lc to 8 apart on the row. bbage, corn, and in with this attachment This simple and tobacco is growers. 1. Ss last year, ultivator and the hoe- | to come and examine | although | Other | Court 1... 5A ionials ! hreary 14, 1902 that gave | leased 10 say oy ast spring done this more the work is not hard with > quicker and in proper time it | be used the | needs cultivation, r one like it. Fur-; e, ag itis a great 1. HABECKER. | 1 to | ruary 10, 1902 Cultivator of you claimed for it. lt and destroyed the would not begin to | work my corn | attachment u 0 RCing oN 'ARMER. | | ruary 18, 1902 i I sl 1S | the cultivator f the Universal C. EBERSOLE. ment dg THE SPRING HOUSE CLEANER veplinger & Co., furniture in Judges 'room..$ Art Metal Con- struction Co., files and counter for Controlier’s office Keplinger & Co., furniture for Controller's office Stiffel & man, safe Keplinger & Co., furniture for Commissioners’ office J. B. Martif & Co., awnings... 282 20 21 Sent emmsmnpn $ 58206 ALDERMEN AND JUSTICES. Discharged Cases-- 1.7 A. Rauch...$ Jacob Halbach Jeremiah Rife. A. K. Sourrier G. B. Bressler. David L. Deen C.W.Cummings J. B. XKreckel., Adam Dellet... George Lutz... CoH. Stover... Geo, lL. Lyle... Muagistrg 82 75 610 35 40 35 Free- 85 ; $ 6,851 96 Cases-— + Rauch. yh Halbach J miah Rife. . K. Spurrier I3. Bressler. avid L. Deen CW. Cummings: J. B. Kreckel.. Adam Dellet... George Lut C."H. Stover... Gece. 1. Lyle... OtherMagistrates 333 55 meee 1,969 83 d | | 299.3 192 258 114 228 i Telephone rental Services— Anna Butcher, hauling cleaning H. 'N. spiinkling Ezra IF. Bow- man’s Sons, at- tending clock 37 50 8,821 79 i 9,741 36 COURT EXPENSES. Clerk of Quarter Sessions— C. M. Strine...$§ 2078 BRIDGES, New bridges........... vied Repairs .e | | 3,133 00 5,293 69 —$ 8,42 5 69 | In changing the arrangement of a room often feels the desire for a piece of Furniture that she knows will add much to the appearance of the rooiv. ‘The desire ill; become an actuality if she comes here and sees how Furniture—Furniture eally Good as the Best and as Auditor of count cers’ accounts... Mizcellaneous ; ET -$ 13,662 19 ROADS AND STREETS, Street damages. Safe Road damages Cost of road views 2,510 00 Sheep damages 134 24 SALARIES. Cotnmissigners— Jucob M.Hender- son.balance fof 1900 Pavid EE. ] balance M. Li} er, balande for 1¢0) Jacob M. Hender- son, 1401 David RE, 1901 AM... L. 1 486 ¢ lewis 1901 ee ms =$ 4.922 90 Solicitors and Clerks— A. B. Hassler, County Solici- tor... N. . County tor... You - L Do Wagons of the above type, built at g J AT CELE hat more do you want? er we can make you Tires right 1 a By { Court ! Court ! Election ! Charitable Institutions. Dr. amount received by uref Cr. To amount paid Asses- sors plies Aldermen bles Bridges ” Constables “re Copying and Comparing Coroner's Inquests....... House Expen: Exp [Forest Fire ! Incorrigibles .. » loans and Inte Noxious Animals.. Pablic Offices......... Roads and Streets... Soldiers’ Burials... Sheep Damages Salaries iscellaneour 4.194 23 125,980 92 —— a $358.258 B56 Jalance in treasury.......... eee $ 28,528 17 A. B. HASSLER, being duly sworn. says that the foregoinz account is true and correct as he verily believes. A. B. HASST ER, County Controller. Sworn and subscribed before me this 29th day of January, 1902. JOHN B. MILLER, Deputy Prothonotary. ‘THIS STYLE? IKE