{ Teal er (to little six-year-old) reddie, what is.a volcanos confidence)— Now; : “Freddie (with Oh, I know that! interrupts all the time!—Life. great i Iowa, is casiher on v million women who have been h by Lydia E. | ing finn havlil restored (9 Pinkham’s Vegetable Compo A Young New York Lody Tells a * \ of a \Wendcerful Cure: -- ¢ My trouble was I am tall, and the doctor said I too fast my strength. I suf dreadfu from inflammaties doctored continually, but go4 no I suffered from terrible drsgging sen- sations with the most awful pain down in the side and pafns in the back, headaches. Often I was sick to tbs stomach, and e~ery and the most agomizing No onc knows who? 1 endured. little while I wuld be too sick to worl, for tire or four days; I in a large gzore, and I suppose stand: ing on my feet all day made me worse. suggestion of a friend an to take Lydia CAL tae 7 my mother’s I be E, Pinkham’s a Vegetable ( 'perund, and it is simply wonderful. I felt better after the first two or ;doses ; it seemed as though a weight I con- use until now I can truth- Young paying doctor’ was taken off shoulders ; tinued its fully girls who are alway bills without gettin ought to take your costs so much less, and my say am entirely cured. any helpas is su it cure them. — Yours truly, ADELAII PRAHL, 174 St. Ann’s Ave., New City.” — 86000 forfeit if original of above lettar vroving genuineness cannot be produced, It's a mountait with the ovaries, medicine \ The Abuse of Society. The abuse of occupation with i not force not even preachers on social We know how D Babylonian court vealed the Rome. mg movement, nard exhorting cis teaching 1 that an entrance into it, new. Cynics and and how Horace profligacy of yo rl Rousseau and Voltaire poured French revolution.” und. | society is a favorite nost people who can-< It 3 satirists and writers have waged war amenities all down the ages, aniel denounced the is re- 1 Augustan Every leader of a regenerat- whether it be St. Ber- ; the crusades, St. Fran- is Utopian poverty or John 10x preaching reformation, has de- nounced the easy morals and the easier standard of the toleration of current society. The reformers of every age de- nounce their own contemporaries in ac- cents of varying degrees of violence. out diatribes from different points of view against the frivolous society which was I cut off so abruptly by the guillotine, but their denunciationsfell on deaf ears. “Nobody,” said Talleyrand, “could have any conception of how pleasant society could be who had not lived before the : To reform those who will not be reformed is difficult. [he grandmother of Ambrosine, hold- a scented pocket handkerchief to her nose to keep off the odor of ithe { crowd as che tripped to the gaillotine, | an? Mary, Queen of Scots, yawning in | tite face of Knox, exactly typify the at- ; titude of all ages toward the Jeremiahs grav Seared and help. A of singular property | experimented with the | by | chemist, Cailletet. s low to go | designs resembling those of frost work LA di similarly affected. | quartz are of . | signs, r Jom=- | glue strain. three RENEE ledication exercises in first question was in Patch. “Do: you n, y es,” ‘Shdives in Louisville; % An, and is now said Mr. I did It re to Yorl: I't you please r that sed | hammering at the portals of society. Engraving Glass With Gelatine. gelatine, | when spread upon glass, has lately been French When a thick layer | of strong glue that has been allowed to | dry upon a glass surface is detached, it carries off scales of glass and leaves on a window pane. Polished marble and With | glue containing six per cent. of alum | Monsieur Cailletet produced five de- embling moss in texture. The > drying exerts a powerful me- Roosevelt met a Kentucky St. re- wthor of Mrs. Wiggs of know the Kentucky lady she Mrs. Roosevelt, ay to her when g us N a De i vhen, she comes next [ hope she will make = = m ~ se Bi I d O ii § / FITS permaner ured.No {Its or nervous > © ness after fl 1 18e of Dr. Kllne’s Great . Dizzy? Headache? back of your eyes? It’s your Use Ayer’s Pills. liver! Gently laxative; all veget Sold for 60 years. Lowel Pain | NerveRestorer v.C.Ayer Co, Dr. R. H, KuiNe distantly related. able. Ladies Can Wear Shoes 1, Mass. oro ee un wT Want your moustache or beara) | tas. a beautiful brown or rich biack? Use oUGKINGHAM'S DYE \FIFIY CTS. OF DROUGISTS OR &. P. HALL & CO., NABH FE SE 5 Habitual Cosntipation, Sick COR ache, Gastro - Intestinal Catarrh, i] Gastrie Dyspepsia, Want of i tite, Rheumatic aud Gouty Affe Piles and other Congestions, nothing better thar NATROLITHIC SALTS. A Palatable Remedy Certain in Results. Fifty cents All druggists, or direct from The Chemical and Mfg. Company. Washingion, D. C, Da You Want Your Morey TO EARN T % INTEREST) PER ANNUM ? Writo nn 'S © ment pa) hundred there is | | | { | | | mail, Addre JA. N. H, | Head. | striven, Appe- clions, ¥, Boyer, Trinity Rpring sationalist, but it ¢ next were week? booked Jelle—Married you told us you { and | select party. Marion—Yes, dear. the personal conductor and ~ | small, select party.—Tit-Bits. Capital I'm al bottle and treatisefree td., 931 Arch St., Phila, Pa The telephone has closely connected | many people who heretofore were oniy One size smaller after using Allen’s Foot. ase, a powder. It makes tight or new shoes Cures swollen, hot, sweating, aching feet, iIngrowing nails, corns and bunions. At all druggists and shoo stores, 25¢. Don’t ao- copt any substitute, Trial package FREE b Allen 8, Olmsted, LeRoy, NY, Happy accident will often secure for a man the thing for which he has vainly -t ldo not believe Piso’s Cure for Consump- tionhasan equal for coughs and colds—JoHR ra, Ind., FeD, 15, 1900. The parrot may not be a brilliant conver- n bite convincingly. Why, for a personally conducted tour with a small, But George is the EE ST ‘“ About a year ago my hair was ATENTS, TRADE-MARKS AND PENS Are You Interested? Millions of doll end frade-M sted to pay pensions. rs have been made out of Millions of dollars are a 20 years practice. Yor Information and literature, FREE, writa to TINE W. Ji. WILLS COMPANY, Washington, Wills Building, 31: Ind. Ave. ALITTLE WOMER ~The FRUIT-DRIKR, e¢tables, ete. Alwaysreac Jiferime, It te for culars and terms to . Price $3 = ’ “4 kahrney, Box 20. Waynesboro, Pa 1SO CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAIL Lest Congh Syrup. Tastes Goo X in time. Sold by druggists, Ee y AB GOLD MINE FOR ‘he U. 8. Cook-Ktove Dries all kinda of Frulis, Berries, Cherries, Corn, Veg. It takes no exra flre, or use, and will 1 rks while you cook. a bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor. stopped the falling and made m TONS Patents ta Boydston, Atchison, Kans. coming out very fast, so I bought It » hair grow very rapidly, until now it is 45 inches in length.”’ — Mrs. A D.C. a sta special . BEB Lr heavy. $1.00 a boitle. All druggists. There’s another hunger § than that of the stomach. E Hair hunger, for instance. Hungry hairneeds food, needs hair vigor—Agyer’s. This is why we say that Ayer’s Hair Vigor always restores color, and makes the hair grow long and NEW DISCOVERY; gives quick relief and cures worst ys and 10 days’ t B SONS, Box B, At'anta, Ga: ’ reatment If your druggist cannot supply you, B§ send ns one dollar and we will express you a bottle. Be sure and give the name of your nearest express office. Address, § J.C.AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. 8 NS RESTS ” i . o-Seltzer Promptly cures all eadach THE KEYSTONE STATE (atest News of Pennsylvania Told in Short Order. Mrs. John Houston, who resides on a ‘m near the Lake Erie Railroad, a miles west of New Castle, was sur: led by finding a young colored man, Goodman, in her house. He cante from Pittsburg about three weeks ago. The burglar was not aware of the discovery and was at the house when neighbors, whom Mrs. Houston notified, arrived and surrounded the place. In the meantime Sheriff James H. Brown and other officers were sum- moned and captured Goodman. He was placed in jail. A band of gypsies, who made their camp near Iranklin, kidnapped two girls, Mary and Anna Baker, aged re- spectively 4 and 19. They were enticed into the camp late at night and the gyp sies departed with them early in the imcrning. Sheriff McCollum and the Oil City police got on the trail of the gypsies, but at the forks of a road lost their game. The search is being continued. The family of Martin Whitfield, of Oil City, consisting of four persons, was poisoned by eating chicken, the flesh of which had become impregnated with some poison, presumably paris green, sprinkled by a farmer on his vines. Prompt medical work placed them out of danger. About 700 miners at Peale are out because a few of the men have refused to sign for the check-off. Joseph Swihart, a Washington con- stable, who killed Carles Bebout, who was resisting arrest, has been exoner- ated by a coroner's jury. Attorney H. A. Davis, of Altoona. announced his candidacy for judge of Blair county. He will be indorsed by the Prohibitionists. Martin Bell, the incumbent, is the Republican nominee, A. V. Dively, Democratic, and J. S. Leisenring, Union party. George and Jacob Walters, aged 11 and 13 years, of Shoffs, went swimming in the Susquehanna in disobedience of their parents’ instructions. The younger was carried ‘into the eddies. I'he older boy went bravely to his rescue and in the strueele both sank and were drowned. Reports from all parts of Northamp- | ton county show that there is a scar- cny ot jehngl teachesr;: ““ountry teach- § Tre choosing other lines of em- ployment, claiming that ‘he pay is too small and the school terms too she st. Samuel Kuhns, aged & yea. | of Reftog, was walking on the Quarryville Railroad tracks and started to cross the high bridge spanning lic. Pequea Creck at! Herrville. When about half way across a train approached. There was not room enough for Kuhns to step aside and so he coolly jumped from the bridge. Fortunately, he land- ed in the mud, twenty feet below, and suffered no material injuries. William Shaw, 22 years old, of Hope- well, while waiting for a train at An- derson’s Station, was killed by an ex- press train. His mother, father and sizter wignessed the accident. The Board of Commissioners of Pub- lic Records, created by the last Legis- lature to look after and secure as many historical records as possible, was or- ganized at the Executive Department, Harrisburg. There were present Gov- | ernor Pennypacker and State Librarian Montgomery, who were elected presi- lent and secrctary respectively; John Wolfe Jordan, Julius F. Sachse, Frank R. Diffenderfer, Crumrine and Carnegie Libtarian Anderson, of Pitts- burg. While Mrs. W. W. Ouerly, assist= ant postmistress at Womelsdorf, was canceling the postage stamps of a large pile of letters, there was an ex- plosion which kftocked the dater irom her hands, and scattered the letters and packages in all directions. It was found that a large quantity of paper caps had been placed in a sealed en- velope, which caused the explosion. In an instant the entire pack of letters and surrounding papers were in a blaze. Mr. Oberly arrived on the scene in time to gather up the burning material and throw it to the pavement. Mrs. | Oberly's arm was burned and her cloth- | ing torn by the explosion. Ix-Register and Recorder Freder- ick Hess died at his home in Clinton Township, aged 77 years. : Joseph Koch, aged 32 years, while picking huckleberries on the mountain north of Hazleton, was overcome by | the heat and died. During a severe storm near Green Castle, Harry Taylor, aged 7 years, was killed by lightning. His father | was stunned and a 3-year-old child was burned. | Mrs. Maria C. Heinitsh died at her jome in Lancaster, aged 79 years. She as president of the Ann C. Wilmer Boyd | | { organize the Children’s Home Dorcas Society during the Civil War. The differences between the Sheet Metal Workers and the Master Tin. | ners’ Association have been amicably | arranged and the strike has been call- | ed off at Pittsburg. | Five houses were wrecked and many ! persons had narrow escapes from death by a mine cave-in at Old Forge, three miles from Scranton. The settling oc- curred in the old workings of the | Jermyn No. 2 mine, and nearly two acres were affected, the surface sinking | about five feet. The buildings damage | | were all located on George street, 1n ! the borough, and were occupied as fol- | lows: Thomas Jones and family, Sal- | vatore Bianco and family, Matzia Bon- | itage and family, Isaac Robinson and { family and Clement Maratina and fam- ily. The occupants of the houses were { in bed when the cave-in occurred and when the structures tumbled from { their foundations -and fell over upon their sides many were thrown to the | floor and were dazed and filled with ter- Ihe noise of the cave-in aroused living near. Some of the ¢ damaged beyond repair. I Iv B | | | | i | ligfin 1 ouses we The hope of Chief of Police James wel | West Pittston, was dam- I by , Jvnamite explosion. Dozens ines were smashed, dishes and the porch was demol- Howells recently had several persons in the ests are expected as the al boys were celebrating ohn Murray, aged 14. de chest, he having ap- prceived. A terrible hole breast and he died soon Tome for Aged Woman, and helped | and | SO HE TOOK HER. Said a maid, “I shall marry for cre,” Then her ma stood right up and shuckre; ! But just the same When a chance came old dame said no *cbuchre. The word —~Chicago News. SORRY HE ASKED. Tom—1I say, Jack, what reason have you for wearing an automobi’p cap? You never ride in an automobl e. Jack—Oh, I suppose the reason i» similar to the one you have been car "ying a pockethook.—Chicago News. OPPROBRIOUS. Ye Scven Wonders of Corea.. Corcn, ike the world of the ancients, as its “seven wonders.” Briefly stat- ed, they are as ‘follows: First, a hot { mineral spring near Kin-Shantao, the | healing properties of which are believ- to First Insect—I have a good mind ta | have that professor arrested for libel.” Second Insect—“What did he say about you?” First Insect—“He called me an An thia Home Companion. JUST LIKE MILK. “My!” exclaimed the little fish thal had been nibbling at the bait, “this | worm tastes sour.” “Well, my dear,” replied the mam’ ma fish, “the weather is very warm | gad ‘the worm will turn,” you know. —Philadelphia Press. MISLEADING. Mrs. Parvenu—‘“Yes, nice lamp, but board.” Salesman—“Keyboard? I don’t know what you mean.” Mrs. Parvenu—‘‘Didn’t you say Duodecimapunctata.”—Woman’s | that a very | I don’t see the key- | it | was a piano-lamp?’—Woman's Home | Companion. SURE TO COME. “Skeedicks has named his auto Lil- | lie, after his wife.” “Why?” “I don’t know, unless it’s b:cause ae | expects it to blow him up et¥ery once | in a while.”—Brooklyn Eagle. GOOD SUGGESTIOM. Stubb—They advertise for a teacher | at the young ladies’ cooking school. Penn.—Does the teacher have sample what is cooked? Stubb—Of course. Then they had better €1gage ostrich—Chicago News. to an JNPREJUDICED EVIDENCE. Conny—I want your advice abou | matrimony. Danny—But ried. Conny—That’s why [ wait your aa vice.—Chelsea (Mass) Garlite, — — I've never IM'HE BRIDE'S TREPIDATION. Bridesmaid—You poor, darling. You look scared to death at the altar. Bride—Yes, George trembled so I was dreadfully afraid he'd lose cour- age and run away.—New York Week- ly. HAD HIS SUSPICIONS. “How did old Hardfax er joy his trip through the Thousand Isiands?” “Not very well. He put in all his time counting them.”’—Chicago Tri bune. FIRST AID TO ATLAS. Atlas nad grown tired of supporting the world when a ray of hope came. “At last! At last!” he zried. “Help has arrived!” Hastily dumping the old thing on M Jierpont Porgan’s shoulders, he skip- ped off to the Olympian Council.— Harper's Bazar. THE SLY POLITIC/ AN. “why don’t you mali, a plain straightforward statemeat about whether or not you mean fo be a can- didate?” “What's the use?’ answered the pru dent politician. “Just al present the only thing that's keeping me before the public is the doubt oi. that gues- +ion.”—Washington Star. ANCHORED. A little chap four yea’s of age met with the misfortune to have his hat blow into the river. Wh» n he reach- ed hime his father said 10 him: “It’s a wonder you dién't blow over- board too.” “I couldn’t,” was the quick answer, ‘I was fastened to mg: feet!”—The Presbyterian. * NEVER QUARRELED. “1 am proud to say,” remarked Mv, Meekton, “that my wif® is not what could be called a quarreitome woman.” “Indeed?” “I never knew her to quarrel in my tife. She merely announces what she wants, and that’s an end of the mat- ter.” —Washington Star. ALMOST RESIGNED. “Even you might meet with finan. cial reverses.” “Well,” answered Mr. Cumrox, *there’s a silver lining to every cloud. ff I did, I would not go to fashionable resorts with mother and the girls. I could send them away and go to my office and have a good time making money arain.”—Washingfon Star. t been mar. | | They earl; { medication to the | neys tha ray of hope to desperate frightened | (Ti ed to be miraculous. No matter what disease may afflict the patient, a dip in the water proves efficacious. The second wonder is two springs situated at a considerable distance from | each other; in fact, they have the breadth of the entire peninsula between them. They have two peculiarities When one 1s full the other is always empty; and notwithstanding the obvi- ous fact that they are connected by a subterranean passage, one is bitter and the other pure and sweet. The third wonder is Cold Wind Caye, a cavern from which a wintry wind perpetually blows. The force of the wind frem the cave such that a strong man cannot stand before it. A forest that cannot be eradicated is the fourth wonder. No matter what is injury is done the roots of the trees, which are large pines, they will sprout up again directly. The fifth is the most wonderful of all. It is the famous “floating stone.” It stands, or seems to stand, in front of the palace erected in its honor. It is an irregular cube of great bulk. It appears to be resting on the ground, free from supports on all sides, but, strange to say, two men at opposite ends of a rope may pass it under the stone without encountering any obsta- cle whatever! 5 The sixth wonder is the “hot stone, which from remote ages has lain glow- ing with heat on the top of a high hill. The seventh and last Corean wonder is a drop of the sweat of Buddha. For thirty paces around the large tem- ple in which it is enshrined -not a blade of grass will grow. or flowers inside the sacred sc Even the animals decline to protanc a spot so holy. Their Ingenious Idea. The two young women had been in- vited to take a ride in a big, red devil of an automobile that makes forty miles an hour—when no policeman is about. The ride was to be taken after dark. As everybody knows, the roads just now are so dusty that it does seem as if they hadn't a solid bottom at all, and the young women, both clad to resemble the lilies of the field and Solo- mon in all his glory (for they were go- ing to a well-known country club to an entertainment) could not decide what to wear to keep their clothes from be- ing ruined. Their covert coats were too heavy for the hot night, and alas! they had no smart pongee affairs, such as ecvery well-regulated automobilist should have. What to do? The young women thought and thought, but they are not wanting in ingenuity, and so finally they had an idea between them. Ki- monos! Why, of course. No sooner said than done, and so half an hour later two girls—one grand- ly wrapped in a red kimono, the other covered with the folds of a pink one— rode away from the door in a very smart automobile with two perplexed escorts beside them. But, really, in the twilight the kimonos looked quite im- pressive and stylish, and no one not in the secret would ever have suspect- cd their bedroomish identity. Doan’s Kidney Pills There are no trees | . run € [here are square..[ disguise to me, for when I first began SAUATE. | ing it for troubles peculiar to the sex LATTA HLL LATA AV LAVAL AV AAV LARA ASAD 22VVUVAAVVAAT SIVVIVVVAVVANR” MERICA is the land of nervous women. The great majority of nervous women are so because they are suf- fering from some form of female dis- ease, Mrs. Emma Mitchell, 520 Louisiana street, Indianapolis, Ind., writes: x “Peruna has certainly been a blessing and a generally worn out system I had lit- tle faith. ‘“Xor the past five years I have rarely been without pain, but Pe- runa has changed all this, and in a very short time. I think I had only taken two bottles before 1 began to recuperate very quickly, and seven bottles made me well. I do not have headache or backache any more, and have some interest in life. I give all credit where il is due, and that is to Peruna.’’--- Emma Mitchell. By far the greatest number of female troubles are caused directly by catarrh. (vee They are catarrh of the organ which is affected. These women despair of recov- It is reported from Brus: that be- sides the fifteen million dollars for a Palace of Peace at the Hague, Mr. Carnegie has given two hundred thou- sand dollars for the establishing of an international library on diplomacy and international law. The library will be attached to the palace, which will prob- ably be built on the site on which the residence of the grand duke of Weimar now stands. The Friends School of Providence, Rhode Island, will celebrate its one hundred and nineteenth anniversary on the twenty-third day of this month. A fine new gymnasium is to be dedicated by appropriate exercises at which many ‘NERVE WORN KID | expected to be present. NEYS! o ~ by a horse and badly hurt = make freedom from kid- ney trouble ' possible ve a ind ; @ - brings a bright ASS. « ¥ Aching backs aro and loin pains Swelling of the dropsy signs DADE and 7 h, Freniroy Lock HAveN, Pa. L. W. Ammumen ‘A few weeks ago 1 a trial box of Doan’s Kiin~y Pills for myself, and they did all they aro said to do. My STATE... 1ilh A SPECIVIC FOR zy C ‘or free trial box after he recovered he was in such misery that he could he thought he would have to his bladder, and he was un NR $ { _able to make his water with | out so much distress—Fdin. sisted on hi so I went to Mason's Drug Store and got a box, The 1 this coupon to N.Y, 1f above ress On sepa tirely well.”— Mrs. ausband was kicked last fall AmyuyneN, Lock Haven, Pa. r Ne Natu Corned Beef you want something good and want it quick, appetizing lunch is ready in an instant. it m—————— = ) a — Cottade We take our choice corned beef, cook it and season it—all done by exper t } home. b it right until you v Keep it in the house for emergencies—for snppers, for sandwiches—for any time when Libby, McNeiil & Libby, Chicago. etter than is possible at "ht we put it in cans to Keep \ A 1 When just r Simply turn a key aud tlie canis open. An Write for our free bookiet, ‘How to Make Good [hings to Eat.” TE Te TEA ITE EW TS man, - blood; wiad on the stomach, bioated bowels, foul moutk, pains after eating, liver trouble, salio®’ skin and dizziness. mon Bi 5a Shik BOWELS { former principals and noted orators arc | hardly walk, and to stoop | caused him such distress that | quit work — also, it affected getting a box | of your pills and trying them, first box helped him so much | that I got the second and also | the third, and now he is ¢n- | LW] SUVA LRVN0N] ery. Female trouble is so comnj prevalent, that they accept it as al: evitable, T reatest obstacle in ! of recovery they do 1 y that it is hwvhich a their illness. nine cases ou but catarr ever locatg Chroni for years female dis ter beginng Among recommen wood, of Hamilton, Warren, wi Wyoming. If you do factory result write at once { statement of 3 pleased to givd gratis, Address Dr. TH Hartman Sanitar HAIR 8 Promoted by “of Cuticura I And Dressings of Cutie Great Skin Cure — Purest, Sweetest, Most Effective Ren for Skin, Scalp and Hair, his hip was fractured--and | This treatment at once stops fallin} hair, removes crusts, scales and dan druff, destroys hair parasites, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, loosens the scaled supplies the roots with energ nourishment, and makes the hair upon a sWeeh;-wholesome, healthy § when all else fails. Millions of women now rely on Cutl- cura Soap assisted by Cuticura Oint- ment, the great skin cure, for preserving, purifying and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening and soothing red, rough and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings and chafings, for annoying irritations, or too free or offensive perspiration, for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative, anti- septic purposes which readily suggest themselves, as well as for all the pur- poses of the toilet and nursery. Cuticura remedies are the standard skin cures and humour remedies of the world. Bathe the affected parts with hos water and Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, withou$ hard rabbing, and apply Cuticura Oint- ment freely, to allay itching, irritation and inflammation, and soothe and heal, and, lastly, in the severer forms, take Cuticura Resolvent, to cool and cleanse the blood. A single set is often sufil- cient to cure the most torturing, dis- figuring skin, scalp and blood humours, from pimples to scrofula, from infancy to age, when all else fails. Oold throughout the warld. Cuticura Rerolvent. 50c.(In form of Chocolate Coated Pills, 25¢. per vial of 60), Oint. ment, 50c., Soap, 2ic. TI te: London, 27 Charterhouse 8q. ; Paris, 5 Rue dela Paix; Boston, 127 Columbus Ave. Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Scie Props. #5 Bend for ** How to Cure Every Humour." Ripans Tabulesare the best dyspepsia nedicine ever made, A hundred milllons of them have been sold In the United States in a single year. Lvery illness | arising from a disordered stomach is i relieved or cured by their use. So | common Js it that diseases originate | from the stomach it may be safely as- | serted there is no condition of hill | health thot will not be benefited or cured by the occasional use of Ripans CANDY CATHARTIS { sell Tabules. Physicians know them and speak highly of them. All druggists them. The five-cent package Is enough for an ordinary occasion, and | the Family Bottle, sixty cents, contains a bousehold supply for a year. One | zenerally gives relief within twenty is, biliousness, bad breath, bad | headache, indigestion, pimples, When your bowels don’t move 5, appendic regularly yon are sick. Constipation kills more people than all other diseases together, It { starts éhrpnic aliments and long years of suffering. No matter what ails you, start taking CASCARETS today, for you will never get well and stay well until you get your bowels right Take our advice, start with Cascarets tgday under absolute guarantee to cure or money refunded. booklet free. Addre The.genuine tablet stamped Sterling Remedy Compa it nfllicted with weak eyes, use Thompson's Eye Water | A ~ C, Never sold icago or N SET in bulk, Sample and § fori. 502 IT PAYS | I (THIS PAPER BN UW minutes, Cures Prickly Hea? Cools the Blood. Cleanses the Stomach. N “It's good for children (oo'®: Ph © &Oc. nna 81.00 THE TARRANT CO. 21 Jay Si., New Yorke At Druggists or by mail.