bol tel ool ing est za lying e a froken other, 00 to thing. hampion rd “Tor roke it has es- proba— =, beating of 1100 ich Spin- i’ devils walk- light is not ) corry, they 5 unless any py a bird’s evening the he following ill, which was risman’s meet- lilt and Man. via Lancaster e and Salunga, stations. . The “Tucker”, the il, ¢¢Dick,”’. the “Sam,” the Star’s a devil of a gang ip afoot through md snow and. all t happened along ‘do ‘numerous to y say it was not t as an editorial trip d it Work Here. ‘ceipt of a namesake, Bulletin, containing extract of an ordinance Jity’s council is con- s and canvassers for dicals or other publi- published in the city, ons soliciting advertise rinting for newspapers, houses or printing offices ity shall constitute Class 1 pay $10.” - prised Her Brother, orge H. Diehl, nee Mrs. Varner, sister of John this place, arrived in hursday forenoon and re— ith the family of John on East Donegal street; I was accompanid by a > who was made her hus- day and the yisit here was ding trip. They left on for their home in Shrews— rk county, where they will — An Enjoyable Event. Lutz and wife of Harris d Edgar Claude Keerer “of nson Trade School, were very tly entertained by John - M. br and wife at Florin, on sgiving Day at a turkey din-- which they all did ample! and hoped that they might give many more such enjoy-— ante. 4 Who Is Bessie Stevens ? ur reporters are mis—informed ubject and we tell a lie in our columns, why is it that we al- have a brother liar ? Because utting it in the ‘‘elongated od of spelliug,” they often o—pea-why—ocopy. Marriage Licenses. mos R. Gish, of West Donegal Minnie E: Shearer, of East egal. : Ey BULL DECEMBER 3, 1902. THE NEWS FROM FLORIN What Transpired in Our Busy Village Since the Last Issue, Al Fike is painting his house. father’s John Easton shot six rabbits on Monday. David Young of. York, was 1m town on Thursday, Miss Mary Carmany was home over Thanksgiving. Mrs. Ed Gish of Elizabethtown, was lL. ere on Sunday. E. 8. Weaver took 12 Lancaster on Mor day. Mrs. Harry Stoll and son were at Lancaster on Monday. Butcher George Vogel was the sick list several days. Willand Ben Vogel of Strasburg were in town on Sunday. Miss Annie Walters of Columbia was home for several days. horses to on Emlin Buller and wife were ai Elizabethtown ou Thursday. Irvin Kraybill was home from Millersville on Thanksgiving. Harry Dietrich started working at the cotton mill on Moaday. Harry Musselman and family of Berwyn, were home on Sunday. Mrs.J. D. Easton an! Mary Easton, spent Sunday at Enhaut. Harry Vogel and wife of Man- heim, were in our town on Sunday. Daniel Horst and wife of Eliza- bethitown, were in our town Sunday William Shiers killed a porker on Saturday that weighed 230 pounds. Mrs. Harry Flowers and 3 child ren of Rosemont, spent several days in town. Mrs. Johu Kneener, son Claud and Harry Lutz and wife were at Elizabethtown on Friday. Ed Ream, wife and daughter of Geycer’s mill, were the guests of E, 8S. Weaver and family on Monday. Mrs, Lancaster guest of her sister Mrs, Metzroth. W. M, Biemesderfer of Philadel- phia, and Miss Emma Biemesderfer, of Lancaster, ate their Thanksgiv- ing dinner with C. A. Wiley. Amelia Metzroth was at on Thanksgiving the Andrew Henry Young receiyed a present in the shape of a barrel of fine Baldwin apples from Mrs. Young’s brother, S. Miller, at Sunbury. Mrs. John Stambaugh and daugh- ter Annie, of Steelton, and Jacob Shires and wife of town, were the guests of George Shires-and family on Thursday. ; 7 Will Shires killed a hog for Jos. Welly last weck that weighed 325 pounds and on : for Jacob Haldeman that weighed 305. Wm. Abel, Ephraim Heiner and Wm. Widman jr., attended a shoot- ing match at Milton Grove last week and brcught home three fine turkeys. Geo. Vogel, Christ Vogel, J. D, Easton, Samuel Stauffer and Amos Eisherly, were gunning at Indian | Gap, [not buying cows] two days | last week and succeeded 1n bagging 22 rabbits. Walter, son of Frank Brown, na‘rowly escaped being killed on Monday morning on the railroad. Chas. Good pulled him from the efore a pas Entertained Bride and Grogcm. William Hendrix and wife en- tertained at supper on Friday even- ing, a newly married couple, Geo. Deal and wife ; Emanuel Hendrix, wife and son Herman, of Maryland, John Hendrix and wife and Will Dillenger, wife a>dj son John of this place, were alsc [res ent. A fine time was had by Nl 5 tracks a few second senger train passed. 2 Where Did you Get Tif “Nivety-four and Sew, Best of the Season,” [§ Some people say: Oh Suga that in the Bulletin sevey TIN onegal Springs. arry Martin spent Thursday at Hafrrishurg. MN e) An inch and a Jieob Sheaffer was the Cyrus Schroll on Sunday. Harry Shelly and wife parents, Wm. Dubler and wife near Middletown, a visit on Thursday. Amos Gish of near Maytown and Miss Minnie Shearer of this place, were united in marriage on Thanks- giving Day. Supervisor llenry Witmer, of KE. Donegal, has given special atten— tion to the roads in his supervising district this fall. He is to be con- gratulated as the roads were never in a better condition. Ephraim Shearer, residing on one of the Cameron farms, near Done- gal Spriags, has purchased the farm and mill property of the Peter Gish estate, situate on the ridge road be- tween Elizabethtown and Stacks. town, The price paid was $5000. He will take possession next spring. in guest of paid her A New Railroad On Saturday afternoon H. 8. Kerbaugh of Philadelphia, who was recently awarded the contracts for the new work of the Pennsylvania Railroad company, filed a lien of agreement in the prothonotary’s of- fice at Lancaster, t) cover the three secticns of the work embodied in his contracts. Tho first is the stone arch bridge 2000 feet long, across the Susque- hanna at Schock’s mills ; for a new double track. railroad from a connec- tion with the Northern Central at Wago siding in York county to the west end of the proposed bridge, and to build a two track railroad from the east end of the bridge to connect with the Harrisbarg, Ports- mouth, Mount Joy and Lancaster railroad. The last proposed roa l it, is un- derstood will join the Mount .Joy branch a few miles west of that bor- ough, and is an entirely new devel- opemeut in the plan of the Pennsyl- vania railroad. On the contrary, as the distance between the eastern end of the bridge and the Mount Joy Branch is only about five miles, with no special topographical difficulties in the way of building the short line is regarded as a means to quickly help the freight blockade while the other line across the country, about 30 miles in length, is being constructed. wa Death of Bobby Way. Robert Way, a colored resident of town about 85 years of age,died at the home of James Way on Sunday morning at eight olclock, death re- sulting from injeries received by falling down a flight. of steps the Friday evening prior. Deputy Cor- oer B. S. Dillinger and his phy- sician Dr. J. J. Newpher held an inyestigation on Sunday forenoon. The verdict was that he came to his death by injuries received from fal- ling down a steps, superinducing apoplexy. The funeral was held on Tuesday with interment in the Lincoln cemetery. Se Glad to Get Back While glancing over the newsy columns of the Marietta Register, we noticed the following which is trae as ‘‘guns iron:” «At the Columbia opero housc on Saturday night ‘A Runaway Match’ was played. That same play was enacted in Mount Joy several weeks ago, bui they've run backagain™ There’s no place like ‘home. Should be Re-Patented The Marietta Register says an automobile passed” through that town recently and made more than a dozen corn shellars in opera. tion. evening, noise - “ . 0 CENTS A YEAR | OF GENERAL INTEREST Many Interesting Local Notes From all Over the County. The revival united Brethren church, Salem Silver in of are still in progress, services | | Spring, John Spangler sold to John 8. | Kepperling, two lots cf ground in | Salunga; consideration, $1,200, | H. F. Ruhl, a Manheim druggist [ won $50 the second prize ina contest : forthe best writton advertisement of i Printers fuk, an advertising journal published in New York City. Foct ball toa farmer is like the throwing of several bushels of corn on the ears amidst a drove of 22 hogs and watching the porkers goin for the feed. J. L. Book has sold his mill prop. erty, on the Marietta and Mount Joy turnpike, to a Mr. Gish, of Franklin county, on private terms. Possession will not be viven for an- other year, Rural mail routes will compel the making of better high-ways. The government has not sentimental feelings on this subject and simply gives the alternative of fixing doars or losing the service, John L. Sullivan, former cham! pion heavyweight prize-tighter of the world, filed a petition in bank- raptey in the United States District Court. He said his liabilities were $2,657 and his assets as $60 worth of wearing apparel. Quite a number of farmers in the vicinity of Marietta have already sold their tobacco on the poles. The prices so far, with but a very few exceptions, were 8 and 2 cents per pound. The crop is curing nicely acd will soon be ready for stripping. rhs A Foot Ball Victim. Earl Shelly, ten years old, a son of Elias Shelly, tenant on the fara of Heury S. Rich, a half-mile north of Marietta, was painfully injured while playirg foot ball on Friday Earl attends school at the Reek Point schocl, and after the sessicn two teams hned up and prepared to fight it out. In a scrim- mage the lad got under the crush of humanity, and his left leg was brok- en at the thigh. - Dr. F. M. Harry of Mount Joy dressed the injuries. Dagos, Huns, Yaps,Yahos, Etc For the representation of many nationalites, Steelton is hard to beat. Allen Drawbaugh, principal of the Fothergill School, in that bor- ough, claims to have more nation alites represented in his school than any other public schou! in the State. He has 53 pupils, 48 of whom are foreigners and 5 Americans, one of the latter being a negro. This is the season of the year when the prudent and careful housewife replenishes her supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, It is certain to be needed before the winter is over, and results are much more prompt and satisfactory when it is kept at hand and given-as soon as the cold is contracted and before it has become settled in the sys- tem. Inalmost every instance a severe cold may be warded off by taking this rem- edy freely as soon as the first indication of the cold appears. There is no danger in giving it to children for it cont: insno harm ful substance. It is pleasant to take—both adults and children like it. Buyit and you will get thebest. It always cures. For sale by J. S. Carmany Florin Pa. Aud all Mount Joy druggists. New Way of Weighing Hogs. Wm. Mateer, killed one ' of his large porkers on Monday. He says it was as heayy as the one of last year,. 490, although he did not weigh it—he guessed its weight ‘from the amount of feed it eat. ! # = ‘Better Than a Plaster. . A piece of flannel dampened with Cham— berlains Pain Balm an bound on the affected parts, is better than a_plaster for a lame : back and for pains in the side or chest. ! Pain Balm bas uo superior as a liniment | for the relief of deop seated, muscular and ‘rheumatic pairs. ¥orsaleby J. 8. Car , many Florin Pa. And all Mount Joy dru gists.