hive leased
the brick plant at Maytdwn last
operated by 8. B. Lenhart, and will
shortly be prepared to furrispr pav-
ir ge building gnd arch bricks, “The
y fhe new firm is a well knowr
capitalist of East Donegal, while the
junior member of the firm is a clerk
in the Kirst National Bank, of

Newspapers are often blamed for
printing certain things, buy few
people stop to think of thodthings
he home of Mrs. Sauters. From this
place they took a lot of bread.
and told his name to President
Roosevelt, at the White House, one

hey had prepared the silyerws
Ce to Musicale.
he Philadelphia North American
of Sunday says: As the result of
recent religious revivals held by
the young folks of this place, the
Alumni Association of the Mount
Joy High School has decided tc
prohibit dancing, which has been
one of the featrres of its annual
meetings. The association holds its
meeting on the day of the com-
mencement of the High School and
instead of the usual dance this year
a mu~icale will be held.
On Top Again.
On Satarday evening Grant Eby,
that well known pool expert of
Florin, who now has his head-
quarters i> New York, added anoth-
er good victory to his already large
list, Grant defeatéd Joseph Kelly
of Philadelphia, for 900 points, - He
won by a score of 900 to 852, It
was a $600 match game. Success
———— Pp —————
A Lancaster Paper Says:
Laid low with typhoid fever,
Deputy Treasurer H. L, Stager 1s in
the General Hospital, whither he
was removed on Sunday from his
boarding place in Mount Joy. The
doctors tell him he is good for a
stay there of at least five wecks.
Ex. Treasurer 1 heophilus Hiestand
is filling his place,
A New loe Man.
Charles Frank has purchased 800
tons of spring water ice from Kzra
Zercher of near town and will run a
wagon through Florin daily this
Summer. Any person wanting ice
will please call on or address Charles
8. Frank, Mount Joy, Pa,
Pleased With Our Schools.
County Superintendent Prof. M.
J. Brecht visitel our borough
sckools all day Thursday and was
greatly pleased with the work which
day last week.
Life. Prayer
Service Wednesday 7.30 p. m.
Choir practice Thursday 7.30 p. m.
Mission band Saturday 3. p. m.
You are welcome,

ated A boy to learn the
ment to this place, He furnished
five rooms for B. F.Heilig of town,
If your board walk is worn out,
replace it with flag-stone. .Several
thousand feet on hand at Mt. Joy
Marble Works, J. G. Glattelter,
J. H, Keener of Maytown, erected
a tombstone at the grave of James
Schlegelmilch Hinkle, son of Mrs.
S. P. Hinkle. It was put up in the
Eberle cemetery Monday afternoon.
Edward R. Davidson of Harris—
burg was here yesterday trying to
book the Kathryn DeWolfe Com-
pany for Mount Joy Hall on April
25. Details later. This Company
is making a bit this season playing
“The Devil’s Kitchen.”
Storing Many Ties.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com-
pany is busy hauling new railroad
and switch ties along the old track
just east of the Florin tower. Al-
ready 7000 ties were unloaded there
and 18000 more will be placed in
that vicinity. There are also 8,349
feet or 278300 pounds of steel rails
along the track.
Present d Books.
Last Sunday Rev. Chas, F, Reitzel
and B. W. Brown jointly presented
the Sunday School of the Church of
God with 50 cloth bound volumes
for the school library. The books
are all by standard authors and are
published by Funk and Wagnalls
Company of New York.
A Pair of Drunks.
ghy arrested an aged man andgyom-
an a short distance east of town on
a charge of disorderly conduct.
The pair was 160ged in the borough
lockup and discharged when sober.
rh ee ll
Deeds Transferred.
Barbara F. | Root to Amos B.
Bender, two properties in Mt, Joy,

they might stir up but don’t.
is being done here,
Monday Constable Wm, Dona-~"
hoir meets
tects at the home of
rs. S. N. Eby.
Tuesday evening in the Church
the official Board held its regular
monthly meeting.
Y. P.S. C. 6.30 lead by
Joseph Heisey, subject ¢*How Christ
Transformes Lives.”
© C
TLis evening after the regular
prayer meeting the Y. P. 8, C. E.
will hold a business meeting.
The repairs are well under way
at the parsonage. Rev. Runk
expects to move into it this month.
Sunday morning the pastor will
preach the second of a series of
sermons on, ‘‘The sermon on the
Mount,” The evening service will
be at 7.30.
Happy Families.
George Shetter of Florin,
smiles since Sunday.
is all
Its a daugh-
A son was born to Abram Koser
and wife at Newtown, on Sunday
Calvin Bates is the proudest man
in Florin. Not only on account of
the arrival of a daughter, but be-
cause he is the father of an even
dozen living children and all are at
In Female Attire.
This is oftimes done, just joking-
ly, but here we haye a true bill. A
young man from Florin wears a
corset and this was proven at a
manufacturing establishment recent.
ly when his fellow employes strip-
1 ‘4 him and tore it into shreds. To
{dir surprise the young man said,
4 «dw I must wear my Sunday one.”
Home From the South,
Misses Rosy Schroll, Katie Ruhl
and Elmer F, Ruhl, who were in
the employ of Hon. J. D. Cameron
at Frogmore, Beaufort Co,, South
Carolina, arrived home last week,
and are now located at his mansion
at DonegafiSy Mr. Cameron

$3,600, \
will 2 week,
condition. It has several leaks and
will have to be relined with brick
this summer, as about the half of
them have fallen in. The water in
it on Sunday was so muddy that it
had the color of clay. This wili
require some work but the borough
will put it in good shave as soon as
BEE cr porniits.
Banquet and Sccial.
The Barmecide banquet and
social under the auspices of Trinity
Lutheran church of this place, at
the residence of Mrs. F. M. Harry,
Monday evening was a great success
and the attendance was large. The
plum puddings, one of which was
presented to each guest, were
pecially appreciated. The occasion
was a most enjoyable one.
A Sunday Wedding.
On Sunday afternoon at two
o’clock Rev. C. F. Reitzel of the
Church of God, united in marriage
Milton O. Wittle of this place and
Miss Mame S. Hossler of Manheim.
The ceremony was performed in
their newly furnished home on New
Haven street, in the presence of the
groom’s three sisters. May their
journey through life be a happy
Come, Get the Remainder.
The young man that made himself
familiar enough to “swipe” part of
the utility bicycle at the Bulletin
office, will confer a favor by calling
for the remainder of the bike, We
know the chap is by no means a
gentleman as the deed was commit-
ted on Sunday night. We presume
he needs them more than we do.
parents, will move to Harrisburg in the
near future.
Wm. Witmer and family of Harrisburg
were the guests of their parents on Sun-

church here on Sunday evening by Rev. |
P. M.
Nehemiah Hains has been sorely
affiicted for some time with several car-
buncles on hie neck and throat which
are located in serious places. He is suf-
fering excruciating pain and i8 in a
critical condition.
The fair of the Band in this place
which had been in progress for several
weeks, "closed on Saturday evening and
all goods which were yet on hand, were |
Band was in attendance and delivered
some excellent music. A great many
useful articles were chanced off, and
among the lucky winners were the
following: Rocking chair, John K. Eyre;
mirror, Samuel Myers; fancy lamp,
Clarence Walters; eight day clock, D.
Souders; umbrella, Henry Ruhl; watch,
Mamie Myers; red lamp, Paris Rolly;
water set, Annie Gamber; album, Reuben
Kame; wine set, Milton Erb; }doz. cups,
saucers and plates, Daisy Hains. Tae
fair was a financial success considering
the attendance on eccount of poor
weather and bad roads.
mrs A tt
Mrs. Hiram W, Gibble is still on the
gick list,
On Tuesday Frank Ginder moved to
Palmyra, Lebanon county.
Miss Susan Nye is working for Mrs.
8:1 Myers, Edwin Rye,
Breneman from Heb. 19,7, 8, on Faith. | 7. spheg
Artbue Nixdorf,
Greenawalt, Abram Jackson, George Bar
to, John Dyer, Harold Brown, Harvey
Sumpman, Mabel McNamee, Lizzie Wag
| ner, Rebecca Helman, Neomi Webb, Es-
disposed of by auction. The Mount Joy | ther Reist, Ruth Bowman, Matilda Mum

Benjamin 8, Zug as hired servant since
Isaac G. Zug and wife commenced
housekeeping on Tuesday on Philip Hot-
tenstein’s farm, near East Petersburg.

Unclaimed Letters,
Following is a list of letters un-
called for at the Mount Joy ' post
office, April 13, 1904 :
Miss Amanda Snyder,
Mr. Martin Hathorne,
Mr. Squire.
Miss Emma Pennell, Post Mistress.
C. L. Nissley was at Lancaster on Mon-
A daughter was born to Henry Hem-
sley and wife.
Jacob Zook, wife and family, were [the
guests of her mother on Sunday.
Jacob Capipbell and family were. th
guests of Gh rus Schroll on Sunday.
Harry Soll finished papering the
ersole pr@perty which John Corman 2

Samuel 8. snyder left for Milton Grove
on Monday, having hired himself to work
on the farm of Mrs. Mahinda Olwiler.
Emanuel R, Zug on Tuesday moved
into the house herein town which be
purchased from B. T. Spickler last Fall.
E:inanuel Gibble and his force of men
have erected a new houee for Adam
Demmy, who intends moying into it on
April 16th the people in the northwes-
tern part of Rapho and Mount Joy town-
ships will have the satisfaction of receiv-
ing their mail daily, as a rural delivery
route will start from Mouni Hope.
On Sunday, afternoon on the premises
of H. N. Becker a number of couverts
uni &ith the German Baptist church
t Sunday the same de-
seryices at Shearer's
umber of ‘converts

Roy Pennell,
Willie Roberts, Christ Arndt, Howard
Haines, Willis Greenawalt, Keuben Shel
Miss Lou Kuhns, teacher.
Third Primary---Elsie Brown, Kati
Shire, Carrie Krall, Ruth Hilt, Minnie
| Way, Berwood Zelle!, Clarence Newcom
Preaching services were held at the|er Harry Carpenter, Harry Greiner, Mal
rie Klugh, Frances Shellenberger, Anng]
Walter Good, Carson Engle
Services again on next Sunday at 2.30 | Glyde Eshlaman, Albert Myers, Charles
Kreiner, Roy Good, Omer Kramer, May
Flowers, Clarence Campbell. Miss Eliz-
abeth Brubaker, teacher.
Second Primary---Bernard Ebersole,
Roy Walters, Bennie Hoffer, Franklin
Funk, Samuel Childs, famuel Keller,
Herbert Frank, Paul
ma, Wilma Frank, Jennie Witmer, Eva
Rahm, Marie DeLong, Mary Weidman,
Ruth Hinkle, Katie Yingst. Miss Zora
M. Anderson, teacher.
Paik Primary -- Owen Greenawalt,
Warren (Greenawalt, Raymond ‘Nissley,
Beathel Bailor. Willie Cunningham, Ray
Krodel, samuel Kramer, Christ Heilig,
Earl Dyer, Jacob Frank, Catherine Bren
eman, Laura Brown, Maggie McNamee,
Susie Chilas, Grace Pannebecker, Helen
Krall, Elsie Brown, Marion Dieter, Fan-
pie Gingrich, Martha Fuhrman, Esther
Weber, Myrtle Webb, Mabel Martzall,
Sara Hinkle. Mrs. M. G. Miller, teacher _
Mrs. George Pierce is gradually im-
Samuel! Drace is quite ill at his home
in this place.
George Sload and Creta Frysinger,
both of thia place, were granted a license
to wed.
Mrs. Ella McClure entertained her
Sunday School class at her home on Sat:
urday evening.
William Heisey of Jefferson Universi
ty, Philadelphia, is the guest of his pe
ents, J. Z. Heisey and wife.
Mre. Charles DeLong and son of §
Joy, were the guests of her pareg
this place a few days last week.
A very pleasant surprise party
held at the home of Mrs. Henry Mic!
on Wednesday evening, it being b
70th birthday.
Mrs. E. L. Beisey is quite ill.
Amos Sheaffer and A. B. Eicherly are
busy painting the canning factory.
B. H. Gre is shipping more pou
and ring than ever g
Fly too numerons
tion in on the pastgwg
A 1)
