fmm Our r Sole Register. Following is a list of sales for which bills were printed or elre ad— vertised in the Bulletin : On Thursday, March 26—In Flor in, horses, hogs, wagons, household goods by William Abel. On Friday, March 27—In Meant housenold goods, Joy borough, by butchering tools, wagons, etc, Samuel Fasnacht. Saturday, March 28—In Mount Joy Borough, large lot of good household and kitchen furniture by Harriet G. Good, adminstratrix of Lizzie Good, deceased. Monday, March 30—In Mount Borough, blankets, harness, y ve robes, etc., by S. 8. Royer, gent. - Do You Need a Blotter? We have prepared several thou- sand blotters for public use, a pum- ber of which were distributed last week. If you are in need of blot crs we would be pleased to have ou call at this office. They can be hd for the asking. It’s True People. f you intend having sale next ng, don’t forget we can print bills just as neat and cheaper can other printers and Nise it in the Bulletin, which s more country hoses than her local paper, free of charge. nt Joy Hall ne Night Only at. Mar. 28 n Stock Co. by a strong and Lt presenting the ork success OUTCAST autiful story ad interest all d 35 Cents sale at the ean p00, fo to shey shach. Parler |. y, Pa. RU SEL Penna. at No. will | STOP AT THE - : Sorrel Horse Hotel WesT Kina ST. J-ANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORREL HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 52, 53 and 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents, accommodations in every respect. your patronage solicited. A. B. ADAMS, Pro. GO TO Royer's Saddler Shop West Main Street, Mount Joy I am still making all kinds of Harness strictly hand made, no machine work. Ialso sell anything kept in a saddler shop. Repairing Done Promptly. Prices to suit the times. We Have Received Another Lot of Josephine Skirts " This is positively the BEST Black Skirt made, Mercerized fin- We hereby make known.the fact that we have harvested 1500 Tons Pure Spring Water Crystal ICE which we will serve to the public at very moderate prices. This season we will also ish, full sizes and best in workmanship, rang- ing in price from $1 T0 3.00 Yours for Business, fl. E. EBERSOLE, Mount Joy. Run a Wagon Through Florin Daily and would say if the people want pure ice clear from dirt and grass, we can supply it. Our solicitor will call on you in the near future. We would be pleased to be favored with your order. J.N. Stauffer + Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. The Various Designs Shown Here of Will MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, MARKERS, &c. Open Our Fountain Saturday March 28 Are just a few" which will constantly be found in stock at my yards, ‘Order your Spring Work now James Glatfeiter, MOUNT JOY, PA. 0-9-0909 : : Risser’s Mt. Joy Borough Property —A Tr Private Sale! The undersigned offers at private sale, the fine new residence property on South Barbara Street and ! the valuable building lots adjoining. There is no finer site in the borough than these lots. The whole tract consists of about five acres and is especially valuable to anyone desiring to engage in trucking. Callon M. N, BRUBAKER, Real Estate Agent. MOUNT JOY, PA. Our Solicitor will call on you every Tuesday and Deliver Every Friday Your Work Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. COO OOP P-OPOP0 G09 0PeP¢ OH YES OH YES If you are going to have a real estate or per- sonal property sale consult H. H. MORTON, Auctioneer - MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Special attention given to calling sales of every de- | Empire Bakery scription. Charges moderate. Satisfaction gharan- | Telephone La Pierre House, Mount Joy, Pa. | PLORIN PA. S. S. SINGRICET, Prop. | cr — FRESE | Bread,Cakes, Buns, &¢. Also teed FOR RENT The undersigned offers for rent a desirable Nine Room Dwelling with a | Summer Kitchen, good water and All Graham Bread & Doughnuts Kinds of Fruit, situate in Florin. For | particulars call on or address always on hand. Funerals Supplied at Short Notice | Delivery Wagon to Mt, Joy, Monday, Wednes- day and Satnrday JOHN GUHL, Florin. a li cic] | The Only Place to Get Steam and we | | Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &e. TIS ATTY) Scholing’ s West End Bakery Mount Joy Penna. All our Rooms are Heated with Make a Special* Effort to Please Jurymen Lancaster founty House !| 117 E. King St., Liancaster, Pa. es W. H. GANTZ, Proprietor. iCE (Formerly of Mount Joy) ICE RATES, $1 A DAY TO EVERYBODY GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES HAVING PURCHASED the entire Ice Plant of T. N. Hostetter and harvested NOTICE: ! {The undersigned residing at Newtown, in Rapho wnship, desires to inform the public tiat he is 1000 TONS pared to do all kinds of Fancy Writing and OF THE ating on Bible Records or Lodge Cards at short | = IC E " a fee. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Charges Moder- | L FINEST pid Address all orders to CHARLES HOFER, ' ’ Artist, Columbia, Pa. R. F. D. No.1. Girad- SPRING WATER of Lima Colleye, Ohio. to be found in Lancaster County, I am ready to serve the public as cheap as any dealer in the market. Douglas, M D's Washington D C GNETIC RELIEF | Wagon Through Mt. Joy and Florin Daily the One Minute Cure For Pain | I will call to see you in the near future and would say, if you want | . Jen « « 3 ice reserve irritant and a Golden Remedy for the pure, clear and lasting ice, reserve Toothache and Neuralgia, Sore Gums, your order for me. 8 Head Colds, Catarrh, Weak and Sore dimness of Vision, Cramp, Wind o ‘olic, Etc Bunions and Soft Corns re-, PRICE, TEN CENTS Sole Prop. & Mfr., Florin, Pa WM. WipmaNn, Jr. FLORIN, PENNA Best | A share of | { “Inte StyYLR® CLUSIVH worth in more, passing siderat Men of pa ular tas will do wel examine th Internatio Tailoring Co. styles an prices. 8. Theaddition- # al satisfactign - garments i their make, really money in yo pocket. DROP IN AND LET US SHOW YOU THEIR ENTIRE LINK OVER 500 MAGNIFICENT SAMPLES OF THE LATEST FABRICS AND DESIGNS. H. E. EBERSOLE, Mount Joy, | Special Bargain Shelfclearing Sa THIS MONTEL e winter goods than I want to carry over and I will sel! then If you want a bargain this is the piace to get it. GROCERIES To clean up this epartment a little. Heintz’'s Baked Beans r4c. Baked Beans at 5 and 8c. Codfish 7c al Large Mackerel 15¢ a piece. Mince Meat : now 14c. Morning Glory 15¢, now 12c. Underwear. ere 5oc now 35c. Misses’ an1 Children’s were 25 he price. Men’s All Wool Underwear were $1 no \ NGergarments: gr Tow 330 ere il Blankets, Comfort Comforts $1.50 now 31. Comfo! Umbrellas, 1.04 ) I have more than cost. Prunes 8 1bs. fd Heinz'{ Ladies” 15¢. 1 Men’s Heavy now 16c. Blankets 75¢ now 59. Men’s Half Hose were 7c a pair now 5c. Ginghams, Crash, &g One lot of Dress Ginghams were 1oc now 8c. Ginghams in R wide 1224c now 8c, Crash 4c now 3c, Crash 6¢ now 4c. Outing Cloth Lot of Outing Cloth Remnants : Were 8c now 5c. One lot of Dark 4c. One lot of Plain Chambray Ginghams, were gc now sc. During this sale I will cell a 3oc Summer Corset for 25¢, any size lot of Boys’ Gloves were 25c now 15c. Toby Canvas Gloves, 3 pair E. C. HERTZLER, East Main Street, Mount Joy, ¥ Eby’s Old Stand, OUR REPUTATION for Big Value Giving is Wide-spread Mens’, Boys’ and Children’s Clothing 900 850 8 00, 700 6 00 475 4 00 3 50 3 00 300 . 2 50 2 50 . 2 00 200 . 1 69 $ 10 50 | 9 50 Suits for “ 12 00 11 00 10 00 9 00 7 50 6 00 : 4 50 Boys’ Knee Pant Suits for 4 00 sid 3 50 Boys’ “ $ 14 00 Men’s Overcoats for 12 50 £ 10 00 8 50 6 00 12 00 10 00 8 50 700 6 00 i 1 a t -l =] a Gt Ot © LL “ ce S Men's Suits RD Bo ~ SS [=] Jt a an = or = Ot = [=] Men’s and Boys’ Pants at reduced prices. Men's, Ladies’ Boys’ and children’s Shoes at reduced prices. Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats at way down prices. YOFFE & GAFFIN BROS, Mount Joy, Pa. dd | Mount Joy Hall Building. would not If the advertisements on this page ‘bring results, do you think we could mislead all these reliable business people? Never ! IF IT PAYS THEM! IT WILL PAY YOU (ive us a Trial Advertiserent