The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, April 22, 1903, Image 1

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    1I. NO. 46.
LOCAL NOTES. Death pf Miss Koser.
| Miss Rebecda Koser died at her
the Week Told in a Brief home in Manheim Borough on
eresting Mannner. | Friday afternoon, aged 67 years,
fon of Coatsville, spent | death resulting from a complication
pwn, ‘of diseases, She was a member of
b McGirl’s fingers are the River Brethren denomination.
| Deceased survived by three
| brothers and three sisters, one of
[thd latter living at Florin. The
funeral was held yesterday afterncon
{with interment at Hernley’s church
Flori in Rapho township Revs. Hoffer
ior, | » . : 2
rand Woigemuth of the River Breth-
ren and Rev, Jacob N. Brubaker of
onite church officiated.
aling. is
display of soaps see E.
lk east wsndow,
on is painting the prop
d by Harry Smith,
yers of near
hundred fine gold fish
ee ee
gates for Friendship jue Monn
y were placed in posi- | Thieves Active,
- [ At a late hour on Saturday night
me you need prime | burglars effected an entrance to the
can ordcr them at IL residence of David M. Eyer, near
sideace. Schock’s Station, by forcing a sec—
ond story window, access to which
had been gained by means of a lad-
der. Mr. Eyer’s room was ran-—
sacked without disturbing him, but
his niece, Miss Hoffman, was awak-
cned and the burglars were scared
off. Only a small sum of money
was secured,
A good gocart, rubber
n geod condition, Call
is office.
hry and Carrie Crall
F at Elizabethtown with
Mrs. Millard Foltz.
fin is at Baltimore the
5 where he is purchasing
for the store here.
Two Italians Killed.
Shortly after six o’clock on Sun-
day morning two middle-aged Ital-
ians met death on the Pennsylvan—
ia railroad, a mile east of Dain-
bridge. The one man struck
and his body sent through space at
a terrific force. The flying body
struck the other man and both were
harled into the canal. One was in-
stantly killed and the other died
shortly after vards.
Saurus gyms
kirl and wife entertained
ir friends from Colum-
Ir places on Sunday,
ie Trump, of FKlorinel,
ummer school at Kin-
27th of this mouth.
| Keafauvers of Dayton
the Davis Whip Co.,
of Jacob Mc¢Girl on
is creatly in need of a
we think this
investment for
Jurors Drawn.
Among the jurors drawn from
this section are the following :
Com:uon Pleas, May 25—David
B. Brandt, Christian Snyder, Mt.
Joy township ; John S. Miller, E.
Hatton K. Suayder, Mt.
ations are that until
be employes at Phil-
house will finish
ork. Donegal ;
as em
Jon -
Cemmon Treas Juni] ¢
ok, Horace Gl: dfelier, Ka
egal ; Abram Hernley, John Hertz
. VY
, quit his
unbia on Saturday.
job and
ler, Rapho.
Quite a Curio-ity.
Or Friday afternoon we saw quite
a freak of nature on the farm Benj.
E. Brubaker, near strickler’s Meet-
ers of the Fire Com-
e hose ou Saturday af
e Malt Ilouse. They
brk. Lucky there was
1el Sheaffer, daughter
Jesley J. Waltemyer,
heir mother at Cross
county, who is quite
ing House, two miles northeast of
town, calf
which was born without eves or a
tail. The calf is quite a curiosity
and is still well and hearty. The
back-bone terminates at the hips,
This we think would be a good at-
traction in sume side show.
It was a one week old
plwager and wife, Sam—
hb and wife, and Samuel
and wife were the
lob McGirl and family -
Dezds Transferred.
Wm. B. Allwein to Wm. H. Abel
property in East Donegal $1,105.
Andrew H. Hershey to Samuel
Shaub, et al., trustees, lot of ground
in Newtown $1.
Samuel K. Barnes to Berjamin
W. Cascadden, property in West
Donegal, consideration $500.
John Wants the News.
Jchn H. Dierolf, who left town
several weeks ago, writes the Bul-
leiin as follows : “1 want you to
send the Bulletin to me every week
until further notice as I want to
know the news of the community.”
Mr. Dierolf hit upon a good idea in
getting the news from this section.
He is located in Cincinnatti,
Over on the Hill.
Robert Zanker has made a num-—
ymau, B.S. Dillinger per of improvements at his Round
eib, the appraisers in | Top summer resort, on the York
{urtz voluntary bank-|county hills, of which William E.
ceedings, valued Mr. | Cunningham is proprietor, They
hn the property at!are getting ready for a busy season,
| having numerous boarders already
ly meeting of the Wo-
fan Tew perance Union
Monday evening, April
me of Mrs. R. J. My-
Main street.
Roland and wife of
, spent several days in
he former’s parents, Jno.
nd wife. They also
s at Columbia.
er shipped a carload of
[cGirl’s stock yards on
on Saturday he ship
d of the finest steers
nt Joy for some time.
fon from the F. of A. of
ided ir the initatior: of
kpecial meeting of Court
No. 125, Foresters of
Laucaster on Thursday

lay evening. |
r erected tomb- applying for room.
es of the follow- | Sr Mr
week: Robert Way |
;h Mooney. Jennie |
amilton, Jacok, son
George, child of
Salunga Band Chartered,
On Saturday morning the Court
granted a charter to “The Salunga
Cornet Band,” of Salunga. The
ydia, wife of J. officers are John Weidman, presi-
rand a woanument | dent; Arthur Diffenderfer, secretary
e. Alun Shcller, in jand treasurer, and Harry K. Way,
| musical director.
by ccmmeiery.
4 t
The Roof Garden.
The crowds that attend
formances at the Woolworth Build-
ing Roof Garden all of last season
of the time
the per-
were but an attestation
honored fact that persistert effort
must result in sucress. When the
Roof Garden project was launched
two years ago by Mr. F. W., Wool-
worth and Capt. John B. Pcopples,
he of bathing resort fame, it was a
business venture pure and simple.
During the entire season the wants
and wishes of the amusement lov-
ing public of the county were care-
fully watched and studied assidu-
ously. While, it must be admitted
the first season was not a paying
one, the object in view was attained,
the exact kind of amusement want-
ed has become known. Acting up-
on this knowledge the second sea-
son was carried through with grati-
fiable success to all concerned.
With two years’ experience
backed by many years’ experience
along other amusement lines, Capt.
nearly ready
Peoples is now
to open the garden’s third feason.
As sole manager this year Capt.
Peoples promiges to not only mau-
tain the high standard of last season
but to excel this, if such a thing be
The garden will open on
May 4, with a strong bill and
different week’s bills, from time to
time, will present ¢¢headliners” from
the best vaudeville houses in the
country, notably Keith's Prouler’s
and the Orpheum Circuits. The
bouking of the performers will be
done through the Norris Agency of
New York City, the very best of
its kind. In g the ‘*‘top-
notch” variety talent money will
not bo spared and th: results must
for themselves.
and * will speak
where outside «fa few of the
lalgest cities. a
in Lancaster visit the Gar-
There is nothing like it any-
A Superior Court Dezcision.
Superior Court on Monday handcd
down an opinion, reversing the case
of Albert Guhl Philip Frank.
This suit was on a settelment
tween landlord and tenant, the claim
amounting to $3,000. The
landlcrd Philip Frank, defended on
the of and a
receipt in full given by the plaintiff.
ground payment
The jury rendered a verdict in favor
of the plaintiff for about $1,300.
The defendant moved rew
trial. On this motion, the Court re-
duced the verdict to about $400.
The d=fendent appealed from this
judgement, to the Superior Court,
who reversed the judgement, with-|
for a

out a venire, which means that judg-
ment is entered in favor of the de-!
fendant, without any further trial.
W. U. Hensel and Henry Carpenter
Ksqs., represented the plaintiff, and
Coyle & Keller; Esqs., represented
the defendant,
A Serious Accident.
Some time ago Samuel Holwager
who lives three miles north of town
purchased a valvable sorrel horse
from Jacob Wagner. On Friday
the animal met with a rerious acci-
dent. Mr. Holwager was hauling!
stone and the horse which is a spirit-
de one, was prancing alonz when it
tread very heavily on a stone, when
one of the fore legs slipped out of
position at the shoulder. A veteri-
nary surgeon was atonce summoned |
but present indications are that the
horse will have to be killed. This’
1s tke second accident of that kind
that happened Mr. Holwager. |
A Bad Fall.
Jac. Snyder gave up the job of try,
ing to move the old brick Lutheran
church and now it is being torn
down. Ou Monday morning while
Eli Shreiner and a number of other |
workmen were busy on the second |
story, several heavy timbers gave
way and feli to the floor, All c¢s-|
caped injury except Mr. Shreiner, |
who has a badly wrenched leg and
several bad bruises. He fel! bout

cighteen feet.
home 1n this borough on
rizht at 11.45 o’clock of consumption
aged 28 years.
a wife and three child en, the young-
est an
brothers and two
Elwin D. Gibble and wife visited
in the family of Rev. Henry S. Zug
on Sunday,
J. S. Hackman spent a few days
in Philadelphia last week laying in
a stock of merchandise.
The farmers are wishing fora few
weeks of fair weather so they can
sow oats and plant petatoes.
The Mastersonville ereamery paid
$1.25 hundred
weight for milk
patrons per
Frank Ginder and family moved
from Manheim to Joseph W. Ster-
mer’s property, near town, last
Albert 8. Shouk and family and
John Brubaker and family were
visitors in the family of Benjamin
R. Zug on Sunday.
Benjamin S. Stauffer is breaking
all records in this vicinty tor fatten-
ing cattle. Last Fall he got a lot
of steers and fed them until April 3,
and during that time increased an
average weight of 408 pounds on
each head.
Did you notice how the caterpil-
lars arc making their appearance cn
the fruit trees ? It is an easier
task to destroy them when they are
young than when left alone until
they are full grown when they do a
great amount of damage to the frui:
Death of Amos Zeager.
at his late
Amos Zager die’
Ie is surviv d ‘by
his two
were on
mornirg, at 10 o'clock at the house.
Interment at Mount Joy Cemetery.
Mr. Zeager was a painter by trale
employed af
place, rem:mbered
but of late had b en
the Grey Iron Works,
mates at ti at
him by collecting $15 with
they purchased the finest floral trib--
ute ever seen in Mount Joy, ¢“The
Gates Ajar.”” H. HI. Morton did the
collecting and deserves praise for
The gates were made
his selection.
by Mr, Shroeder at Lancaster.
Will Elect a Pastor.
The Consistorics of the
congregations comprising the Brick-
erville charge of the Lntheran
Church will meet in their respective
houses of worship on Saturday for
the purpose of electing a pastor to
assume the place made vacant recent-
ly by the resignation of Rev. A. W.
Lutheran Church, in Lebanon, next
month, It is understood that Rev.
W. Pena Barr, of Mount Joy, will
be given a call.
bensperger, who grees to Salem
7% - Ue ee inten
Robbery Near Landisville.
Some time during Wednesday
night or Thursday morning thieves
effected an entrance to the residence
of Jacob Hertzler, about a mile north
of Landisville, by prying open a rear
a small sum of money, and a few
minor articles of clothing were the
ouly things taken. The robbery
was perpetrated presumable by
Suddenly Called Home.
George Poff, of this plaae, but
who is employed as a firemen on the
western divisicn of the P. R. R.,
was called home very unexpected on
Sunday on account of the sudden
death of Lis father G. A. Poff, at
Dallastown, York county. George
arrived here on Monday and is at-
tending the funeral at his father’s
late home today.
It’s the “Bemis”.
M. L. Greider & Co., the agents
for the Bemis tobacco transplanter,
are doing quite a business this year.
This week they will receive the third
carload of thes: machines, making
over one hundred sold this season.
A pocketbook, containing |
What Transpired in Our Busy Village
Since th Last Issue.
Simon Gish is putting a new roof
on his dwelling.
Frances Arndt spent Saturday at
Miss Lizzie Hershey wes at Co
lambia Saturday.
H. G. Stacks, of Lancaster, spent
{Sunday in town with his parents.

Frank Ream of Manheim was the
guest of Wm. McGarvey on Sun’ ay.
jo Mvs. J. S. Murs.
| Shank were at Maytown on Sunday.
I Tillman Barnhart Sybilla
Morton were at Marietta on Sunday.
Carmany and
| Miss Lizzie Mickey spent Sunday
at Maytown the guest of her sister,
| Mrs. Albert Fike was
i of lier parents at Columbia on Sun-
the guest
| day.
[ T. N. Hostetter,
(was among friends in town on Ifri-
of Lancaster,
| A certain man in town Lought a
lot of eels and insisted upon his wife
| makin eel soup,
| Elmer Schlegelmilch, wife and
son were guests of friends at May-—
town on Sunday.
| Ed Stoll, wife afd two children,
{of Pittsburg, are the guests of A.B.
| Winters and wife.
wife of
Reuben Nentwig and
Newtown, spent Sunday
with the former’s parents,
James Webb and son Charles were
doing a job at tinuing at Young
Bros. coach works ou Monday.
David Ilenderscn of [arrisburg,
is spending sorce time in town with
his sister Mrs. Elmer Schley. Imilch.
Yesterday morning John Boyer
stirted driving #Jac. Hershey’s coal
team and Geo. Howard is again the
Jacob Hershey jr., had a new slate
roof put on Iis dwelling. Miiler
Brothers of Mourt Joy had the con-
tract. “I'rct hem” carried the slate.
On Sunday Rev Harris of Mari-
etta, will preach a Grand Army ser-
A.M. E
church iv: this place. In the after-
noon and evening Quarterly meet-
mon in the Macedoma
ing will be held.
i ins
Wo.ld Make Good Soldiers.
a dispute,
fraidbabies” started
of the
On evening
younz men went to Florin for
fizht did not come
purpose of
Wel’, the
and the “brave
for home. One younz man
gang did not see his partners
and when he found out he was alone
started down the pike or a run.
His fifteen “butties’” heard him
coming and mistaking him for the
Florin gang, they all began running
as fast as possible. They got to
town out of breath and only about
half of them had their power of
speech. How brave?
York Strawberries Ruined.
The York county strawberry crop
has been ruined by low temperature
and cold rains. In the great berry
producinc section, which includes
Conewago and Fairview townships,
the growers will sustain large losses
The buds, which were well developed
have turned black.
A Special Meeting.

| A special meetirg of Borough
| Council was held on Thursday even-
E. Snyder was el-
Borough to
The Joseph
{ing when John
tected Solicitor of the
| succeed W. U. Fensel.
Detwiler estate entered into a
tract to furnish stone for the bor—
ough for the coming year.
Has Returned to Na-ietta.
Wm. Abel, who for one year con-
ducted the Florin hotel, hus return—
ed to Marictta, his former home,
Knowing of Mr. Abcl’s ability as a
manager, James Duffy has secured
his services as manager of his farms
a very responsible pesition.

The River Brethren had a good
attendance on Surday morning,
Amos E. Nauman, of Millersville!
made a flying visit here on Saturday
Trout fishing is in season, but the
trout are very scarce in this section
Miss Mary Cooper spent a week
in the family of George Brosey at
The eclipse of the moon last Sat—
urday eyening caused darkness from
7 to 8.80,
Miss Annie Hall of Maytown, is
spending the week here with
Mrs. Emanuel Kauffman and family
There was quite an exciting time
here on Sunday morning when Con-
stable Kieffer of Manheim, appeared
at the bedside of George Walters,
he was given a hearing on charges
of dealing in other people’s poultry
He made restitution and paid costs
of the suit,
1 took to Manheim where
I. E. Miller, who spent the win-
ter here with bis father and other

{ church were well attiined on

relatiyes, started on Monday for his |
home in Iowa. he
The day after
announcing the death of Mr. Mil-
ler’s daughter, Nettie, whose funer-
al was to take place on Thursday.
It is not known whether Mr. Mil-
ler stopped off on his way home or
not, but it is doubtful if he did if
he heard the sad news in time to at-
tend the funeral.
Cy sind
A. C. Rutherford was at Lancas—
ter over Sanday.
Hon. J. D. Cameron left for New
York city on Saturday.
left a telegram was received
Sarah Bailey arrived at Hon. J, D.
Cameron mansion on Friday.
in the
Services Presbyterian
Sainuel Cressler and wife were
the guests of William Neidigh
J. HH. Reed will fizish
of water cress this week
month there will be a large crop.
tormer’s fF roperty on the east,
purchased three
from Hor J.D
adjoins the
acres of
Cameron. land
s:deration $500,
Christian N,
Jacob Schroll, and
daughter Maud, Mount Joy,
were guests of the family of Cyrus
Gerber and wife,
Schroll on Sunday,
Mrs. Amanda Wittel, has returned
from the hospital at Philadelphia,
and is living with har son Morris, at
Ironville. :
At a business meeting of the Cor-
net band of this place, the follow—
ing officers were elected : Leader,
John Wittle ; Assistant Leader,
Harry Shirk ; President, Orestus
Wittle ; Vice Pres., Clarence Divet;
Secretary, Chas. Hofer ; Assistant
Seeretary, Albert Muma ; Treasnr—
Lewis Trustees : 18
months, Samuel Shank, Martin
Mectzgar 5 12 months, Henry Divet
and Frederick Kemmerly ; 6 mos.
Reuben Nentwig ; Teacher, Wm.
er, Resh ;
Mount Pleasant church was very
well attended on Sunday.
Samuel Wolgemuth will erect a
new barn in the near future,
Put out your scarc-crow as the
crows have already made their ap=-
pearance for the sprirg chicks.
Fred W. Ibaugh and wife enter—
tained tbe following persons on Sun-
day : Misses Ida Wickenheiser and
Katie Good of Mount Joy, Hmma
Gibble of Marietta, Messrs. idilton
Garber ¢f Oakdale, Herman Ginder,
of Donegal, Frank Ibaugh and Sam- |
uel Hamaker of Oregon.
The aged mother of supervisor
Henry Witmer of East Donegal
celebrated her 91st birthday on
Cured by One Bottle of
"Cough Reme
‘“When I had an attack of
winter (the second one) I
myself with one bottle of
Cough Remedy,‘ says Fran
Editor of the Enterprise, Sho
““T'his is the honest truth I at
from coughing myself to pieces I
teaspoonful of this remedy, and
coughing spell would come on
would take a dose and it seemed
briefest interval the cough would
and I would go to sleep perfectly
cough and its accompaning ains.
that the remedy acted as a most
surprise is putting it very mildly.
no idea that it would or could knock
grip, simply because I had never 3
for such a purpose, but itdid, and its
with the second attack of coughing
remedy caused it to not only be of
duration, but the pains were far less 8
and I had not used the contents
bottle before Mr. Grip had bid me ag
For sale by J. 8. Carmany Florin
all Mount Joy druggists.
Daniel Drace and famil
one week with friends as Eliz
town and Bellaire.
Machinist Aaron Grove and 39ee
of men of Rheems put a large and
heavy shaft in the Monitor Mfg.
Co's. plant last week.
Frank Stoll and gang of repa
men were called to Conewago on
Monday night to assist in repairing
the damaged track caused by a lag
Buffalo Express east was sto]
here on Monday evening to
Jacob Weidman and wife to FP
delphia, where their son Herry,
a crical condition in the Presb
ian Hospital.
Dr. S. D. Bashore ‘of Pal
performed a surgical operati
Mrs. A. B. Hambright, wife ¢
R. R. Operator Hambright of
place last Wednesday * fg
assisted by Dr. Kendig of
and Miss Alice Hershey of
bethtowr as nurse. The opf
was a success and Mrs, Ham
is on a fair way of recovery.
Mrs, Chrisiiane Myers who
sick several weeks is again coc
Bertha M., daughter of MrJ ™3
Mrs. Beates, is quite ill with an
tack of the measles.
Mr. Daniel Arnold who moved
York county about three v. eeks
was buried list week. 3
Benjamin, - Troutwine had
thumb cFushed ™. week. It wv
struck with a sledge hammer,
[ Michael Seachrist, purcaged
acres of land from Daniel M
which adjoins his farm.
amount paid was $85 per acre
Joseph Charles, while clip
mule’s mane, cut him in thd
The mule reared up and Char
straining his knee. It is
serious injury.
ee A eee se
The Spring Fever.
At least we presume that ig
it was. Or Saturday the m
at the G. I. C. nearly all we
and took a rest but on Mond:
were back in their stalls “pa
sand to beat the band.”
Now They're Here.
Just received anothed car load ¢
choice fla stone for walks on Sal
urday. If you reed a walk from
your house to the barn, come and
get prices. James Glatfelter, Mt
Joy, Penna.
Heilig’s New Baker.
Charles Rosenberger, wk
bnown here, accepted a pd at,
R. G. Heilig’s bakery last] Mr
Rosenberger was formerly bad
at Eby’s East End bakery.
Unclaimed Letters.
Following is a list of letters un—
called for at the Mount Joy post
| office, April 22, 1903 :
Mrs. Hastie Pough,
Miss Emma Strickler,
Miss Bessie Tnnsm,
Mr. Wm. Goodman.
I. G. Pennell, Postm
is well