The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, December 10, 1902, Image 17

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    ) ald a
An Annual Dinner.
Groff and wife, on Manheim
entertain a large number of
iends at dinner each Thanks-
Day, and the same was again
his year. All present highly
pd the dinner, which was an
ent one. Those in attendance
Attorney at-Law Wm. Holl-
sh and mother and Mary Buck-
br of this place; Della Groff,
mer; Ira Funk, Millersville;
8. Musser and sister Ida, Mount
e; Ada Coble, Elizabethtown and
ton Stehman and sister of Rapho
Anti-Saloon League.
The Anti-Saloon League of Penn-
ylvania represented in our
own on Sunday by Rev. J. H.
Morgar, Ph. D., of Dickinson
College who spoke in the Methodist
Episcopal church in the morning
and in the Presbyterian church in
the evening. A minister from
Harrisburg, spoke in the United
Evangelical church in the morning.
UY errr
New Business Enterprise.
Edward Henry, on East Main
street, has enbarked in the coneret—
ing—cemeting business. He makes
| a specialty of cellars and step work
land if you want anything in his line
| you should haye a talk with him.
He has already done several jobs in
this nd his work needs no
imert as it speaks for itself.
New Barn to be Erected
I'he lumber for the large new
n to be erected on the Hoffman
ershzy farm, tenanted by Frank
mswiler, near Chiques, is being
auled and its erection will soon be
n progress. Jacob Snyder, of
Florin has the contract for the entire

Many Pipes Bursted
Daniel Brandt, of Florin, had his
a | traction engine at Frank Emswiler’s
where he is working. Never having
any idea of a sudd:n charge in the
veather the other night, he left the
engine filled with water and when
> fe returned the next morning, many
of the pipes were bursted,
Mrs. Ida D. Grube, an earnes
W. C. T U. worker, of Lancaster
accompanied Miss Kearney on he
visit to this plac..
~ Emanuel Hendrix, wife and son,
of Baltimore county, Md., were the
guests of the former’s brother John
H. Hendrix over Thanksgiving.
Thos. F. McElligott and wife of
Lancaster, and Mrs. Andrew Utz,
of Gettysburg, were pleasantly en-
tertained at dinner on Thanksgiving
Day bv Dr. T. F. McElligott and
wife, on East Main street.
Harry Shelly, of Harrisburg, who
has been in the employ of the Boiler
Steam Heating Co., in that city for
the past fifteen years, quit his job
and is now working at the Penna.
Steel Works at Steclton. He is a
son of Jacob Shelly of this place.
Among those that spent Thanks-
giving Day 1n town were the follow-
ing : Arthur Clay, Clarence Engle
State Colleg ; Frank Snyder, Lehigh
University; Will Hamaker, Balti=
more Medical College; Harry Haver-
stick, Albright College; Frank
Schock, Ross Engle and Owen
Brandt, Franklin & Marshall Coll-
ege; Walter Eshleman, Lebanon
Valley College; Charles Eby,
Williamson School; Harold Leib
Trenton N .J.; Will Carpenter,
Philadelphia; Wm. Scholing jr.,
Middletown; Mary Newpher,
Millersville; Ethel Harry Philadel
Real Estate Transferred.
William Widman to B. B. Eichel-
berger, two lots of ground with
improvements in Florin; consider—
aticn $1,175.
G. B. Eichelberger to B. B. Eieh-
elberger, one-half interest in 2 acres
and 35 perches of land in East Dcne-
gal ; consideration $216.50.
Samuel B. Reinhold to B. B.
Eichelberger, 6 acres and 97 per—
ches of land in Mount Joy town-
sl ip ; consideration $1,500.
For sale— A good one horse
wagon, for sale cheap. Apply at
once to Will Dillinger, Mount Joy

How Would it Work- Here.
We are in receipt of a namesake,
the following extract of an ordinance
which York City’s council is con-
«All agents and canvassers for
books, periodicals or other publi-
cations not published in the city,
and all persons soliciting advertise
ments and printing for newspapers,
publishing houses or printing offices
not in the city shall constitute Class
12 and shall pay $10.”
Surprised Her Brother,
Mrs. George H. Diehl, nee Mrs.
Maggie Warner, sister of John
Hendrix of this place, arrived in
town on Thursday forenoon and re-
gistered with the family of John
Hendrix, on East Donegal street;
Mrs Diehl was accompanid by a
gentleman. who was made her hus-
band that day and the yisit here was
the Dillsburg Bulletin, containing}

their wedding trip. They left on
Saturday for their home in Shrews—
bury, Yerk county, where they will
An Enjoyable Event.
H. B. Lutz aud wife of Harris
burg and Edgar Claude Keener of
Williamson Trade School, were very
pleasantly entertained by John M.
Keener and wife at Florin, on
Thanksgivinz Day at a turkcy din--
ner to which they all did ample
justice and hoped that they might
{live to give many more such enjoy-
abe avents.
i ain
Who Is Bessie Stevens ?
If our reporters are mis-informed
'on a subject and we tell a lie in our
! news columns, why is it that we al-
ways have a brother liar ? Because
and putting it in the ‘‘elongated
method of spelling,” they often

Marriage Licenses.
Amos R. Gish, of West Donegal
and Minnie E, Shearer, of East


WV. M. Biemeiderfer of Philaact
puia, and Miss Emma Biemesderfer,
of Lancaster, ate their Thanksgiv-
ing dinner with C. A. Wiley.
Henry Young receiyed a present
in the shape of a barrel of fine
Baldwin apples from Mrs. Young's
brother, S. Miller, at Sunbury.
Mrs, John Stambanzh and daugh-
ter Annie, of Steelton, and Jacob
Shires and wife of town, were the
guests of George Shires and family
on Thursday.
Will Shires killed a hog for Jos,
Welfly last weck that weighed 325
pounds and on : for Jacob Haldeman
that weighed 305.
" Wm. Abel, Ephraim Heiner and
Wm. Widman jr., attended a shoot-
ing match at Milton Grove last
week and brcught home three fine
Geo. Vogel, Christ Vogel, J. D.
Easton, Samuel Stauffer and Amos
Eisherly, were gunning at Indian
Gap, [not buying cows] two days
last week and succeeded in bagging
| 22 rabbits.
Walter, son of Frank Brown,
narrowly escaped being killed oun
Monday morning on the railroad.
Chas. Good pulled him from the
tracks a few seconds bzfore a pas-
senger train passed.
Entertained Bride and Groom.
William Hendrix and wife en-
tertained at supper on Friday even-
ing, a newly married couple, Geo.
Deal and wife ; Emanuel
Hendrix, wife and son Herman, of
Maryland, John Hendrix and wife
and Will Dillenger, wife and son
John of this place, were also pres-
ent. A fine time was had by all.
Where Did you Get Them?
“Niuvety-four and Sews.” “The
Best of the Season,” ete., etc.
Some people say: Oh sugar, I read
that in the Bulletin several days ago

. Lit is un-
derstood will Jota the Mount Joy
branch a few miles west of that bor-
ough, and is an entirely new devel-
opement in the plan of the Pennsyl-
vania rai'road.
On the contrary, as the distance
between the eastern end of the
bridge and the Mount Joy Branch
is only about five miles, with no
special topographical difficulties in
the way of building the short line is
regarded as a means to quickly help
the freight blockade while the other
line across the country, about 30
miles in length, is being constructed.
Death of Bobby Way.
Robert Way, a colored resident
of town about 85 years of age died at
the home of James Way on Sunday
morning at eight o'clock, death re-
sulting from injuries received by
falling down a flight of steps the
Friday evening prior. Deputy Cor-
oner B. 8, Dillinger and his phy-
sician Dr. J. J. Newpher held an
inyestigation on Sunday forenoon.
The verdict was that he came to his
death by injuries received from fal-
ling down a steps, superinducing
apoplexy. The funeral was held
on Tuesday with icterment in the
Lincoln cemetery.
Glad to Get Back
While glancing over the newsy
columns of the Marietta Register,
we noticed the following which is
true as ‘‘guns iron:”
. ¢“At the Columbia opero housc on
Saturday night ‘A Runaway Match’
was played. That same play was
enacted in Mount Joy. several weeks
ago, but they've run backagain.”
There's no place like home.
Should be Re-Patented
The Marietta Register says an
automobile passed through that
town recently and made more noise
than a dozen corn shellers in opera-
_ arl attends
the Reek Point schocl, and
the fessicn two teams Imed up
prepared to fight it out. In asc
mage the lad got under the eru
humanity, and his left leg was br
en at the thigh Dr. F. M. Harr
of Mount Joy dressed the injuries.
ee EB
Dagos, Huns, Yaps,Yahes, Eto
For the represcntation of many
nationalites, Steelton is hard to beat,
Allen Drawbaugh, principal of
the Fothergill School, in that bor.
ough, claims to have more nation-
alites represented in his school than
any other public school in the State,
le has 53 pupils, 48 of whom are
foreigners and 5 Americans, one of
the latter being a negro.
This is the season of the year when the
prudent and careful housewife replenishes
hersupply of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy,
It is certain to be needed before the winter
is over, and results are much more prompt
and satisfactory when it is kept at hand
and given as soon as the cold is contracted
and before it has become settled in the sys—
tem. In almost every instance a severe
cold may be warded off by taking this rem-
edy freely as soon as the first indication of
the cold appears. There is no danger in
giving it to children for it cont: ing
ful substance. It is pleasant to
adults and children like it. Bt
will get thebest. It alwa
sale by J. S. Carmany Flori
Mount Joy druggists.
New Way of Weighing
Wm. Mateer, killed one
large porkers on Monday. He 8%
it was as heayy as the one of last
year, 490, although he did not
weighijit—he guessed its weight

from tho amount of feed it eat.
Better Than a Plaster.
A piece of flannel dampened with Chame
, berlains Pain Balm an bound on the affected
| parts, is better than*a plaster for a lame
: back and for pains in the side or chest.
‘ Pain Balm has no superior as a liniment
for the relief of deep seated, muscular and
‘rheumatic pairs. Forsaleby J. 8. Car-
many Florin Pa. And all Mount Joy drug