nce copal Rev, Bsist the the con- <4v. Gollie is and singer fcessful in re- very cordis'- these - sity. , superyisor of ownship, has a growing in his one foot in di- and two feet divides into two a poplar and This indicates cies are of the or > a Hog Pen. ear-old son of Eph- his place, was play- of the hogpen, when p11 to the ground, a ut ten feet, breaking he elbow. The acci- last Tuesday evening dark. Dr. F. M. Harry reduced the fracture. deled a Mansion, reiner. the progressive Mount Joy, assisted by finished remodeling a ed as a summer resort Horn, of Philadelphia, s north of town. The pw presents a fine appear- s tenanted by Jacob Leed- Fine Lot of Pears. ker, S. 8. Gingrieh, has ected bis crop of pears, of hes variety, which are the ve have seen this season. e small tree he picked one many of which weigh four- hces. ee eee A Crack Shot. irginia Myers, daughter of yers of near town, proved is a crack shot with a rifle last week, when she killed Une on her father’s ponds at be of sixty yards. lk on sink on [ tenanted On a hedge ng and now n Saturday re- for the G. 1. C. h 13, hell, a P. R. R. t several days in with his family, t has leased the base- H. Engle’s furniture nd is doing shue repair- ill do well by going to . Greiner for all kinds of as he has them constantly d. ne Annual Conference of the ted Brethren church, will con- ne in the Salem church, Lebanon, October 8. Rev. J. W, Kauffman of Leba- non Valley College, will preach in the U. B. church on Sunday morn- ing and evening. At a ‘meeting of the official board of the United Brethren church, on Friday evening, all the church offi- cers were re—clected. Real estate agent C. H. Zeller sold for M. S.-Bowman, his prop- erty on Marietta street, to Aaron Seachrist, on private terms. The Ladies’ Mite Society of St. ‘ark U. B. church postponed the syster supper in the Mourt Joy Hall, until October 10 and 11. George Fach was unanimously re-electeC Superintendent of the Mount Joy Cemetery for the 12th year by the Board of Managers. Last Friday as Bube’s beer team started for Columbia, 1t had a breakdown while crossing the tracks of the P. R. R. at Brandt’s mill A slight fire occurred at Brown Bros. cotton mill on Monday after— noon but the flames were exting- uished before much damage was effected. Harry Peopples, the young elect- rician of this place, was busily en- gaged at Elzabethtown the past few days changing phones and put- ting in bells. The degree team of Lady Frank- lin Council, No. 85, Daughters of Liberty, of Lancaster, visited the Council in this place and initiated a class, last week. A certain Mount Joyian was at the Lancaster Junction one day last week and he took such a liking to thirst-quencher that he had the rheumatism (?) for two days. The United Brethren Sunday School Association re-elected the same officers as last year except Sec., Geo. Ebersole was elected and Mrs. P- Hawthorne and J. Childs, li- brarians, Al Mooney, who recently re- turned to this place after three years’ service in the Philippines, re- enlisted last week and is now with Company B, 12th Regiment, which is stationed at Fort Douglas, Utah. David B. Sumpman and Miss Mary Elizabeth Pinkerton, both of this place, were united in marriage by Rev. W. Penn Barr, at the Luth eran parsonage, on Sunday at 12 30 p- m. They were accompanied by Amazon Bruce Myers and Miss Bes- sie L, Cunningham. J BU [DNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1902. LLETIN a ———————— wi 50 CE Sale of Real Estate. an H. Myers sold to Dr, S. ¢, part of a lot of ground, in Joy Borough; consideration, nry M. Biemesderfer of Colum- , sold at private sale his farm, in ipho township, one mile west of porting Hill, containing 91 acres, 0 Mr, Christian Longenecker fcr $12,000. Auct. C. H. Zeller, of Mt. Joy offered at public sale on Saturday for Justice J. Hay Brown, seventy acres of chestnut timber land at Liberty Square. The tract was bought by A. L. Herr, of Collins, for $30 per acre, : Auctioneer 8. G. Summy, of Man- heim, on Wednesday sold at Public sale, for Jacob W. Snyder, a teact of 8 acres and 58 perches of timber land, in Rapho township, near Old Line, to Henry B. Becker, of Rapho township fcr $130.50. The Sheriff on Saturday afternoon sold a tract of land in Mount Joy township, containing 47 acres, on which are erected a two-story dwell. ing house and frame bank barn, seized as the property of Andrew C. Good, J. S- Hackman, terre tenant, to H. A, Garman, for $100. ams ll ecnais—. In Mount Joy Hall. The La Clair & Beecher Big Stock company will produce on its last night [tonight] in the Mount Joy hall, the military drama, North and South, The company is a large one and has given good satisfaction to large houses on Monday and Tuesday evening. They will give a ten cent matinee this afternoon with an entire change of program. Rarely has the public been afford- ed the opportunity to witness such an array of talent in any one com- pany heretofore. Prices 10, 20, 30 Rheems School Dedicated. The dedication of the new public school house at Rheems’ took place Saturday afternoon and was attended with interesting exercises. The programme included recitations, music and addresses by State Super- intendent N. C. Shaeffer and County Superintendent M. J. Brecht. A large flag presented by the residents of the town was unfurled from the flag pole. a caine Chance to Get a Couch. E. C. Hertzler, the east end mer- chant at Mount (97, 18 giving a ticket bearing a number with every twentyfive cent purchase made at his store: The couch is a fine one and can be seen in the window. It will be chanced off December 20, 1902, Here is a chance to get a couch for nothing, should you hold the lucky number. “> Death of a Young Man. Charles Stacks, a well known young druggist of Steelton, former ly a resident of this place, died at the former place last Tuesday after- noon, after a lingering illness of consumption, aged 30 years. The funeral was held here on Thursday afternoon and was very largely ate tended. ——————— Fall and Winter Goods. H. E. Ebersole, the west end merchant at Mount Joy, on Monday received an immense stock for his store which can be seen by calling. Stock larger and finer than ever. Read his ad elsewhere and he will tell you all about it. Another Free Mail Route. The Postoflice Department Washington has given notice that a rural free mail delivery route would be established on November 1 {which will be supplied from Rheems. — ee. Apple Trees For Sale. A lot of prime apple trees, ready for fall planting, are for sale at! wholesale prices at Baker's coal yard, Mount Joy. The varietes are York Imperial, Smith’s Cicer and Smokehouse, at OF GENERAL INTEREST Many Interesting Local Notes From all Over the County. Corn husking has begun. Marietta wagons are nc w hauling coal from Mount Joy. A marriage lic: nse was granted to Benjamin M. Flory, of Penn and Mary B. Snavely, of Rapho. David B. Forney, Jr., and Lizzie G. Brubaker, both of Mount Joy ownship were granted a marriage } The rural route to be started from Marietta November 1st, will take in Maytown, Ramsey’s blacksmith shop and Rowenna. Wood cut among the rocks and hills of York county, far away from a wagon road, sells for $2.50 per cord. Six months ago it sold for $1.00. There’s many an advertising me- dium that goes into every house; but dues every one in the house read it after it arrives? —They do the Bulletin, While working at Campbell's planing mill, Marietta, on Friday Fredeiick Shultz, of Mount Joy, had his left hand caught in a jointer and four fingers were badly mangled. The Marietta Hollow-Ware and Enameling Ccmpany have settled all differences with their men and the strike of the past four months is over and work will resume on Mon- day. ————— The News of Newtown. How mortals would like-to hear the music of the coal chute. The Citizen’s Band of this place held a festival on Saturday evening. Mrs. Chas. Witmer and family, were visiting at Jchn Witmer’s on Saturday. Mrs, Rufus Hipple spent Thurs- day with her daughter, Mrs. Clar- ence Groff of Lancaster. The Quarterly Conference of the United Brethren Church was held at this place on Saturday and Sunday. B. M. Metzler of Mt. Joy placed an iron pump in D. R. Frysinger’s well on Wednesday, the first of its kind in town. A man mn this town skinned his nose while asleep the other night and did not know it until the next morning, when he immediately cut his finger nails shorter. anitorsimael eres East Donegal Items Mrs, Harry Beates was pleased to entertain her two sisters from Oberlin, last week. Whooping cough through East Donegal. gre3se is in demand. Jacob Goss is the first person in this section to report that his corn is all cut and shocked. Tobacco is all housed by this time; the last was put away on Thursday in this section. Last week Benj. Troutwine raised his potatoes. The yield was about two hundred and fifty bushels, Louis Hartman who has been spending the past few weeks with Daniel Musser, has returned to his home at Royersford, near Philadel- phia, where he will work at his trade, that of saddlering. Other Mount Joy Locals. Florin will play the G. I. C. Club at Mount Joy on Saturday Bat- teries ; Hollenbaugh, Baker and Fellenbaum ; Ebersole and Kramer. Some school boy threw a stone through one of the windows in the basement of the hall on Tuesday after school. nr Please Rub His Head. Talk about ideas, why the people in this town are brimful of them and good ones, too. The latest is. Instead of removing the sand under a crossing stone so that the water can pass off, the stone was ‘raised four inches, now being higher than the curb. It will soon be an over- is prevalent Gosse head bridge we reckon, Milton Grove. “The melancholy days have come, the saddest of the year.” We were very much in need of the rain we had last week. Some of the town people are mak- ing desperate efforts to get coal. E. F. Grosh made a business trip to Rheems and Mount Joy Monday. John Wittle and family, of May- town, visited the former's parents The Sunday school held mm the Evangelical church at Milton Crove closed on Sunday. It was reported that Ervin Shiffer was geen in the yicinity of Man- heim on Saturday. Will Hollowbush and mother, of Mount Joy, visited friends in town Wednesday. Mrs. Samuel Groff, of this place, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs, Peter Stern, Wednesday. The German Baptists will hold their annual children’s meeting at Stern’s meeting house on Sunday. Mrs. Peter Snavely and son Ralph of Elizabethtown, spent Tuesday pleasantly in the family of IF. B, Grosh. Miss Carrie Carter, of Manheim, is making her home with Mine Host at the present. Miss Lizzie and Mamie Hershey and Elizabeth Eby, after sojourning in town for a few days, left for home Tuesday. Abe Young, of near this place, was united in marriage to Miss Zea- ger at the home of the bride’s par- ents Thursday. Dr. W. B. Thome accompanied his son Winfield Thome, to Balti- more, where the latter is again at- tending medical college. The young people of Milton Grove have decided to organize a Young People’s Christian meeting or. Sunday evening at,the Evangeli- cal church. We have two young students in town, one formely from Elizabeth- town college, and the other from Baltimore medical college. They now meet weekly, we think, for educational purposes, Landisville Gleanings The Minnich Machine Works have been comelled to lay off nearly all their cmployes on account of being unable to get the material with which to manufacture their presses, Jacob Fulmer moved from the Peter Hershey property into widow Hershey’s house and Harry Swarr moved from the Christian Sworthley property into the house vacated by Mr. Falmer, last week, A. B. Hambright, middle track operator at the P. P. R. tower is off duty two weeks and together with his wife and child have gone to Lebanon where they will attend the Annual Conference of United Brcth- ren Church. While gone they will also visit friends at Myerstown, Annville and Palmyra. Operato Fred Minnich of this place will fi the vacancy at the tower. a. Donegal Springs H. B Nissley’s peach crop about over. Jacob Zook paid nis brot yisit on Sunday. Sarah A, Schroll has a sun stalk that has 21 flowers. Rev. McAllister and wj Maine, paid a virit te the last week. A. C. Rutherford sh bushels of potatoes to on Monday. KE. F. Ruhl and friend Martin and friend visited parents on Sunday, Samuel Barnhart arr Donegal home on Suny absence of over a mg David and Harvey Deodate, were the gj uncle, Cyrus Schrol RHEE I'hree cars 0 ceived here las Jacob Killian Leander Groff’s s® A few more des) arrived last week an in position. Heck & Brandt, res the well at the wareho week’s lay off. Clayton Garman found new shoes while returning other evening. B. F. Groff of Elizabet will furnish the lumber for Enterline’s double house. John Smith received a quarte 3 ton of iron for the manufacture the famous J. C. wagon jacks. Pierce & Lehman, wholesale 1 tobacco dealers, loaded a carload seedleaf at the warehouse last J day. _ Mrs. Jacob Erb, who had collar bone broken a few weeke in a driving accident, is grag improving. Leander Groff received th tract to furnish stone for the walls of the large houses erected by Mrs. Gish an Doede in Elizabethtown. While driving in a trot on one evening last week were thrown out of the y the arch at this place, b with a team ahead. B were damaged. The new school h place was dedicated o ternoon. Very appj cises were discoursed of the school. Se speakers were prese large number of pq Another Ga This is beginni song of the Florj but at any rate j fault. The ga played on Satu town, we don’ played. O when the su the managen town Wong they would wet, We but it will are anxio game and by Blou; Epler an these w, ance a If thes ing F happ ‘“rea be f pa sh