a —— EEKLYJBULLET Ee Mt. Joy, Pa. J. E. SCHROLL, Editor and_E 0 Gents a eg i Subscription, 5 nn Single Cop 5 Advertising 10 cents per IE at the Post Office at Mount Needed to hm ! Pests © \ | Few pe le: fo: | ct that | he crews steamel | lof 1all would dare XO leave DOr a trans- | Atl ntic voyage without a fill comple- imént of these useful aniruals, says an ex- ghange. A comparatively small numbex of the passengers on one of these crafts ever see a oat at sea. Recently acat that mysteriously found its way into the cabin saloon of the St. Paul while the usual ‘aoncert for “aged sailors was'in progress was hailed with as much astonishment a messenger from Mars might have as gome of the passengers seemed deen. to think she had come from the sea, like a mermaid. A steward seized pussy the scruff of the neck and she promt eared. Rsapps big liner carries from 154 cats on a voyage. they find plenty of occupation ing after the mice in the hol i rivery of them come lurking arow’ only duty they are bountifully fed. & Ro set thet imposed on the stewarf -., . sleeping the cats do not get cabins or the saloon, game of poker in A cat once brokge the Germanic. It the smoking cabl,isonous stuff in the had eaten SOI the smoking cabin in ‘hold and ga efore going into convul- great distry cabin was cleared an islons. Wj Kentucky shot the cat armed 2 rhoard. and pegs | ORNIA’S CHARM. h om East Will Miss Much, After a Year There Is Ready to Capitulate, ou will not find everything in south- A California. You will miss the wide rétehes of green in the open places, ar removed from the dusty cities, the moble trees, the clear streams of water, the blue lake nestled in among the pine- clad mountains; you will miss that splendid gmiracle, the change of the sea- #sons, when your whole nature comes {nto closer touch with the great mother heart of nature than at any other time 4n all the year, says H. 8. Harwood, in the World To-day. - | Yes, you will miss much, but when you have been here a year, when month after month of rare and beautiful weath- er blemd into each other, when the #ea woos you and the flowers charm you and the brown mountains beckon you and the soft air soothes you, after & year has passed you find there are some compensations for the lovely things you have left behind you, you leome to realize that nature has done more for this stretch of sea and moun- tain girt land than she has done for any ipther spot on the globe. | You may have been charmed with California when you came, you may ‘have been captivated after you had been here a year, you may capitulate and consent to be captured by the time two golden summers have stolen over you. | COLD STORAGE A BLESSING. Regulates the Market Prices of Per \ ishable Commodities, Especially | in the Line of Fruit. Few householders appreciate the debt they owe to the cold storage Sys- tem now so generally in use through- out the coundry. It has become a nec- essary adjunct to the rapidly develop- ing commercial orcharding of the country. It is the reservoir in which the tempora oversupply of fruit is placed and f 1 which it may be uni- formly distributed throughout the Fear. From the earliest times it has n recognized that some provision must be made to store up the tempor- ary surplus and distribute it in time greater need if an Industry is to into permanency and stability, and if viclent fuctuations in supply pnd demand are to be avoided, says the Chicago Chronicle. {The danger of so-called overproduc- tion is greatest in an industry when no provision is made to equalize the distribution of the products through- put the year. There can be no general overproduction when the majority of the people of the world are still under- supplied, and an. industry becomes safe and attractive when man masters fhe art of handling the temporary oversupply and of converting it into a steady uniform supply to an increas- {ing number of people. i To Dispel Ennui. The climate of the great glacier of the Grindelwald ix the heart of the Ber- "nese Oberland of Switzerland is an ex- perience that every seeker after new sensations should try, says Kathleen L. Greig, in Four-Track News. He had best prepare himself by resting a few days at Interlaken. Then he may go forth some fine morning with a jaunty Alpine hat ‘en his head, stout boots on his feet, a fe@ling of ennui in hig heart, and come back minus all three. First ‘he will drive along a perfect road through tiny villages, past rainbow- tinted meadows full and turbulent little streams. Then th road becomes stedper, and the soener about him grows savage. The valle below begins to look very far away, th mongter snow-capped Alps frow above him, and at last he approaches th great glacier of Grindelwald, » Twenty new varieties or nsn were us covered last summer in the waters abo fut Alaska by an expedition from the Unfit od States fish commission. The boy with the bent pin and the angleworm does fot care. To him a fish isa fish, by whatg ver sclentific name it may be called. Rents and Suicides, Rents are paid quarterly in Par every quarter day is marked by a number of suicides, the vietimg ~~ Door ‘wretches who cannot pay, am tiUB to escape eviction, On the Onth no less than nine pe; for this r the fave On to our company which w | the delivery yards until oy have had | their bucket of beer in th¢ of wild flowers, # ? 4 ly. { 1ly one-half of the hoi. used by rewers of Washington®, 4 5 fat fi ruddy driver of one of t e big Wag- s, according to thezPosty . re Ewillers, and there are horsd, belonging ™ not leave | beer | ¥ y MO at lunch time. They nd taste for the orl wengeud they refuse to do their work unti they have been supplied. Now, I say ta: ~_ horses ac quired a taste for beer, bul ess 1am wrong about that, is my tgndid opinion that horses na 2 They seem to have hie same taste for it that hogs have¢ or ‘mash’ and ‘beer’ from the stillhous¢t. It isa well-known fact that in rusning down and locating illicit stills inAhe mountain districts the revenfyflicers are frequently aid- ad in their York by watching the hogs, the razordicks, sniffing the ‘mash’ for a distance of two miles. “Qur horses fatten on beer, and itis a notieable fact that the onesdrinking the mat beer can do the most hard driving. ne horses draw the line on stale beer, and one of them will have to be power- ful dry in the throat before he will drink it. But give him a bucket of fresh beer and it will soon disappear, and he will neigh for more. Drivers’ helpers and horses are allowed a liberal supply of the fluid by the company, and I would do without my mugs before I would see my horses go thirsty.” SPECIAL SESSION OVER BUG. Legislature Called to! of Louisiana Devise Means of Destroying the Boll Weevil. A little bug, almost too small for indi- vidual notice, is taking up the time of the Indiana legislature to be called into | special session. This little boll weevil, says the Baltimore Sun, seems a very small matter to the people of the coun- try at large, but to cotton growers its coming is fraught with prodigious evil. For years it has been the boast of Tex- as that she could raise cotton enough | to supply the world, and she did appear | to be satisfied with raising about a third of all the American staple. But this lit- tle weevil crawled across the border from Mexico and has swept the cotton fields like a pestilence. Each year the domain of the weevil is spreading, and its kind is multiplying by billiens. No! effective means has yet been found to check the spread of the pest, and the en~ tire cotton belt is alarmed. The Louisiana special commission has recommended to the legislature that a non-cotton growing belt be created between that state and ™exas, by which it 1s expected to starve out the weevil and stay its further progress northward. Already the loss by this insect is prob- ably $25,000,000, and experts of the na- tional and state government are doing everything in their power to devise some means to check this Texas terror. FOOD VALUE OF OYSTER. Bivalve Does Not Rank with the Cod Haddock or Mackerel—Tipe Blue Point, As a matter of interest there is only one species of oyster, ostrea virginica, along the eastern coast of North America, says Good Housekeeping. € western coast has at least five species, but only two of these are of im- portance, and these de not compare with the eastern shellfish. Thus it is appar- ent that a blue point, a Providence river and a Chesapeake bay oyster are one and the same thing, so far as spe- cles is concerned. The difference is merely a matter of environment, a dif- ference in food supply and conditions in growth. The noted blue point comes from the Lang Island shore, from what was once a natural bed. It gets its name from the little town of Blue Point, off which the beds were discovered. These oys- ters were of handsome shape and extra appearance, and at once commanded fancy prices. It was only a matter of time when these and neighboring beds would be worked out, and then it was found necessary to resort to “seeding” or “planting”—that is, covering the beds with [young oysters from other lo- / calities. The oyster is rich in phosphates, but is almost entirely lacking in fatmaking, muscle-bpiilding material and those ele- ments which go to make up physical force and vitality. While it is whole- some and easily assimilated, the actual food value of the oyster is not suffi- cient tp rank it with our great food fishes-J-the cod, haddock, mackerel, ete. TREES IN CHINA. Govepnment Sends Out Mint¥ite In- stfuctions for Planting of Tim- ber in the Denuded Sections. Tiee planting in northern China 1s beifig strnuously enjoined by the au- thorities, not only as a productive in- dugftry for the people, but alike as a means of strengthening the river em- bajnkments against floods and of check- ing drought. Of late years, says Golden jenny, trees have been cut down by holesale for agricultural purposes, hile the peasants do not take the rouble to plant fresh ones, because the 80ll is 80 loose that they must dig down very deep for a satisfactory foothold. 80 vast tracts of fertile land are left f.barren, while in the northern provinces especially the influx of sand carried by | high winds from the Mongolian deserts { threatens to fill up the unoccupied | ground. ~- 80 in the important province of Chili, which contains the capital, Peking, there is a government procla- mation notifying the “Eight directions tor tree plantation”—most minute in- structions as to the kind of trees re- (quired, the depth they should be plant- ,d and the fertilizers to be used and the “Ten benefits to be derived from the awe,” such among others, as the sale of timber and fruit, the beneficial in- fluence of trees in attracting rain, pre- serving the just equilibrium of wind Influences, and purifying the atmos- phere, while, “travelers and families Will find shade and rest under the ches" —a poetic touch for coneclu- . property of Harvey for Frances G. Mum} ses, at the stables 0 for D. B. Keiffer, 7 + Hempfield towns] shoats and farmiy 1 N. Eby. rning and | horses, COWS an acquired a Henry J. E several great states, and has even caused | to Horst’s — a pn C. H Zeller’s Sal FEBR Uj Thursday, 18—In MN Saturday, 20—A Monday, 22—N¢ Tuesday, 29= Satarda; ville, prop! H. Bard fo Monda; Joy, a en Keller, ag Wedy mules, imple Eshle Sati Josepl and Mor Ses, C0 by C ig; fine my farming Wednesday, © tcwnship, mules, hors9 ing implements for H. W Thursday, 10—On the road 1€ Mount Joy to Maytown, about 3 miles Ww of the former and 2 miles northeast of the latter place, on the Hon. J. D. Cameron farm, mules, horses, cows, steers, shoats and farming implements by Michael W, Shearer. Friday, 11—About one mile north of Mt. Joy, on the road leading from Mount Joy mill, mules, horses, cows, steers shoats and farming implements by John W. Shearer, Saturday, 12—In Florin, one horse, cows wagons, and a large lot of farming imple- ments by John Guhl, Oo. Monday, 14—On the road leading from Mount Joy to Columbia, near the old Ris- ser mill, horses, mules, cows, bulls, shoats and farming implements by Jac, Habecker Tuesday, 15—At Book’s mill, on Mari etta and Mount Joy turnpike, horses, mules, colts, cows, 75 shoats and farming implements by John L. Book. Wednesday, 16—Near Strickler’s meet- ing house, Rapho township, horses, cows, steers, shoats, farming implements and household goods by Emanuel Eby. Thursday, 17—At his coach works at Landis’ mill, a lot of new carriages, bug- gies, ete. by Samuel K. Landis. 929. Tuesday, 22—In West Donegal township formerly the Meckley farm, horses, cows, mules, steers, and shoats by J. Levenight, Thursday, 24—At Maytown, horses, wag ons, buggies, harness and household goods by Samuel Lenhart, Friday, 25—Near Maytown, horses, colts cows, shoats and farming implements by John A. Houseal, 25 Two Weeks’ Tour via Pennsylvania Railroad. The second Pennsylvania Railroad tour of the season to Jacksonville, allowing two weeks in Florida, will leave New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington by special train on Febraary 16, Excursion tickets, including railway transportation, Pullman accomn odations (ove berth) and meals on route in both directions while traveling on the special train, will be sold at the following rates: New York, $50.00; Trenton, $49.00; Phil- adelphia, Harrisburg, Baltimore, and Washington, $48.00; Pittsburg, $53.00; and at proportionate rates from other points. For tickets, itineraries, and other infor- mation, apply to ticket agents, or to Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, NOTHING EQUALS CHAMBERLAIN’SN CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY. Dr. P. B. Spears, of Pinchard, Ala., has become acquainted with the good qualities of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar- rhoea Remedy and uses it in his own family and in his practice. He says: “It beats any preparetiou I have ever seen for all bowel complaints. I do not think of re- commending any Other, and also use it with my own children.” This remedy is for sale by J, 8. €armany, Florin, Pa., and all Mount Joy Druggists. ———— Administrator's Notice. Estate of Harvey W. Mummau deceased late of Mount Joy Borough, Lane, Co., Pennsylvania. Letters of administration on sald estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settle- ment to the undersigned, residing in Mt, Joy R. F. D. No. 2. \ FRANCES G, MUMMAT, W. U, HENSEL, Atty, Adugnistratrix, ————- Executors’ Notice, \ Estate of Tobias Geiger, late of Bag gal Twp., Lane. Co , Pa. Letters testamentary on said estate ing been granted to the undersigned,| all persons indebted there t Done- to are requeste make immediate payment, and those ing claims or demands against the s will present them without delay for se ment to the undersigned, FANNIE J, GEIGER, Executrix — ——_ ANOTHER CASE OF RHEUMATISM CURED BY CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BALM, The efticacy of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the relief of rheumatism fs being demons strated daily. Parker Triplett, of Grigsby, Va, says that Ohamberlain’s Pain Balm gave him permanent relief from Rheuma- tism in the back when everything else failed, and he would not be without it For sale by J, 8, Carmany, Florin, Ph. and all Mouut Joy Druggists, a \ letin. Sooe EA Pe # du TRarr Monks DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. aket hand Gescription may inion free wh i n fro table, Cor . HANDBOOK or y Tul Se ng pas Munn & Co nout clirge, in the ror “i * ie Barrie 5 ~ HEdk'e y trai cd weekly. nti journal. ; four months, $1. Goid by ali new ale: i 2 Pn scieamay, flaw Yor a. 625 F § >. € . Washington, D. rele 24 iid Targest civ Te & K WORK! Watches, Clocks, Graphophones, Music Box- es, Toys, Guns, Revolvers, Gasoline Lights, Gasoline Stoves, Door Locks, Keys, d&c., &c., Promptly and Satisfactorily Repaired. I Sell All Kinds of Electrical Supplies, In- stall Private Telephones, Burglar Alarms and Electric Lights. Harry Peopples Ind. Phone 860. MouNT Joy, PA. Office: West Donegal Street. ¢uas. BL. ZELLER Real Estate and Insurance Office E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Calling and Clerking of Public Sales Settlement of estates, collection of rents, surveying and conveyancing, Risser’s Ell horn MOUNT JOY, PA. Our Solicitor will eall on you every Tuesday and Deliver Every Friday Your Work Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed, PPP P0000 0000900000000 000 Shire's Meat Market Rear of Nissley's Tobacco Warehouse FT.ORIN, PENNA. W. W. SHIRES, Propr. —— Dealer in Fresh & Smoked Meats, Tallow, Lard, &c. OH YES OH YES OH YES If Vi ware going to have a real estate or per sonal property sale consult H. H. MORTON, Auctioneer MOUNT JOY, PENN Speclalattention given to calling 8 10f every de- scription, Charges moderate, Satisfaction guir tee Felephone La Plerre House. Mount Joy, WANTED FAITHPUL PERSON TO Tray supervise force of salespeople and make tons for manufactufing house, Straight a week and lary pald weekly Previous experie Business successful, py. it, Enclose self-addressed envelope y 324 Dearborn street, Chicago, . Li alary $20 ind exe ' UNnes Cessar | ner Superintendent How can von tive, without a Local Nywepaper 7 Smoke ten cigars less 4 ‘Yr which will mean a years yy). tivo to The ly Bulletin. \ ¢ RL ) nd-hand cream oy Sim Heha severe lus; iow suiferers the means of cure. desire it, he will chee! f arge 4 copy of the prescription used, which they will fin & sure cure for Consumpt tarrh, Bronchit it adies. He hopes 2 isi ua S a wii cost them nothing, blessing, will please address, 29%. EDWARD A, WILSON. Brooklyn, New York sold in any quantity from a plate to a $0 CONSUMPTIVES, TT OUNG BROT The undersigned having been restored to health i means, after ott ering for several years affection, and sak gread Gans i ake Lno anxious to make ho dwn folie rfully send (free of charge)a tion, ion, Asthma, Ca- is and al hroatand lung Mal- 11 sufferers will jy kis Temedy, > desiring the prescriptio Ble, Ah fs prove a Families Supplied on Short Notice. OYSTERS barrel or served in ay style. NE ICE in all the leading flavors. CORN SOUP Try it and you'll always buyit. At ZELLER’S Bast Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PA FRENCH FEMALE | Ta DEAT PILLS. A Sarr, Cgrrain Revere for SurPrEssED MENSTRUATION, bh. NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL, Safe! Sure! Speedy ! Satis- faction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. Sent prepaid fl for $1.00 per box. Will send them on trial, to be paid for $2 when relieved. Samples Free. If your druggist does not §@ have them send your orders to the UNITED MEDICAL CO., BOX 74, LANCASTER, PA. [i By tie plate or quart. APE ER Sold jn Mt Joy by J. C. Groff and E. W. Garber ABNER M. HERSHEY. AUCTIONEER Mount Joy, Fenna. Cant (iemtion tue to Catling all ius oF se, Guaranteed. Charges moderate, Drop me «curd or call up 836 A. For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Joseph Elershey Successor to W. W. Strasbach. Tine Tensorial Parlor East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. The Only Place to Get Good Bread, Cakss, Buns, &e. trl S AT Scholing’s West End Bakery Mount Joy Penna I All our Rooms are Heated with Steam and we Make a Special Effort to Please Jurymen Lancaster Loupty House | E. King §t., Lancaster, Pa. WwW. H. GANTZ, Proprietor. (Formerly of Mount Joy) RATES, $1 A DAY TO EVERYBODY GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES WANTED! An enterprising farmer in this section to ear during the state fall end winter among the far his vicinity, Must be active, capable and 1 St. Work will prove profitabie toa good man and can be urce of regular and sily earned income To it may be devoted as much or as little sired’ 10 interested write at once to T, M. 4. Albany, N.Y. San A cure guaranteed if you use [§ UDY'8 S it PILES #% Suppository D. Matt. Thompson, Supt. Graded Schools, Statesville, N. C., writes: *[ can say they do all you claim for them.” Dr. 8. M. Devore, Raven Rock, W, Va., writes : * They give universal satis- faction." Dr. H. D. McGill, Clarksburg, Tenn., writes: § $8 “In a practice of 23 years, I have found no remedy to BY equal yours.” Pmick, 50 Cxnra. Samples Free. Sold § by Druggists. mapvinN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA, ER Sold in Mt.Joyby E.W. Garber. Call for free sampls UIT" WE E F.H. SHULTZ Manufacturer of Fine Dsmestic, CIGARS ¢ Good Smoking at Low Prices. Fo MOUNT JO, PAL. = Dealers will find it to their advantage to buy from me, Ask for SHULTZ'S CIGARS Sn. ITE Royer's Saddler Shop West Main Street, Mount Joy Tam still making all kinds of Harness strictly hand made, no machine work. 1 also sell anything kept in a saddler shop. Repairing Done Promptly, Prices to suit the times. ” STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel West Kine Sr, FANcAsTER The annex now complete with the SORRE] HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 52, & West King Street. Dinner 25 cents: accommodations in every respect, your patronage solicited, A. B. ADAMS, Pro. Bugs Rugs Rugs The undersigned wishes to inform the pub. lic that he Manufactures All Kinds of Woven Rugs at Very Reasonable Prices, Also works Old Ingrain and Brussel Clurpet into Ruys If you have old carpet, let him make you a pretty rug for your parlor, An H, ISHLER, FLOR Ns Pa 58 and Best A share of 13 Weeks For 25c, For the brightest, newsiest and most popular legi.imate weekly sporting paper published Recognized for nih eteen years yt huthomiey on matters pertaining to Base Ball, 1 a, Shooting, Bil- , liards and kindred sports, The best paper of its Kind published, For the purpose of introduc ing it in new localities, we will send it 13 bndition, Apply b weeks for 25¢, (stamps.) Sample copy free, Address “SPORTING LIFE,” PHILADELPHIA, PA, Ea q Re ERS PILOXRIXTN. ATC. + ee ————— 2 rd JOHN H. BUOHL XSi A 5%. 4 L I A -D EFALER ed 11 Kindso’ Hardware Stoves, Tin ant Agate Ware. S% | 2 Vapor, Steam and Hod Water Heating. 9% n Roofing &Spauting WEST MAIN sT., MouNT Jov. A Nomen foe Heft mr ptr tagey 42 : ‘ Everything in Musical Instruments and Merchanase and the Latest and Most popular Sheet Music, : ° of 2 1i ° \ i Photographic : : Supplies. P= Our Photographic Supply Department Is now in charge of an expert Photographer, who will do. Developing and Pj Amateurs and Ig neatly and on sl We are’ sol CYKO, the_onl light Dyveloping Paper made. We have a complete stock of Photo. Materials. K JOHNSON ] oH 0 . COMPANY NN PS ANS Warerooms nina. ES rps » Ny ERE Mount Joy, P 3 “Ww 24 Undertaking and {Embalmin drone ——— — — Ss in g STR Furniture Eo 43] Gift Have you decided onthe gift you will) pres- ent? Have you thought aboutit? If you have not, don’t. ! Just call at our store, stroll through our various departments and there’s on appropriate gift at your elbow at every turn, Don’t worry over what you shall give. Just call and you'll decide in almost no time, B77 ATER, TT Duns” YW C. SAPP. 41 & 43 8. Queen Sireet, LANCASTER, PA. ig ow i MORPH Opium, Laudanum, Cocainmend all Drug ermanently cured, without pain or detention from business, leaving or drugs or other stimulants, We restore the nervous and physical cheir natural condition because we remove thd causes of disease. A ho prepared by an eminent phgsician, WE GUARANTEE 4 CURE FREE TRIAL TREAT ans, solicited, WwW Confidential correspo especially with ibhysici Associa Manhat heray Dept, A Broadway, Now -