J0 S4Y THIS Wr Mister Drooker :—Doe der onner ove} hoy ich en breef gfona uf der shtrose nn ich denk der wint hut en epper ous der homdt gae-bloasa g’hot kaertzlich des- fore. Der breef is sheer tzoo goot fersoe im wetter ferdarrivya, oon soe hov ich don gae-denkt ich kon bessery yoos der- foon macha. Ich shick een tzoo eich fer in de tzeiting tgoo doo, de:noe browch ich mei kup net boderra fer en breef zoo schreiva de woch. Horrich mul pof des: Kissel Barreck, Sept. 29,1903. Mei Oller Leebshter Bill: Doo waesht os ich dich ferdullt goot gleicha doo. Ich hob’s deer des letscht mul wa doo bei meer wawrsht {zoo fershtay gevva, oon hob dich aw g’froagt eb doo im sinn husht mich tzoo heiera. Doo huskt meer derno ondtwordt gevva doo keusht gel ollaawile noch net sawega, doo wet. scht’s mich ovver wissa lussa in tzway udder drei wocha. Well, de tzway ud- der drei wocha sin now shoon sometime ferbei oon doo husht meer ols noch net dei answer gevva, oon ich waes noch net we's schtate. Won dop net now boi selwert koomsht, udder wordt shicksht, don gook ick ows fer en onnerra; oyver horrich mich arsht aw, oon derno con- rider drivver. Doo woesht ich bin wid- fraw—kinner hov ich kenny. Mei arshta monis now ghoon tzway yobr dote oon ich date orrick gleicha widder tzoo heiera. Wos ich bin oon waer ich bin browch ich deer net sawga. Sel waesht doo ol tziro goot. Doo waesht about soe feel foon meer os ich selwer __doo. Ich bin noch net soe olt we dale leit maena, oon noch orrich feel sch- marter we en dale foon da hoch naw- sicha maed woo doo in deina gae donka husht. Won doo mich hgiera doosht waersht doo ows fiuna os doo ferdullt wennich droovel mit meer husht, fer ich waes we's soch tzoo fixa. Doo waesht selwart, Bill, dos en hootschly orrick feel drovvel oon arrawet macht bis es gae brocha ig, oon der no is 23 ols noch yoosht en hootschly. Nem ovver en gchtuddier gowl, dar shofft deer dei arra- wet doo,s wit, oon soe is es exactly mit da weibg s lait. Nem dich now i acht Ron iti jyvex sel ding nomi eb’s tz00 schpote is. Dooykonglt'doch nix gaeya nich hovva, fer ich hob dich olsfordt oot g’yoost won doo bei meer wawrsht. th hob ols schtorricker coffee g'maicht pn porribus mince pie Bae bocka fer ich, oon doo husht dich aw olsfordt aw- g'schickt os won doo feel foon meer denka daetsht, because doo bisht ols net fordt fer der drei oor aemul wor’s sheer dawg. Waesht sel noch, Bill. Erriner- sht doo deer net we doo selly nacht aens Jon Taina shteel. ferbrocha hnsht oon Pof der budda g'schtartzt bisht? Sella muls hetsht doo mei shtool sheer mii oom g'rissa—oh, mei, wos wor ich droom ferschrucka! Won doo widder koomsht wella meer en onnera Wwaeg nemina. ch gae grawd on en furniture schtore oon grick meer aener foon denna patent shuckel-shteel, won’s mich aw a pawr dawler kusht.—Yoesht schwtz nix tzoo onnery leit waeich dem. Now noch aemul, Bill, won doo im gin husht mich $zoo heiera, don koom bol. fer ich waes net eb doo mich in en pawr wocha hov- ya konsht mae. Doo bisht d och ay kee boo mae. Doo bisht wos mer en bache- or haest, oon ich will deer sawga, won doo mich net heiersht don haebt’s hordt eb doo en fraw gricksht, nem mei wordt derfore. Gleicha doo ich dich, Bill, besser we aensich epper soonsht. Fer gel het ich dich garn, oon sel tzimlich bol. Now, Bill, schreib g’schwindt oon Juss mich wissa wos doo decide husht waeicl mich tz00 heiera. Foon aeny 08 dich leebt foon eerem kup tzno eerem glacna tzaya. Deiny, fer olsfordt Pully Glicklich. Is sel ovver net en leeblicher breef, Mister Drooker? We daetsht doo glei- cha soe aener fzoo greeya? Dos de Polly der Bill gleicht oon orrick garn het fer en mon weist’s in eerem breef, oon yoosht foom waeg we se schreibt g'awy ich date se en tzimlichy gooty fraw macha fer een. Es woonert mich orrick feel eb der Bill dar breef g'ans- wered hut oon won ar hut woouert’s mich wos ar tzoo do Polly g'sawt hut. Ich will wetta won ar tz00 eera g’schriv- va hut oon g’sawt ar date se heiera, wor kae harliches weibsmensh in der wellt +. ge wor on da tzeit woo se der breef 1zeit-kt hut. Ich gook olly woch in dier xarlfing eb de Pollv Glicklich oon en be beim nawma foon Bill etter keiert ¢'[§), ovver soe weit hov ich’s noch net hujona. Well, fer der Polly eera sake, ich koomt de hcehtzich bol op. eee A ee 8 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. ¢#» Noone who is acquainted with its good ~alities can be surprised at the ‘great popu- “E. ity of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It not only cures colds and grip effectually and permanently, bat prevents these dis- eases from resulting in pneumonia. It is alsoa certain cure for croup. Whooping cough is not dangeroug when’ thig remedy is given. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may be given as con- fideatly toa baby as to an adult. It is also pleasant to take. When all of these Eacts are taken into'consideration it is* not rprising tliat peopléii foreign lands, as bl) as at ‘esteem this remedy highly oto take any ‘other or'sale by J. nd all Mount QUA J. A FREE game inside each package of ion Coffee 60 different games. NN aa < ASS RNRRANTS %% ER LALRLLRLRLL%%S Dried Fruits, I have just received a fine assortment of dried fruits such as Peaches, Apricots, Prunes and Raisins. Have them as fine as the natural fruit. Canned Goods. Corn, Peas, Tomatoes. Beans, Pears, Ete., How’s Your Mouth For Mince Pies? Always in shape of course. Why be hungry for them when you can buy the finest mince meat in the market today at my store. Fresh Cakes And Craekers. just as good as though you would have baked them yourself, J. W.SHANK FLORIN PA. ! 3 325372 3 23 2 2R533285555 SRLTROSS Public Sale of Valuable Real «wo BiState..... Thursday, October 22, 1903 rhe undersigned will expose to positive public sale, at 2 0'clotn”, nD. m., on the premises, all that certain tract of Limestone Farm Land, situate in East Don- egal Township, Lancaster County, Pa., formerly known as the B. N. Musser farm, containing 100 Acres and 47 perches of land in a shigh state of culti- vation, situate on the public road lecading from May- town to Elizabethtown, about 2 milesyfrom the for- mer and 3 miles from the latter place, dinining lands of John Herchelroth, David L. Garber, S. .S. Krey- bill and others. The buildings thereon eretited con- sist of a 2}4 Story Frame Dwell- ing House, 2 Story Brick Kitch- en attached, -1 Story Brick Sumn- mer House, Wood House, Large dele 3 Bank Barn, with Horse Power Shed attac hed, Co.py House with Carriage [louse attached, Ilog Stable, Chicken House, and all the necessary outbuildings. A well of water with pump therein, and cistern near the kitchen door ; also a large well with wind pump by which the water is pumped into a large cistern at the barn, from which pipes are laid to the barn yard | and house. Also a Choice Variety of I'ruit consist- ing of apples, peaches, grapes, cherries, ete. This is i a very desirable farm, pleasantly located, divided in convenient fields, under good fences and is conveni- ent to schools, mills, churches, and mechanics of all Kinds, and the Columbia market, and will positively be sold. Any person wishing to view the premises prior to the day of sale will please call on B. N. Musser, ten- ant, residing thereon. = Sale to be held on the premises, on Thursday, Oct. 22, 1903, at 2 o'clock p. m., when terms of sale will »e made known by the undersigned. C. Il. Zeller, PEOPLES TRUST, SAVINGS, Auctioneer, AND DEPOSIT CO., Owner : Good Babies ~~ AND ~ EALTHY BABIES Are alivqys found in families that use BROWN’S +Teething Cordiale FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. MOTHERS remember that about one-third of the a die before they are three years and the cause of this is a lack of r care while the liitle ones are ing. This large death rate can be avoided by using BTOWN'’S TEETHING CORDIAL which was never known to fail to give satisfaction, For sale by all Druggists and Warranted. N. K. BROWN MEDICINE GO., ¢ BURLINCTON, VT. ‘We continue to a actassolicitorstor R patents, caveats, trade-marks, copyrights, ete.,for the United States, and to obtain pat ents in Canada "England, France, Gelmany, and all other countries. n Thirty-six years’ practite. No fharge for examination eof models or draw- Advice by mail free. aten obtained through us are notice 6 SCIENTIFIC A CAN, which o largest cireulation, and is the most infla, entia | Rewspaper of its kind published in ta world. The a franiagesef sch y notice every Bila Shder ands 1 illustrated arge an en, ul ed new Hn ablished mand Yat trated nove is a od to bgthe best paper devoted science jmgéchanie; ntions, engineerin works, and§ [a of industri fopress, Py try 0 pies : dealerg . Ad tifig in . . KINDS OF $90000000090 neras graphers’ upplies .B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St., Mount Joy. AGENCY Fine Laundry FOR LAUNDRY CALLED FOR MONDAY DELIVERED FRIDAY : 3 : 3 2] 096400900000 900000009000000000000 90399000099090 5900899494" | Our Home Markets. Yoffee & Gafin Byoghers stoge pays ag follows: Batter... c....cveciniesins 19¢ por 1b, Fx Joe per lb. BEES. uve mivadnivies sins 2 uv per doz. Brandt & Stelman pay as follows : .78 per bu. 55 per bu. .55 per bu, 40 perbu, Selling Price of Feed Brafie: is ssiive sone savas ative §20 00 per ton Shipstuff, 23 00 Mixed feed... 2200 Middlings . 2500 Gluten ..2600 Cotton seed meal 28 00 Linseed meal ..2850 «.26 00 18 00 SHAW. cucine vhsiicrrvranrensasvsiavl2 00 NOTARY PUBLIC. WwW. M. HOLTLOWBUSHE ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna. Days at Tancastet, Monday and Friday. at No. 52 North Duke Street. Ww AN’ TE D— ¥ AITHFUL PERSON TO TRAV] EL and supervise force of salespeople and make collec tions for manufactufing house. Straight salary $20 a week and expenses. Salary paid weekly and ex- pense money advanced. Previous experience unne- cessary. Local territory. Business successful, Po. sition permanent. lnclose self-addressed envelope, Superintendent, 324 Dearborn street, C hic 480. We hereby make known the fact that we have harvested 1500 Tons Pure Spring Water €rystal ICE which we will serve to the public at very moderate prices. This season we will also Run a Wagon Through Florin Daily and would say if the people want pure ice , clear from dirt and grass, we can supply it. Our solicitor will call on you in the near future. We would be pleased to be favored with your order. J. N. Stauffer « Bro. Mount J ov, i OH YES OH YES OH YES If you are going to have a real estate or per- sonal proverty sale consult H. H. MORTON, Auctioneer 3 { MOUNT JOY, PENN Sppilattention given to calling s «:of every de- Sori) on. Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaran- tee ‘Telephone La Pierre House, Mount Joy, Pa, TWA NTs : An enter) Ising fa-+0€r in this section to canvass during the ".o.t¢ Ful end winter nd the farmers In his viciuity. Must be active, capable and honest. Work will prove profitable toa good man and can be made a source of regul ar and easily earned income each year. To it may be devoted as much or as file Hime as desired’ 1f interested write at once to IT. . Box 74. Albany, N. Y. Ch Tes! Oh Tes! GEORGE S. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER Post Office Address, Florin, Lancaster Co., Pa. Telephone Number 851. Rates Very Reasonable for AllKinds of Sale Electrical Supplies Save your money by getting my prices on all kinds of Electrical Supplies. Estimates cheerfully given on any kind of electrical work. Harry Peopples Ind. Phone 860. MouNT Joy, PA. GO TO ° » Reyer's Saddler Shop West Main Street, Mount Joy Iam still making all kinds of Harness strictly hand made, no machine work. 1Ialsosell anything kept in a snddler shop. Repairing Done Promptly. Prices to suit the times. Shires’ Meat Market Rear of Nissley's Tobacco Warehouse FIORIN, . PENNA. W. W. SHIRES, Propr. tpn Dealer in Fresh & Smoked Meats, Tallow, Lard, &c. Empire Bakery FLORIN PA. S. 8. GITINNGRICII, Prop. e+ FRISET— Bread,Cakes, Buns, &c. always om nand, Also, Graham Bread 4 Doughnuts Funera ied Delivery W, White Mountain Baking Powder es It is the Only Powder on the Market that is Free From Alum and Acids. Man- ufactured by P E.W. SARIER : ; € 81 EAST MAIN MOUNT JOY, PA. : & SN0%%% S's WHY WALK IN THE MUD 2 when Flag Stone can be bought to lay a walk 25 Ft. Long and 18 In. Wide for the Sum of $83.75 At Mount Joy Marble Works These stone are used in Philudelphia, New York and nearly all eastern cities Jor walks and curbs. They are also ex- tenslvely used by the U. S. Government around forts and ceilings. Also for Hooring in prisons. James Glatfelter, MOUNT JOY, PA. Steam IF Laundry MOUNT JOY, PA. ¢ $ i Our Solicitor will call on you every Tuesday and Deliver Every Friday Your Work Sclicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. oboe bo toto dete te betes) All our Rooms are Heated with Steam and we Make a Special Effort to Please Jurymen Lancaster founty House ! 117 E. Ting St., Lancaster, Pa. WwW. H. GANTZ, Pr oprietor. (Formerly of Mount Joy) RATES, $1 A DAY TO EVERYBODY GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel WEST KING ST., LANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORRELL HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 52, and 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents. Best accommodations in every respect, A share of your patronage solicited, A. B. ADAMS, Pro. Sy ———™” F. H. SHULTZ Manufacturer of Fine Domestic, * Gud smaving OIGARS at Low Prices. % a3 Hime | “aarp MOUNT JO x, Dealers will find it to their advantage to buy from me. Ask for SHULTZ'S CIGARS PERROTT ERENT RR TRE TREE The Only Place to Get Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &e¢. tr 3IS AT v9 Scholing’s West End Bakery Mount Joy Penna »5- SILT 23 i= Rugg Bugs Bugs The undersigned wishes to inform the pub- lic that he Manufactures All Kinds of Woven Rugs at Very Reasonable Prices. Also works Old Ingrain and Brussel Carpet into Rugs. If you have old carpet, let him make you a pretty rug for your parlor, H. ISHLYR, ) FLORIN, Pa For a Neat and Clean Shave, Iluir Cut or Shampoo, go to Joseph Hershey Successor to W. W. Strasbach. ) & - Fine Tensorial Parler East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. Only 50c a Year for a paper that prints all the news that’s fit to print. Get THE BULLETIN, Meouyr Jov, TO CORSUMPTIVE The undersigned having been restored to b simple weuis, after ghfering for several y| h © lung alectfon, and that dread d ‘fous to make known tq |S the ngfans of cure. To those pl coef Tuily send (free of chy ition used, which they, nsum tion, Ast < is and all throat a g erabca AR any HOW - TALL ARE YOU? If you don’t know, come in to see us and we'll put you under the “INTERNATIONAL” HEIGHT-MEASURING DEVICE and teil you to the fraction of an inch. § Incidentally we'll show you “INTERNATIONAL” line of samples comprising over six hundred of the nobbiest and newest the patterns for Men's wear. § The International Tailoring Co. Su orcas is the largest and most reliable tailoring concern in the world. The clothes made by them fit perfectly and cost little, Let us send in a trial order for you and we know you'll always wear “INTERNATIONAL” garments thereafter, A Jefeoreatuioreletotolete] 35% ob 7% 55 hax 313 Lea ategoretetetoreler 205 OEE v. C x 0, Lr ok SRB HE SHJSPHSSHVS SBOE 1515 Nr ier 2h "Cr er SEL BSLSOBOD cRetetolore] x + oe; £0 1 23 10} © ® FoToTotoTotototoTelotel GUBGOLCRBHEBIBEBED This Space 1s Reserved for JOHN H. BUOHL HARDWARE .. MERCHANT West Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. Se YOFIFEN DEPART. It will do you no harm to Fall Underwear ready befo comes and it may saye you cones discount. Role Men’s Al Grade of Fleece Lined Un- derwear at 373 cents. Men's Woolen Underwear Spit at $1.95. Our Ladies’ and Misses’ Underwear will please you and our prices canuot fail to be satisfactory. We have everything worth having in the clothing line. You need such goods It will not pay us toinduce you to our store by deceptive statepg we lose your confidence wg Opposite Post Office Sho shoes} had cheap POPLAR LUMBER FOR SALE We just wish to tell you somethin had better consider the matter as thi will have ample time and having ecute all kinds of work at low figure us plenty of time we will guarantee | £8 5 ia TH of all kin the adva here thay fetetetetetelelototolo; i 2 A few S| Heavy be beat a EAST SHG LH FB BB Lofetete ee — Everything in Pl Good Homemade Furmn a £ ngle’ 5 Furniture Mount Joy, § > — eG Tome 0 LOT > Undertaking ang