| arger Local Circu- htion than any other Mount Joy Paper. VOL IIL NO. 16. MATTERS IN COURT. John J. Missemer Must Pay His Wife |t $3.00 a Week. Two desertion cases from this place, were disposed of by Judge Landis at Lancaster on Saturday. John Phelan, was charged by his wife with desertion but “owing te the nature of the complaint, which was entered before the desertion, the case was dismissed. John J. Missemer, also of this brough was charged by his wife ith desertion. The testimony in 1e case was at follows: Mrs. Miss- emer testified that they were mar- ried Nov. 5, 1902 and that her Lus- band has failed to support her and her child. That when Mr. Miss- ier was lying sick with typhoid bver at the home of her grand- parents, his father Jacob R. Mis- semer came and took him away. John said that he did rot contribute anything toward the support of his wife and cluld since his marriage and that he was at present working for four dollars a week and his board and that he was wiliing to live with | his wife and support her. In testi-|‘ mony Mrs, Missemer said when ask whether or not she would agree to’: ~tive with her husband, that she posi- ] I i i paid no attention t Cooper Mooney struck and Mooney admitted that he struck at Cooper after objectionable remark to him, but de- nied having struck convicted Mooney of simple assault. The dispute arose through Cooper paying attention to Mooney’s daugh- ( er against his objection: Cooper Mooney’s ob- when Mooney met illegation is that kicked him. and the ections made the latter an him. The jury Ie was sentenced to pay a fine of $20 and costs. ——— Personal Mention. Edward Grove of Manheim spent Sunday in town. A. W. Hollinger of Manheim wag un town yesterday. John Shelly of Philadelphia, was n town on Sunday, Owen Brandt left yesterday for Mercersburg College. Miss Naomi Stoner of Lancaster, spent Sunday in town. A. G. Farmer of Altoona, spent Sunday here with friends. Miss May J/anning left today for 1/etzger College, Carlisle. Miss Mary Newpher returned to Willersyille S. N. 8. yesterday. Miss Myrtle Roop of Lancaster, is tively would not, as he was no fit visiting A. L. Campbell's family. person to live with, Also that he had paid nc boarding for them since y the marriage. Jacob R. Missemer, | 1 father of the young man, was given an oportunity to testify and he | Miss Alice Seitz of Mountville vas the guest of Miss Nora Brene- y. Miss Fannie Stohler has returned me from a two weeks visit to nan cn Sunda spoke of moving his son to the for- friends at Clostor e's home when the latter was sick. After this testimony Judge! andis had his say which was as follows: That John J. Missemer hould pay all the costs and $3.50 er week toward his wife and childs ipport. Afterward the attorneys presenting both parties agreed on a $3.00 a week payment. W, | Hollowbush Exq., for Mrs. Miss. er, Coyle & Keller for John J. ssemer. ; ‘he ease of B. F. Gochnauer of place, who wis charg «1 with lation of the liquor laws, was 1 before Alderman Halbach on lay morning at ten o'clock and hed to the next term of quarter ms, E. and Clarence C. Craiey, laced on trial, Wednesday on | ssault and battery and sealed weapons, pre- K. Hildebrandt and all of this place. rere brought Shelly I thit on the defendants Harry the on 3 UY: Lebanon Valley College, Pa., for the winter term. Bessie Maze, Sunday in town with friends more, mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Myers. Saturday Geo. Pyle and little son of Pitts— arg, arrived here yesterday on a visit to his parents, 4 Miss Ethel Myers has returned to Annville, David Waser, and wife ard of Manheim Miss spent Martin Metzler, luty in Unéle wio IN Sans Navy Sunday here with his futher Clayton Mycrs and wife of Balti- are guests of the formers left Ind., future. I. E. Ebersole and wife left Monday for Philadelphia, where he will purchase the fall stock for his Store. Mrs. David Garber and son Paul, left on Saturday for Harrisburg where they spent several days with frierds. 2 Jos. Livezey, Esq. wife daughters, Sarah Phila. are reyj at the Harry Heck of near town, Indianapolis, where he will reside in the for or two [infRym the public that she is always | read y\to do maternity nursing at of WEEKLY MOUNT JOY, MANY LOCAL NOTES. x Happenings of the Week Told in a Brief Yet iteresting Mannner. A. K. Manning has put down his concrete pavement, The “good old summer time” is with us once again. Mrs. Wm, Scholing was on sick list last week. Amos Shickley is painting Wm. Scholing’s new house. Uncle Tom’s Cabin Co. passed through town at 3.47 Saturday, Mrs. Ed. Craley moved her house hold effects to Lancaster yesterday. The concrete pavement at Yoffe & Gaflin Brothers’ store is comple- ted. A daughter was born to Frank Shatto and wife on Saturday morn- ng. Hector Henery is busy at present putting down concrete paving for A. K. Manning, A number of our attended the festival at Saturday evening. The Junior base ball team was defeated here on Saturday 16 to 5. Maytown Juniors did it. The Evangelistic services are drawing large crowds of people at each evening's service. A peach vender was seen on our streets Thursday afternoon selling fruit at $1.25 per basket. If you intend doing any adver- tising over the holidays, this it the time to consider the matter. Several of our stores are closing from 3 to 4.15 each afternoon in order to attend the tent services. Green groceryman J. EK. Longe- n2cker has nice saner-kraut for sale at all times. Sowergrout un shpeck is now in season. Miss Yingst of Florin, wishes to the young bloods Newtown reasonable prices. Yesterday afternoon G. Moyer purchase] the Detwiler farm on the | ¢ Jarictta ke, es of 115] acres at 3 1WAT an acre. The putt up of proper index boards at n ny important X roads in this scctiilig seriously neglected. Constables ld do well to amend this dc feeti The Detw which was w on Monday wards purch: Longenecker, We have ju fonts of new W bing departmen 1lomestead farm, wn at public sale on, was aftere at: by Jno. KE, sco deale ly execute poste rices and we cid ur work. ur west end e, 18 anot eople th »irett]ad seen. > ey. They sell for Dr.John J. Newpher, trustee in bankrdptey of Samuel Kurtz, in- and interes in the east ward of this borough. Schock, M. S. aud M, C. Bowman, all of $204.00. ners’ Mutual Fir. pany, through their attorney, gave 1 q4 oy PENNA. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER Two Teams Collide. Last Saturday evening fellows, spekes and single trees took a tum- bel or properly speaking a scater- ation, a short distance east of the P. R. R. crossing on Main street and an accident that may have been the cause of some person being muimed for life was averted by Db. U. Stoner, who was sitting out on a benchin front of his residence with another citizen, by checking the horse. It was all caused by fast driving and coming in contact with a wagon driven by Mr. Brown, of near Florm. By way of a little friendly advice we would say that some of the driving men that make this a practice every Saturday and Sunday evening to speed or race their horses on Main street and par- ticularly in the west end, if they think they have fast horses it would be a good idea to take them to Lancaster or Middletown race tracks and speed them there and then they would not be in danger of smashing up conveyances or running elderly people and children down on the highway. There is entirely to much of it on our streets. New Can Opener. Frank Peffer, of this place, has just received a patent on the Pre-| ferred Can-Opener. Frank, who is| quite *a genius, invented this new tool and it is sure to be a good seller. The can-opener costs al mere trifle and will without a doubt | prove a winner. It will do the work for which it is intended, better | than any can-opener we have ever If you can use one don’t for- get they are sold by Peffcr & Cral-| The Grey Ircn Casting Com- pany bas an order to make 25,000. for ten cents each, iti Bot ght the Gas Works. Auctir fer Charles H. Zeller sold lividually and as a member of Kurtz & Co., on the premises on I'riday afternoon, the right, title of Samuel Kurtz in the gas works and two residences I'he purchasers were H. C. and C, this place. Consideration Before the sale the Tan- Insurance Com- BULLETIN FARMERR’ INSTITUTE. A Good Held Heisey's Woods Programme, A well attended Farmers’ Insti- tute was held at IHeisey’s Park, near Rheems’ Station, Friday afternoon and evening, the following pro- gramme being rendered: Afternoon— Music, quartette, Misses Ilollenbaugh, Messrs. Runk and Hollenbaugh; prayer, Rev. 1, E. at 'Runk, Mount Joy; address of wel- come, W. S. leisey; response, Hon. W.H. Brosius; lecture, “Agricultu- ral College and the Farmer,” by Rev. J. W. Detrich; lecture, « Silo Experience and Practice,”” by IL. W. Lighty; examination of speci- mens of birds, fruit, plants and grain, by Prof. H. A. Surface, Economic Zoologist; music, quar- tette; How to Keep Twenty lead of Dairy Animals on Fifteen Acres,” by Rev. J. D. Detrich; “ Value, Care and Application of Farm Manure,” by Rev. L. W. Lighty; Query Committee reports; music, gquartette, . Lvening—Chorus, selected pupils; prayer, Rev. I. KE. Runk; opening remarks, chairman; solo, “The Sent— inel Asleep,” Miss Blanche Mann; address, Rev. J. D. Dotrich; music, quartette; Misses IHollenbaugh and Measrs. Runk and Hollenbaugh; oration, Miss Marie N. Good; phon- ograph imitation, Miss Mancha; ad- dress, Mr. Lighty; music, quartette; recitation, Miss Bertha K. Wentzel; musie, select chorus. The Committee of Arrangements consisted of Dr, H. M. Alexander, Marietta; H. H. Myers, Florin; B, H. Greider, Rheems’; S. C. May, Columbia. The executive Commit- tee were W. NS, lleisey, Chairman; Hon. H. K. Blough, Elizabethtown; Hon. H. Burd Cassell, Marietta; M. L. Greider, Mount Joy; A. II. Bra- baker, Mastersonville; H. C. Shock, Mount Joy; Scott Smith, Bain- bridge; J. Frank Johnston, May- town; I. R. Herr, Ezq., Elizabeth- town. MILTON GROVE. Lincaus Lehman sold Lis property to Monroe Ober, of near town. Soon the gorgeous colors of au- tumn will be arrayed in the forests. A hobo of unknown lineage got foundered in town a few days ago. Harry Randler and family spent Sunday visiting relatives at Rheems, T} lding in Milton roeiod 5 rao 16, 1903. . RHEEMS STATION. The Rheems evening circle held their Bible reading at E/mer Strickler’s. E. H. Hersh and wife visited her father at York last Saturday, who is quite ill. W. L. Heisey will hold another sale Sept. 24, offering lots for sale in this place. Henry Brandt hauled 28 people to the Bible reading held at Strickler's last week. Geo. Vogle, constable of Mount Joy made a flying trip to this place last Sat- urday afternoon. Milton Boll and wife, of near this place, attended the funeral of his sister near York last week. Ephraim Hernley has his large to- bacco shed completed and put his first tobacco in it this week. Mis. Isaac Wealand and Mrs. B. H. Greider and daughter Elizabeth, spent last Sunday in Lancaster. John Daveler, ex- tax collector of West Donegal Twp., canvassed this vicinity, offertng fertilizer for sale. J K. Lehman received a car-load of stock on the High C. siding last Sun- day morning which he sold private. Isaac Wealand, school director of W. Donegal Twp. wasbusy last week get- ting the school teachers in their places. Milton Paules assisted by Cyrus and Walter Evans, cut, speared and housed 23 loads of tobacco, about 115 lath to a load. KE. H. Hersh made some important repairs to the shafting in I evi Nissley's mill, also leveled up the cider press this week. Jacob R. Herr received two car- loads of horses, colts and cattle last Saturday, for his sale held last Monday at the Rheems stock yards. Groff & Graybill's teams were daily hauling ballast on the township rcads last week. You can find Rheems ball- ast many miles from here. Peter Lehman, of the firm of Pierce & Lehman tobacco dealers, hashis team hauling lumber for his large tobacco shed near Farmer's blacksmith shop. Groff & Graybill have received a complete outfit of stone elevators, the sproket wheel pattern, which they con- template erecting in the near future. Amos B. Hambright, Telegraph Operator at Landisville, wife and mother, spent last Sunday with Harry Brandt and family, near this place. Our enthusiastic base ball manager and night operator, is arranging for a game with The Star Club of St. Louis to be played at Elizabethtown on Sept. Xz: David Brubaker repor:s a good crop 3 of potatoes, some weighing 16 ounces 50 CENTS A All the News of t Community That Fit to Print. YEAR THE NEWS FROM FLORIN What Transpired in Our Busy Village the Past Week. Samuel Rupp spent Sunday in Ce- Iumbia. Wm. S. Saylors was at Harrisburg on Sunday. x Mrs. Lizzie Garman spent Sunday at Rheems. Benjamin Mickey is working at East Petersburg. Colored campmeeting ended on Sun~ day evening. N.S. Menaugh was in New York City last week. Jobn Hambright left for Lebanon Valley College. John Shan and family spent Sun— day at Maytown. E Wm. McGarvey and Samuel Shak are on the sick list. > H. G. Musselman jr. is off on his two weeks vacation. Christ Vogle of Lancaater, called on his parents on Sunday. C. A. Wiley and Will Dietrich were at Palmyraon Sunday. John Stern and wife of Landisville, spent Sunday in town. Ground was broZen for shirt factory Monday. A good ring was found in the park here. Call at this office. J. A. Raffensberger and wife we at Columbia on Sunday. Chas. Menaugh and family of Mic dletown, are visiting here. Mr. Phares Young of Lancaster, i the guest of friends in town Mrs. Frank Fornwalt spent severa days at Middletown last week. Jesse Wetson called on A/iss Edi Garber at Middletown Sunday. Mrs, Michael Myers was the gu of friends at 4Z:nheim last week Andrew Hostetter and wife lersville, were in town this week. Mr. Zimmerman wife and tl daughters of Phila., spent Sunday i town. Miss Lydia Raffensberger of Eliza bethtown called on friends in last week. G. A. Geyer too several premiums on his Leghorns at Middletown fair last wee. A certain man from our town went to Middletown one day last with two neckties on. Mary Cooper of Enhaut spent sever al days in town with her daughter Ars. J. D Easton. Misses Katie Watson and Lizzie Eichler were guests of Fanny Hotsan at Elizabethtown Sunday. the new 123. of tow a Mr. Evans and_w ewtown