The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, December 10, 1902, Image 9

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rh cos mms pions
men are so' accommodating as to be
to make > of themselves.

Feetache i
All Bodily Aches
P he Pulpit Already Bm
[here are queer nooks and corners
England yet.
A country parson lately went to
ach in ,an old remote parish one
nday. The aged sexton, in taking
n to the place, insinuatingly said:
“I hope your riv'rence won't mind
eachin’ from the chancel. Ye see,
is is a quief place, and I've got a duck
in’ _on fgurteen eggs in the pulpit.”
All Right.
Mrs. Brown—Mrs. Ayres says she
flanges her gown four or five times a
Mrs. Greene—Well, I don’t blame
er. I haven't seen her in anything
hat I shouldn’t think she would be
lad to change for something else.
7 I
s- PUR FIER, will
K and Permanent Cure,
he Blood, Neutralizes the
sthe Kidneysinto Healthy
hailds up the Nerves and
System in a short time.
R708 N. C., July 26th, 1002.
s me pleasure ta recommend
ure of rheumatish. Some-
a severe ease of rheuma-
\ ich i neglectéd for some Weeks,
d Hardly walk. I tried RHEU-
taken hdlf the bottle before
5 3 #hished Sak She. Joie
a particle of the trouble
havo net ba E. P| PARKER.
tby Express prepaid on receipt of Shion.
pected tO recov
Four farmers’ institutes will’ be hel
in Chester county this winter, as foi-
lows: Lyndell, January 16 and 17; Par-
serford, February 14; Cedarville, Feb-
ruary 20 and 21, and at West Grove,
{ February 27 and 28.
The middle span, 130 feet long, of the
Erie Railway bridge over French creek
it Buchanan Junction, collapsed under
a heavy freight train. Three cars load-
cd with iron fell into the stream.
Percy Zerbe, aged 6, and Thomas
Jones, aged 9, schoolboys of Donald-
son, were placed under $300 bail each
‘or taunting Andrew Mutchler, a non-
anion workman. The warrants were
served in the school room.
Robert Allen, aged 56, of Girardville,
while in the act of swinging a double
hitted axe to split a large block of
vood, accidentally struck himself in the
reck with the implement. He was hur-
ried to the hospital, where he is slowly
| bleeding to death.
The recent marriage of Walter Huft-
man and Mrs. Ida Stewart, a relative of
| Po a ror W. E. Harrison, of Mec-
| Keesport, is causing the various
| branches of her family to rack their
| brains in an endeavor to untangle the
family relationships. The difficulty be-
3 gins with the marriage of George Huff-
| man, Walter's father, to Miss Mary
| Stewart. The. latter's brother Issac
married Miss Ida Smith, Isaac died
leaving a widow and two children.
hen the widow married Walter Huff-
| man, a son of her brother-in-law, Geo
| Huffman, who then became her father-
ay | in-law. Her husband is also her neph-
| ew, being the son of her brother-in-
| law, and he, who was cousin to her chil:
| dren, now becomes their father. She
| becomes cousin to her own children by
| marriage and aunt to her husband.
| In a close range battle with burglars
| Alem Bly, engineer and watchman at
| the powerhouse of the Montoursville
| Trolley Company, at Montoursville,
{ killed one of the resperadoes and
| probably wounded several others. The
| engineer escaped with his life in a
! shower of bullets, although twice
| wounded. It was a battle of one
against six, but the plucky engineer
| stood his ground until his ammunition
| was exhausted, and then with bullets
{ flying all around him made his way out
| of the building and sounded an alarm
The five other members of the gang
| got away just in time,
| A dress-suit case containing an oev-
| ening suit belonging to United Stat es
| Senator Kean and an evening suit and
| pair of trousers of Governor Murphy’ S,
| which was stolen during their visit to
Gettysburg at the dedication of the
Slocum monument, on
was recovered in Harrisburg. Edward
Miles, of Harrisburg, who is alleged to
sgoles the case from hotel at
Gettysburg, has been and was
taken to that place for a hearing.
‘he body of Thomas Spragg, a
wealthy and prominent farmer of Oak
Forest, was found hanging from a joist
| in his barn, life being extinct. Mr.
Spragg was the only occupant of the
! house, and had arisen and partly pre-
pared break kfast for himself, then com-
{ mitted the rash deed.
: Owing to the increased cost of raw
materials, especially cecal, the
and electric companies announced
an increase of about
prices for light, fuel and power.
Diphtheria is prevalent in New Hol-
| land. .
rE > J)

| dS
Pehine during the evenings. If
| is soon to be
| passing of the sod house one of the
| landmarks of pioneer life in the north:
| west will disappear.
| in northern Iowa
| ister and Leader.
i township today, with its elegant homes
| fortable, and
| nuity of the pioneers.
| hardy, intelligent,
| fident people, who we:e willing to put
| up with the present for what they saw
| in the future.
| patient labor has been rewarded.
| sod house is not an unpleasant, but
a pleasant memory.
| orange as it ascended.
September 13, |
| tensity
| the column decreased
"phenomenon was seen on an evening
i following one on which there was a
| vivid display of zodiacal light
Easton | )
one’s sell with.”
| Scriptures, where the expression og-
15 per cent, in | A
“meddle with your own busi- |
, curs,
' ness,”
is ma-
is six
feet four inches long, and weighs 1,300
pounds. The actual cost of the mater-
| ial was $250. Since he has been run-
ning the machine about town the en-
| gineer has experienced not a single
break-down. The pattern of the ma-
| chine is different in detail from all
| others, and yet the general
style is
similar, and due regard to sightliness
was given during the period of con-
| struction.
The newspapers announce that the
last sod school house in South Dakota
destroyed. With the
The sod house
is associated with
return of the soldiers from the
Civil War. Of the many thousands
| who took homesteads, after they laid
| down their
| civil life, very many came to know the
| warmth and the cleanliness of the old
arms and came back to
sod house, states the Des Moines Reg:
Many a prosperous
began as
and expensive outbuildings,
The sod
“Sod Town” back in 1865-66.
house was primitive, but it was com-
it testified to the inge
It sheltered a
inventive and .con
Their confidence has
not been betrayed. Their patriotic and
A curious astronomical phenomenon
| was observed in the South of Englana
recently, a short time after sunset.
| From a bank of clouds hanging over
the horizon to about thirty-five de
grees, a clear piular of light, about five
| degrees in width and perfectly cylin
driform, shot up. It was distinguish
able almost to the zenith, and was deep
| erimson in color on the horizon, dis
color through
This appear:
ance was nearly stationary and per
pendicular to the horizon, and what
solving to the sky
| slight movement could be detected was
| with the sun, but the column remained
| perfectly
| light faded down rapidly in about eigh-
upright. This remarkable
teen minutes from the time when it
began to decrease, although it had
rather the appearance of being with-
| drawn below the horizon than fading,
for the color did not decrease in in-
in the same proportion that
in size. This
Eastern night glow.
Meddle once signified “to concern
It is so used in the

on 8 Sons, of Atlanta, ree
ceessful Dropsy Specialists in the
d. See their liberal offer in advertise-
ment in another column of this paper.
The chronic kicker seldom practices upon
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Sy Syrup for children
teething soften the gums, reduces inflamma-
tion,allays pain,cures wind colic. 25¢. a bottlo
It’s all right to kill time, for time will |
eventually kill you.
Ido not believe Piso’s Cure for C ‘onsunp-
tion hasan equal for coughs and colds—Jony
F. Boyer, Trinity Springs, Ind. F eb. 15, 1900,
An jyerage sized pineapple yields nearly
two pints o of juice.
Wool and Cotton at one boiling.
In cighteen m: months the hog population |
of the United States can double itself.
| dian W ars from i817 to 1353,
| desertion.
Louisville, Ky.
For sale by all druggists.
en 4 Cas
oraijary occasion. TF
1 60 cents, contains a su}
ll tha
| Mexican) 3 Fe |
I i ; el ndtine heirs.
| Veterans’

eve for particulars.
The Collins Land Co.
Atlantic Building, | Situations Si
for graduates or
refunded. We pay a
What Do the Planets
= | —!| Washington, D. C.
3. Act of June 27, 1902 pan-
ain sur vivorsan 1 their widows of the In-
We will pay $5. foe
Act of
every good Contrac: Claiin under this act.
July 1, 192 pensions ceriaiin soldiers who had prior |
Cot \leder ate service, also wo Hay 09 charg god with |
No pension no tea. Advice tree. For |
blanks and full instractions, address the W. H. Wills |
Wills Bailding, t
Twenty years pra
Ws 39a tod
512 Indiana Ave.,
Pension Agency,
ia Wash'
Washington, D. C.
ington. Copies of thw la 2 CONES.
Bay about your life, past, present and future? I yop
will send two 2-cent stamps, and date of birth, of
vour Horoscope absolutely HOF
ALF RED, 742 North Eutaw Street, pidrote bE
Alfred, the greatest livihg_ Astrologist bes
Acts Gently;
Acts Pleasantly;
Acts Beneficially;
Acts truly as-a Laxative.
Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the
well-informed and to the healthy, because its com-
ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be-
cause it acts without disturbing the natural func-
tions, as itis wholly free from every abjectiorfable
quality or substance. In the process of
manufacturing figs are used, as they are
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal
virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained
from an excellent combination of plants
known to be medicinally laxative and to
act most beneficially.
To get its beneficial effects—buy the
genuine—manufactured by the
San Francisce. Cal,
New Ye rk, nN. +X
Price fifty ra per bottle,