Lbs ete co - rent ets cnscans tll “THE NEW STORE! > vo. i Tus Stns? JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF Lace, Insertions, Cinghams, Ladies’ and - Cents’ Hose and Underwear ip We Keep a Full Line of Fresh Croceries ar Also Dried Beef, Bologna, Boiled Ham ES §, MARKERS, &c | All Orders Promptly Attended to. Thanking you for past favors and hoping | § inting Office to have a continuance: of the same, I Am Respectfully, \ Ch W. H. SCEUTTE p OPI THE . PROGRESSIVE . DENTAL . PARLORS ou w oolworth Buildine, I.ancaster; Pa. me Florin, Pa. ? NEAT CEEBEAP DURABLE w i | He is prepared to do all kinds of work R yr 3 Teeth, 5 4.00 What more do you want? If you don’t fancy the above build, please oY [J Wagons of the above type, built at our wor s, possess three qualities : remember we can make you any style known to the trade. We ad- | done in a Suddler Shop [BE = () Eg ra ST p a x i 1 woul pp iN, PA. REPAIRING A S ECIALTY TP : Teeth, S 4.00 just all Rubbc r Tires right here in Florin. Give us a call if you want New Work Neatly Done and Guaranteed 0 somethirg Easy Riding, Easy Running and Easy Paid. ; | b yx 2 ) § m g N & epair Shop t Give him a Trial and be Convinced that you i - ] : } . : Waa: the public that I have opened | op ill find things just as they are recommended | j Painless Extraction FREE f YOUNG BRO tla iuShop in the basement of Lm FL ’ a S : i . . Engle’s Furniture Wareooms| A NEW “i, All Work Guaranteed 10 Years. West Main St., Mount Joy PAPER-HANGING PROCESS! || 7 5 Full Sets That Fit 84. FLORIN, PENNA. where I am prepared to do coling of every GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION J J ’S en —— - deseription at reasonable rates I. TiS) —— - EC —————— | Lwish to state to the public that I am prepared to bry 7 SE: \ ) YR YAY ZA ARR ADIN AR ~ Men's Shoes Hulf Soled and Heeled for 65 s¢ paper walls with whitewashed, kalsomined or ala- i (TIAL i 2 Geld Crows 82.50. p= EEL? ENR ENC Sipe Saige Say CCR AR Sewed on for 75 cents | bastine surfaces. Always carry a full line of All ’ LLL Zi 7 yy y we ™ Grades of Sample ili 1 i bord a ‘ ~ RN ER rules af SonpliiFor callings sides and bupg oe, - dl Roonts 224 and 226 Open Evenings| & Up- -To-Date Dental Work at Moderate Prices \ ester city. | Ladies’ Shoes Half Soled and Heeled for 45¢ | all at the same price. All Work Guaranteed. i Sewed on for 55 cents |a sample of my work call on I, H. Myers, Florin. — - — - re—— — Q : _. | This is entirely a new process, the work being done : : v A z 1 \ T T x. Girls’ and Boys’ Shoes According to Size without scraping the walls. Full particulars and 1 £2 DR. S EYES. DEN IS I £ 5 A Trial Job Solicited estimates cheerfully furnished by nN red ce m ed B | C C 8 S Sail > of “A, g inn Harry Sheattor WH. WIDWAN, Jr y f to be that i.” rte ne | qi ia Ag at new. : OH VER ol. YES OH YES ET TOBIN . a Slightly used, as good as new, high grade tled b; et 30 much cred If you are going to have a real estite or per- AA AAA Arana sane 2 £& makes, 1901 models, some other models, foolish men who sonal property sale consult CH mn RR y | A as Low as $6.00. A 111 I | — > Ee 'H. H. MORTON, Auctioneer (‘ermany’s 150,000 | MOUNT JOY, FERNS, BOOK STORE | 2 “ ’ : Ne. 64 XN. Queen Ste, Lancaster, Penna. | Special attention given to calling sales of every de- mpelfing the teagh Whitin French Org: ndie. i h & =3 mim iE as LE Don't Forget, Wienis org Stopat 9! g : “A ARR 1 oAS 2 Fine Filling aE idge W ok Se OW ANG £ oO ¢lleged to be incom- | scription, Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaran- ation. fi- Wesley EI, | : Reichstag will be | teed Telephone La Pierre Ifouse, Mount Joy, Pa. Nissle are , oe sentenced Tul Pf | 3 rs is de 10 i yo” (rc ~. The Dl Established Pawnbrokers and Jewelers. Ind. Phone 13384. i Painless Extraction. Ss {8 Ne as received “wm == RK Cx KH, Lh 24 Gas or litalized Air Administered Artistic Artificial Teeth ar; ¢ $ 3 ‘ istic Artificial Teeth. oir 20 N. Queen Sree, Lancaster, | Penna. 2] ABOVE GANSMAN'S CLOTHING STORE A A K T H F SPRIN G an rg ee Wagons For Milkmen, Bakers, Merchants, constructed in a first-class manner by experi- ” H O | be F 5 » enced and capable mechanics under the direction of a manufacturer who lets RV the work speak for its worth, it guarantees every product of ay | | CLEANER 2 8 oi avg In changing the arrangement of a room often feels the re RT TTS ” LX IN SEP a, i desire for a piece of Furniture that she knows will add 3 ES OD Sesiathe | ie much to the appcarance of the roorr. The desire will MARIE A CARRIAGE WOR He TT KS gest vari- | ool | NS become an actuality if she comes here and sees how The same care exercised in repairing as manijacturing. Contracts made with- |