OW Elizabethtown. JooJocfeofodosferfesfonfecfocforde TS will find ol oe ob op J og an you S aas PENNA. IIR Ds yn hand itc. laterial. come by educating the ma 2 er standards of righteousnes: puren- come by changes in our laws that will effectively prevent undue accu- mulation and divert native energy to things worth while; or it may come in some way of which we have not thought. If the republic is to en- dure and if all the promise of history is not to be crushed by a strange re- turn to force and tyranny, the reign of justice must come and every pos- sible manner of its coming reduces to the same ultimatum-—the work of strong men. God give us men! demands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands. Men whom the lust of office does not kill; Men whom the spoils of office can- not buy, Men who possess opinions and a will, Men who have honor, men who will not lie; who can stand before a dema- gogue And damn his treacherous flatter- ies without winking! Tall men who live above the fog, In public dutyand in private think- ing. while the rabble thumbworn creeds Their large professions and their little deeds Mingle in selfish strife weeps, Wrong rules the land, and waiting Justice sleeps. When petty party principles are put aside and leaders of this descrip- tion are placed in office, men will be raised above the plane of asking, like Judas Iscariot—‘‘How much will you give?” . The world will realize its dream of united continents and the roaring sounds of the interven- ing oceans will echo in harmony with the songs of redeemed humanity in thanks to God that Justice reigns supreme. A time like this Men For with their lo! Freedom The Marble. Waiteth. (Continued from page 1) become. This aim they struggled for all their years, finally accomplish- ing the great result. But definite- ness of this kind is not the most im- portant thing in relation to the ideals that are to influence our careers. The most determined nature is often de- flected from its aims, but the man who ig governed by ideals of indus- try, of honor, of courage, of high at- tainment in whatever he undertakes, will find his place wherever duty calls and the world will be the better for his having stepped into it for awhile and done his part bravely. Into a studio was brought a large block of Parian marble. There was nothing unusual in its appearance. It stood there many days. The workmen passed to and fro, some laid their tools upon it, others sat on it, but none of them ever realized the possibilities of beauty it contain- ed. One day John Flaxman came in- to the studio: after a stay of a few hours, behold there stood forth his celebrated statue ‘“The Archangel Michael Vanquishing Satan.”” Why? Study his life, and you will find that through a long period of toil and 'pre- paration, the mind was trained and the hand was skiled to bring forth such a splendid work of art. - So, for each man “The Marble Waiteth™™a An undevloped world lies all around us. It awaits the cultured mind and the skilled hand. Second class men are a drug in a market: Mit is in everyfiiaagio bo first-¢ B- thing T ° lv LA Ask your Pruggist for CIII-CIITIS- aA DIAMOND BRAND PILLS i 1 13 GoLp mctallic boxes Ribbon. TAEE NO oT1 Drugeist and nak for DIAMOND BRARD PILL years regarded - Best, Sate: <, Always SOLD BY ALL DRUSKIST! snk EYERYW HE ER Ean THE Best of Everything POULTRY Poultry Yard USE KOW KURE The Great Cow Medicine. Dairy- men say that it has no equal. BEE HIVES B Supplies Sprecher & Ganss OF ALI KINDS LANCASTER, PA. Png ol CULE HE i R, in tive oh an. 31 'K. King St. Ifen and Women Wanted The Government Pays Railway Mail Clerks $800 to $1,200, and Other Employes up to $2,500 Annually. \ EN Uncle Sam will hold examinations throughout the country for Railway Mail Clerks, Custom House Clerks, Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Depart- mental Clerks and other Government Positions. Thousands of appoint- ments will be made. Any man or woman over 18, in City or Country can ge Shodruction and free informa- tion ting at once to the Bureau of Ins®uction, 622 Hamlin Building, Rochester, N. Y. Wanted! 50 Operators to Handkerchiefs at their homes. cut and trim RRMANN AUK- AM & COQ, [ INDUSTRIAL F dered Proy oy *The roes Forth to War; Inyo! I". G. Bossert; Anthem, Reigns,” A. Bierly, Choir: Reading, Psalter, 8th Reading, 83, Rev. R. C. Rengier; Hymn, Cross,” J. B. Water- tev. G. W. Getz; La- dies’ Chorus, “I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes,” C. F. Noyes; Scripture Les: The Young Ruler’s Question and Its Answer, Rev. W. H. Egge; Offering; Hymn, “The Sure Reward,” J. G. Whittier; Sermon, “The Power of Consecrated Individuality,” Rev. J E. Deacon; Closing Hymn, ‘“True- Hearted, Whole-Hearted,” R. Havergal; Benediction, B. Rittgers.. vein Respon- sive Page ‘‘Soldiers of the bury; Prayer, son, Francis Rev. J. etl Gp BO $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there ig at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall’s -Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Ca- tarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s catarrh cure is taken internal- ly, acting directly upon the blood, and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the consti- tution and assisting nature, in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address J..CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills stipation. smn est) Gee for con- Town East Peters- years held a Pittsburg and Welcome to Our Phares L. Landis of burg, who for seven telegrapher’s job at several years ago entertained the Baltimore College Dentistry, graduated first in rank in his class of 78 member’s and won a gold medal. He will locate here. rel QQ rerren of was Tendered a Reception Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller, were recently married, were tendered a reception at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Miller, near Lancaster Junction on Sunday. There were about fifty guests ent. who pres- ——— Lost—At Mount Joy on Memorial Day, a hunting case gold watch with initials C. E. W. on fob. Reward for return to Central Meat Market, Elizabethtown. It, md h physics react, weaken the ause chronic constipation. lets operate eas tol i boy 1)04g Wh i ’ 7 p:dce to buy trees is at the Mt. All Kinds of Trees California Privet That Nice Hedging For Ar- ound Your Yard, Very Cheap. * %* * ¥ =» W. S. Kra Bell Phone. MOUNT JOY, PA. Joy Nurseries WANTED! All Kinds Raw Furs prices paid for Highest Cash of raw furs such as skunk, fox, ete. to get pri- The all kinds muskrat, It will be ces before cpossum, mink, to your interest selling. H. H. HEISER Mill P. O. Garber’s Salunga, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Bstate of Mary Brubaker late of East Donegal Township, Lancaster County, Pa., deceased. Letters of Administration d. b. n. c¢. t. a., persons indebted thereto requested to immediate and those claims against will for set- resid- make payment, having or demands the same present them without delay tlement to the undersigned, at Florin, Pa. LIZZIE BRUBAKER, Administrator, d. b. n. ec. t. a. Harnish & Harnish, Attys. are ing C. S. MUSSER. THE BAKER and Cakes Delivered fown daily Fresh Doughnuts, Crullers and Dewey Buns every Wednesday & Thursday. Funerals, Weddings and Suppers given prompt attention Store & Bakery, V, Mount Jd Store _g Bread through Fresh Branch Do you kd SO Where sandwic Tripe, Oysters in Ev Soups, Etc., Etc., are sg * %® k %k Xx BAR IS STOCKED WITH THE OF BEER, WINES, LIQUO Good Stabling Accom TEAMS TO HIRE Local and Long Digtang By Spraying Them With Scalecide We have scalecide for sale in any quantity or we will spray all your fruit trees with our new Spraycr at a Will very reasonable price. guarantee good results. M. 1. Greider &Co. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. FRENCH FEMAL MADAME DEAS BAL T'S A Save, CrTAIN RELIEY for SUPPRESSED MENSTRUA: NEVER KNOWN TO FAH. Safe! Sure! Speedy ! § faction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. Sent p, for $1.00 per box, - Will send them on trial, to be when relieved. Samples Free. If your druggist d § have them send your orders to the @ UNITED MEDICAL CO., BOX 74, Lane cs q : vd