Becanise Fi ® : \ o of 5S Its component parts are all wholesome. Tt acts gently without unpléasant after-effects It is wholly free from objectionable substances ily laxati am y ala ive It contains the laxative principles of plants It contains the carminative principles of plants, It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste, RR Aflgre pure. AW are-delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. ve. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to ildren. or ladies. >t business mei. safe under all circumstances, millions of families the world over, hest, ‘ou have the as 1 laxative, with physicians, best laxative the world ngee SONS, talk. old ine red-hot breath the be a who da Con under arrest against me, testified as honor fined third brother turned to him Oh. I'm the vou are ovi- ster, I shall of and as 1 cliat couple wn.’ family 1 aays trust, you immer “and 1 Youn keosd a ocked 1p had to pay when { mouth tor fine, and got my the 1spered: man's my nething else jatler iy arm and wh t 1 am the old it vou kick against your next step twenty v2, oui re- ver’: s Cherry ; nre ge one-half 2 r.”’— Emma Jang Cherry Pectoral cures many cases na. t cures bronchitis, | ess, weak lungs, § ng - cough, croup, coughs, night hard colds. ., SL. All druggists. Drage, | . Naver sold fa bulk. eater who tries to sell 1902 pe1- of tha Ia- : t {p ay = “ for Ritraci Clan i ‘ ans ceriain soldi rs who hb ad pri’ 1 also woo may 08 charged with “Advies tree. For the Ww. H. Xia and | kin I turned on | justice { from ! make you understand me. s Ww rite for Special ie, . tichmond, Va. -Birmingham.. Alu ver heard of Her ded trolley car men were carrying between glances at newspapers. The old Tr tpon Some OCCurTe d the his companion ely as he could eport in front of the morning two on a orsation man ncident even setive commenting 1 evidently anc was and his reviously as atte market ‘That of Malaprop;” tieman. _ "Ah replied his companion, look ing up with sudden interest. “Is she a friend of yours? Do 1 know her? Jv a peculiar expression on » the older man glanced at the bland youth as he answered,— ‘No. She's a myth,” Then he undivided attention “to his speech was worthy atd the dignified old gen- gave Y.: 115 “estinghouse’s contract to ¢ ‘tric substations for the London un 13 worth $1,500,000 hoenig's Hamburg Drops, a 1 fier, strength and health restor- a specific for all stomach, ey troubles leads all othe similar med- icines in its wonderful sales and marvelous confidence of the people, especially vast German popu! rar It 1s not a new and untried prodost. buf was made and gold more than s r Reading ! alley passed thiree Lehigh nearly has points. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few voars was supposed to be incurable, ¥ora great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and preseribad local ramedies, and by ra with loeal treatment, pronounced it in- . Seiance has proven Gatarrh to he a utional disease + 1d therefore requires titufional treatment, Hall's Catarrh manufactured hv ¥, J. Cheney & Co., edo, 0.. isthe on'y constitutional cure on tho market. It is taken internally in doses from 10drops to a teaspoonful. It acts direct ly on the b food and mucous surfaces of the aystom. They ofter one hundred dollars for caso it fails to cure. Send for circulars Co Address TF. J. Carney & Toledo, Sold by Oe =a, The. Hall's Family Pills are the best. It costs some ti money than to make it. ry T'S permanently cured, No fits or nervous- | nessaftsrflrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Groat ! NerveRestorer. @2trial bottle g ind treatisefres 031 Arch 8t,. Phila... Pa. Dr. B. H. Kuang. Ltd.. Made Him Understand. "Absent anager the aged yesterday,” said to as he adjusted his glasses, young ms an. ) replied the ‘ illness? start vs, Sir,’ lerk “Y ‘Absent from “No, sir? 3 yh, you're honest, at ally Most men would say they were.” “1 haven't been absent from i arly a year.” haven't?” cd surprised *No, sir. he time.’ ¢ i ‘ rate. ‘You The ‘oid man look some sort.” vou said that yesterday... sterday 1 absent on acCount was tne mat thought and two, mai a minute or Y« u're of words. use them I see. use to Vour articular in Study “Yes, rectiv.” “OF Now, course: and I'm a trifle careless. please .ee if this sentence is cor- ‘Hereafter you will be absent mv dis leas ure.” be absent on account “And because of my ‘Ye-es, sir.” “Quite right. I'm glad that I hav ‘nt command of language The cashi Good-d3 displeasure.’ will pay you your wages. At Saratoga, N. Y., the strike L iohes employes of the Hudson Railroad has been brought to the company granting the dema strikers. Cabmen in Berlin are on ger fifteen hours a d - other their ' Mrs. ! an | his ! Liver and | our illness LC DH GE CHHIGHHHD | (auirory a Jig’ Louisville, Ky. An optimist is 8 man who can forget all the mean things ha knows + about himself It's a ra ther shady {ransaction wien a man has a family tree made to order. Mrs. W insiow’ sSoothing Syrup for childran teething soften tho gums, reduces inflamma- tion allays pain, oures wind. oolie. 35c. abottis You can’t make the head of a family be- lieve that two heads ave better than one creameries use butter color Wi hy do =~ use JUNE N Ali not do as they TER CoroR. Riches may take unto themselves wing but they also get there swith both feet Fiso's sCure| rg isthe best medicine we ever used for all affections of throat and lungs.—War 0. FNDSLEY, Vanburen, ind., Feb. Feb. 10, 1900. The man “whe realizes his own power is news- quip the, the orginality and simplicity of the combination, To get its beneficial effects — buy the genuine, Manufactured by San Francisco, Cal. New York, N. Y. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. the one who also knows his weaknesses. i YRUP ¢ holiday giftaare ho me. should have a good # not give some onan WEBSTER'’S 3 A E.R > | Internaiional Dicti on of ENGLISH, Biography, Deography, Fici The One Great Standard / e Now Edition has 23 illustrations. New pla Let Us Send You FR “A Tastin Pron unclation’ ’ _Affords pleasant and instructive entertain rm rem sy 1&1 IS NOT A CURE-ALL, BUT iT cures RHEUMATISM And all diseases arising from impurities in the Hood, Tt positively twill not injure the digestive organs. Catarrh, Kidney, Liver and Stomach troubles disappear under the powerful blood purifying guatisies of this medicine J TWO BOTTLES CURED R ALzIGH, B N.C, Gentlemen 1-1 take pleasure in bearing testimony to the ciirative properiics of your ** RHEUMACIDE. Two bottles cured my son of a b ad If this will case. be of any benefit to you in advertising your meritorious remedy, you can use it, § Ww WwW. Yours truly, H. RAND, Steward, N. C. Institution for Rlind, All Druggists, $1.00, or expres sage prépaid. Bobbitt Chemical Co., constantly falling to Baitimore, nd., i. 8. A men more effort to spend | Had Done Her Part. thunder good man up to run into the and on one or failed to heed unpi had been told that the voice of “the 3 warning her to avoid the rain, she had and fered Nitty t occasions the warning consequences. She was playing out doors the other mi yrning when there came a clap of distant thunder. She dropped every- thing and scuddled into the house, but the rain failed to come. After waiting till she became impatient she went to the door, looked up at the clouds, alied out,— ‘Ii vou're you do 1t? minutes!” ST. JACOBS OIL POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism Neuralgia Backache Headache Feetache All Bodily Aches AND CONQUERS su Of rain why in here to been going I've ®, TE HH HH TH SO Py casant ! and | don't | ten | Lhe Five-Cent packet i f | ordinary occasion. be Capsicum Vas: HH HOH HO HOHE HF HO CE HO CE HCHO CO - with wipe 3 and B tiers Corpicis feed, cable A.B. a) Ca, York, Ta For four years [ had been troubled with constipatic which brought on pil es was induced {to Tabules. The’ better than | a regulator of believe Ripans an equal, and 1 without them now, f } ! t druggists. : enough for an The family bottle, 60 cents, contains a sunpiv for a vear. Put up in Collapsible Tubes and Su peri jorto M A Substitute for t bl ist ther Dias ter, an 1 the toothache at ache and sciatica. We recommend i ternal counter- , ale ternal remedy for hest g : ach and all rheumatie,neuralgic and gouty com- plaints. A frial will prove what we claim for it, end it will be found to be invaluable in the household. Many peonle say *‘It is the best of all your preparations.” Price 15 cents, at all druggisis, or other deal ers, or by sending this amount t us in postage stamps we will send you a tube by 1 ail, No article should be accepted by the publi e unless the same carries our label, as otharwise it is not genuine. CHESEBROUGH MARNUFACTURING Co, 17 State Street, New York City. NEW DISCOY DROPSY. 22 cases. Book of testimonials and 1g Free. Dr. H. H. GREEN'S 80