The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, February 11, 1903, Image 1

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    II. NO. 36.
yer, Son of Wesley Royer
ell Beweath a Train.
Royeirst ged 19 years, and a
esle’! tloyer, of this place
med it on the Peansyl-
ailra)" la short distance
ariebe wat nine o’clock on
orn'rans The young man
employed as a moulder in
ndry of the Marietta Casting
ny for about three months.
ay morning it was announced
e foundry would be closed
hat day on account of making
tb to the cupcla. In order to
e day a number of moulders;
among them, concluded to go
hock’s Mills + to inspect the
on the P. R. R. improyements.
party started afoot. along the
ad and just abovecdngle’s Lane
were overtaken by a westbound
t train. Several of the men
led the train without difficulty
being expert freight jumpers.
er made an attempt to board the : J
His compan-—|the Grey Iron Casting company an
hi but could not.
begged of him not to try it
n, but he did and the second
men tried to persuade him to
he was unsuccessful.
Personal Mention
Frank Baker and wife spent Sun-
day with friends and relatives at
Wm. C. Rehm, a prominent
young lawyer of Lancaster, was in
town on Saturday.
Mrs. Emanuel Sumyman, is off
on an extended trip to Gallion,
Ohio, where she will visit her
Michael A. Rollman, of the Roll-
man Manufacturing company, is off
on 2 two weeks’ trip in the interest
of the firm.
Miss Bessie Bowman,
quite ill at McConnelsville with
typhoid fever, returned home joy
Sha accompanied by her moth-
er. *
Mrs. Harvey Hawthorne, of York
spent several days in town as the
guest of her parents, James E Webb
and wife. Mr, Ilawthorne spent
Sunday here. -
John Koderer, formerly of Nesbit
& Koderer, contractors, who erected
who was
the Mount Joy Hall in this borough
was in town yesterday.
To Whom It May Concern.
The undersigned Justice of the
Happenings of the Week Told in a Brief
very sore hand.
Yet Interesting Manner.
Miss Lyda Sheaffer is nursing a
Frank Schroll is confined to the
house with grip.
Edgar Wagner is ill the past few
days with an attack of grip.
The January Number of the
Monthly Morsel is on our desk.
Revival services are still in pro-
gress in the Methodist church here.
This is the time of the year to
sorape the eggs of insects off the
The base ball club is $15
since the F. & M. Gl.e club’s
to town.
Our town will be well represent—
this evening.
logues for 1903.
Rollman’s on Saturday.
Newcomer last week,
ed at the boxing show at Lancaster
P. G. Shelly, poultry dealer near
town, has just received bis cata
Christ Herr was so unfortunate as
to loose a §5 bill after being paid at
A large number of tobicco trans.
platters were received by IH. 5.
Vos vard@lt von mere ken
bovera hetf8h denk mer data
ol ferhungfe sin de lite es fet
lava de gojll room. Se hen
olfert blergllr, oyer, milick, si,
hinkle, enfi@ns. Sec hen aw
gile un kcra von eyer es se
vela un nj bukers do im
shtodt mime hucka bis mer
klotera gill grose delera,
Now sis @unershit gashwis—
“sh uns uggera. Of course,
vetza shtundt fer
ken karapsa bosh-
, ken gens melka,
so for dulta ara-
mana sel is usht
here sho
en dawk
ta, ken 1 |
ken si shi
vite du,
shpos. over ich date
What Transpired in Oup Busy Village
Since the L's! Issue,
Harry Musselman has registered
on the sick list.
Alpheus Morton is on the sick list
the past few days,
Mrs, Ephraim: Arndt spent Satur-
day at Philadelphia.
Datiel Brandt is the new engineer
at Hershey’s mill since Monday.
Messrs. John Stoll and Ed. Booth
were at Lancaster on Wednesday.
H. G. Stacks of Lancaster, was
home with his parents over Sunday.
I. S. Bossler and wife were the
| guests of friends at Round Top on
| Wm, Dieroif sr., of Landisville,
lis spending a week in town with
| relatives.
| Rumor says that . A,
will install electric lights
{residence ere long.
at his
T. N. Hostetter’s sale on Satur—
| day was very well attended aud fair
| prices were realized.
| John Hummer of Steelton, spent
| several days in town with his sister,
‘Mrs. George Flowers.
| Wm, Dierolf was the guest of his
‘brother Edward, at Lanca ter, on
There 1s still a large amount of
unsold tobacco through this section,
cupy their residence in Anchor pur-
chased from Mrs, Fahs.
spelling bee in this place on Satur-
day evening February 23th,
Mis. Dougherty, one of the old-
valescing from a severe attack of
Jacob Miller, the present engineer
at the warehouse is gaininz quite a
reputation as an engineer, Ile is
about 17 year old,
J. Stauffer, of Elizabethtown, has
two six-horse teams distributing new
telegraph poles for the W. U. Co,
who cotemplate building a stronger
Friday night of last week the
smoke house of Levi Hershey, at
Ancl.or, was broken open by thieves
wko took with them all the meat but
about six pieces.
A number of large loads of to--
bacco passed through this place last
Saturday, some to Mount Joy,
Elizabethtown and to Pierce & Leh-
man near this place.
B. H. Greider, has not yet receive

Joseph Coble and family now oc-
The Rheems school will hold a
est citizens of this vicinity, is con!
Tandisville. ;
The Akron band will furnish ths
music for the fair here on Saturday
The Uncle Tom’s Cabin Co. that
Ishowed here last week, left town
| Lisappainted, as their ‘receipts did
not cover the expenses.
Elmer Hiestaad’s valuable black
dr ing horse died on Sunday. This
the second horse that Mr. Hies—
'tand lost within a year,
| Philip Metzger is attending Court
lat Lancaster this week, An inter—
locking switchman from Lancaster,
is his substitute at the eros
Mrs. E. Catharine Stern die
Sunday evening at the home oi. her
soa Joseph, near town, aged 76 yrs,
The funeral will be held tomorrow
forenoon iu this place.
Our Sale Register.
Following is a list of sales
which bills were printed or g
vertised in the Bulletin
Friday, March
Marietta, mules, hg
farming imple

Charles Dillinger was unable to nde oye sul. | Saturday and Sunday.
attend to his usual duties on Tuesday
cn account of a bad cold.
C. K. Bennet will slaughter
big b ef which he purchased of
Henry Meckley next week.
John H. Engle killed a fourteen
Nl ’
his supply of catalogues for Id
He has ordered over two to
he is expecting cCaily,
book is far super
sued hy him,
bo a
is aff. Pr mail
lever de
Necht st
fer abot
tzrick k
He made the third attempt
bn he fell under the moving
n. The wheels passed over his
lez above the ankle and over the
t of his right foot. Ile was
ked up and placed on .board a
which took him to the Col-
Peace, General Insurance, Pension
and Collection Agent, has moved
his office. from 46 East [Main street
to 17 East Main street,sseyen doors
east of the post office, occupying
the same offices with John M. Mil-
public. surveyor and
bh uf de bovery| A.B. Hambright sold a Blickens
net, deno von 1ch derfer typewriter to DD. H. Singe
the ich dale fon de of Elizabethtown, on Saturday.

| Rev. Lowry assisted Rev. Miller
at the revival services in the U. B.)
ind Sv...
ikel futer,
nickel duner,
4“ ~

2 church on Saturday,
lo ——— —— aa

ler, not:
hoo al +
te DN
e teachers of Rapho township
an institute on Saturday in the
pl building at
esting subjects were discussed,
hich Messrs.
emary and Brubaken{, and Misses
cy Var,
rick ?
to repre—
Sat., Feb,
ighout the
eat success
" e~—crowded
and ple 8iny thousands.
Vill ams & Vansdalen feel
nored at being so suscess—
are the rights to present
1 talked of play, for which
to pay a big rcyalty.
s Williams & Vansdalen
ned the talented young
Liss Kathryn DeWolfe to
leading part, and the sup--
company is an excellant one
mposed of actors who are
y suited to the character
rtray. This production will
doubt be highly welcomed
those who take the
ge to see the Hit of the
will never regret it, Dont
he date Sat. Feb 21.
A Bum Family,
t is a home without the local
bper ? Its nothing more than
where old hats are stuffed
oken windows; where the
oks like a bag of wool with a|
tied around her centre :
the husband has a tobacco

ma printed on his shirt front
he neglected children wipe
oses on their jacket sleeves,
A Family Reunion.
mily reunion was keld at the |
of Mary Ann Easton, at Florin |
day. All her children except |
l, who resides in the west, |
hand greatly enjoyed
They left wishing |
other many more such
Teachers of Rapho Meet.
Spprting Hill.
Uhlappd, Rohrer,
and { Hess took

Beanetlt killed a
ron Fridhy that he
ry MeckRey that
ssed, \
| the Hostetter mill property and coal
| yards at Florin
i seribs for their home p

Mrs, Frank Shark of Landisville
and Mrs, Charles Dierolf of Mount
Joy, were pleasantly entertained by
Mrs. J. 8. Carmany on Wednesday.
Joseph Charles and wife and El;
Menaugh and wife, of town and
Rev. W. Penn Barr of Mount Joy;
enjoyed a turkey ¢ inner at the home
of J. 8. Carmary and wife on Sat
Aged Lady Dies.
Sarah, wife of Christian L. Stohler
on Donegal street, borough,
died at five o'clock on Monday
morning after a lingering illness,
death resulting from heart trouble, |
She was in her 79th and
survived by her hasband and four
children, Mra, Lizzie Boynton, of
Wilimington, Del ; Mrs. Klla Cunn-
ingham, of Jamaica, Long Island ;
Lincoln, of Oskaloosa, [owa, ang
Harry G. of this place. The fun-
era: will be held on Friday after—
noou at 1.30 o’clock at the
v.ith interment in the Mount Joy
cemetery, 3
year is
-— eee
Case Settled.
Among the cases settled in Com—
mon Pleas court this week, was the
following: Andrew Garber’s execu.
tors vs. Christian N. Garber, an
issve to try by a jury whether a
certain paper purporting to be the
last will and testament of Andrew
Garber, deseased, is or is not the
last will and testament,
Hershey Takes Charge.
Jacob Hershey, who purchased

some weeks ago,
took charge of the place on Mon-
day. Thisis an old stand with
good patronage and Mr. Hershey
will be pleased to have you call and
see him in his new quarters,
Fine Lot of Turkeys,
Martin Nissley of near
has one of the finest flocks of bronze
turkcys in this state. A pair of
these beauties were on exhibition at
the Harrisburg Poultry Show aud
took first premium After the show
Mr. Nissley refused $25.00 for the
Western Editors’ 1deas,
Some Missouri papers refuse to
publish obituary notices of people
who, during their lives failed to sub.
apr elaiming
that people who do not take the
home paper are dead an yway,
their ere passing away is of
news jvalye
4 ’
S no

boxes on his rosie: recently
placed one for SVilliam Evans, “the
Republican cat didate for supervisor
in lower West: Donegal.
John Shank, who has been
for some time, is slowly recovering
from his ailments.
Abraham Mumma, of this place,
is critically ill at his home with a
complication of diseases.
Almost th: entire family of child-'
rer of Samuel S. Greider are ‘sick
with various ailments, sorze of them
being seriously ill,
The Cornet Bana will hold a fair
in their ball commencing, Saturday
evening, March 7. The program
will be announced in these columns
Dogs are becoming very num-—
drous in this town and a man who
knows says that he has more canine
tax to collect than poll tax. Sis
The spelling bee held by the Cor-
net Band of this place, on Saturday
evening, was quite a success, a large
audience being present. Following
is a list of the prize winners: Spell-
ing class open to pupils of 12 years,
butchering tools]
Samuel Fasnacht.
Tobacco Growers’ Meeting
A meeting of the Ty
County Tobacco Growers’
tion will be held Monday,
16, at G. A, R. Hail, Lj
which you are invited g
A report will be mad
grower tobacco and
shcwn both of the h

1st, John Mumma ; 2nd, Elva My-
ers ; 3rd, Karl Mumma. Spelling
class open to all, 1st, Thos. Hies-
tand, 2nd, John Ott ; 8rd, William
Simon. Geographical class, 1st,
Victor Hipple ; 2nd, Edward Resh,
3rd, Norman Stauffer. General In-
formation class, 1st, Albert Luts;
2nd Wm. Simon ; 8rd, Thos. Hies-
es een >
Donegal Springs.
Eber Vance had a bad fall
Sunday morning.
necticut shade grown,
Prof. Frear of State
probably be present,
Tendenoy of the Ti
The tendency of medical geien
preventive measures. The best
of the world is being given to the
It is easier and better to prevent
cure. It has been fully demostratd
pneumonia, is one of the mogt dai
diseases that medical men have to
with, can be prevented by the
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. P
always results from a cold or fron
of influenza (grip), and ithas bee
that this remedy counteracts’ an
these diseasestoward pueumonis
been fully proven in many ft
cases in which this remedy ha
during the great prevalence
grip in recent years, and can
withimplicitconfidence,, Pp
results from a slight cold w]
apprehended until it ig gu
that there is fever and di
ing and pains in the ches
nounced that the patieng
Be on the safe side and
Cough Remedy as goon
tracted. It always cuy
S. Carmany, Florin
Home Fg
Phil J. Diete
hanger of this
from Philad.l
pared for the,
than ever, to
every deseriy

C. C. Miller cCelivered his crop of
tobacco on Saturday.
D. P. Raffensberger and wife at!
tended a funeral iz York county on
Mrs. Annie Spidel fell down the |
cellar steps and severely injured her |
arm last week.
Mrs. Sarah Schroll, an aged lady
of this place, accidentally fell on
Sunday and injured her back.
It is announced that a young man |
in our community will take unto :
himself a wife on Feb. 12. Grick
de bant rety,
Marriage Licenses.
Jacob E. Kauffman, of Bainbridge
and Mabel W, Henry, of Mount
him several
different d
to the bes
order doz
him, WwW,
Da not
family g
send fo,
be deg