o- THE puLET J, E. SCHROLL, - Editor and P SUBSCRIPTION: Fifty Cents Per Annum, atri advance, Bix Months, . . Bingle Copies, . . - Sample Copies ree. Bpecial Rates to Yoarly Advertif Spe a dm— Entered Sept. 3 1902, at Moun 1s second class matter, und of Congress of March 3, 1879. Northwestern Colorado {2 the section selected by the governme a reservoir tn be built under th national irvigation law, Thirty townsnlps along the Platte rive tending from Sterling into the of Nebraska, have been withd irom public entry. According tc the count of an It botanist, P. A. Saccardo, there 173,706 species of plants known i world today. There are 12.178 gaes, 89,603 varieties of fungus, / lichens, 7630 mogzes and 2819 fe Prof. Saccardo calculates that tl are six times as many unkn plants in the world as there known varieties, Tle includes m forms of bacteria in his estimate plants. A French investigator has vecen come to the conclusion that the bra of military men ve out most quid ly, He states that out oi avery 100. military men 19% a 83 lunati Of the liberal professiyns, artists the first to succumb to the brain strai next the lawyers, followed at some di tance by doctors, clergymen, litera men aud civil servauts, Striking ¢ rage of this group, 177 go mad LGO, 000, Investigation has shown that, in a average year, bi aan lives are {os forest fires in the United States 5,000,000 worth of real properly i destroyed, 10,274,683 acres of timber land are burned over, and young foi est growth worih, at the lowest esfi- mate, $75,000,000, is killed. A special eanvass of the country by the depari- ment of agriculture in 1891 discovered 12,000,600 acres of timber land le stroved by fire, ¢ York American remarks any Hitle fellow can call a man a takes a big fellow-—a real » abie 10 pay no attention ic littie fcilow says. It is not that one should tamely ‘ory insult that is offered necessary that one if-sovereignty as a man. There are even wiih the sults you than hy knocking When you knock a man by playing the bully, you i yourself, which is realy | of insult that can do you | nas been travel 18 says the Japanese have a word of salutation which sounds like Ohio. When he was in Yoko hama a fellow countryman was seeing ights from a rickshaw. The Jap- very nolite, and when even an mer them they gave him Of Zreeting, At first Huite certain, but as party "Bowed profoundly and said Ww th J al wn state, and he was a badly puzzled | to | ar Of he became convinced thai | | i | | | | | uttering the name of his Cecidental. Finally on passing of a dozen or more, who were : than usually courteous, and who CO ri couldn't repress ®is astonishment any | kn hin - ; y : cot ‘hie and irom Jefferson county: but hel vociferated the word of welcome, he further. “Yes,” he said. “I am from get on 1a the fact?” | siaf ID. Pierce correcis ip c Monthly many false im He ling Russian institu. con regards the penal sys. |) ©5f sia. individual instances of power have been cited as while they are in fact, rare There is nothing crue) national character or in toe average Russian cfficial Bh ald is true, says Mr. Pierce there hag frequently received military train 2 fi ing, and pursues the course of his duty Son rd the individual entrusted to his | the i that rigid exactitude percaing to the army the world | St. 15 10 the reputation. of the Coror fcionity and cruelty, noth- | made, o> further from the truth | quest in the world is there ! -omith EB ” curine iion of cruelty to child or | sons n act, on ihe part of prince or peas | all of ant, and wnder nwo aristocratic system : i iz1thore a more generous ‘considera- | insu . lar s inferior on the part of the : held.