3 0, of &7o . 8mokeless Powder, gma NITRO CLUB = a] zammow foo SHOT SHELLS pet are winning EA everywhere at the trap-shoot- ing tournaments, Loaded with N Y standard smokeless pow- der, and for sale EVERYWHERE, Specify U.M.C. = Sond for catalog free The Union Metallic Cartridge Co. 7 Bridgeport, Conn. TAYLOR'S ASTHMA REMEDY will cure any case of Asthma by persistent use. Regu- lar size box, by mail, 35c.; three for $1.00. T. Taylor & Co., Green Cove Springs, Fla. | DR 0 PS quick relief and cures worst eases: Book of testimonia's and 10 days’ treatment Free. Dr. H. H. GREEN'S BONS, Box B, Atlanta, Gs His Inference. “The young women of a Connecticut |,» town have organized a ‘Tongue Guard,”” she remarked as she looked up from the paper she had been read ing. “What's that?” he asked. “Why, every time one of them says an unkind word about any one she is fined a penny.” i“ . Do they have clubs and sewing cir- | cles and card parties and other gos- siping organizations?” he inquired. “I suppose so. Why?” “Because, if they do, and the fines | are paid, their fathers must be million- aires.” Ag Far as Her Knowledge Went. Ethel—Do you know anything about puts and calls? Agnes—No, whenever except that Willie Snively calls on me father puts | him out. NEW DISCOVERY; gives | in, ost air “ Y jpair came out by the hand- ful, and the gray hairs began to creep in. | tried Ayer’s Hair Vigor, and it stopped the hair from com- ing out any restored the color.”’— Mrs. M.D. Gray, No. Salem, Mass. | There’s a pleasure in § offering such a prepara- 4 tion as Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It gives to all who use it L ff such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, er, softer, and more v. And you feel so in using such an cliable prepara- bottle. All druggisis. Ruot supply you, 18 will express 8 the name Address, ell, Mass. z= 5 4 ig od) oe HE Tx SINE ats igh SFTUp. XN Sold by druggist bs His Clever Plan, to his prospective client. “But protested the client. be so difficult to be honest with you,’ the lawyer. 's that?” a ghost O1 irst [ won't be quite so nptec i f | | | 1 ( { 1 15¢ L 1 T kind of a case you have.” South Afr ought goods val ued at $28 irom the St tates in 1902 rs. Hughson, of Chicago, whose ter follows, is another woman in high sition who owes her health to the use of dia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. “Dear Mrs. Pingriay: —1I suffered for several years with general akness and bearing-down pains, caused by womb trouble. My appe- was fitful, and I would lie awake for hours, and could not sleep, il I seemed more weary in the n ing one of your advertisements worning than when I retired. After I decided to try the merits of Lydia inkham’s Vegetable Compound, and I am ro glad I did. Noone escribe the good it did me. I took thrce bottles faithfully, and s building up my general health, it drove all disease and poison my body, and made me feel as spry and nknam’s medicines are cert active as a young irl, are claimed to TS ainly ail they ¥. Huensox, 347 East Ohio St., Chicago, IIL fkham Tells How Ordinary Tasks Produce Displacements. restr) trifling ents of the womb. incidents in woman's daily life frequently produce A slip on the stairs, lifting during menstruation, t a edunter, running a sewing machine, or attending to the most sks miny result in displacement, and a train of serious evils is started. rst indication of such trouble should be the signal for quick action, the condition become chronic through neglect or a mistcken idea can Over« some it by exercise or leaving it alone. than a million women have regained bealth by the use of Lydia E. m’s Vegetable Compound. e slightest trouble appears which you do not understand Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. for her advice, and a few ords from her will show you the right thing to do. This costs you nothing, but it may mean life or happiness or both, "Mrs. Lelah Stowell, 177 Wellington St., Kingston, Ont., writes: “Dpar Mrs. Pinkmad:— You are indeed a godsend to women =-/& you could do — & a ache, and if they all knew what for them, there would te no ned of their dragging out miserable lives in agony, «J suffered for years with bearing-down pains, womb trouble, nervousness, and excruciating head. but a few bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegotable Compound made life look new and promising to me. I am light and happy, and I do net know what sickness is, and I now enjoy the best of health.” Lydia Cempound health to women who thus sufer. male complaints, \ $ displacement of the womb, inflammation of the ovaries, and It dissolves and expels tumors from the f development, and checks any tendency to can :er- citability, nervous pro‘iration, and tones up the Its record of cures is the greatest in the world, and the worst forms of fe back, falling and all troubles of the.aterus uterus in the carly stage © 3 humors. It subdues ex re female system. or womb. d be rgiied upon vith confidence. eannot forthwith produce the original letters and signs tures of which will prove their absqlute zenuineness. Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co,, Lynx; Mass. FIT i ve ie testimonials, E. Pinkham’s Vegetable can always be relied upon to restore It is a sovereign €vre for — that bearing-down feeling, weak [ haven't stated my case yet,’ Welt if you haven't got any case ise you to sue, you'll pay me without a murmur; but t frankly that you haven't a show you'll kick like a steer on no $5 fee, so if I get that fee i : strongly 1 to run you up against a lot of litigation, if that happens to be ve dollars, please,” said the law- “rive dollars first, and then it won't United I. bute THE KEYSTONE STATE Latest News of Pennsylvania Told ir Short Order. « After having extracted several teeth of Mrs. Emma Cunliffe, of 1902 Ise- minger street, Philadelphia, who was under the influence of chloroform, Dr. Bauman, of Telford, in whose office the operation took place, was unable to restore her to consciousness and he immediately summoned another physi- cian. The woman failed to rally, how- ever, and expired in about half an hour after the drug was administered. For two months Mrs. Cunliff had been em- ployed as a servant by Miss Ebert, of Highland Park, Telford. For several days Mrs. Cunliffe had suffered with neuralgia and decided to have a num- ber of teeth extracted. Miss Ebert accompanied her to Dr. Bauman's of: fice, where the patient expressed a de- sire that chloroform be used. Caronet Kane, after making an investigation, decided that an inquest was not neces: sary, as there were two physicians pres ent when the woman died. Willian Brennan, an artist of Mus- catine, Ia., and son of wealthy parents, has been engaged for some time paint ing views along the Susquehanna Ihursday night as there was no regu: lar train from Columbia to Harrisburg he boarded a freight train, getting intc a car where there were two negroes Nearing Steclton the negroes robbed Jrennan of his money, and when he tried to jump from the car, shot him m the back and he fell to the track. where a track walker found him. He is in the hospital. _ Walter Alexander, aged 16 years, of Cogan Station, was arrested by Penn- sylvania Railroad detectives on 2 charge of attempted train wracking A few nights ago several planks weight- ed down with heavy stones were placed on the Northern Central, track near Cogan Station, at a point where the road makes a sharp curve. On one side of the road is a steep embankment Fortunately the obstruction was dis covered by the engineer of a freight train in time to stop his train. When arraigned before Alderman Batzle Alexander pleaded guilty and was held in $3co00 bail for court. James Smith, 30 vear, of Lewistown. was seriously burned about the hands and arms in a heroic attempt to save the body of his dead child from crema- tion. A fire originated in a smail clos- ct located in the death chamber, and quickly spread over the room. Mr. Smith ran into the midst of the flames, grasped the coffin and carried it to the house of a neighbor opposite, but not until the varnish on the side of the coffin had been blistered by the intense heat. He quickly returned and after a hard fight succeded in getting th flames under control before the fire en gines arrived. John Schooley, a painter, fell head- long fifty feet to the ground while painting the spire of the Great Island Presbyterian Church, on Water street Lock Haven, but he may recover tc tell just how it happened. It the de- scent he made several revolutions and alighted on his feet on the lawn that surrounds the edifice. Schooley lies at his home in a semi-conscious condi tion, with his left leg broken at the ankle, a concussion at the base of the brain and his body badly cut and bruis- ed. ‘The voters of Conshohocken at the November election will pass on a prop: osition to borrow $100,000 for perma nent improvements An ordinance passed by the Council providing for a loan to that amount was approved by the Burgess. A similar ordinance pass ed several months ago met his approval because it was not specified how the money was to be expended. rabi .: ais A dog suffering with upon and bit a child of Sete F her. gt DInarp ll The Kting the child, sprang 'w 8 a I hen Mr. Fritz, who was summoned by the children's screams came to their assistance. Before he ring the irenziec 1 ; Dit succeeded mm overpow brute Mr. Fritz was als ten, Potts at the United States Army to get married, will plea? in his defense that he was only follow arrested from Ruffing, Joseph desertion ville for ing the advice of President Roosevels in his famous ‘race suicide” address Ruffing was taien to Cleveland, O., fo! trial. Fuliy 200 men quit work at Ridge way at the ringing of the courthouse bell and volunteered to search the woods and country roads for a mar who assaulted Miss Singer, aged abou! 20 years. The young woman was pick ing berries near Ridgeway. A sister who accompanied her, missed ber for a few minutes, and, receiving no reply to her calls, started in search, finding her sister bound and gagged. and her body terribly bruised. Large number: oi men armed with guns and revolvers: are looking for the assailant. : Tobias Treumpert, of the South Side Pittsburg, was surprised when he ap plied for a divorce to learn that the woman from whom he wanted to be divorced had procurzd a divorce trom him ten years ago. Ihe former Mrs Treumpert told the officer that she had procured a divorce in 1202 in West moreiand county. Treumbert then ac -epted service and attended the hear: ings, but said he did not understand that there had been a legal separation After being lost in the winding gang ways of the No. 3 colliery of the Le high Valley Coal Company, John Farr a miner, of Hazleton, climbed up ar abandoned air shaft which had an out let in the yard surrounding thc resi dence of S.” Y. Frederick, in the heart of the city. The airway had not been iv use for many years and a heavy door bolted on the outside, shut off exit Farr yelled at the top of his voice ane finally his cries were heard, whercu the door was broken open and IMar was released. The huckleberry season county, which has just bout $25,000 to men, w Iren who were engaged i berries during the past six» About 300 berry pickers were ¢m >d and they usually received 3 conts juart. A child picks about thers quarts a day and adults about double that number. One man. Ira Keioer nicked ninety-four quarts 1 tours. James K. Title. of M:Mih ael’'s, claims to hold the recor! 9 picking huckleberries. od about (uw utes. enty quaris brute _ . 4 3 NT Go > wT AYN 7 EF N fen ELS N= NY INEILDS AFD COMMA yr MEET PE TEE AZ) RAEI SATA ~CoN Our railways have killed 8.588 per sons within a year. A Richmond, Va., woman had her leg broken in a rush for bargains. Many a man has had his heart broken whea the bills came in, but no one ever put that in the paper. Over $6,000,000 worth of the shoe product of America was sold in foreign lands in 1902. We sold in the United Kingdom $2,000,000 worth, whereas ter years ago we sold but $2,100 worth. Secret divorce is a public menace Justice Brewer's words are to be re membered when a uniform marriage and divorce law is framed for the States. . There are almost as many univer sity teachers in the United States ag university students in the United Kingdom. The number of professors and instructors at the universities and colleges included in the list of the United States Commissioner of Educa tion is 17,000. The number of students in British universities and university colleges is only about 20,500. The United States owns the chiel way stations of commerce, the princi pal islands and harbors in mid-Pacific —Unalaska on the north, Midway Is land, the Hawaiian group, Tutuila in the Samoan group, Guam in the Ladroncs, and Manila It is generally conceded that Pearl Harbor in the Pango in tae Samoan, are far the best, if not the only valuable harbors in all the mid-Pacific. In a recent lecture’ in Paris M Charles Rcl'and remarked that human beings in gr neral expend less energy of motion, especially locomotion, than animals. Animals fly, swim, crawl jump, ete., without the painful ap prent'~eship of men, and the force taey expend relatively to their weight is much greater than in our case. If men were as strong as beetles in respect tc their weight, they could juggle with tons. Thinkers are less disposed tc movement than other men. Taey ex pend their forces in intellectual ef forts. A tribute to the power of advertising is paid at heavy cost by a Londan hu mane association which has put out 2 big poster asking: “Why drive with 2 bearing rein? It means less power, less grace, less freedom.” Colored pictures of three horses are exhibited. The first without a bearing rein, is entitled, “Comfort;” the second, with a modi: fied bearing rein, “Discomfort,” and the third, with a rein such as the fashion demands, is labelled “Torture.” The Car, of London, suggests that in the future the streets be relaid with a concave surface with a slight slope from the edge toward the centre of the roadway. Heavy vehicles would nat urally have to keep to the higher side and in wet or dusty weather refuse and slush would drift away from the pavement and not toward it, the drains being in the centre. As at present con structed, the water and mud on a rainy day collect on the edge of the pave “inent and are splashed on the pedes | triams. The telegraph system in the East African British Protectorate of Uganda now extends to Batiaba, on the shore of the Albert Nvanza. Thz trunk line from Mombasa, with its branches, is over 1,034 miles in length, and the charge over the whole distance is 4 cents a word, with a minimum of 32 cents for a message of eight words There is also a system of telephones | aiong the whole distance, which may | be used at 33 cents a conversation The poles on which th? wires are fixed | are living trees. We icarn from the Lancet, says Na ture of London, that Dr. London, of St Petersburg, bas publisheill some inter asting observations relative to the ac tion of the Becquerel rays on the nerv sus system and on the eye. He found that when a box containing bromide of radium was placed in a cage in which mice were kept the animals became paralyzed and comatose, and died in five days. He also found that persons who are cither totally blind, or have only the feeblest possible perception of ght, are peculiarly sensitive to the Bacquerel rays. and are able to form visual conceptions of the contour of objects the shadows of which are shown on a screen by means of the rays. Thirty-seven young men belonging to the higher ranks of society in St. Pet ersburg have organized an association called the “Club of the Enemies of Fl.iting’”’ The members exchange solemn oaths to refrain from flirting Tnose breaking the promise con tribute, “for charitable purposes,” $500 for the first offense and $2,500 for the second. According to the by-laws of the society, punishinent for the third offense is left to the discretion of the President. The society meets in arnbst’s restaurant, on the Kamen nostrovski Prospeci Although the club has bcen properly registered with authorities, the police see a revolutionary movement 1foot and imagine that if they could Yiscover the the charter tae southful members of some of St. Pet orsburg’s most nobie families woul sonn find their way to Siberia. -harter of the the key to Hawaiian group, and that of Pango Rallroads and Forestry. The railroads of the United States use ever year 110,000,000 new ties to replace old ones. Fimber suitable for ties has become scarce, and prices have increased year by year. , For twenty years railroad managers have been {onsidering the question of timber sup- tly for ties, and have been led into experiments in forest culture for profit. : In the West several of the stronger raflway companies have groves of ca- talpa old enough to give them trees for ties. The older companies are ex- tending the catalpa plantations, and other companies, satisfied with the ex- periments, are putting out trees by the hundred thousand. ; » The catalpa is of rapid growth, the wood is durable, and the influence of the planting experiments on a large scale of the railroad companies has been a practical demonstration of the advantages of forest culture for profit. If it is profitable for corporations to grow catalpas it is profitable for indi- viduals to grow them. A Bottled Brother. Dr. Gillespie, the present moderator of the Church of Scotland, tells how he was nonplussed the other, day by a ragged urchin with whom he got into conversation. He said: . “My boy, who looks after you?” “Naebuddy,” was the quick reply. “Where is your father?” “He's deid.” “Have you a mother?” “She's deid, tae.” “Have you not a sister, then?” “Y niver had yin.” “But surely you have a brother?” “Yes, but he's at Glasga College.” “Well, cannot he spare some time from his studies to look after you a bit?” “Na, sir; for he was born wi two wtlda, sed they keep him in a bottle.” More Interesting. Miss Gusch—Didn’t you really attend 19e wedding? Mr. Crabbe—No. There was a prize fight on at the club that night, and— Miss Gusch—And would you rather attend a prize fight than a wedding? Mr. Crabbe—Of course, you can’t bet ost the best man at a wedding. FITS permanently cured, ~0 *1L8 Or nervonsg. nes: alter first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Grea: NerveRestorer.%2trial bottle and treatlselrea Dr. BR, H. Kn1xw, Ltd., 981 Arch St., Phils, Pa Monday is the favorite day for commit- {ing suicide. The Summer Bath. Nothing is more refreshing or invigorating & summer than a daily bath, Use soft tepid water and good soap. Ivory Beap is ideal for the bath; it is pure, lathers quickly and leaves the skin soft and white, Th) hath should be taken early in the morning or just before retiring at night. EreaNor R. PARKER. Paris has the biggest debt of any city in the world. It amounts to $400,000,000. Mrs, Winslow's SoothingSyrup for childran teething soften the gums, reduces inflamma- tion,allays pain,oures wind colic, 25¢. abottle Don’t allow your dazzling prospects to blind you. do not believe Pigo's Cure for Consiimn- tionhasan ejual for coughs and colds—Jouy k, Boxer, Trinity flprings, Ind., Feb. 15, 190). ' It is better to put on airs than to cut oft reirs. Too Swift Concurrence. An Atchison man, newly ‘married, was sounding his wife's praises to his men friends. “Why, she is so much better than I,” he sald, “I don’t sce how she came to marry me.” His friends all agreed to this so promptly that he got mad; sald he was as good as his wife any day, and wanted to whip the crowd.—Atchison Globe, $100 Reward. $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased t» Isarn that there is at least one dreaded dis- ease that science has been able to cure in all itsstages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Cataria Cure is the only positive cure now known to {he medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con- gtitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's CatarrhCureistakeninter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mu- voussurfaces of the system, theroby daestroy- ing the foundation of the disease, und giving tke patient strength by building up the con- gtitution and assisting nature in doing its work. I'he proprietors have so much faithia ts curative powers that they offer One Hun- dred Dollars for any case that it fails to care. isend for list of testimonials. Address 1. J. Caexey & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, Tie. Hall's Family Pills are the besf. Child Mertality in the West Indies. In the West Indies infantile mortality “5 very heavy. As soon as the children of the peasant can toddle about they are allowed to eat whatever they pick up. As a natural result more than ualf of them die in many of the islands "efore they are a year old. “My father had been a sufferer from sick headache for the last twenty-five years and never found any rolief until he began taking your Cascarets. Since he has begun taking Cascarets he has never had the headache. They have entirely eured him. Cascarets do what you recommend them to do. 1} will give you the privilege of using his name.” E.M. Dickson, 1120 Resiuer St., W.Indianapolis, Ind. Best For The Bowels 0 WORK wHILE YO! > Pleasans, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good, Do Good Never Sicken, Jeaken or Seip, 10¢, 25¢c, Soe. Nova ulk. e genuine tablet st cC. Guaranteed to Lal your raoney Sere oy Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y, 508 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES Good Pills Ayer’s Pills are good liver pills. You know that. The best family laxative you can buy. They keep the bowels regular, cure constipation. {.SATRS: Lowell, Nass. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brownor rich black ? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE P. HALL & CO., NASH THE SALESWOMA Miss Curtain, of St, 3 Paul, Gives Her Experience, ut 3 » ug “ EL Miss A Nellie Curtain. A ISS NELLIE CURTAIN, 646 Pearl street, St. Paul, Minn., head sales- woman in a department store, writes: “I have charge of a department in a dry goods store, and ajter standing the larger part of the day, I would go home with a dull ache, generally through my entire body. I used Pe- runa and feel so much better that 1 wall to anil from the store now. 1 know Perunato be the bes! medicine on the market for the diseases pecu- liar to women,’’—AMiss Nellie Cui- tain, Nothing is so weakening to the human system as the constant loss of mucus. Ca- tarrhal inflammation of the mucous mem- brane produces an excessive formation of weakenin | withstand the loss of mucus, hence it 18 that women afflicted with catarrhal affee- tions of the pelvic organs feel tired and Jngaid, with weak back and throbbi rain. store health by cutting off the wéakenin drain of the daily loss of mucus. Compelled to Be on Her Feet the Larger P of the Day Finds a Tonic in Peruna. 3 A bo; ~~ . located in the head or pelvic. ergans, the discharge of mucus 1: sure to occur. This discharge of mucus constitutes drain; the system cannot long A course of Peruna is sure to I An Admirable Tonic. Congressman Mark H. Dunnell, National Hotel, Washington, D. C., writes: ? “Your Peruna being used by myself and many of my friends and acquaintances, not only as a cure for catarrh but also as an admirable tonic for physical recuperafion, I gladly recommend it to all persons re-. quiring such remedies.” — Mark H. Dun- nell. If yoa do not derive prompt and satisfacess tory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state- ment of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. : Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, mucus. Whether the mucous membrane be | Ohio. 4 ALL DEALERS SELL rN _. - RIFLE @ PISTOL CARTRIDGES, | “ It's the shots that hit that count. ” Winchester Rifle and Pistol Cartridges in all calibers hit, that is, they shoot accurately and strike a good, hard, pene- trating blow. This is the kind of cartridges you will get, if you insist on having the time-tried Winchester make. WINCHESTER MARE OF CARTRIDGES. NEIEPR CE = a S20 i Ce han drs pte If You Don’t Want CURLS IN YOUR HAIR Yor DO WANT Carpenter's OX HARROW POMADE (BEWARE OF IMITATIONS.) wat hair straighis ft and gloss han worth tle . PRICE, 25 CENTS, And if your drngzist hasn't it we will send it by mail on receipt of 25 cents in stamps. Address, CARPENTER & Cco., Louisville, Ky, == DRE BACH BREAKING : : 2s = THE GREAT TIME AND LABOR SAVER WiLL WASH THE COARSIST & FINES 7 FABRICS WITHOUT INJURY T0 THE GOODS. NO WA SHBOARD USED. A CHA 75, YEARS 01D CAN D9 THE AANILY WASHING ATONE FOURTH OF THE ORDINARY TIMEX COST. A TRIALIS All we ASH, If YOUR GROCER DOLS WOT ITANDLE IT SEND 6crs. FOR 1 BAR OR 50crs. FOR ADOZ. YOU WIL FIND 17 15 ALL WE CLAIM FOR 7. 0S 7 NOT OVER 14 07S. PER HEAD FOR EACH IN FAMILY. THE ATLANTIC MFG. COMPANY, EAL T?nORE, Fel EE LS WASH DAYS. re Bl BPE Wa ltS SA 0D ND. Ripans Tabulesar the best dyspepsi: medicine ever mads A hundred milliod of them have bein sold in the Uniteé States in a single year. Every illness | arising from a disordered stomach is | relieved or cured by their use. So { common is it that diseases originate from the stomach it may be safely as | serted there is no condition of il} | health th~t will not be benefited ox | cured by the occasional use of Ripans | Tabules. Physicians know them and speak highly of them. All druggists sell them. ‘The five-cent package Ig enough for an ordinary occasfon. and the Family Bottle, sixty cents, contains | a bousehold supply for a year. Oue generally gives relief within minutes, A NEW SPECIALTY FOR WOMEN. Internal cleani:n=as {3 the key to woman's bealith and vigor. Inflammnglion, Soreness, Peivie Catarrh cannot exist with it, Paxtine used as n vaginal douche is n revelntion in combincd cleansing and healing power. It killa all diseas» germs, In Jo=al treatment of female ills it is invaluable. ITeals Inflammation and cures all discharges. Never fails to eure Nasal Catarrb. ' Carcs offensive parspiration of arm pits and feet, Cures Sora Throat, So Touth and Sore Eyes. As a tooth powd nothing equals it. Yeimoves Tartar, Hardens the Gums and whitens the teeth, makes a bad breath sweet and agreeable. Thousands of letters {from women prove thatitisthe greatesteore for Leacorrheen ever discovered, YWe have yet to hear of the lest case it failed to cure, To prove ali this we wil! mail a large trial package with book of instructions = plutely free. This ig not a tiny sample, bat en h to convince Anyone. At draggiste or sent postpaid by us, 50 ots. large hox. Satisfaction guaarantecd. The KK. Paxton Co-, Depts jo Fasten, Maw. 4 NATROLITHIC SALTS. A Palatable. Re and Certain int Res Fifty cents. All d is! Capital Chemical and Mf } Ce SR ATE 0 The University of Notre Dame NOTRE DAME, INDIANA. FULL COURSES TN Classics, Letters, Economics and History, Journalism, Ar | Science, Pharmacy, Law, Civil, Mechanica and Electrical Fugineering, Architecture coorongh Preparatery and Commercial ourses, Roems Free to all students who have completed the studies reguired for admission into the Sopho- more or or Senior Year of any of the Collegiate Cours Rooms to Rent, moderate charge to students over seventeen preparing for Jollegiate Courses. A limited number of Candidates or the Ecclesias tical state will be received ut special rates, St. Edward’s Ilail, for loys under 13 years, is unique in the completeness of its equipment. The GOth Year will open September 8, 1903. (ata egues i‘ree. Ne REV. A. MORRISSEY, C. 8. C., President, Box 265, ADVERTISE ™ £5555 ® IT PAYS LN U 34 PHATENTS, TRADE-MARKS AND PENSIONS. Are You Interested Millions of dollars have been made out of Patents end Trade-Marks. Millions of dollars are appropri. ated to pay pensions. 20 years practice. For Information and literature, FREE, write ta THE W. H. WLLLS COMPANY, | Wills Building, 81% Ind. Ave.; Washington, D. C. JAD 3) Ee cures sick stomachs Rr and aching hwads. 50c. & 81. ; The Fo ream Ceo.. 21 Jay St, twenty - The Effervescent \, always®reliable 8) Morning Laxative