The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, October 07, 1903, Image 3

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Banking Methods,
or in England, for ey.
reserves of the
are concentrated very
vaults of a central bank,
France and the Bank
cupy an
\ independent po
dominated by outside
can involve them ip
special’ enterprises,
pat all times by
€00rmous mora]
upon them,
Df specu-

Latest News of Pennsylvania Told Ir
Short Order.
. Ignatz, Klenent, of Olyphant, 22
ears old, accidentally shot and killed
is young bride of two weeks in front
of his home in that city. Klenent was
married two weeks ago and had just re-
turned from his wedding trip with his
bride, who was but 17 years old. About
one o'clock in the afternoon ‘Klenent
announced h:s intention of going out
hunting. He picked up his shotgun
and kissing his wife good-by started for
the gate. She followed him out into
the yard and playfully called out: “See
if you can shoot me, Ignatz.” Ignatz
stopped at the gate and laughed. Then
he raised the gun and pointed it at his
jde, who stood only six feet away.
ink I could, Annie,” he said. “If
un was loaded I'm certain I could
un.” For a moment he stood thus
en the gun was discharged. The
b struck thie girl in the left tem-
ling her instantly. As she fell
hsband dropped the gun and
d to her side. He knelt over
gs body and kissed the cheeks
b_fhe blood was pouring
business for the month
easury showed a bal
191.34 in the general
Est amount ever held at
ny month, and $700,00c
the close of August. Dur-
th $2,000,000 of personal
was cqllected, but three-
is will be returned to the
Over $4,000,000 was paic
hich $2,500,000 went to the
bols. The larger corpora-
ow paying their taxes, and
received at the Treasury
from’ the Pennsylvania
pany for tax on capital
lew open the safe in the
Elouseville, securing the
nding and gagging Dr.
| James Strait, who in-
in their work. The
explosion aroused the
ut they were held at
ers, who fired at them
e woods inthe dark
it secured by the rob
nown until an inven-
rmed posses of offi
hre searching for the
well, of Chester, was
at Media of highway
o the Eastern Peni
hrs. The crime was
ter on February 5.
eluded the ‘police.
eks ‘ago. “Shortly
n jail he tried to
e bars of his cell
rested at South
‘to jail on the
g the town’s tax
money from the
e ‘receipts,’
gave consist-
rs and hiero
blank taken
:ntal Examin
Ing in harris-
the ensuing
of Pittsburg,
d Pr:'H. B
a, was made
The board
t that herc-
¢ dental li-
or registra-
1t examina
i be accept-
1e terms.
the first
ing Jttict
ton, She
rty start
hey trac-
failed to
0 be un-
rs in the
and pre-
g a shot
d this sum-
1der Rea, of
em the pho-
one of their
ina M. Dun-
picture, was
with the orig-
by mail. Miss
h and the cou-
Rea house.
year-old boy of
s seem peculiarly
res, sustained a
ninth time, while
posted at the
's Locomo-
, —
The weary, worn-
out, all-tired feel.
ings come to every-
body who taxes the
kidneys. When the
kidneys are overs
worked they fail to
perform the duties
nature has provided
far them to do.
When the kidneys
fail dangerous dis-
eases quickly fol-
low, urinary disor-
ders, diabetes, drop-
8y, rheumatism, i
Bright's disease. Doan’s Kidney Pills
cure all kidney and bladder ills. Read
the following case:
Veteran Joshua Heller, of 706 South
Walnut street, Urbana, Ill, says:
“In the fall of 18909 after getting
Doan’'s Kidney Pills at Cunningham
taking a course of treatment I told the
readers of the paper that they had re-
lleved me of kidney trouble, disposed
of a lame back with pain across my
loins and beneath the shoulder blades.
During the interval which had elapsed
I have had occasion to resort to Doan’s
Kidney Pills when I noticed warnings
of attack. On each and every occasion
the results obtained were just as satis-
factory as when the pills were first
brought to my notice. I just as em-
phatically indorse the preparation to-
day as I did over two years ago.”
A FxEE TRIAL of this great kidney
medicine which cured Mr. Heller will
be mailed on application to any part
of the United States. Medical advice
free; strictly confidential. Address Fos-
ter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For
per box,
The Chinese Carpenter.
“Did you ever get a Chinese carpen-
ter to stop up a hole in the floor?”
asked one flat dweller of another. The
other had to admit that he had not.
Then the first proceeded to tell, his
wonderful tale, which the listener would
not believe until he tried an Oriental
for the same purpose the next month.
“There was a worn place in the floor
that needed patching, and I thought I'd
show my wife what a carpenter I was,
so I sawed a square section of the
planks out. But I cut my hand the
first minute, and had to send for the
Chinaman who has a shop right around
the corner. When he got to the door
he grunted something that sounded as
if it might mean ‘Where?’ and I point-
ed to the square hole over in a dark
““Wow,’" he said as he squinted at it
a minute. Then he turned around and
walked out. I thought—well, I didn’t
know what to think, I was so amazed.
I couldn't understand his giving up
such a simple job. I was still puzzling
over it half an hour later when I heard
a, kuock. He said ‘Wow,’ or some
other word like it, and held up a square
board. Then he walked over to the
dark corner of the room and—what do
: he-squage in, and
it fitted just as if it had grown there.
And he had just taken a peep at the
hole from where he was standing in
the door.”
The flat dweller’s tale is no fairy
story. That's the way a Chinese car-
penter stops a hole in the floor.
A man in Palmer, Mass., is dead of
chronic poisoning from arsenic in the
colors upon the wall paper of his sit-
The trusts number 180, which con-
trol’ about 2000 active plants.
FITSpermanently cured, No fits or nervous-
ness rd first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
NerveRestorer. $2trial bottle and treatisefree
Dr.R.H. KLINE, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Phila., Pa,
Sawdust and other mill waste is now
used in paper making in Texas.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children
teething, soften the gums, reducesinflamma-
tion,allays pain,cures wind colio. 25¢. a bottle
A stock of Indian corn uses up thirty-
one pounds of water during its season.
Piso’s Cure for Consumption is an infallible
medicine for coughs and colds.—N. W,
8aMUEL, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1500.
France spends thirty-five per cent. of
her resources on military preparations.
brightest and fastest colors.
Banking institutions have no use for the
“no account” man.
* Catarrh Cured at Home. Three preparations
in one package. Ask your dealer for ‘Dr.
Hartley's Great Remedy.” Be sure you get it.

i Fall in Birth Rate,
The best calculation that can: be
made shows that the average number
of children in the white native family
century ago in the United States
vas more than six; in 1830 it had
allen to less than five; in 1860 to less
Rhan four; in 1872 to less than three; in
11900, among the “upper classes” in
haton, to less than two.
How's This?
p offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tor
pase of Oatarrh that cannot be cured by
Catarrh Cure.
J. CxexNEY & Co., Toledo, O. 5
heundersigned, have known F. J.Che-
the last 15 years, and believe him per-
honorable in all business transactiohs
hneially able to carry out any obliga-
ade by their firm, -
Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
ht, KrywAN&MArvIN, Wholesale Drug-
oledo, Ohio. is .
atarrh Cureis taken internally, act-
y upon the blood and mucoussur-
p system, Testimonials sent free;
per bottle. Sold by all Druggistg
mily Pills are the best.
Vealth of Languages.
ish language, according to a
htistician who has madé a
he comparative wealth of
heads the list with -the
.cabulary of 260,000 words;
mes next, with 80,000
30,000; Turkish, with 22,-
sh, with 20,000,
ed jn not looking for
would pay com-
o by n
Bros.” drug store in Champaign and:
sale by all druggists, price 50 cents:
Putnam Faprress Dyes produce the ’
with 75,000;

Trouble Brewing for Abel.
The man who runs the elevator at a
terminal railway station was accosted
in a dull time of day, not long ago, by
a tall countrywoman with an expression
on her fa¢é compounded of fright and
“Could ‘I ride up high as you go?’
she asked, in a husky tone.
“Sure, rest’rant ‘top floor,” said the
elevator man, and after facilitating her
entrance with a judicious shove he
slammed the door‘and started his car.
At the top floor he flung open’thé door
and attempted to assist his ‘passenger
She waved off his hand, however, and
shook her head with great decision.
“I thought I'd need something to eat
after it,” she said briskly, “but ’tisn’t
what ‘I'd been led to expect, and now
all I want is to get downstairs again,
take the four o'clock train for Pratt's
Corner and tell Abel Jowders what I
think of him.
“He's been holding it over me for
the last ‘six months—ever since stock-
holders’ day—that he’d rid in an eleva-
tor and I never had. He's got one
share of stock in the railroad, and what
with that and his talk about the way his
hair rose and his suspenders bust with
the tremendous speed in the elevator,
and how folk that stayed at home had
no notion of the gimp it took to ride
in one, there's been no living with him.
But you just let me get home! I left
him housed with a grippy cold so I
know he'll be there.”
A TMaiden’s Troubles.
Helen—Gertrude lay awake almost
the whole night last night worrying.
Clifford—What was she worrying
about? :
_ “Oh, she’s afraid the man she is go-
ing to marry may love her more for
her money than: for herself.”
“Why, Gertrude hasn’t any money
to speak of.” s kd
“I know, but she has a rich relative
somewhere in the old country, and she
thinks he may leave her something.”
“But does her fiance know of this
rich relative?”
“Oh, she hasn’t any fiance yet; she’s
thinking of the time when she will have
one. :
Clara—=Pa, George says he ‘isn’t half |*
good enough to be my husband.
~ Pa—Humph! He talked to me as
if he was plenty good enough to have
me for a father-in-law.
+ Dizzy? Headache? Pain
back of your eyes? It’s your

liver!" Use Ayer’s Pills.
Gently laxative; all vegetable.
Sold for 60 years. J.0. Ayer Co.,
Lowell, Mass,

[Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black? Use

StraightenYour Hair
Take the curls out of it, make it soft and glossy
by using
Carpenter's 0X MARROW POMADE
Usa a little once a week—that is all that {s nec-
essary. Soft, silky hair and healthy scalp are
the results. Makes the hair grow. too.
Buy {t of your druggist, or send us the price
in stamps.
Address, CARPENTER & CO.,
Louisville, Ky.

case of Asthma by persistent use. Regu-
lar size box, by mail, 35c.; three for $1.00,
T. Taylor & Co., Green Cove Springs, Fla.

Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use pS
in time. Sold by druggists.
weak oyenass Thompson's Eye Water

No Hair?
1 IVo Lair
¢“My hair was falling out very
fast and I was greatly alarmed. |
then tried Ayer’s Hair Vigor and
my hair stopped falling : t once.”’—
Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, O. §

The trouble is your hair
does not have life enough.
Act | onaptly. Save your §
hair. Feed it with Ayer’s §
Hair Vigor. If the gray E
h .irs are beginning to §
show, Ayer’s Hair Vigor §
§ will restore color every
§ time. 51.00 a bottle. All druggists.

; If your druggist cannot supply you, i
H send us one dollar and we will express
@ you a bottle. Be sure and give the name
# of your nearest express oflice. Address, ;
J J.C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass.

AN A reputation extending over
\ NN (Sx sixty-six yeors and our
N; YE: , guarantee are back of
A} NE every. garment bearing the
® NO There are many imitations.
DZLUNN - Be sure of the name &
X TOWER on the buttons.

Ripans Tabules are
the best dyspepsia
A medicine ever made,
A’ hundred millions
of them have been
sold In the United
States In a single
year. Every illness
arising from a disordered stomach ls
relleved or cured by their use. So
common jg it that diseases originate
from the stomach It- may be safely as-
serted there is mo condition of ill
health th=t will not be benefited or
cured by the occasional use of Ripans
Tabules. Physicians know them and
speak highly of them. All druggists
sell them. The five-cent package Is
enough for an ordinary occasion. and
the Family Bottle, sixty cents, contains
a bousehold supply for a year. One
generally gives relief within twenty
$ 50 $ UNI
3.24 *3 SHOES ii!
You can save from $3 to $5 yearly by
wearing W. L. Douglas $3.50 or $3 shoes.
They equal those
that have been cost-
ing you from $4.00
to $5.00. The im-
mense sale of W. L.
Douglas shoes proves
their superiority over
all other makes.
Sold by retail shoe
dealers everywhere.
Look for name and
price on bottom.
That Douglas uses Cor-
ona Colt proves there is
value in Douglas shoes.
Corona is the highest
grade Pat.Leather made. 2) A
Fast Color Eyelels used. ) y 30
Our 84 Gilt Edge Line cannot be equalled at any price.
Shoes by mail, 25 cents extra. Illustrated
Catalog free. W. L., DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mug,
Are You Interested?
Millions of dollars have been made out of Patanty
and Trade-Margs. Millions of dollars are appropri.
ated to pay pensions. 20 years practice,
For Information and literature, FREE, write 5»
Wills Building, 317 Ind. Ave., Washington, D. 5
n Oo PS qmok relief and cures worsy
Book of testimonials and 10 days’ treatment
I’ Dr. H. H. GREEN'S BONS, Box B, At'anta, Ga
\ The Effervescent
Ar 0a Stomach Cleanser
BM 'ZER) prevents headaches,
\ or , biliousness, constipation.
Xa At Druggists, 50¢c. and $1,
> or by mail from
or Ainerican
Physicians since 124. 91 Jay Street, Now York
Bt TRI at A CI]
GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel troubles, appendicit}
blood, wiad on the stomach, bloated bowels, foul mouth, h
pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow skin and
regularly you are sick. .Constipation kills more people th
starts chronic ailments and Jong Jou of sufferiogs 3
never get well an
CASCARETS today, for you
No 1g
right Take our advice, start with Cascarets toda:
enuine tablet s
money refunded, The
terling Remedy
booklet free. Addréss
mped C
ompany, Ch