The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, January 21, 1903, Image 1

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    All the News
of the
Community That is
Fit to Print.

se erste

o Evangelical Church Services on Sun-
day, Were Something Unusual
On Christmas evening the United
fangelical Sunday School enter-
ned one of the largest congregae-
ns in the history of the School, it
jog the annual Xmas service.
bng before the time for opening
ople came from all directions and
on all available space was taken
ile many were turned away. The
ildren did all in their power to
hke it the best service in the his—
y of the school and we believe
ey were successful. Much credit
due the various committees for
he interest taken in trying to make
he service a success. The decora-
ons were beautiful. There was a
stribution of gifts in which each
hember of tho school was interested
he Pastor was presented with a
urse containing a spug sum of
poney. The Organist was also re-
hembered as well as the Superinten-
ent. Many thanks kind friends
or the collection which was taken
pr the missionary cause and was
he largest in the history of the
shool. The following program
ras rendered ;
Scripture Reading.
Opening Address by Frankie Funk.
Exercise, Babe of Bethlehem.
Recitation, Children’s Telegram, by Anna
Solo, Mary Funck.
# Dialogue, How China Greeted the Christ-
mas Star.
Recitation, Christmas Eve, Mary Eshle-
Duet, Rev. A. R. King and wife,
Exercise, Little Joy Bringers, by a
Class of Children,
Solo, What I Want Santa to Bring, Ag-
new Markley.
Exercise, The Shepherds Drill, by Class.
Dialogue, Old Miser Crispy.
Offering and Announcement.
Mt. Joy’s Postmaster
From the Philadelphia Sunday Press.
The thriving borouzh of Mt. Jcy
is in a fever of excitement over the
matter of finding a successor to the
late Postmaster Frank G. Pennell.
Mr, Pennells daughter, who was his
deputy, is now looking after the
bl Government’s interests there, but a
permanent successor must be found.
A number of candidates are seeking
the office, but chances seem to
favor Addison S. Flowers, one of
town’s political lezdcrs, who for
many years was a Councilman, He
is a firm friend of Congressman
Cassel, which is a favorable sign.
Haary H. Nissly 1s the Grand
Army choice as the only soldier
candidate. J. Fred Fenstermacher,
County Committeeman and mercan-
tile appraiser, also thinks he has a
chance. Harvey Greenawalt, anotk-
er candidate for the office, has been
county committeeman, and would
like to be considered. Another
man out with a petition is Amos B.
Root, once a school director,
A Merry Christmas.
Christmas is over! The daylong
looked for, and for which more pre-
parations are made than for all the
other holidays of the year combined.
Nothing now remains of it but a
memory bui to most persons it is
most pleasant, full of happy recol-
lections. The day was a gloomy,
cheerless one, so far as the weather
went, with more or less rain
throughout the day. But it could
not suppress the joys of the day as
was apparent by the happy faces of
everybody. Christmas eve was
celebrated in the usual way and
crowds of ¢‘belsnickles” were on the
streets in every imaginable costume,
represerting all sorts of characters.
Thrown From a Wagon.
Christian Charles a farmer living
near the Bainbridgeroad, about two
miles northwest of Maytown, was
thrown from his wagon on Saturday
afternoon and badly cut and bruised
The accident occurred when Mr.
Charles was about half way from
Maytown to ms home, and was
caused by the horse swerving sud-
denly to ore side of the road. Mr,
Charles was nicked up andy beought
vffice of Dr.” CG, A. Harter,
Maytown, where his injuries
were given the proper attention,
He was later taken to his home by
Michael Hoffman.
First Skating Accidents.
~ John Shires was skating on Sny.
der’s dam on Sunday and broke
through the ice at “First Rock.”
He narrowly escaped drowning,
On Monday afternoon Geo. Eber-
sole broke in at Big Sandg
A Disastrous Error,
The dwelling house of John @.
Engle who resides just west of
Marietta, narrowly escaped being
destroyed by fire at 4:30 o'clock
Monday morning. At the hour
named Samuel G.,, a son, entered a
frame summer kitchen adjoining the
house to fill his stable lantern. The
latter was lighted and Samuel picked
up what he supposed to be the coal
oil can, but instead he had the gas—
oline can. The flame ignited the
vapor and an explosion followed.
In an instant the interior of the
room was a mass of fire and the
heat caused the coal oil can to ex~
plode which added new fuel to the
flames. Samuel called for help to
which the balance of the family re-
spcuded. They had a hard fight
before them but they succeeded in
extinguishing the flames, The
damage resulting from the fire will
not exceed $100. The members of
the family had their hands and faces
scorched and hair singed while
fighting the flames,
“Kindness” —We Guess Not.
From the Star and News.
“The Postmaster Pennell picture
which appeared in the Ilerald and
Bulletin, last week, was furnished
through the kindness of the Star and
News.” :
Mr. Pennell died on Monday night
and next morning the editor of the
Star went to the late home of the
deceased and gobbled up both cuts,
presumably to choke off the Bulletin
as well as the Herald, but this gag
dido’t work. We asked Frank
Pennell jr. for the cut and he brought
it to this office, so it was through
this young man’s kindness that we
used that cut. After we were
through with it the Herald made
inquiry and through our ‘kindness’
they used the cut. Now the truth
of the matter is the Star would not
have gotten the cut at all had it not
been given them through the “kind-
ness” of the Herald.
Conference to Meet at Elizabethtown,
The twenty-eighth annual Sunday
School convention of the Lancaster
Conference of the Lutheran Church
was held in Christ church, KEliza-
bethtown, on Tuesday. There were
exercises in the morning, afternoon
and evening, The conference com-
prises all the Lutheran churches in
the Lutheran, Ministerium in Lan-
caster, Lebanon and Dauphin
counties, and has an enrolluent of
of 11,000 scholars.
rrr ll
Mt. Joy Township’s Primary.
The Republican Primarg election
of Mount Joy township will be
held on January 16, 1904, between
the hoursof 3and 7 p. m. One
judge, inspector, reg. assessor, 2
supervisors, 2 school directors, 3
auditors, 2 justices of the peace and
town clerk will be nomlnated. Per-
sons desirous of being candidates
should hand their names to either J.
H. Meckley, Aaron Gibble or E. F.
Heiner not later than Jan, 8, 1904.
Two More Weddings.
Last Wednesday evening Rev. I.
M. Miller united in marriage at the
parsonage in Florin, Miss Bertha
Nauman of that place and Harry
Stelly of town] The newly wedded
couple will reside in Florin.
At the home of the bride at Baer-
town, on Thurs} ay at high noon,
Rev. Miller of ¥'lorin, married Marie
M. Whittaker] of Baertown and
Nelson P, Clarif of Strasburg.

All those thatiwere to the Christ—
mas entertainmertpt in the Methodist
n Sunday evening
leased with the
which was so ably
Benjamin Haver-
temyer and Max
consisted of
church in Florin
were more than
excellent prograr
rendered. Mess
stick, Wesley W
Nentwig furnisged
music. The cHfoir
about twenty-fivd voices and ably
rendered the vocal) end of the pro-
gram. |
District Toke Institute.
The teachers of fount Joy town-
ship will hold Jjheir Institute on
Saturday, Janfilly 2, 1904. The
tollowing prog jie will be rendered:
Discussion of nary Reading
Mr. hing, Miss Kuhns,
Recitation, iss Brandt.
Busy work in il School
Miss Hoff Eshleman.
Address y Myers.
Heavier Ra SY.
The heavies
are now bein
mills for the P
The weight o
standard rail
elto '

Brief Items of All Sorts T
This Section.
A marriage license was
Edward Hane and Daisy §
both of Rapho.
" The Farmers’ Creamery Con
of Manheim har declared a 5
cent dividend.

Manheim hasn’tan u
within its limits now,
ones are uneeded.
A fox chase will be}
Donegal Inn, Maytown
afternoon at two o’cloch
C. M. Good, a Mt. Joy
has quit the stationery b
Ida Grove, Iowa, becaus
health. :
Watchnight services will b
in the U. B. church at KElizab
town by Rev. H. M. Miller, Thy
day night.
W. L. Heisey has soid to tH
Rheems Canning company, a squa
of land along the pike for $500, o
which to build the canning factor)
Henry Shelly, of near Mouut Jo
when a lad of ten years, receive
a pocket knife as a reward for pu
ing some weeds. He has carried
ever since—a period of forty year
Redmond Conyngham KEsq., 0
Lancaster, has been appointed b
Judge McPherson, of the U. S
Eastern District Court as referee il
bankruptcy vice B. Frack Eshle
man, deceased.
Last Sunday night tl ieves visited
the premises of J, W. Ileisey and
Phares M. Charleston at Rheems
A number of turkeys were stole
at the former and a dozen chicken)
at the latter place. |
Rev. J. C. Dengler, will b
tired frogg.the ministry on Ja
1. He has been in charge of a
gregation in Philadelphia for
years past, and will in the
reside in Maytown,
Last Friday while Will L.
of Rheems, was husking corn
a machine, he had his left arm
fingers badly lacerated and fra
Dr. H. K. Blough was sum
and dressed the injuries.
Noah H. Martin of Washingt
D. C., died Dec, 18. Mr. Marti}
was a native of this vicinity and
left Millersville S. N. 8. in 1861 as
a soldier. After the war he secared
a position in the war department
which he held for a period of about
38 years.
ine ed
K. G. E. Elect Offfcers™ w=
Hermit Castle No. 66, K. G. E.
of this place Monday night elected
the following officers :
N. C.—H. C. Schock.
V. C—W. R. Heilig.
8S. HH.—X. Fecllenbaum.
V. H.-J. II. Stoll.
H. P.—Dr. J. J. Newpher.
K. of Ex.—M. C. Bowman.
C. of Ex.—M. M. Brubaker,
M. of R.—C. H. Zeller.
Representative to Grand Castlc -
E. F. Heiner.
Trustee— H. L. Stager.
Representatives to Hall Associa-
tion.— 1H. C. Schock, Jno. H. Stoll,
and M. M. Leib.
During the last six months this
Castle has not paid any sick bene-
fits and during the year only $20,
Next Monday night a candidate
will be fuiated, and a full attendance
is requested,
Church of God Notes.
Rev. Chas. F. Reitzel baptized
Harry Ressler at the 5 o’clock ser—
vice Christmas morning. There
were between 60 and 70 persons
The service Christmas evening
was greeted by a crowded house.
The usual treat was given to the
Sunday School. Rev. Reitzel, the
pastor, received from his large class
now nui:bering 58, a nice gift in
A missionary service will be held
next Sund iy evening to be address-
ed by Miss Lydia Forney, of Har-
Rev. Reitzel will address the Y.
M. C. A. at Middletown next Sun
day afternoon.
The Evangelists.
Messrs. Johnson 8d Hemminger,
the evangelists, laff Maples
Tuesday for Keyser,

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