pot. Paint lr 5 years on tin and iron York at right prices ought | w. Send me word and get Ido tin roof painting very wd also sell the paint. paffer, Agt. MOUNT gov. | | Mocha and Java Br nd, specially roasted an d packed for J. W. Shank. put up in one pound tin eans and guaranteed be strictly pure It’s something fine, try it. x and Jams, Ten Cents per Jar. Salmon, Only 8 Cents a Can. ted Ham and Tongue, 8 Cents a Can. ardines, oil or mustard, 5 Cents a Can. Remember, that all orders for goods left at the store, will be delivered prom ptly to all parts of town. JNO. W.SHANK| FLORIN, PA. EE somes ar ws Private Sale, Illinois Horses On and after Saturday, May 9, I will sell at private | gale at my old stand in Mount Joy, the finest lot of porses I have ever had, consisting of Extra Fine Drivers, General Purpose Horses, Chunks ” Big Feeders. They were selected hy myself from the raisers in Illinois. last few years and believe that [ have pleased the peo- ple, so 1 will ask you to patronize me again and I feel sure I can make your trip a profitable one. Will give 60 days credit by giving a note with ap- proved security, or bank discount off for cash. Z. W. KELLER Agt, STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel } West KING ST., LANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORREL HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, and 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents. Dest accommodations in every respect. A share of your patronage solicited. A. B¥ADAMS, Pro. 59 ~2 de, JI We hereby make known the fact that we - have harvested oy 1500 Tons Pare Spring Water Crystal ICE which we will serve to the public at very “moderate prices. This season we will also Run 2 Wagon Through Florin Daily and would say if the people want pure ice clear from dirt and grass, we can supply it. Our solicitor will call on you in the near future. We would be pleased to be favored with your order, ee ee A em rm J. N. Stauffer : Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. The Only Place to Get Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &c. —E ATT Scholing’s West End Bakery Mount Joy Penna. Empire Bakery FPLORIN PA. 8. SS. GINGRICEL, Prop. C— FRESH ——° Bread,Cakes, Buns,&e¢. always sn nand., Also Graham Bread & Doughnuts Funerals Supplied at Short Notice porary Wagon to Mt. Joy, Monday, Wednes- day and Saturday zs Oh Tes! Oh Yes! ‘GEORGE S. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER Post Office Address, Florin, Lancaster Co. » Pa. Telephone Number 851. Rates Very Reasonable for AllKinds of Sales 4 to | best stock | I have sold many horses in the | lil ‘There May Be Other Clothing Just As) . Good As Ours, But Not At The Price l Custom Tailored J Vx Fo | ___ Suits to Measure | AT $15.00 [8 $16, $17,818 {1 $19 and $20 ONE HUNDRED STYLES OF GOODS FROM WHICH TO SELECT Fit, Style aud Workmanship y - 9d ’ ; . Guaranteed. ? ™ | [ | | ee A eC —— Finest Line of Ready Made Clothing in Lancaster at Modest Prices It will] pay you to give us a call. Tao | | A. GANSMAN LANCASTER, 66 an'l 68 North Queen Street | Sout} west Corner Orange St., | | PENNA, ! The Various Designs Shown Here of a me ER dt WPS MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, MARKERS, &c. “egret J = | ¥ : i EBERSOLE’S thes Dress Suits Mercerized White Oxford and Madras Cloth Newest styles in narrow and wide stripes. Very much favored for shirt waist suits, 15¢ a yard. Pique Alws ays hopular, in white, signs at 12}¢, 1i¢, 25¢ a yd. = £ Ap | | | | % mite NA d= ~ertmrtiag 8 = x also de- Melusine Comes in scroll patterns with white satin finished stripes about two inch- esapart, also marine bine and black with self colored stripe 8, very stylish a yard Are stock just a few whieh will constantly be found in | at my yards. Order your Spring Work now James Gls atfelter, MOUNT JOY, PA. | and dressy, 15¢ Dress Ginghams & Percales The newest styles and designs in light, medium and dark colors i2'ce. Plain, Colored & Dotted Swiss all the most fashionable tints, light, medium and dark colors 12}5¢ a yd. ry. 3 . * POOP OP OP OP dGOPOePo0*eoeeo | White India Linen { © Fine and sheer quality, esp cially dainty for women and ch ildre n's wear, 8¢, 10¢, 12ic¢, 15¢, 200, 25¢ YC | | | Dentelle Cloth | | Risser’s Fllz horn Steam Isaundry MOUNT JOT, PA. A white fal rj ¢in plaiy 1 Snipe and lace effects, ve 20¢. y handsome, © Qe oH oboe 510 Silk | Something new, all the | of silk, suitable fc Wi Air | shades, 25¢ a yd. sop =k, Qroecoeteotetobodedodotdododse ppears angs ate. all Sill Nove All new patterns, ities a = wash wéll, 7¢ yd. Our Solicitor will call on yon every Tuesday and Deliver Every Friday | Work Solicited Solicited, Satisfaction Gua SOPs Pe doe v rel HAVING Ice Plant of harvested COO "TONS THE Yours for Business, Il. E EBERSOLE, Mount ley. Your anteed. Y 009000000080 s 0p ’ 5 ¢ ® ¢ * a 0 --: el ax ICE | A We? Ae a PURCHASED the entire PT. N. Hostetter and 1 m. Joy Borough Pr operty. 2 Wn & WATER to be found in Lancaster County, I the public cheap as any dealer in the market, Wagen Through Mi. Joy and Florin Daly I will call to see you the future and would say, if you Brivis Sale ! sale, new residence property in South Barbara Str a 1 | the valuable building lots adjoining. There is no finer site in the borough thaw these lots, The tract consists of about five acres and is especially The undersigned offers at private the g v © on whole I SPRI valuable to anyone desiring to engage in trucking. Callon M. N. BRUBAKER, Real Estate Shires’ Meat Market a ent, am ready to serve as Rear in near FLORIIN, want PENNA. Ww. W. Stee Propr. pure, clear and lasting ice, reserve your order for me, W Mm. W IDMAN, 3 FLORIN, PEN. a | | | i | of Nisslen*s Tobacco Warchous | | 1 [ Dealer in Fresh & Smoked: Meats, Tallow, Lard, &c. For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Joseph Elershey . 2. | Successor to W, W. Strasbach. 3 [ Tine Tonsorial Parler 2 East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. Mountain OH YES OH YES If you are going to have a real estate sonal proverty sale consult H. H. MORTON, Auctioneer ¢ MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Special attention given to calling scription, Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaran- . by teed Telephone La Pierre House. Mount Joy, Pa. (Ss no subs Come. OH YES ¢ or per- Baking Powder 4 Hooter Pure and there sales of every d and get a trial package. Royer's Baddier Shop West Main Street, Mount Joy Iam still making all kinds of Harness strictly head made, no machine work. 1 also sell anything kept in a saddler shop. Repairing Done Promptly. Prices to suit the times. i EEW.GARBER 81 EAST MAIN All our Rooms are Heated with Steam and we o Make a Special Effort to Please Jurymen i 193 9 r ST. Lancaster founty House 1. 117 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa. The undersigned residing at Newtown, in Rapho Township, desires to inform the public t.at he is prepared to do all kinds of Faney Writin. of and Printing on Bible Records or Lodge Cards at short motice. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Charges Moder-! a : SN irrets oss \ ate. | Address all orders to CHARLES HOFER. . RATES, $1 A DAY TO EVERYBODY Pen Antist, Columbia, Pa. R. F. D. No. Ta nh GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES vate of Lime Colleye, Ohio, W. H. GANTZ, Proprictor. | (Formerly of Mount Joy) A line of Venice and - Nottingham "All Over Embroi- | dery. =| prices, Ceomeaza “FOR wD | quecososevsaceessocomsiiinng 1903 5 LW LULL Ld wae 1903 Pearl Waist Sets, unity of & 3 pieces, i 25, 30, 40c per. set Fs ADE DAAIRAAILASANAGA SPRING AND SUMMER AT BOWMAN BROS. 52 B. Main §t,, Mi. Joy. Pa. Fancy Mercerized White Waistings, a yd., 20, Handsome Crepe de Chines, in black and colors, Nuns’ Veiling and Albatros in black and colors, Splendid Mohairs in: black and grey, a yd., Boal Bane Stack Collars, x] EAN EAARAANASAT ARE. CURR ve CER We must I ranged to by at 10c each, iness that we and to do thi Boosnnssmsmmansonss: 1 Se carennmASEAtTRSSasroASSS ZPEIUP 25, 30 and ¢ 25, 3 purchaser of 35 ayd., 5C portunity of $5 INS At the Lowes anywhe re eld a yd., LVL Specials in Grocery Department ; j A Large Assort-| Tomatoes, large ‘Corn, can String Beans, can Ark Soap, bar Fairbank Brown Soap Weighs 2 oz. more than Big Master. Quality just as good cans , : 3 ment of Applique,| at a saving d 3 | we tet the pe Trimming, Cluny | Inserting & Laces | gn ovder tc eo ee eer: Cee TPR LLL Ge ne eT ae pelea -~ Dress Ginghams in endless variety, per yd. fro 710.72 KIRK JOHNSON & G LEANCA Lace Curtains in bedutiful designs, per .pair $110 1.75 Embroidery Crash, per vd. from Full Lide of White Linen, Dress Linens, per yd. . 13 to 20C 37)2 59; 75€ 20 and 25¢ 36 in. wide, per yd. 124 West King Street, LEADERSHIP IN TH CLOTHING BUSINE! It is strictly here, ever timony: The Stock its ciently nimble to tell al 1 - r+ . It seems now as though summer is coming to stay. ~ We have SPRING AND SUMMER SUITS Has not yet been found. ( 2 | greosesscccossssce Le Looovy White Pearl Buttons be to $1 per doz. | 4 ; Ferris Good Sense Corsets, 13 Ladies’ Kid Gloves, | “Waist for Misses, 2 All Shades at $1.00 per pair. From Jest assortment ever shown in Mt. Joy BANNAN ANSINBAn Sms an: § t0 12 yrs., Price 50c 2990009 90ANINNR0NNS SANSNE RA 0 0 Ue WN OL LUE UO Cg ANDRAS VAS BABA VAT been waiting patiently for warm and clear weather ; It has come at last and now fer your SUMMER WAISTS. AND DRESSE and Lancaster All New Goods priced suits. The cheaper s cellent and the styles just seems insulting to link Ten Scotch mixed and nobby, C |ALL- WOOL SERGE SUITS AT $10 It simply shows that the med For the Best Assortment and Best Goods Prices, . I I are lere Try us. pay this store a visit you will find old stuff to select from. and: no ; get clothino lence: & Ginghams : get clothing of excellence fi | y keep you dressed right up od wash &ingham at Seents 10 cents, 10 cents 121 White Goods This is the iaterial this year. init, We can show a very niceline at Colored Stuff isn’t | wehave a g the ‘following i Dark Ginghams Light Ginghams . 1, Bates Seersucker at | A Finé Madras Gingham 15 cents | All Shade Pliin Chambrays at * 12% éents’ we also have a Gingham 1 yard wide for underskirts which sells foronly 8 cents clo hing here. Yoffe & Galffin Brothers, Md prices : Lawns in stripos only at 1214, 15, 20 and 23¢, £ Gents 2s of Mercerized Madras 15 cents nd 30 cents | 15, 19.and 25 cents 1 urasat ,. 25a TT 10, 12'4, d Foulard Fig Men’s Dress Shirts 25 and 35 cents | RvR in the hi story of Teansple winters has the d “ ¥ . ~N BEMIS ss yr ~We-hrare-ne The BEMIS is the list. | A niece line of Men's Dress Shirts 500; Toc and $1.00 Ladies’ Gauze Vests : ! some very pretty s Flew: Ladies’ Oxfords ™ vest. | Wo also hive Meso the Pioneer of Ti ts. at $2.25, $1. Ladies® Dre a fall fina of Deoantsa a nic x ling of 00 and $2.55. 30 and § l. s Shoes we. also ce ry N > and stands.at the head of The BEMIS will The Fuller & Johnson Manufacturing Co. o Run no Risk in Paying a Royalty i at $i. 25, $1.50, $2. Wrappers : , i Tbr ad 4 RIT can’t. vIn Line of TL. Embroideries and Insertions a Saleslady, Also: lies? & employ | Transplanters us! U We +1 1 Muslin Une Ifave not been overlooked when I was east. Ribbons can also furnish you with a Potato Attachment to pl a complete Fertilizer attachment. an Oil Finished Portrait F | B The Universal Cult n Oil Finished Portrait Free. | With Hoeing Attad n'Absoltitaly ‘Accurate 1 but 2 years. T | | Our Grocery Stock our line of Ribbons cannot be_ better for colors or | : nd give them a look. | is always fresh and as cheap as any one. «(1 in twelve shades and colors by patent-appiiances that produce a we knew our customers would want them, rait paint when we found ont what they were, 1 to handle w limited number as gifts to our old and new customers, graph or tintype. Absblute ly Free For Cash Trade. Ow offer is » Bust Portrait Free, as; amount represented on tickets being dsstributed by our so¥vitors, who will call for your | Last year we sold half a car load ands set full directions for making the same. Lady, don’t fail to ask for coupons upon making | the two first years put together they cost you nothing. | EE 2 : i pleased to show you all about our machine as that is MOUNT JOY, PA] | | FOR SALE CHEAP—A Second-Hand One-Ivi MOWER, used but one season Good as New. McCO MOWERS, RAKES, TWINE, OSBORNE TED. | TOOTH HARROWS, Different Makes. ARMO! | for: Spring and Fall. and we have ar- { Oil Ai is: everlasting, made | proved itself a' winner. Introduced This year we hav hot raping; They speak for ther Please come ard lcok at them ; you don’t have }. 5 : y [ just as good friends asever before, that’s all we ask, East Main Street, Ask Yourself te Duestion ‘What Do I Need This Spring ? Anything from a SI every day vehicle to the :M.L.GREIDER MOU] finest that the market produces, can be made here. If its a ! Carriage, Engle’ s Furniture Wj Mount Joy, Fez Good Homemade Furnitu Upholstering Done to / Poplar Lumber For Sale + Suit the Purchas ; UNDERTAKING Jennylind, Runabout, Buggy, &e. Come to us and see if we can’t please you. YOUNG BROS. FIL.ORIN, PEININ A. = — 7 116. 50 Bicycles 16.50 High Grade 1903, Fully Guaraniced. A Fine lL.ot of aE i $ Bananas, Cheice Oranges, New Pinegppies, Second - Hand BICYCLES! 3 : —= Lemons, Etc, Ete, £&— + Slightly Used, from $6 up. Piresh & Si The Old Established Pawnbrokers and Jewelers 20 MN. Qugen Street. Lang Harry 1 Darrenlkamp/ b MOUNT JOY, PA. (