Ten from various parts of the SinGe—a IoW.W vosotted wreck but the SE® TOOK THE surroundng country remasiged 2 day }aw must And little = Ih cinity ip 1] Nance—wha “| Engine, Now in Scrap She loved hi ihe I ta of the Finest that did! tie =nly living thing | in Her Nand +. gave am inarticulate Fariarat 5 ed round in wonder, Lying in the Central : hand tightened on the | going the process of bein chlld was climbing over | is an old engine, No. 03, of father, when he | finest and fastest engines i says the Mexican Herald To | represents nothing to the casus server but an old scrap irom p thirty-odd years z2go the cows § y of her way and the amazed spc j clapped their handg and sh applause when she passed by ying at the rate of ur, with Van Scoi! { out of the cab, with one strem: ; upon the { the hand hd S > oO Mm mn ee a THE SHERIFF'S § seein = oct saicrione, oat 1re es «{ DEPUTY. Jl» DIS Peis So Tei sn ; # swirling | ; speaker. mere chaos of slatted o i Hn LE a) ar of hopelessn : : ed cordage, bout bim that at 2s hurled 0 BY LUCY BAKER JERONE. Blres woos woe Fie Srled freta [ota a miata a ae a I . HR “ DAY WEER Be A A A dS IP Pf I 53 3s 3 ee FASTWARD 3 = § —y ® 0 ¢ rb _ BRAVE IN FACE OF DEATE. x : smi TE . The Thrilling Grand Stand Play ofa | hrs : 5 i Famous Bull-Fighter In =u : : 1 gpanisk Arena. i . x 2 Mount Joy's Leag gd she re ut tore me 2 a FT 3 ¥ provemen ; : - “ Ise pall © he = = she — s& ire 3 C ’ : wr brs nr ~~ NEGRU DIALECTS. Graham Bread & Dou Xore Than Fifty Varieties Spoken by oT Sug at Short Colored Folks In Different Parts of jhe South, indiffer- r forward. mh . > iy, while WEEN A MAR up beyond ‘he £ Snow nc 't - a piu . ———— ih > Ite k i ig bald 1 w doubly . Vv Jf emo- | English farzeon Says It Is a Sign of foot o ; a gn oY 3 4 . Good lNMexlih—CGucer Oriental LE ~E3 I. 1 5a STER long ti ed. tion ru: x i ; “1 wonder Customs. Hart’ i” TN — al © “plate? 3 . voice risi- 17 E. ing St, Lancaster, Pa BH. H. GANTZ, Proprieto © $900000000002003009040000 ; o and the sheriff's thews an primal forces § em But Farley tcok the |i i proval good naturedly as he ha everything in smiled gently as cracker box, and nod of men drifted slow! street. Out of eye range is face lit ; Cameras P hotogra phe rs’ COOP OPO POOP O Supplies “Ma he thought, grimly Har ror t fll one bas pr : Be > Y " a personage shoul him. He's 100 cock-sure and ete’s hty well wi foLher. © an ordinary mo too smart for him. It's hance, : i348 10 Si pi ane : reckon.” He slapped lent,” he k 2 strafght glance at th French ave L rubbed the place thou My n he bov ! mean two lives— | In Crimean 1 54 be bed the place yughtfully de De ould manl this new impetus the loggers of Pu nye that een A . oa naw Creek wonld Bard! ve known ig Pete, bafll ld helpless, looked @PPeLEing and nutritious disies o their deputy rst and last chafc t the receding shore with sullen de- Dothing in particular. Apparently in lite. I re he repeated delib-’ spai If it re Bot for the child— knack has been lost, for Lieut. Bi R no . erately, “an ing to take it.” sh t quietly ir nt, her dark eyes has deemed it necessary to comj al NY COOP OOYG W.B.BENDER Shay Ing Hair Cutting < GOPV00PQ0e Half w he tree-shadowed ri i on the it ‘water, which in manuel of 40 pages, giving o te heats’ ) 4 ite ¢ never recipes useful under dit . street an | ped into his brain. ial ie had never n Sp 4 wr iid 4 ount The possibi at it held were fas- seen before H ed A fancy ow i ! x v ting tg iplate. and he re- be saw il : of the given var ¥y ged in that a. To « moa ithin a are direction morning " see the each ingredient SE, h unlight gd feel the clear, | number of ihen, swing- 2! | The Ru ish perm ’ 5 00000600090000000000000000000090909000000090000000 DOPOIVDOPVRTIPONDIW IIS