The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, January 06, 1904, Image 4

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silk sud-
or or bow-
ing about?”
for a week
1d ever-
s skirt
i the

. —ev and
ue, for the mother’s sake, ke, had
shown her the kindest, most fatherly at-
tention. True, he didn’t look fatherly,
but then she knew his age.
3 Py
The summer was drawing to a close.
The white and gray seagulls no longer
sat idly on the tops of the danger piers
far out in the bay. The hotel! was prac-
tically deserted, and a chilly wind blew
from the east all day—still Mrs. Bernard
lingered at her summer home. She
would sit for hours ensconced in cloak
on the bare veranda locking seaward,
dreaming and re-living the summer
hours spent with Russell Hudson. He
had been so attentive, so kind and eon-
stant, it could mean but one thing, she
told herself,” he loved her still. She
prayed for strength to carry the weight
of her girlhood, her wifehood and her
widow-hood love. A love that to her was
the grandest passion she had ever known,
ave that love which had been gent with
or first and only child.
Of course it was tiresome and awfully
for Grace, and at last the mother
decided to return to the city on the
row. \
18sell Hudson had told them he must
ly leave for a hasty business trip to
~d, and would come that day to
ais adleux. Mrs. Bernard felt that
"ting would be sweetened and pal-
y a certain avowal which he was
\» make—and then—how would
tell Grace! Her face burned,
ised her eyes and fell to dream-
‘Her reverie, however, was in-
familiar voices and the sud-
ce through one of the low
ws of Grace and Russell
tepped lightly out on the
by the hand the blushing
rd laughed softly at the
matter now, Russell?
sing that child!”
seating himself
‘gaged hand taking
rd, while Grace the
erted her face, “I
‘n you too much by
vle girl 1s so much
to be, I have quite
ove her, and I am
et me take care of
no—" interrupting
started to speak—
your protest—you
2d, for you can live
2 to her full height,
tly at the two, was
, While the second and
her life was fought—
yntending against the
mother’s love! Gaz-
she saw for her child
h she herself had
ping their hands in
ed tremulously:
—I could not have
} more worthy than
ntentment bump
of his hat.—New
es those he has
than he does
an Cities,
population of
‘0 Progress
Thus far
hed rance
d the pencil.
the window.
bl, said the ice.
, said the calender.
an tick, said the cock.
> your head, said the
er do anything off band, said
Doing a driving business, said the
Be sharp in all your dealings,
laid the knife.
Trust to your stars for success,
said the night.
Spend much time in reflection,
said the mirror,
Make much of small things, said
the microscope.
Strive to make a good impression,
said theseal.
Find a good thing and stick to it,
said the glue.
Turn all things to your advantage
said the lathe,
ee (I eee
The Milton Grove school opened on
Master John 8 Strickler was at Bell-
aire on Tuesday.
Isaiah G. Zook served a fine dinner to
twenty invited guests.
1. A. Shiffer, of Elizabethtown, spent
Sunday with his parents.
Wm. Weidmau, of Florin, was paper-
ing at the hotel fast week.
Prayer meeting was held at the resi-
dence of Aaron Diffenderfer.
Master B. Walter Grosh, of Harrisburg
was the guest of his paients on Saturday
and fundav.
Eli F. Arndt, representative for the
Old Kentuck y Co., of Covington, Ky.,
received forty-one gallon of whiskey
last week.
Mr. and Mre. Samuel Kolp of near
Green Tree, were the guests of Mr. and
Mre. John F. Baker.
Mrs. Sarah Tschudy was visiting the
family of Mr. Aaron Sayder, of near
M sterronville, last week.
Miss Katharine M. Striker, of Leb-
amon, who was visiting ber parents, re-
turned to that city on Thurs ‘ay.
Clayton M. Ga1tz and brother Awmne
of near Manheim, were the guests of
their grand-mother, Mra. Mary Moyer
on Sunday.
Aaron R. Gibble, Joseph R. Gibtle,
Ei Rendler and Eli F. Arndt were our
representatives at the You'zestown
shooting match.
W. 8. Shiffer, our successful raiser of
faney poultry, has two of the finest pens
of Golden Wyandotte and Buff Leghorns
ever seen in the county. Hoe takss pride
in raising poultry, which accounts for
his success.
Blaine 0. Grosh, Arthur G. Thome,
Harrison W. Eshelman and John 8.
Strickler were skating on Keener’s dam
on Monday evening. They returned
with bruised heads from the effects o.
trying to cut stars.
William H, Fendrich of Marietta,
has three homing pigeons that flew
from Harrisburg to their home on
Thursday, a distance of twenty-five
miles in 32 minutes.
Our Home Markets.
Yoffee & Gafin Brothers store pays as follows:
Butter....... essuassasess 22¢ per 1b.
asssaces 9 perib,
ase sscenseessiC porib,
EES.cesnracasnenesesess 320 per doz.
Brandt & Stehman pay as follows :
Wheat,. vs +.85 per bu.
Corn.... . 44.55 perbu.
RY6....ciennscnnnss sreee lb perdu,
ORB. suc cosasnns sesserse i 40pOTDY,
Selling Price of Feed
$20 50 per ton
Mixed feed. oo eaueeeensnenses 3200
.. 2600
Cotton seed moal..
Linseed meal
Ajack Flakes..cooouane

Days of Appeal For rgog.
Pursuant to the provisions of the laws of this Com-

Lancaster County hereby give notice to every tax-
the undersigned commissioners of
‘ble inhabitant within the respective boroughs,
wnships and city of sald county that appeals from
@ personal property and militia assessment of 1904
11 be held in the county commissioners’ office, in
s city of Lancaster, on the days following to wit :
Marietta borough . Thursday, January 7
Manheim borough . . Friday, January 8
Atitz borough Friday, January 8
1zabethtown + Tuesday, January 12
wnt Joy borough . Wednesday, January 12
ROY a ia Thursday, January 14
ast Donegal « Tuesday, January 19
Joy twp. . Wednesday, January 20
in . wi Thursday, January 21
4 Donegal . Friday, January 22
t Hempfield Friday, January 22
st Hempfield . Monday, January 25
ho . . . Monday, January 25
heim twp. . Tuesday, January 26
mbia borough . Friday, January 29
heal will be considered exceptupon the days
d for the respective districts, unless satis-
sason is given for failure to come at the
me, and not then unless the person appeal-
rompanied by the assessor of the districts
bh the property under consideration is
missioners will sit to hear appeals from 9
w'yin the morning and from 1 to 3 in the
: y designated, Assessors are re
be attendance during that time, By
of the
1: “Samuel W., Diller, Clerk,

Court Proclamation!
REAS, The Hon. John B. Livingston, Pres.
» and Hon, Charles 1. Landis, Associate Judge
e Court of Common Pleas in and for the county
incaster, and Assistant Justices of the Courts of
Terminer, and General Jull Delivery
r Sessions of the Peace In and for
ty of Lancaster, have Issued their Precept,
ted, requiring me, among other things, to
lie Proclamation throughout my batliwick,
Rar and Terminer and General Jail De
eral Qui rter Sessions of the
commeace in the Court
y in the Common-
Al AT ~
Water Account
re () J een
fr the Year Ending Dec. 31, 1903.
Balance in Treasury Dec. 31, 1903. $1,304.01
Detwiler for ice .
H. C. Schock for brick
R. Fellenbaum, collected
Regular Assessments
Extra, including Rollhouser
Four Permits, $3.50...........0000000
One Permit, $3
One T Connection
C. H. Zeller, Insurance
A. Welsh, Labor
Joseph Weber, Labor
Andrew Widman, Labor
Elias Williams, Labor
U. B. Church, Rebate
C. Schock, Lumber and Pipe
Steelton and Hbg. Brick Co., Brick
C. Schock, Lumber
Monroe Sheaffer, Hauling
Steelton and Hbg. Brick Co., Brick
R. D. Wood & Co., Pipes, etc.......
H. Shelly,
Scott Swords,
B. F. Groff, Repairing
Jos. Gantz, Labor
Frank Good, Labor
Samuel Fasnacht,
Philip Frank Malt Co., use of jack
R. Fellenbaum, Services
Geo. Fryer, Labor..
W. Frank, Labor....
H. E. Ebersole,
B. BE. Heistand, Auditing
Samuel Eckhart Est., Rebate
Joseph Detwiler ist., Stone, ete.
William Dierolf, Rebate
Frank Conrad, Carting
Henry Pinkerton, Labor....
P. R. R. Co, Freight, etc.
G. Moyer, Supplies
Miss E. Meyers, Rebate
Star and News, Printing
Mrs. Helena Miller, Rebate
Herald, Printing
Welfley & Longenecker, Smithwork
A. R. Lutz, Rebate
Will Jackson, Labor ...
H. W. Grosh, Laying Brick
Jacob Garber, Labor
David Garber, Labor
‘Mrs. .H. Gantz, Rebate
Mrs. Catharine Greiner, Rebate..
Central Machine Works, Supplies.
A. B. Kling, Gazoline
John Bombaugh, Labor
A. Bube, Meals
P. Brubaker, Dist'g Vouchers....
J. H. Buohl, Supplies
M. N. Brubaker, 300 feet Water
Main, with 5 years interest
Buffalo Meter Co., Repairing
188 Coupons at $2 each
Coupons of $10 each Nos.
%, 1, 1, 22, 22, 17, 99, 35, 3%,
16, 24, 24, 24, 88, 39, 39, 41, 41,
82, 55, 21, 2, TT, 5, 25, 23, 23, 25,
26, 19, 19, 20, 20, 15, 135, 18, 18, 51, 2
29, 66, 14, 14, 62, 47, 47, 27, 21,
28, 49, 49, 40, 40, 43, 43, 30, 30, 34,
50, 50, 48, 48, 12, 12, 13, 13, G1, 3
3%, 37, 37.
Balance in Treasury
‘We the undersigned auditors of Mount
Joy borough have audited the water ac-
count of said borough for the year end-
ing December 31, 1902, and do certify
that the account of the Union National
Mount Joy Bank Treasury is correct and
the ledger shows a balance of $1,803.08.
We have destroyed coupons amourn‘ing
to $1,186.00 due on or before December
31, 1903.
Give me your order for cemetery work
now and have it made ready to erect
when the blue birds come.
James Glatfelter,

and useful Christmas Gifts pay us a
visit. Our prices are as low and some
lower than most dealers.
A Few Specials
Best Clear Toy at.
A Fine Mixture at . Toc
A Better one at . I5¢
Chocolate Mixture at 19 and 25¢
I2 1-2¢
We have one pound boxes for Sunday
Schools and public schools’ candies at
Two Cents Each,
Special Prices
to schools
= Almonds, paper shell
Grenoble Walnuts
Cream Walnuts .
. 20c
16c =
Force . . 12 1-2 cents 2

Maple Flake . 12 1.2 cents
akg MMalted Rice 12 1-2 ¢

AT Se nS
“International” Garments, of Course.
Because they are superior to all other made-to-order garments in
as well as having that Easy, Graceful, Hanging effect that gives to the
wearer an air of refinement, and natty, business-like appearance.
k We Have A Line or Ovsm 500 Samrres To Szixct From
SUITS FROM $12.00 to $40.00
H. Ek. Ebersole
Mount Joy, Penna.
An Important Sale of
Coats and Suit
Handsome Winter Wraps at Half Price and Less. If you
have not yet bought your Coat or Suit, you should see our broac
assortment of the season’s best styles. Every garment in oug
stock has been reduced. Here is your opportunity:
Winter Coats,
At 5.00 January Coats, o
and Castor Kersey, half fitting 2
back, sgme have. cape over shq
military button; the best val
money can buyt
500 A few Full Lengt
of fine Black and Blue Ke
back, lined to waist; were 12
and 17.50; all go at one price,
10 00 Lots of styles at t
One is of fine Black Zibelin
over shoulders, standing colla
trimmed with sllk braid, fittd
g2rs2 a lot of Ladies’ and Misses’
Suits, odds and euds. Mostly short
Jackets, but all of them made of All
Wool material. They were £7.50
$8 50, $10.00. While the lot lasts
they go at $2.50 each.
$5.00 Another lot of Luits, that were
$10 00, $12.50 and $15.00, only one
or iwo of a kind, mcstly Short Jackets.
Your ehoice, §.500.
$10.00 Handsome Suits, in this
season's best Materials are | qin lined; worth 17.50; sf
Cheviots. and Noveltyl,, 5,
Mixtures; long blouse or fitted jacket; >
Suits that were $1250 to $17.50, Jove Couls ar 23,90,
Special bargain at 10.00. Handsome Coats, of Ca
Black and Blue Kersey an
Cheviot, 32 to 45 inches lo
haye capes over shoulder; othg
all beautifully lined with whi
or black satin; worth 23.00,
30.00. A special bargain
At 20.00 Your choice of any Suit
in stock at ihis price. Beautituly tail
ored Walking and Dress Lergth Skirts
Svits that were 25 00, 28 00 30.00 aud
Your choice at 20.00.

Ladies Night Gowns,

Men's Night Shirts.

A Spelling Bee
wr A, ND meee
Washington School
assisted by the
Fernwood Instrumental Club,
of Middletown. Pa.
06000000000 0000300000000100000600000600¢:000006000000
Washington School House,
at Florin, Penna.
Saturday Evening, Jan'y 9, "04.
0600890099000 900909090990990009090969000000006:0900060000900
There will be Three Classes.
9990900003000 90000900000209000000000000000005000000900
Dialogues, Recitations and Music.
99000000000 0000000490000000900000000000000000008609¢¢ &
Valuable Prizes will in given to the Successful Contestants of each class.
Don’t fail to hear the FERNWOOD INSTRUMENTAL CLUB con-
sisting of Two Violins, Two Guitars, Two Mandolins, Banjo and Clarinet.
Don't Fail to Come, Rain or Shine.
Ceneral Admission, 15 Cents.

Put a Trial Ad in
The “Bulletin
and You'll Surely Get Results.
er —_—
Roe Rn %
Warm Shoes
for Cold Weather
Men's felt boots,
Men's hair lined shoes.
Ladies’ warm lined shoes.
Childrens’ warm lined shoes.
Rubber shoes and, boots of all descriptions
Our prices the lowest. Compare them with’ others and be
Philadelphia Shoe Store,
cuUsST ST."

At Reduce
Rogers Knives and Forks, &
Rogers Teaspoons, goc a
Ind. Phone 13384, mers
Warm Domet Night Dresses ot
fleeced Flannels, in neat Pink and
Blue, with white stripes, trimmed with
pleats, hemstitching and embroipery,
soc’, 75C to 1.00each.
Of soft, warm Flannelette;
ous sizes, in stripes, plain or
36C to 1.00.
Aoys’ sizes, at 3734 and
White Flannelette, 1.00t0
Ladfes’ Pajamas, 1.75.
Men's Pajamas, at 1.00
Newr Tork Stic
Corner Square and Rast King Sire

000000000 0000000090600¢
Some Particularly Choice
Now in Women's Fi
and Men's O
31-88 North Queen Street, Lancaste

00000000000 00000000000000000000000004000
ee ones
Furs, Coats and Tailor-made Su
We have a few left.
’ All going at reduced prices.
any here that will svit you.
A Fine Marten Fur with very pretty tails, dark
to go for 5.00 ; were 7.98.
Ladies’ Coats made of heavy cloth in tan, bl
were 9.00 now 6.75.
Ladies’ Tailor-made Suits that were 10.00, 12.04
all to go at 7.50.
Our great clearance of Gloves. Ladies’ Golf
shades for 25c and 4sc. Children’s Mitts and
at half price. Men's Woolen Gloves, 75¢ kind fq)
kind for 25¢c. Ladies’ Leggings, a very nice king
for 48¢c. Jersey Leggings with buttons on sides
Knit Leggings for 3gc. Children’s Dutton
Ladies’ and Men's Gaiters, were 25¢, now 19C.
Yoffe & Caffin Bros.,
Mount J¢

We have put on our Bargain Counters a few brg
~~ Suits and Overcoats€—
$7.50, $8, B10 Suits and O
Your Choice for $5.48
207 Locust St. COLUME
"Ce % Y. M. B. 0. D. 7a
ster. SD ONNA, | $6060060006000000000000000000000000004