Ea OSEPH LEVI W. G. GREENEWALD THE, PHILADELPHIA BRANCH STORE 2 #& 244 LOCUST STREET COLUMBIA, PENNA Up-to-Date Clothing] Furnishings and. Hats Desirable Property tiene AT] een PRIVATE SALE! The undersigned offers his dw ling with improvements at No. 26 West Main Street; Mount Juyy Pa., at private sale. The im- provements are a Large 214 Story Frame® jes DWELLING which was lately remodeled and has all modern conveniences, contains eight spa- cious rooms and has a good pavement front- ing on Main Street. Large Lawn and A GOOD STABLE. Any person wishing to buy shouid not fail to call and see the prop: erty as this 1s a rare opportunity, The un~ dersigned is going to build and when com- pleted will occupy same, this being his only reason for selling the aforesaid property. Cc. NN GERBER, MOUNT JOY, PA Pe OLITICAL ! Primary, Saturday, March 15th, '02 FOR STATE SENATOR. Northern District For Re-nomination J. A. STOBER, of Schoeneck, West Calico Township Subject to Republican Rules. YOR THE LEGISLATURE. Northern District W. SNADER, of New Holland Borough. Subject to Republican Rules. A. FOR THE LEGISLATURE Northern District CHRISTIAN BAER, Manheim Borough Subject to Bepuiiienn 4 Rules. Pree FOR THE LEGISLATURE Northern District EDWARD M, WALLACE of East Eart Township Subject to Republican Rules. FOR THE ASSEMBLY. Northern District DR. ILE BLOUGH, of Elizabethtown Borough. Subject to Republican Rules. FOR THE ASSEMBLY. Northern District D, W.GRAYBILL, qf East Petersbury. Subject to Republican Rules. ALANA A MA AAAAAAAAAAAAAANA VA AAS HERR’S BOOK STO. RI Commercial Printing is one of our specialties. We Carry the Largest Stock of Envelopes, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Etc, in the city, Wedo attractive work § in the shortest possible time. Get an Estimate with samples from us. "AAAAAAS 1. B. HER R, 51-53 North Queen St, LANCASTER, PENNA. ASNAANRPAAAAANN AAA NAAN AANA) AANMARAAANANAAAAAAN MA AAAAAAANAAA AAAAA VAAAA AAA ARAAA AAANAS AA Don't Forget, When in Lancaster Stop at Nissley’s ILunch ancl Dining Rooms, 14 1-2 E. Chestnut St., Opp P. R. B. Depot Inancaster, Pa. Send your packages and take the cars at this Res- taurant No charge for care of packages STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel West KING ST, LANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORREL HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 52, 53 and 55 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents. Best accommodations in every respect. A share of your patronage solicited. A. B. ADAMS, Pro. A New Repair Shep! I desire to inform the public that I have opened a Shoe Repair Skop in the basement of David H. Engle’s Furniture Warersimg West Main St., Mount Joy where I am prepared to dv cobbling of every description at reasonable rates Men’s Shoes Half Svied’ and Heeled for 65c¢ Sewed on for 75 cents Ladies’ Shoes Half Soled and Heeled for 45c Sewed on for 55 cents @irly’ and Boys’ Shoes According to Size A Trial Job Solicited Harry Sheaffer "THE . PROGRESSIVE . DENTAL . PARLORS Woolworth Building, T.ancaster, P4.: Teeth, $4.00 [f= Er [a0 i Toeth, $ 4.00 rR Painless Exiraction FREE! All Work Guaranteed 10 Years, Full Sets That ¥it §4. Gloid Crows $2.50. Open Evenings Rooms 224 and 226 CAN IT BE POSSIBLE? Within Five Miles of Florin at Less than One Cent Per Week? Yes! Only 50c a Year. There’s many a jee ce of Furniture boug sht | Its ‘cheapness’ i, . was very likely the incentive that led to its ac- | quirement, and no thought was given to quali. ty or construction. THE YOUNG FOLRKS of those unfortunate, and get Good Furniture—well-made, And, in fact, our Outfitters’ Sale brings the price down pretty close to what you’d pay for much inferior goods. W. C. SAPP, Furniture and Bedding, Nos. 41-43 S. Queen Street, LANCASTER 15 Special inducements to those who mention the BULLETIN UN "REDEEMED One National Cash Register, One Drop-Head Singer Sewing Machine Good as New, for sale at a bargain. Pirosh & Simmons The 0ld Established Pawnbrokers and Jewelers. Ind. Phone 1338 A. 20 N. Queen Serest, Lancaster, Penna. JAS. 'GLATFELTER COAL For Coal That Will Burn you should place your order REE TOT EO 0) Gieduanie an with me. No advance in price I. N. HOSTETTER FLORIN, PA. MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, MARKERS, &¢ Rear Star and News Printing Office MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Rob Douglas, M D's Washington D C ER — MAGNETIC RELIEF or the One Minute Cure For Pain 4 powerful irritant and a Golden Remedy for the Headache, Toothache and Neuralgia, Sore Gums, Sore Throats Head Colds, Catarrh, Weak and Sore Eyes, with dimness of Vision, Cramp, Wind or Dyspepsia, Colic, Etc Bunions and Soft Corus re- Yeved at once. PRICE, TEN CENTS ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Estate of John B. Township, Deceased, Letters of administration on said estate having beell granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted and those having claims or demandsagainst the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, residing in Middletown, Pa. JOHN 8S. NAUMAN, DAVID S. MYERS, Attorney. Administrator: eee J.D Basin, | Sole Prop. & Mfr., Florin, Pa. FOR SALXEY Three Acres and Fourteen Perches Grave Land in a good state of cultivation and fences in good 7e- pair The land is situated on the road leading from Florin te the Mount Joy Cemetery, a short gistance west of the latter For particulars callon oF adligess HARRY MUSSELMAN, Florin, Penna The Only Place to Get Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &c. tx—I8 ATT Scholing’s West End Bakery Mount Joy Penna. That you can get all the news of Florin, Mount Joy, Rheems, Milton Grove, and, in fact the entire Surrounding Vicinity Get The Bulletin Who are buying their first Furniture should profit by the nha] : reliable | Furniture, even if it does cost a few dollars more than the trashy kind | Myers, Late of East Donegal | thereto are requested to make immediate payment, | i 3 Are You Going to Build ? If You Are, Then Read This. 30 Building Lots For Sale! The undersigned offers for sale, Thirty Choice Building Lots in the village of Florin, Lancaster Co. Pa., at very reasonable prices. Any person who intends to build should not by any means select a location until they have consulted H, 13. Nissley. All the lots have a high elevation, good location, convenient to schools, post office, churches, [ stores, PP. R. R. depotand only '2 mile from Mount Joy. These lots would also be very suitable for an industry of some kind, the I’. R. R. siding border- ing them on the southwest, thereby saving the purch- aser the additional cost of laying a siding which any manufacturing establishment should have. A@=Remember these lots will all be sold and if you want first choice come a running. Call on or address H. B. Nissley, Plorin, Pa. { | &F oii hE Bh of our com- g petitors in the largest vari- ety of made- to-measure Suits at Twenty Dollars These suits are the greatest value ever offered for the money and are made by THE INTERNATIONAL TAILORING CO., of New York and Chicago. The largest Tailoring Company in the world | | which is sufficient guarantee of perfect fit, latest style and best workmanship. We have a complete line ok new and nobby Spring and Sum-_ mer samples at prices ranging from $12 to $40 a suit and will take pleasure in showing them. Yours Yor Business, 'H. E. EBERSOLE | MOUNT JOY, PA. GO TO Royer's Saddler Shep West Main Street, Mount Joy I am still making all kinds of Hurness strictly hand I also sell anything kept Pronptly. no machine work. Repairing Done times. made, in a saddler shop. Prices to suit th T.ook Here Farmers! Good 4-horse Wagons, Good 2-horse Wagons, Good Market Wagons. For Sale at a very reasonable figure. at once at this office. 2 2 a J Apply Rememper if you want anything in the line of Bread, Cakes, Buns, &e. the only place to get it good and fresh is at the Th q =e = | my Empire Bakery FLORIINN PA. S. S. GHC RTICTET, Prop: Funerals Supplied at Short Netice 13 Weeks For 25¢. For the brightest, newsiest <= and most popula r jeg itimate Sr weekly sporting paper publi shed Re ized oe nincteen 1ithority on matters ase Rall, Trap Sho @ liards and kindred spe LZ best paper of its kind pu shed. § For the purpose of introducing it 1 in new localities, we will send it 13 S weeks for 25c. (stamps.) Sample copy free. Address “SPORTING LIFE,” PHILADELPHIA, PA. | or We continue to 18 Eithik actassolicitorstor | : atents, caveats, : trade- marks, copyrights, ete. , for | : ed S ents in ee England, France, Germany, and ail other countries. - Thirty-six years’ practite. No | charge for examination of models or draw- | | ings. Advice by mail free. Patents, obtained through us are notice the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which * in ential newspaper of its kind published in the | world. The Ee antages of such a notice every patentee under tands. Thiglarge and splendidly illustrated news- paperis published WEEKLY at $3. 20 a year, andis admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other depart tments of industrial | progréss 8, published in any country. Single copies by 1nail, 10 cents. dealers, Address, Munn & Co., publishers of Bejan tific Ameri 261 So dw: vy, New Yor: Handbook about patents mailed free. E. S. Farver’s Sale At " ee S o 3 » 2 c £ - o TERETE Rn HORSES COWS BULLS HEIFERS S Su E Friday, Mar. 14,02 HIE The undersigned will sell at Union Square Hotel, 15 GOOD SEASONED HORSES, ranging in age from 3to 12 years, good feeders and some with speed. 25 FINE MILK COWS, fresh and springing. Two Guernsey Cows subject to registry. 4 Stock Bulls, TWENTY SHOA'TS, 3 Breeding Sows with pigs by their side, 3 Sets Single Harness, Sale at 12,30. E. S. FARVER PRIRCE, Auct, BRADLEY, Clerk. SRR the jgrgest circulation, and is the most ro | Sold by all news- £ Racket Store Mount J 0Ye Discontinueing Business at Mount Joy, we will have a Closing Out Sale During March of Entire Stock —— A ——————————————————5———n.s HEY THERE BOS! Are you going out sporting this summer ? Yes? Well then you'll need one of Young Brothers’ Latest Style and Up-To-Date Jenny. Linds. No, I bought one from them a year ago and it looks and is as good now as it was the day I bought it. Well then you want to take it back to them and have a set of VICTOR RUBBER TIRES put on, If you don’t you won't be in the swim this summer. The Victor Tires are the best out and are cheap and durable, And another thing, by having them put on at Young Bros. you will save money, First; their increasing business in this line has forced them to equip their establishment with an outfit for adjusting them. Second, by so doing they save a middle man’s profit, freight to and from a tactory and minor other expenses. Other dealers may do it as cheap but then you get a poorer grade tire which they must do in order to make up the freight and extra cost of putting them on, ‘Wise people deal at YOUNG BROS. a FLORIN, PENNA. Up -To- Date Dental Work at Moderate Peles 1 DR. STEVENS, DENTIST! ; 5 ci Se gd RENE ¢| No. 64 NX. Queen St., Lancaster, Penna. “SPECIALTIES +— 1 Fine Fillings. Crown aw Bridge Work eS Painless Extraction. N Gas or Vitalized Air Administered. Artistic Artificial Teeth. ; ABOVE GANSMAN’S CLOTHING STORE c. MOYER’ Ss COACH NL ARLE a= Sle Xo & THIS IS THE TIME OF THE YEAR THAT YOU WILL WANT TO ORDER 4 Jenny Lind, Carriage, Buggy, Market Wagen Lwill inform the public that my work tn this line i nly by the best of mechanics at prices to suit everyone. Ete., for the coming swiiner. Strictly First-Class, operated o Repairing on Short Notice and at Reasonable Prices and see the new styles of different before you buy elsewhere. I'can please you and meet — I extend a cordial invitation to visit my works, kinds of wagons, also get prices want. Re : Come at Once For Bargains ee yy Racket Store Mount Jovy. = RRR — Oh Yes! Oh Tes! GEORGE §. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER Post Office Address, Florin, Lancaster Co., Pa. Telephone Number 851. Rates Very Reasonable for All Kinds of Sales Oreo9-e obo otododeoéododedeo : : ; j ! Risser’s Ellx horn Steam Inaundrxry MOUNT JOY, PA. Our Solicitor will cull on you every Tuesday and Deliver Every Friday Your Work Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Soeveteootesoieie LL .,FA REIDER’S SADDLER SHOP! Florin, Pa. He is prepared to do all kinds of work done in a Saddler Shop. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY ot ae ol New Work Neatly Done and Guaranteed | Give Lim a Trial and be Convinced that you | will find things just as they are recommended | A INNEW PAPER-HANGING PROCESS! SATISFACTION I'wish to state to the public that I am prepare d to paper we alls with whitewashed, kalsomined or ala- bastine surfaces. Always carry a full line of | Grades of Samples for tans sides and border all at the All Work Guaranteed. Fo | | a sample Myers, Florin. | This is ent , the work being done without s ping th Full particulars and estimates « wr rum ished by WH. WionAn, 7 ' F' LORIN GUARANTEED TO GIVE | | All same price. of my wor ok call on H. H. WwW. C. spect/ully, GG. MOYER our wishes in ET you will 2 SECOND HAND UPRIGHT PiaNoOs Will be gold at a sacrifice. One js a Celebrated $4256 Conover Piano in perfect condition and guaranteed Call at Here is a chance for some one. KIRK JOHNSO 24 West King Street, Lancas Engle’s Furniture Mount Joy, Pe Good Homemade Furnit Upholstering Done ‘Poplar Lumber For Sa Suit the Purcha UNDERTAKING & EMB ‘Vehicles, Carriages, Bugg Merchants, constructed in a firsg the direction 0 it guarantees § For Milkmen, Bakers, enced and capable mechanics the work speak for its worth, under i MARIETTA CARRIA ‘epairing as manufactu Inquire The same care exercised in i out inquiry are seldom satisfactory anywh don’t nealect to place on thy Io YWInly Works, we G§ to ry th 1g€ who will wi Proprietor ort he Ma Ce hem work has been do