i Feet, you, my dear sir, on your daughter. I see Rdually getting all the girls hands.” my hands—yes! But the worst is I have to keep their husbands eir feet.”—Tit-Bits. Luxuries of Life, 5. Upton—You will have to in- e my allowance for servants’ s, my dear. . Upton~ What for? s, Upten—Our butler wants and my waiting maid wants a ing maid.—N. Y. Weekly. a Matrimonial Hints, other—Has that young man hint- nything about “matrimony” yet? hughter—Oh, yes. He has hinted ral times that he should think you pa would either stop fighting or a divorce.—Judge. Friendly Comment, e says he loves me,” she confid- to her friend, “yet he has only wn me two days.” Vell, perhaps that’s the r,” the friend replied, and ’t even nod now.—Tit-Bits. reason, they Weak Point of the Pointer. imrod—The trouble with your dog is that he doesn’t seem to able to know a bird when he sees 3 kamrod—Yes, that’s his weak nt.—Columbus (0.) State Journal. AN INFALLIBLE SIGN, Mrs. Newlyspliced—Could you tell pg my manner that I had been married a short time? ind Friend—Easily. Mrs, Newlyspliced—How? Kind Friend—Why, you seem to be- eve every blessed thing your husband lls you.—Ally Sloper. Supply Unlimited. “Give me a kiss, my charming Pearl,” A young man said to a blue-eyed girl; Said she: ‘You great big lazy elf, Pucker your mouth and help yourself.” —Chicago Daily News. The Chief Thing, Jayson Hoerow—Every durn thing Lem Lackaday turns his hand tew seems tew go agin him. Hiram Hornihand—Ya-as; ’specially work.—Puck. Calorie Considerations. Patient—What would you think of g warmer climate for me, doctor? Doctor—Good Heavens, sir, that is just what I am trying to save you from!—London Punch. A Club Experiment, “What ever became of that billiard room the club was to furnish for the lady members?” «Twas a fizzle after the first week. Couldn’t make it pay. You see, the ladies said the pool balls were ‘too lovely for anything,’ and took thein home to darn stockings on.’—N. Y. Times. Lovely Woman, If you believe her, She will deceive: If you deceive her, She will beleve. —Harlem Life. t REASON ENOUGH, “I saw the count kissing you just now in the conservatory. Why didn’t you tell him to stop?” “Why, Fred, I can’t speak French.”— Detroit Free Press. oo Somewhat Similar, A dude is like a mushroom— His waist is rather slender, His growth is somewhat rapid And his top is very tender. —Chicago Daily News. Just a Beginner. She—Has she many friends in so ciety? He—Oh, yes; she hasn't long, you know.—Smart Set. been in His Own Fault, de—I hear that Mr. Slade is going to be married. Blade—Serve him right. I've sympathy for him.—Ally Slopgr. no er for Congratulation. Qunter have any success on LO getting | JOSEPH LEVI W. G. GREENEWALD THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH STORE #& &. 244 LOCUST STREET] COLUMBIA, PENNA Up-to-Date Clothing Furnishings and Hats Bents the Newspapers, Patience—Did Peggy advertise an announcement of her engagement in the newspapers? Patrice—No, she didn’t have to; she told all her girl friends that it was a secret.—Yonkers Statesman. Expressive. The Clergyman—The trouble with most of us, my dear sir, is that we don’t carry our religion through the week. Von Blumer—Yes. Most of us have to earn a living.—DBrooklyn Life. Forgot Where He Put It, Smith—Do you think memory sys- tems have any value? Jones—Yes. 1 studied one ounce and did very well until I mislaid the manu- al.—Judge. AAI KE One Better. Mistress—Mary! Mary! broken my handglass. how unlucky it is—seven yea happiness. : Maid—Oh, that’s nothin’, ma’am; ‘ow about me? I've just smashed the large glass in the drawing-room!— Glasgow Times. I've just You know rs’ un- His Explanation, «I am afraid,” said a certain small “that you are overeat- little apprehensive?” “No,” was the answer, after due de- liberation. “I'm not afraid. You know ladies are naturally timid.”— Washington Star. a a en Harmless Little Fellow. “There’s Mrs. Merrygirl’s husband Somehow he doesn’t look Does boy's mother, ing. Aren’tyoua over there. like a very bright chap to me. he know anything?” “Know anything, my doesn’t even suspect Town Topics. dear! =. He anything.”— Unele Jerry. “If you kind o’ keep an eye on these self-made men,” remarked Uncle Jerry Peebles, “you’ll find that lots of ’em think the job’s so well done it don't need any polish.”—Chi- cago Tribune. Seems Long, Anyhow. At Fate's decree I cannot smile, But count it grievous wrong That girls are wooed so short a while, And wedded for so long! —Smart Set. SPELLING AND NOTATION, “How can you marry a w! writes dear with two e’s?” “But he writes his fortune with six paughts.,"—Pick-Me-Up. mar. Days of Appeal for 1902. TO THE TAXABLE INHABITANTS OF LAN CASTER COUNTY. Pursuant to the provisions of the laws of the Com monwealth, the undersigned Commissioners of Lan- caster County, hereby give notice to every taxable inhabitant within the respective boroughs, townships and city of said county, that appeals from the person- al property and militia assessment of 1902 will be held in the County Commissioners’ Office, in the City of Lancaster, on the days following, to wit : Marietta Borough Tuesday, Jan. 14 Lititz Borough =. : : Elizabethtown Borough Mount Joy Borough . West Donegal township East Hempfield township Conoy . . . West Hempfield township East Donegal township . Mount Joy township Rapho . . on Manheim township iy Columbia . « ivi No appeal will be considered except upon the days designated for the respective districts unless satisfac- tory reason is given for failure to come at the proper time, and not then unless the person appealing is ac- companied by the assessor of the district in which the property under consideration is assessed. Thursday, Jan. 16 Friday, Jan. 17. - }. : i. Tuesday, Jan. 2 n Puesday, Jan. 23. Inder the law there can be no change in the valua- tion of the real estate at these appeals, unless there has been improvement or destruction of property, as real estate can not be re-valued until the next trien- nial year, no difference what prices it may have sold at during the past year. The Commissioners will sit to hear appeals from 9 to 12 o’clock in the morning and from 1 to 3 in the afternoon, of the days designated. re- quired to be in attendance during that time. By order of the BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Attest: SAMUEL W. DILLER, Clerk. Assessors are A NENW PAPER-HANGING PROCESS! GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION I wish tostate to the public that I am prepared to paper walls with whitewashed, kalsomined or ala- bastine surfaces. Always carry a full line of All Grades of Samples for ceilings, sides and borders, all at the same price. All Work Guaranteed. For a sample of my work call on H, M. Myers, Florin. This is entirely a new process, the work being done without scraping the walls. Full particulars and estimates cheerfully furnished by WM. WIDMAN Jr. FLorIiw, PENNA. Racket Store ¥lorin, Pa. HHH SPECIAL . ©ALE | in OF ome BICTURES. $1.00 Panels, Gilt Frame, 69c. $1.00 Landscapes, Gilt and White Frames, 69c. $1.50 Landscapes, Gilt and White Frames, $1.12. $1.50 Fancy Pictures, Gilt and Black, $1.12. $1.50 Bevel French Plate Looking Glasses, $1.12. $2.00 Bevel French Plate Looking Glasses, $1.49. $2.00 Pearl, Inland Gilt Frame, $1.49. We want to close these out so we offer them at less than cost FERRER RGRRTERT GARR TCR ETTRTEERRTER TERROR RECREATE | TERERERT HERERO ERR ERROR RET Racket Store ~ STANDARD COACH WORKS IF IN NEED OF A Jenny Lind, Surrey ~ . Buggy or Carriage Come and Learn Our Priges. We are prepared to wake to order Wagons of the finest finish and Car- riages of every description at Reduced Prices. AN work turned out at our works is warranted to give satisfaction Repairing, Painting and Trimming done in a neat and expeditious manner. Rubber Tires Adjusted at Our Own Works Any Style Badies in White Made to Order for Dealers YOUNG BROS. ... FLORIN, PA... PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TIME T.ADI.T IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 24, 1901 (Going East From Florin 70 a 12 30 p 343 p 505 p 7490p 741 p Lancaster Accomodation Seashore Express . . Lancaster Accommodation Laucaster Accommodation Philadelphia Mail v (Sunday) Philadelphia Mail . Going West From Florin Way Passciger . Mail . . . . . Lancaster Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation Harrisburg Express . (Sunday) Way Passenger . . Going East From Mount Joy 700a 10 17 a 23%Hp 605 p 7422p 700a 706 a 952p 1234p 347 p 508 p 752 )p 403p TH40p m m m m m | Lancaster Accommodation Harrisburg Express Seashore Fxpress . : Lancaster Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation Philadelphia Mail . (Sunday) Main Line Express (Sunday) Philadelphia Mail Going West From Mount Joy | m | m m m | m m m | i 655 a 10 14 a 10 45 a 2322p 602 p 73pm | 6 55am 0 45 a 1g Way Passenger - . . » Mail . . . Niagara Express . . Lancaster Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation Harrisburg Express . (Sunday) Way Passenger . (Sunday) Niagara Express (Sunday) Fast Line Gey Reoyer's West M I am still maki made, no mach in a saddler 8 Prices to suit t want first choice come a running. | The Leading Clothiers YOFFE AND GAFFIN BROS. Mount Joy. Pa. DEALERS IN Men's, Youths and Children’s Clothing, Overcoats, Trousers, Shoes ! Felt, Rubber and Shoes ! Leather Boots, Hats and Caps, Underwear, Gloves, Dress Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, Ladies’ Furnishings Strictly Cash. @ne Price To All Satisfaction Guaranteed. GLATFELTER JAN. BERTI Sik LEO PVA DiedJane (871 4 i MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, MARKERS, &c Rear Star and News Printing Office MOUNT JOY, - PENNA. Are You Going to Build ? If You Are, Then Read This. 30 Building Lots For Sale! The undersigned offers for sale, Thirty Choice Building Lots in the village of Florin, Lancaster Co. Pa., at very reasonable prices. Any person who intends to build should not by any means select a location until they have consulted TT. B. Nissley. All the lots have a high elevation, good location, convenient to schools, post office, churches, | stores, P. R. R. depot and only }; mile from Mount Joy. These lots would also be very suitable for an industry of some kind, the I’. R. R. siding border- ing them on the southwest, thereby saving the purch- aser the additional cost of laying a siding which any manufacturing establishment should have Aa=Remember these lots will all be sold and if you Call on or address H. B. Nissley, Florin, Pa. PARISIAN CLOAK & SUIT (C0. 28-30 E. King St. Lancaster ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED CONSISTING OF Coats, Capes, Suits, Furs, Dress and Walking Skirts Flannel Waists, Wrappers and Petticoats. Chas. S. Mayer, 2-20 Lancas Ind = 3 [sd Cy WHEREAS, ident, and Ho of the Court of] Lancaster, anc and Termin | and Quarter the County of to me directed. make public I thata Court of livery, also, a( Peace and Jail House, in the wealth of Pen ON THE T In pursuangd IS HEREBY City of Ld the os TOO. Unredeemed : Overcoats All- Wool, ME | bo Tailor Made as good as new. In or- der to close them OUT we offer them way down below cost price. Some as low as $82.00 Unredeemed Watches Stem Winders and Stem Setters from $2.50 up. The Old Established Pawnbrokers and Jewelers, Opposite Woolworth'’s 5 & 10c Store Remember if you want anything in the line of Bread,Cakes, Buns, &c. the only place to get it good and freshis at the = ’ - : i, = i Empire Bakery FIORIN,., PA. S. 8. GINGCGRICET, Prop. Funerals Supplied at Short Notice The Only Place to Get Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &c. CTH AT 5 Scholing’s West End Bakery Mount Joy Penna. POTATOES. I have just receiveda Carload of New York State Potatoes which 1 am sell- ing at Lowest Market Prices. Prompt attention to mail or telephone orders. T. N. HOSTETTER. Oh Yes! Ohh Yes) GEORGE S. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER Post Office Address, Florin, Lancaster Co., Pa. Telephone Number 851. Rates Very Reasonable for All Kinds of Sales FOR SALEBY - Three Acres and Fourteen Perches Grave Land | in a good state of cultivation and fences in good re- pair The land is situated on the road leading from Florin te the Mount Joy Cemetery, a short distance west of the latter For particulars call on or address MUSSELMAN, Florin, Penna . 7 Milton Grove Hotel wn T2 RENT FK OR Vv LIN L The undersigned offers a Good Country Stand, the Milton Grove Hotel, for rent. The property has all modern conveniences, spacious rooms, good water, ete. A good barn, large shed for horses, stock yards, scales, and five acres of farming land. Also a shop on the premises which rents for 335. Here's an op portunity for some one. Pos: on given April 1st. Full particulars by calling on or addressing E. S. WEAVER, FLORIN, HARRY > LA Rob Douglas, M D's Washingtsn D C — oo MacGNETIC RELIEF or the One Minute Cure For Pain A powerful irritant and a Golden Rem>dy for the Headache, Toothache and Neuralgia, Sore Gums, Sore Throats Head Colds, Catarrh, Weak and Sore Eyes, with dimness of Vision, Wind or Dyspepsia, Colic, Ete Bunions and Soft C(@ns re- PRICE, TEN CENTS : Cramp, lieved at once. Pirosh & Simmons #4 20 North Queen Street, Lancaster, fasts | Jobbing Promptly Attended To. A. CHRISTMAS. TREE AND A PIANO wi make a Happy Home, especially if you buy a Lester or a Hardman Piano. Call at once and examine our stock and be convinced that our prices at the present time are the Lowest this city has ever There is excuse for not having an instrument in your home. Your credit is good ; known. no KIRK JOHNSON & CO. $), . >: > 1 24 West King Street, Lancaster, Penna. Fl V CS S | SSS ISS . _ ager - ANC LUBA BA BA BANA MA BA VA YA BA TO OUR MANY PATRONS AND FRIENDS WE WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR = \ 4 =H. BE EBERSOIL.E— MOUNT JOY, PA. { Th 4 LWT f = 2 Name Engle’s Furniture Warerooms Mount Joy, Penna. Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty Upholstering Done to Order Poplar Lumber For Sale in Lots to Suit the Purchasers UNDERTAKING & EMBALMING Estimates Cheerfully Furnished JOSEP B. GGAINTZ PLUMBER : AND # GAS # FITTER T~xro Doors West of Bowman's Store, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Ind. 7el. No. 835 . . . Vehicles, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons For Milkmen, Bakers, Merchants, constructed in a first-class manner by .ggrperi mechanics the direction of a manufacturer who lets the work speak for its worth, it guarantees every product of enced and capable under MARIETTA The same care exercised in repairing as manufacturing. out inquiry are seldom satisfactory Inquire amfywhi don’t neqlect to place on th WW. C. HOWR Proprietor of the Marietta Carruage Works, w whom work has been done as, [s/ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAANAANNNNA MN 7 HERR’S BOOK STY On the First of January need some Rlanls TI