He mney . : a ” " — a = - - - § ; wy Lgl o 2S Is " SOIREE ESET ESITEORRES boo An E a Lifetime ! THE NEW STORE] — nd Bakery For Fine Ginghams, Madras Cloths, Striped Dress Lawns, Colored Lawns We uve money! We have ar- ranged to buy out two interests in our bus- iness that we may become sole owners of it ard to do this we propose to give every purchaser of a musical instruwent the Op- portunity of a Lifetime, by sell ing $50,000 oF INSTRUMENTS At the Lowest Prices ever known here or anywhere else. You get the instruments at a saving of from 25 to 50 per cent. and we get the ready cash. We must have it in order tc carry out our plans, Jakzery ST PA. ICEL, Prop. SE —*° ag, Buns, &c. nd, Also 7 Doughnuts * Short Notice Monday, Wednes rday Summer Corsets, Corset Covers, La- dies’ Gauze Vests, Fancy Hosiery, and Soft Ribbons, pay Hertzler a visit. ~ FF C. HERTZLER, EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY, PA. he fact that we Sl : GHGS SSHS HGS BELO BEVBOOIOOBHEG FREE TICKET TO LANCASTER tee 24 West King Street, LANCASTER, PENNA. Legetotototototototototo toto tole tototolotototo to] LEGO OGVOGHVOHPOSBB EGG o0E lic at very Until June 30 customers from Mount Joy, Eliz- ro L EAD ERS H I p IN Tv H E - will also | abethtown, Florin, or any railroad station in Western Dail Lancaster County buying a suit at this store for $5.00 ! N : oh or more will have the price of his excursion ticket or CL OTHI ] G BUSIN ESS i given him. Come to our store; buy a suit at the : , It is strictly here, everybody knows it. Tes. the near | lowest price. After the bargain is made show us the timony : The Stock itself. The pen suffi. e favored | return coupon of the ticket and we will give you the ciently nimble to tell all the good Pe ants of our price of it. This is a special inducement made in order to, £8 a Id test the merit of the BULLETIN as an advertising ! i medium. : 3 Has not yet been found. Glance ameng the various Remember, we will sell Suits of Ready- priced suits. The cheaper sorts are ex- RB 1 O : cellent and the styles just right. It Made Clothing from $3 to 10.00, and : seems insulting to link Ten Dollars with these clever Suits to Order at 12.00. : } Scotch mixed and nobly, Cassimere Suits. And the o> - ps - R| Suits to Order for Viemmonites and : : Dunkards a Specialty. Le AT $10 he _ It simply shows that thé meager purse is amply able to ee et aie get clothing of excellence for a small outlay. We will keep you dressed right up to-date it you buy your ; T 66 and 68 North Street Iorhi ’ er EA. GANSMAN Siam tmes: ching bos Absolutely Pureand there : | LAN C ASTE R, PEN N A. Yoffe & Gaffin Brothers, : Mount Joy. Penna. 7s no substitute. Come y. and get a trial package. y 2 i La 3 pa Na Eola PHAN Si A “3 Engle’s 5 u 1 1 1 i tu IS Warerooms 4 A $50 Model Steel Kenton Range } Mount Joy, Penna. E.W.GARBER : ’ . Free..Given Away...Free / Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty * Remember, we are going to give this range away free of charge. y Upholstering Done to Order 81 EAST MAIN ST, : = This is how we'll do it. “To each person buying one pound of Alderny 3 Baking powder, price 25¢ a pound, we will give a coupon bearing a num- yh Poplar Lumber For Sale in Lo cS to MOUNT JOY, PA. i ber. Or one coupon with every dollar's worth of goods purchased at this store.” Now here’s a chance, so try your luck. The range may be seen 4 Suit the Purchasers in the north window of our store. It is made of cold 10lled malleable ‘7 steel, weighs 450 ponnds, burns wood or coal and is a beauty in appear- . E R T I z All our Rooms are Heated with Steam and we ance. Some one of our customers will positively get this $50.00 range at i” N D A IN G Make a Special Effort to Please Jurymen absolutely no cost, 80 why not you. Come and see it. Re . JOHN W. SHANK ls & EMBALMI NG NcAsTER Pounty House ! A 4a ’ - ing §t., Lancaster, Pa. pepe x bY LS LY QS 5. 0S B) 'DMAN, JR. WN, PENNA. a “igns Shown Here of a FR, MARKERS, &c. SOS L%%%%% R%% LANTZ, Proprietor. Prepare Yourself rr POOR ECONOMY O (Y T0 EVERYBODY Fb =r With our Special Loud Report” Blank Cartridg "0D STABLING FOR HORSES | Don’t say the old carriage will have to do. No doubt it is unsightly and DOUBLE ACTION and Revolvers ————————— | unsafe. It is poor economy to put good money into a job with which you will ; , AT o4-0-0-+0eseeeseee( |be dissatisfied all the year. Better come in and talk this matter over. Perhaps We ate heardquariers for Revolversend Blank Cartridges ot a look at my new styles will change your mind. Wholesale and Retail ; Lowest Prices in the city. exr’'s : ei ini AOI re — . : LE is Sh. Pirosh & Simmo Bary | | The Old Established Pawnbrokers and Jewelers Ind. Phone 43384. yan 20 N. Oueen Street. Lancaster. Pen Solicitor will. call on you every esday and Deliver Every Friday Work Solicited LL | 2999929000999003900990000009:120999950035009993938 " 4 gr ® THE BEST IDE Satisfaction Guaranteed. : > PF 13. avy BAN AGENTS WANTE I Lawn Swings and Settees, Hammock Ha = : 2 et ) ke h [ . | A FA. NI Chairs, Camp Chairs aad Stoo : a C \ ) nh A Y-/ 7” 8 Re Ironing Tables, Wash Beaches, Ef Oh Yes! Oh Tes! A \ " / | £7 \ GEORGE $. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER a Ree i 3 Agents easily make $5 10 $10 PER [ ost Office Address, Florin, Lancaster Co., Pa. Telephone Number 851. Rates Very Reasonable for AllKinds of Sales Will furnish sample, duced prices to those g agency. Exclusiv given. Address, ~— MAGNETIC RELIEF > . oS § NWA Ci oui re Rapho or the One Hinute Care For Pain OUNG BR mn wECEGRE ne 3 FEEEE IEECCEEAE oe EESGOROG08 i | fic t.at he is | 4 powerful irritant and a Golden Remedy for the | Writing and Headache, Toothache and Neuralgia, Sore Gums, FI.ORIN, PENNA. | | | J | i Rob Douglas, M D's Washington D C at short | Sore Throats Head Colds, Catarrh, Weak and Sore | . 8 Moder- | Eyes, with dimness of Vision, Cramp, Wind or | ~~ — — ER, | Dyspepsia, Colic, Etc Bunions and Soft Corns re- s I- | jeved at once. PRICE, TEN CENTS 1D : t f G) i er ine Lot of— L Easton, Sole Prop. & Mr.. Florin, Pa A ; | Rrfers | Bananas, Choice Oranges, New Pineapples, | Rough Property —> Lemons, Bte., Bte. €— Opium, Laudanum, Gocaine and ail anently cured, without pain or detention from busin nle ¢ ios { for drugs or other stimulants, We restore the nervous a ) | their natural condition because we remove the causes of di the fine | prepared by an eminent physician. Re Harry Darrenkamp, | WE GUARANTEE A CURE FREE TRI | Confidential correspondence, especially with physicians, ¢ MOUNT J@ik PA. on Ta hatian Therapeutic As