The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, January 07, 1902, Image 4

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a Tal
STORE Are You Going to Build 7 SPECI AL SALE oe Late tian
Here's a Good Location.
For Sale! Neweal Batters
NE . If you want Genuine Bargains, this is your opportunity. Formerly in the Woolworth Building, to
The {indersigned offers for sale, Thirty Choice our new suite of rooms
Will start Sat., Jan. I 0 Yr last un tl Feb. I Building Tots in th village of Florin, Lancaster Co., rN
of 26 L. King Street, Lancaster
Pa., at very reasonable prices.
Any person who intends to build should not by*any | Men’s Overcoats that were $ 14 00 for 12 00 | Boys’ Knee Pant Suits, were 3 50
means select a location until they have consulted H. “ “ 10 00 8 50 “ ¢ 300 b Over the Union T tC
: 1 1rust Co,
0 po
Sct © ©
“ f £1 50C quality 45C | A@=Remember these lots will all be sold and if -you 600 500 | ‘ 2 50
want first choice come 2 rnuning. Call on or address 5 00 400 | “ 2 00
50 00 | 2


$s 25¢ QC) ==
I am continually making
ce 1c 25¢ | Oh Tes! Oh Tes!
The prices at this sale will be made to clear my counters of | B. Nisley. AIl the lots have a high elevation, good a S50 ded ‘ X > 50
i. All Winter stuff must go regardless of prices ; we need Joy. These lots would also be very suitable for an “® “ 10 00 850 Men’s Pants, that were 400 é of
aser the additional cost of laying a siding which any |
500 | 4 2 50
electric lights, and with all other privileges should « 10 00 850 | Young Men’s Pants that were 3 00 ; EXTRACT ION $4.00 $4
Outing Cloth, roc quality, 8c
Armure Flannels, 12}4c quality, 8c 1, doz. Ladies Handkerchiefs
2 Lad >
Florin. Pa. YOFFE & GAFFIN BROS, On Account o
1/ 2 s | - v .
12)5¢ Percales, 1 yd. wide, 10C | Specials for this sale Only.
69c and 75c a yd. waist Flannels, §5¢' 5 1.1 pos iline
Peeled Peaches, IoC The annex now complete with the SORREL
Comfort #»
accommodations in every respect. A share of
| jes’ W
25¢ Snow Flake Suiting, 2oC | Ladies year A.B. ADAMS, Pro. Lirst-Class Teams Supplied to Agents and for Funerals, Picnics, &c.
: and C ts ly a few | Umbrella Drawers at 33¢ now 2 cl oly :
Blankets and Comforts, only a fe | : 33 5¢ ood Bread, fakes, BANS, S16, lees coer rite rmrrermr mere
Umbrellas, a few at soc
] TL 19¢ 15¢ Mount doy Penna. BE. H. REIDER, Prop’. Made at our works have become f}
Men's $2.75 now ? 37%6e : PTO
i : B11 z Ve IR % buver. shiriahn sina baa
soc“ 37c GEORGE §. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER Eee $7 758 UP-TO-DATE WOE K |! ayer. One purchase makes you
Telephone Number 851. Call on me before looking elsewhere
Tocation, convenient to schools, postoffice, churches, 12 00 10 00 | J “ 2 00 ox We re Bag Crowned with
industry of some Kind, the P. R. R. siding border- “ 800 7 00 al ? « 3 50 « ly Successs. fg
rome agan. That Jas been the case right along, The manufacturing establishment should have. The 3 6 00
money than they get elsewhe Ie: be an inducement for home seekers.
7 50 6 50 $ 3 27
~ ~ N
Flannelette Wrapper Goods, 1oc | Flannelette Skirt Patterns, 25¢C | H E PROGRESSI
12};c Fleeced Shirtings, 9c | Special 1oc quality now 5C
Turkey Red Table D: sk 20 S— - 7
20C ~uricy nec ladle Lamasy, 13C pecker's Buckwheat Flour, 8c Sorrel Horse Hotel ! > hs oh RoE”
25¢ Tricot Cloth, 20C Pruries, 8 pounds for 25C | HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 52, 53 and
59C now 45¢C : :
' Heinz’s Mince Meat 15C | a
c Mince tah 5 Marietta Street, Near P, R. R. Station, MoUNT Jovy, PA. Dagsbiliy.
25¢ Serge, a bargain, 15¢ | A lot of Muslin Underwear will be Foe A
| Whip easy, drive slow, pay your team before you go. Telephone 854 B.
of them left and these go at cost 4 4) So0 35¢ 2 J » . .
covenme 5% Soholing's West End [HE LION SADDI ERY Jennylinds, Buggie
Scholing’ S West End Bakery be
A few pair of Men’s and Boys’
Sellers,” which have never failed
i E. C. HERTZLER, __| Rates Very Reasonable for All Kinds of Sales | = FT 3 : s and learn my prices. ">
ty —— ES 4 7, Zh / \ Rok N :
Nhl 8B _ © Prices to Suit Times oO ! ] .
7: ” ~y - ve > y Qaivpt 1 o yo »
all Winter Goods and give me room for Spring stuff by Feb. stores, P. It. R. depot and only 15 mile from Mont | Men's Suits that were
money and room. If you pay this stcre one visit, you will ing them on the southwest, thereby saving the purch- ‘ " .
: 700 6 00 fs 300 PA INE ESS
key note to our success is give the people more for their people of Fiori now have the privilege of getting | Young Men's Suits that were 12 00 1000 | « 9 00 ET FULL SE
quality, 8¢ Ladies’ Ribbed Skirts 29c quality 25¢ gl! B NISSLEY, Boys’ Knee Pant Suits, were 400 3 50 | “ 150
3 * » | . - — -_ ——
Outing Cloth Remnants, light dark, 6¢ | ;
CROCERIES STOP AT THE Mount : Joy Hall 1 Building, Mount Joy, Pa.
Shaker Flannel, sc quality, 4¢C Instantaneous Tapioca, 5c eo : ro ! 3
Yes jorne #5, Jancasras ALBERT STRICELER Convenience
French Flannels in plain colors, | Evaporated Apples, 8c| & West King Street. Dinner 25 cents. Dest I.I VERY STABIL.LES
39C Aldine Suiting, 30 | your patronage solicited,
121 c Ginghams, dark colors, toc | fered at low prices for this sale. The Only Place to Get
Come and take your pick.
Corset Covers were 15¢ 10C
Felt Boots, first quality.
0 ‘ V
Badia go J lig _ Ladies’ Night Gowns, 31% 150, 75, {1 Post Office Address, Florin, Lancaster Co., Pa
Eby’s Old Stand, East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa.|7 ; er ee ct

— Peobie. | 4 Fo - ~ asi at Clothing (leaned!
’ +
If you intend having sale next At one ! Steam
i tf ¥ print | | HALF THE COST Laundry If your Clothes need a thorough FF\
A -+ [+ {/
spring, don’t forget we can
your bills just as neat and cheaper Lion Goffe | MOUNT JOY, PA. CL. TANING OR REPAIRING
than can other printers and will! v
advertise it in the Bulletin, which | has better strength and | i Siero ull out yt soto bring them to me and I will guarantee you satisfactory workman Oysters, boc, 75c and 1.00
reaches more country homes than | flavor than many so-call- § | Puesday and Deliver Every Priday ship at very reasonable charges. Oranges,
Cf : d “fancy” brands. | :
any other local paper, free of charge. € y = E | ) ” | »> ! > Lemons, extra fine,
2 Baile coffegsttioseme | Your Work Solicited. ! | . 0) KA M p FR Fancy California 4
# A J
op see I price is not to be com-
Do You Need a Blotter? pared with Lion in quality. J | Satisfaction Guaranteed, ¢ |Qrphan School Building, Mount Joy, Penna. ss oe p
- op-Lorn, lig
We have prepared several thou- In 1 Ib. air tight, ' 2 ;
i Costeteseeotoross 4s 00e10 | © If notified I will call for goods and deliver them CIs

20c, 25¢ andy

sand blotters for public use, a pum-! sealed packages. { 5 1h sy
ber of which were distributed last PAL UARLR PROPIR TT r———
week. If youn are in need of blot— . | : s “Queen Quality” Shoo
; ; : o AT PRIVATE SALE | | \G
ters we would be pleased to have Court Proclamation! : CS. CREEw rt E
> :* 12 Al t————— — © -
you call at this office. They can be| wurrsas, The ion. john B. Livingston, Pres- \ i
had for the askiro. ident, and Hon. Charles I. Landis, Associate Judge | 1 offer my desirable property, located on } A $i sky g ae ay AR
o of the Court of C mmon Pleas in 2nd for the county | Church Stree t, Florin, Pa., for sale, con- Ni y Have a world wide rt P tation as MOUNT JOY STRE :
of Lancaster, and Assistant Justices of the Courts of | sisting of a LOT OF GROUND. fronting S871 i Na Leaders in Fashion, which is duel—— - ~
9 £8 as ) $
t Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery | fee it on Church Street and 214 feet deep
and Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for | The improvements consist of a Two t ’
i :, TERN to their STYLE, COMFORT
the County of Lancaster, have issued their Precept, | | STORY FRAME HOUSE 16x24 feet = ;
to me directed, requiring me, among other things, to | with a Two-Story Summer House - \ ¢ %
make public Prockunation throughout my batliwiek, | 14x14 feet attached. A well of good water \ and QUALITY, (as the name in- FOR SATISFA
hata Court of Oyerand Terminerand General Jail De | with pump therein. . Also a large Fraw.e : gs V3 . "
ivery, also, a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the | Stable. = A varie ty of fruit such as peaches, \ & dicates) There are more of these G
MAKING Pa ace and J do Pol live iy will commenee in the Court | pears, grapes, etc. Price very reasonable. f An
ouse, in the City of Laucaster, in the Common- | “hy y :
wealth of Pennsylvania : i Call on or address, worn than all other styles combined JOSEPH
| —

ON TIE THIRD MONDAY IN JANUARY, ELIAS L. FLOWERS, Florin, Pa. d ha Whether or not you buy, we invite
(THE 19TH,) 1903.
IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Mayor and Alderman of the GO TO ng 3 you to call and see them PRACTICAL S
City of Lancaster, in said County, and all the Jus- f Re er's Saddler She ) , aid oe
tices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables of said |
City and County of Lancaster, that they be then West Main Str et, Mount Joy
and there in their own proper persons with their
rolls, records and examinations, and inquisitions, | £@m still making all kinds of Harness strictly hand 1 Jobbing Pro mptly
and their other remembrances, to do those things | 7ade, no machine work. I also sell anything kept
which to their offices appertain in their behalf to be | in @ saddler shop. Repairing Done Promptly. * THE WM. DIEROLF BUILDING j Ch ee rin
done ; and to all those who will prosecute against the | Prices to suit the times.
prisoners who are or then shall be in the jail of the |
said County of Lancaster are to be then and there to |
prosecute against then as shall be just.
Dated at Lancaster, the 20th day of December, 1902.

In pursuance of which precept PUBLIC NOTICE

| Don't Forget, When tn Lancaster Stop at - I
Nissley’'s SUSE SSNSSESESSSS55%%55%%5%% | ia Ny.
€ | Hamdden ice
.unch 8 Right Spices : ? : ¢ Engle 3 Fur
Rob ; Donglas, } MD's Washington D C | and en
| Dining 4
M AGNETIC RE LIEF| Spicy Prices We Have Received Another #4 J
> 1f you have Pp a ay! to the fi: avo Log of X Good H omemad e
given by usin g our spices, get acquaintes i
If you are, don’t neglect to or the One Minute Cure For Pain 40) 9 p (pects St, Opp P. B. B. Depot | Soneihee Bat ices Si soe
cinnamon is the finest Saigor 1: the cloves, the
80 - A ,- | . A .
advertise at properly. In or A powerful irritant and « Golden Remedy for the | strong yet richly flavored Penang : the pep- : hs
Headache, Toothache and Neuralgia, Sore Gums, | Isancaster, Pa. Jot, the best Saigon ; and so on through the 0sep ; Nn e & 0 S ering
der to do this you must get Sore Throats Head Colds, Catarrh, Weak and Sore i We take the best care to have all our spices
is R. come up to the highest standard. Our trade
b I 1 I Eyes, with dimness of Vision, Cramp, Wind or | end powr packages and take the cars at this Res 4 ] Ne i :
ills 1 e i oli ; Juni Sort { v . . 3 is brisk, thus insuring freshness. e have n
your 11S printec at a P ace | Dyspepsia, Colic, Etc Bunions and Soft Corns ré- taurant No charge tor care of packages 3 } : ht ! P 1 b F
lieved at once. PRICE, TEN CENTS recently closed contact for a lirge ‘amoun ' op ar Lum €1 J
I 1 1 1 f ge Stele a Te Tl LA ERE of pepper. Butchers: al ther Na of large Z
that tie paper ‘has a arge i PRET LR quantities of pepper, willdo well by asking Ir S :
i | us for quotations. k ry
J. D. Easton, Sole Prop. & Mfr. Florin, Pa. | rari igs § , iran, Leon pile. ; Suit the
{ h
The Various Designs Shown Ilere of
country circulation. coo ——— | MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, MARKERS, &c Note These Prices.
H YES S OH YES Allspice, 5¢ 0z : 14 1b, 15c. iit ops
p > | - - - Washed Celery Sobel 50 oz : }{ 1b. 15c. This 1S positively the & N DE RTA
If you are going to have a real estate or per- Saigon Cinnamon, 5¢ oz : 4 Ih, 20¢.
Selected Whole Penan Cloves, 5¢ 0z
sonal proverty sale consult i Ears re ! “1b i uf ~ovrm vy *
x bale, BEST Black Skirt g
Ground Cloves, same pr ice.
H. H. MORTON, ‘Auctioneer ; a ¥ Jutnalen ting oh Een
MOUNT JOY, PENNA. SE le Black Pepper, 2 0z. 50. 1% in-
O ( | 5 = . 0 hols Back Peper. Ziv, 10¢; 1 1b 20e. made, Mercerized fin
Special attention given to ¢ alling sales of every de- | 2 as > Haniel
* 3 3 .. : < is neric . lv
scription. Charges moderate, Satisfaction guaran- | . 4 Whole Mixed Spices, 3¢ 0z. . . .
teed Telephone La Pierre House, Mount Joy, Pa. | : : Eg | Salicylic Acid, 10¢ oz. ish, full s1Zes and best
er a 2 : E.W.GARBER in workmanship, rang- UNREDEEMED OVER
Remember ) Ro
if you want anything in the line of Ete ; | 81 EAST MAIN ST., ing in price from All-Wool Tailor
For a Large Country Circulation a E » Sha |
Bread, Cakes, Buns, &e. Jill x | MOUNT JOY, PA. to close them OY
WwW E CARN’ T the only place to get it good und fresh is at the g g . oO TO 3 00 p Cost price. Some a
Are just a few which will constantly be found in = 5
mpypire Bakery
BE BEAT. = pire x ne 7
S. SS. GINGRICET, Trop. James Glatfelter : Unredeemed Watc
wall ! vz Joy Borough Property | Yoiis. tot Bosliors : a. 3

stock at my yards. Order your Spring Work now


Funerals Supplied at Short Notice | MOUNT JOY, PA. Stem Winders and Ste
13 Weeks For 25c. |
For the brigh i - i . i
Fas fhe Srighten sevsion Land For Sale! Mill in Operation |
weekly sporting paper published ] " : G :
xin be for yr hin years : Three Acres and Fourteen Perches of Gravel Land | F qesire to inform the public that I am again pre-
\ as authority on matters pertaining nt High state of sultivation and fences in good re- | pared todo milling at my old stand. . Also dealer in | ndersigned offers at private sale, the fine
io Base Ball, 1 fd Shaeting, a pair: The land is situated on the road leading from { | new -e property on South Barbara Street and
j best Sa: f its kind ubiish hong Florin to the Mount Joy Cemetery, a short distanc Mil! Feed, Hay a and Straw | the valuable building lots adjoining. There is no
es Bepurpo 011 p ¢ west of the latter. For particulars call on i £ it he b h than these 1 The whol
Fort se of introducing it i ner site in the borough than these lots. he whole {
i | tract consists of about five acres and is esg ee
“weeks for 25c. (stamps.) Sample copy free. Address !
. FLORINI FPA, 8. Ww. SHRITE, Mt. Joy | Call on MM. N. BRUBAKER, Real Estate Agent,
FRrivate Sale!

Mount Joy. ¥ ~? &

in new Jocabties, we will send it 13 HARRY MUSSELMAN, + | valuable to anyone desiring to engage in trucking