The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, December 25, 1901, Image 3

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    # best that Money and 25°
Experience can produce.
At all stores, or by mail for the price.
A high-grade tire, to be worthy of
its name, should posse
virtues — speed, easy riding
qualities, ability to wear, ease
of repair.
G & J Tires have all these
virtues. When punctured,
ke off the outer cover, re-
ir the inner tube and go on
your way in a jiffy
So simple a child can do it.
Catalogue freey
Indianapolis, Ind.
R.OO oie er the
BUYS hest made
Lb. Platform Scales
ger Sold. Well made.
Platform. Catalogue free.
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use peg
+ time. Sold by druggists. i
quick relief and cures wors$ | BR
days’ treatmens | H
f testimonials and 10
I. X. GREEN'S BONS, Box B, Atlanta, Ga,
Re ever description ee
pe H isfaction Guarantee
X o for prices JESSE MARDEN
5 129 §. Charles St., BALTIMORE, MD.
ednl nt Buiinlo Expositiog.
sz Jn THis |T PAYS

Thompson's Eye Water
Saw such
ou know the
ie a piece of meat
za's frock and that’s
ogs after her when she
he blocks of ice. Well,
1 think this dog demanded?”
rhouse beefsteak, sir,
erloin left in! Yes, sir.
And you couldn't fool
uldn't chase Eliza a foot unless
leat was a choice cut. No, sir.
, by gum, sir, our company had to
ive on liver and bacon so that blamed
dog could have his steak. Yes, sir.”
“The demand was too much for you,
was it?”
“No, it wasn't. That is it wasn't un-
til he began to insist upon mushrooms
with his steak. Then we just threw up
ur hands and quit.”
and with
7 2 Dramatic Criticism.
Two young men sat through the first
act at a local theater, then adjourned to
a neighboring tavern for refreshments,
The acting was bad and would have ex-
cused the use of stimulants by any but
the players. When about to re-enter the
building only one could produce his re-
turn ‘check.
“It’s all right,” said he of the check
airily. “You remember him. He's with
“Yes” answered the gatckeeper, more
doubtful than polite, “but he may have
given his check to some other person.
“But he didn't,” was the convincing
reply. “He's a stranger here and hasn't
an enemy in the city.”
The gate opened wide.
Against All Precedent.
Percy Vere—I still think there is hope
for me; although she said “no,” she was
very sympathetic.
Jack Newitt—My dear boy, that’s the
end of you. No woman ever marries the
man whom she rejects sympathetically.
A Beautiful Trait.
Dusty Daniel—Dey say dat Homeless
Harry 1s a very modest man.
Cinder Charley—Modest? Why, he's
so modest dat he won't sleep in a yard
where dere’s undressed lumber.
FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous-
ness after first, day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise fres
Dr. BR. H. KuiNg, Litd., 931 Arch St., Phila. Pa.
Greek fire was probably made of bitu-
men, sulphur, naphtha and nitre.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children
teething, soften the guns, reduces inflamma-
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25¢ a bottle,
Now they are using a grass-cutting au-
tomobile in the West.
Pigo’s Cure is the best medicine we ever used
forall affections of throat and lungs.— War.
Gold pens were first made in 1840. Their
sale to-day is 1,500,000 a year.
Its quality influences
the selling price. @
& Profitable fruit jg
growing insured only f§
when enough actual
is in the fertilizer.
Neither guantity nor
good qualily possible
without Potash,
.. Write for our free books
giving details,
93 Nassau St., New York City. 2


| ice
! and
{ ed a broken leg.

The Latest Condensed Dispatches From
Many Points.
Claim for Spanish War Expenses Cut Down at
Washington, and Harrisburg Officials Are
Dissatisfied —Opposition to the Proposed
Secretary of Commerce by the State Grange
—$50,000 for a School.
Pensions granted Pennsylvanians :—
Alfred Masonhimer, Allegheny, $6;
Nelson R. McNeal, Claysville, $8: John
H. Fish, Philipsburg, $6; John Daniel,
Monongahela, $10; Sidney W. Clark,
Leroy, $17; John P. Jenkins, Six Mile
Run, $10; James M. Floyd, Wilkins-
burg, $8; Samuel Jordon, Moshannon,
$17; Amanda Reeder, Turtle Creek, $8.
William Bosch, a farm hand, 42 years
of age, residing near Newside, commit-
ted suicide by shooting himself in the
head. :
While operating a swinging table at
the Nazareth Portland Cement Works,
Valentine Hartley, aged 44 years, was
crushed to death.
The body of Isaiah Krier, aged 24
a brakeman, was found lying on
Railroad tracks near Bethle-
He had been run down
the Bath
hem Junction.
by an engine.
John Yadelick, of Chester, missing a
belt containing $700 in greenbacks which
he wore around his waist, believed he
was robbed until a neighbor returned
the belt and money intact, having found
the former on the street.
Charters were issued by the State De-
partment to the following corporations:
Clearfield Trust Company, Clearfield,
capital $150,000: the United Sewerage
Company, Philadelphia, capital $10,000;
the City Realty Trust, Pittsburg, capital
$25.000; the Reynoldsville Light and
Power Company, Reynoldsville, capital
$20,000; the Buckwhla Water Storage
and Supply Company, Little Gap, Carbon
county, capital $r2,co0.
\ fter several years of unsuccessful ne-
gotiations Lebanon has secured a stock-
ing mill, D. G. Enos and J. Calvin Hess,
both of Philadelphia, being the heads of
company which will operate a large
plant by May 1 next. The company has
a capital stock of $130,000.
the home of Jacob
Hanes, in the Blue Mountains, near
Green Point. Hanes and his wife, who
are over So years old, suffered greatly
Irom exXposuic.
Mrs. Charles 1. Johnson was found
dead in home at Oil City by her
husband returned home from
work. caused by fumes
from imperfectly burned gas.
\ taxidermist of Stouchsburg has re-
ceived a rare and beautiful freak of na-
ture in the shape of a white partridge,
which is to be mounted for its owner,
Fire destroyed
when he
Her death wa:
| who shot the bird in Cumberland coun-
ty, not far irom Harrisburg.
An order issued from National
Guard headquarters designating the time
between February i and May 13 for the
annual spring inspections.
While shooting rats at his father’s
barn, at East Hanover, John the 18-year-
old son Peter Fisher, accidentally
shot himself in the thigh
Forty men were quarantined in a
boarding house in ILebanon, one of the
boarders being stricken with smallpox.
Roderick Dunn, a loader at the Belle-
vie mine, Scranton, was killed by being
squeezed hetween two cars.
James Stephens was struck by a loco
motive at Johnstown and killed.
Thomas Williams was arrested at
Carbondale, charged with shooting a
boy and a girl, the children of Thomas
Peters. The children were watching
Williams through the window of their
home when he drew a revolver, it is al-
leged, and fired two shots. One took
effect in the boy's face and the other
crashed through the girl's skull. Wil-
diams, it is said. was intoxicated when
he fired -the shots, and the children were
watching his antics at the time.
Elizabeth Shannon was found frozen
to death in a field near White's Church,
two miles from Waynesboro. She left
Waynesburg Saturday night in company
with a huckster, driving in the direction
of Blacksville. It is supposed she start-
ed for home after being several miles
out of town and lost her way.
Miss Mattie Pringle, employed in Mc-
Keesport, committed suicide by swal-
lowing poison.
Cholera in the vicinity of Orangeville
within the past ten days has killed no
less than 150 hogs.
Charles Hufford, aged 19 years, son
of M. H. Hufford, of Clark’s Summit,
| was drowned while fishing through the
at Gravel Pond with a number of
A freight wreck on the Philadelphia
Reading Railway occurred near
New Columbia, due to a broken journal.
Brakeman Davis, of Tamaqua, susigda.
Eight cars
I railed.

! 9l4c; sugar-cured
! 26¢; choice rolls, 18a1gc.

General Trade Conditions.
R. G. Dunn & Co's Weekly Review of
Trade says: It is most fortunate that the
vageries of speculation are not always
deleterious to legitimate business. Rail-
way stocks fell sharply, yet full returns
for November show that earnings were
1.15 per cent greater than in the same
month last year and 1.81 per cent. over
those of 1890. Industrial and traction
shares were even more violently dis-
turbed, yet the manufacturing plants of
the nation were never more fully occu-
nied. Numerous labor controversies
have been settled, and the rate of wages
is at the highest point ever attained. |
Retail distribution is of massive propor-
tions. Raw material in the textile in-
dustry has developed distinct firmness.
Cotton not only retained the spasmodic
gain that fellowed the Government re-
port, but made a further advance, and
indications of continued. strength at-
tracted liberal purchases by spinners.
Western grain producers and dealers
have expressed great faith in the future
of prices, many announcing their inten-
tion to hold supplies until spring, when
the scarcity would be marked and quo-
tations reach a more profitable point.
Failures for the week numbered 273
in the United States, against 240 last
vear, and 17 in Canada, against 26 last |
Flour.—Best Patent, $4.00; High
Grade Extra, $4.40; Minnesota Bakers,
Wheat.—New York
Baltimore No. 2, 8olsic.
Corn—New York No. 2, 69Vc; Phil-
adelphia No. 2, 65%a66c; Baltimore Ne
2, -b7C.
Oats.—New York, No. 2, 34¢;
delphia No. 2, Baltimore
No.. 3, 8s5Vc;
54C; No. 2,
Hay.—No. 1 timothy, large bales, $15.-
50a16.00; do, small bales, —a16.00; No.
2 timothy, $14.50a15..00; No. 3 timothy
BLES.— Apples.— Western Marylané&
and Pennsylvania, packed, per brl. $3.00
a3.75; do, New York, assorted, per brl,
$3.50a4.50; do, No. 2s, per brl, $2.50a
3.00; do, Eastern, per brl, fancy, $4.00a
4.50; do, Fancy Kings, per brl, $4.23a
4.50; do, New York Fancy Gills, per brl.
$450a5.00; do, No 1, Baldwins, per. brl,,
$4.00a4.25; do. Western Ben Davis, per
brl, $3.75a4.25. Cabbage—New York
State, per ton $9.00a10.00; do, Danish,
per ton $r12.00a13.00. Carrots—Native,
per bushel box, 4oasoc; do, per bunch,
1a1%. Caulifiower—Long Island, per
crate or barrel, $2.00a3.00. Celery—New
York State, per dozen stalks, 2
native, per bunch, 3l%age. Cra
Cape Cod, per brl, $6.5027.50; do, Jer- |
seys, per brl, $6.00a7.50; do, Cape Cod |
and Jerseys, per box, $1.7522.235. Cu- |
cumbers—Florida, per crate, $2.00a2.50.
Grapes—New York, per 8-1b. basket,
Concords, 12a13c; do, per 5-1b. basket, |
Niagaras, 14a16; do, Catawba, 12a12V.
Kale—Native, per bushel box, 20a2sc.

Lettuce—Native, per bushel box, 35a40c;
do, North Carolina, per half-barrel bas- |
ket, $1.00a1.25; do, New Orleans, per |
brl., $4.00a4.50; do, Florida, per half- |
barrel basket, $1.25a1.50. Onions— |
Maryland and Pennsylvania, yellow, per
bu., $1.15a1.25; do, Western, yellow, per |
bu. $1.15a1.25; do, Western, white, per |
bu., $1.40a1.50; do, red, per bu. $1.15a |
1.20. Oranges—Florida, per box, as to |
$2.25a2.75. Oysterplants—Native, |
per bunch, 3agc. Spinach—Native, per |
bushel box, Goab6sc. Turnips—Native,
per bushel box, 26a2sc. |
Potatoes. — White — Maryland and |
Pennsylvania, per bu, No. 1 83a9oc; do, |
seconds, 6oa75c; New York, per bu, best
stock, 8sagoc; do, common, 60a73c; |
Western, per bu, prime, 85agoc. Sweets
—Eastern Shore, Virginia, per truck |
brl, $1.25a1.75; do, per flour brl, $1.75a |
1.85; do, per brl, frost 75c.a$1.00; na- |
tive, per brl, No. 1, $2.00a2.25; North
Carolina, per brl, No. 1, $2.00a2.25. |
Yams—Virginia, per brl, smooth, —a$I.
Provisions and Hog Products.—Bulk |
clear rib sides, gc; bulk clear sides, 9V4c; |
bulk shoulders, 9%%c; bulk clear plates,
oc; bulk fat backs, 14 lbs and under, |
shoulders, narrow, |
olc.; sugar-cured shoulders, extra |
broad, 10%c; hams, canvased or un- |
canvased, 12 lbs and over, 12%c; refined |
lard, tierces, brls and 50-1b cans, gross, |
o¥4¢. -
Eggs.—Western Maryland and Penn-
sylvania, per dozen —az7c.; Eastern
Shore (Maryland and Virginia), per
dozen —27c.; Virginia, per dozen, 20a
27c.; West Virginia, per dozen, 235a26c:; |
Western, per dozen, 26a2jc.; Southern, |
23a25¢C.; |
Butter, Creamery.—Separator,
gathered cream, 22a23; imitation, 1ga20;
Md., Va. and Pa. Dairy prints, 21a22;
small creamery blocks, (2-1b.), 25a
Cheese.-—New cheese, large Go
103; to 11c.; do, flats, 37 Ibs, 11
11}4c; picnics, 23 lbs, 11l4a11%%c.
Live Poultry.—Turkeys—Old, 8%agc; |
young, fat, ganVc; do, small and poor, |
—a8c. Chickens.—Hens, -—a7Vc; do |
old psters, each 235a3oc; do, young |
go choice, 8a8%:c; do, rough and |
azc. Ducks.— Fancy, large, 9 |
small, —a8c; do, muscovy and
8agc. Geese, Western, each |
bod to prime, $6.00
dium, $4.00a5.00;
$2.00a4.00; cows, |
1,505.30; camnners,
2.00a4.50; calves, |
steers, $4.50a5.50.
le—Choice, $5.90a
bh; good, $5.00a3.50. !
prime heavies,
dinms, $6.10a6.20;
avy Yorkers, $5.85 !
pigs, as to |
30a5.40; roughs,
jive; best wethers,
common, $1.00a
h3.75; veal ‘calv
A Boston Boy Edified.
It was at one of the summer schools
that flourished up New England way
every year, and the white-haired lady
had just finished her address. Among
the crowd surrounding her, swayed by a
congratulatory spirit, was a little boy—
a Boston boy. Presently, when he had
his opportunity, he shook hands and
said :
“L was very much pleased with your
remarks. I have been waiting for years
to hear you speak on this topic. It was
one of the best addresses on the subject
I ever heard.”
The boy was nine years old, the sub-
ject of the address “Motherhood.”
Fire Salvage.
It was in the Equity Court room, in
the Federal building, before Judge Ald-
rich, and it was an insurance case, with
a witness on the stand from way up in
the Berkshire hills, He was tall and ca-
daverous, and one would never suspect
him of being humorous. After a long
description of the fighting of the fire by
his fellow-countrymen, he was finally
asked by one of the lawyers:
“Well, as a matter of fact, the build-
ing was completely destroyed, wasn't
“Well, we managed to save the cel-
ar! 2
Judge Aldrich joined in the laughter,
that was general and prolonged.
Easy Subtraction.
Ascum—I suppose you haven't had
time to figure out yet how much your
cashier took.
Bank President—Oh! yes, we knew in
a very short time.
Askum—Why, 1
great deal.
Jank President—Exactly. We mere-
ly had to count wht he had left.
thought he took a
Unable to Stand For Months Because of
Sprained Ankles.
——— 30g
(From the Cardiff Times.)
Among the thousands of voluntary endorse-
ments of the great value of St. Jacobs Oil for
sprains, stiffness, and soreness, is that of Mrs.
G. Thomas, 4 Alexandra Road, Gelli, Ysbrod,
near Pontypridd, South Wales, who says: —
“It is with great pleasure that Iadd my will-
ing testimony to the invaluable excellence of
your celebrated St. Jacobs Oil, as experienced
in my own case. I sprained both my ankles
in walking down some steps so severely that I
was unable to stand for several months. The
pain I suffered was most severe, and nothing
that I used helped me until I applied St.
Jacobs Oil, when they immediately became
better daily, and in a short time I was able to
go about, and soon after I was quite cured. I
am now determined to advise all persons suf-
fering from pains to use this wonderful rem-
edy, which did so much for me.”
Mrs. Thomas does not enlighten us as to
what treatment she pursued during the
months sho was unable to stand, and during
which timo she was suffering so much, but we
venture to suggest that had she called in any
well known medical man he would have at
once have prescribed St. Jacobs Oil, for it has
conquered pain upwards of fifty years, and
doctors know there is nothing so good. The
proprietors of St. Jacobs Oil have been award-
ed twelvs gold medals by different interna-
tional exhibitions as the premier pain-killing
remedy of the world, The committees who
ne the awards wero in each instance com-
p. ad largely of the most eminent medical
men obtainable. Mrs. Thomas evidently did
not know the high opinion in which St. Jacobs
Oil is held by almost every progressive med-
ical man.
China is greater than Russia, Great Bri:
tain, Germany, France, Japan and the
United States combined.
Maturaliy people want to be Well for Christ-
mas, for nothing so promotes happiness and
good cheer. Therefore, take Garfield Tea
row; it eures all derangements of stomach,
fiver, kidneys or bowels ; it cleanses the sys-
tam and purifies the blood, thus removing
the cause of rheumatism, gout and many”
chronic diseases. It is good for young and
old and has been held in the highest repute
for many years. Physicians recommend it.
If you write thirty words a minute your
pen is traveling at the rate of 300 yards
an hour.
Pur~am FApernEess Dyes do not stain ths
hands o1 spot the kettle. Sold by all drug-
The largest element in American popula-
tion is Celtic.
$100 Reward. $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
fearn that there is at least one dreaded dis-
cage that science has been able to cure in all
its stages, and that is Catarrh, Hall’s Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con-
stitutional disease, - requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cureis taken inter-
nally, aeting directly upon the blood and mu-
cous surfaces of the system, thereby destroy-
ing the foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the eon-
stitution and assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have go much faithin
its curative powers that they offer One Hun-
dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials. Address
F. J. Cuexey & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75¢.
1I’s Family Pills are the best.
Conscience is a good deal like an alarm
clock. We get so used to it that we don’t
Best For the Bowels.
No matter whateails you, headache to a
cancer, you will never get well until your
boweis are put right. Cascarers help nature,
| curs you without a gripe or pain, produce
i easy natural movements, cost you just 10
cents to stari getting your health back. Cas-
cARETS Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up
in metal boxes, every tablet has C. C. C.
stamped on it. Beware of imitations. }
The best opportunities are those wé,
make for ourselves.
Wish All a Merry Christmas!
And tell them of Garfield Tea, which cures
indigestion and liver disorders and insures the
return of many happy Christmas Dinners by
removing the cause ot dyspepsia arX iil health.
We may all be generous to a fault when
| the fault is our own.
Tetterine in Texas.
‘I enclose 50c. in stamps. Mail me one or |
i two boxes of Tetterine, whatever the pice
it's all right —does the work.”’—Wm. Sg
this | J.T. Shuptrine, Savannah
50c. a box ba
Gainesville, Texas.
gist don’t keep it.
A first-class te
“build, and $90,000,
A Chris
He asks three gf
appiness |
Good H
gbe pu

How Truly the Great
Fame of Lydia E. Pink-
f§ pound Justifies Her Orig-
ham’s Vegetable
. °
RB inal Signature.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
It will entirely cure the worst forms of Female Complaints, all Ova-
rian troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Falling and Displacement
of the Womb, and consequent Spinal Weakness, and is peculiarly
adapted to the Change of Life.
It has cured more cases of Backache and Ieucorrhea than any
other remedy the world has ever known. It is almost infallible in such
cases. It dissolves and expels tumers from the Uterus in an early stage
of development, and checks any tendency to cancerous humors.
Irregular, Suppressed or Painful Menstruation, Weakness of the
Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding, Nervous Prostration, Head-
ache, General Debility quickly yields to it.
Womb troubles, causing pain, weight, and backache, instantly re-
lieved and permanently pri by its use. Under all circumstances it
acts in harmony with the laws that govern the female system, and is as
harmless as water. ;
It quickly removes that Bearing-down Feeling, extreme lassi-
tude, “don’t care” and “want-to-be-left-alone” feeling, excitability,
irritability, nervousness, Dizziness, Faintness, sleeplessness, flatulency,
melancholy or the “blues,” and backache. These are sure indications
of Female Weakness, or some derangement of the Uterus, which this
medicine always cures.
Kidney Complaints and Backache of either sex tho Vegetable
Compound always cures.
No other female medicine in ths world has received such
widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine
has such a record of cures of femalo troubles.
Those women who refuse to accept anything else are reo-
warded a hundred thousand times, for they get what they want
eo all snbatitutes,

For the round Lion heads cut from the fronts of T774 he
wrappers we mail FREE the moz=t valuable presents eves
offered. 7
Here are some of thodciON'S LATEST GIFTS:
~~" Colored Wax Crayons—acholays’ joys,
Cornclian Agates for the boys;
Nice Bisc Dolls for lirtle girls,
String Tops which the urchin twirls;
Box of Jackstraws—a lively game,
Fine Pictures, all well-known to fnmeor=
“*Childhcod Days’’ is sure to please,
As will **Violets and Sweet Peas,’’
*‘A Qift from Heaven’ ’s a gem of art,
¢A Lively Tussle’’ shows puppies smarts
“Little Sweethearts’ is very cute—
All are pretty, beyond dispute!
Best Steel Shears and Scissors too
Among the presents hiere for yon;
Buttonhole Scissors we send along,
Ladies’ Penknives or Jackknives strongy
Religious Pictures, rich and rare,
Cloth-bound Novels read everywheros;
Dictionaries for daily use,
And Tapestry Covers we can produces
Subscription to **American Queen,”
Pocket Match Safes, the best yet sceng
Men’s Nécktics, varied in design—
Suspenders that are really fine!
And good Steel Razors, hollow ground,
With Leather Razor Straps ave founds
A Wedding Ring, a Turquoise Ring,
An Opal Ring will pleasure bring.
A Garnet Ring for youth or man,
A Brooch-Pin mado on necatest plang
A Silver Bracelet for the wrist,
And Belt Buckles ave in the list;
Hair Combs made of Tortoise-shell
Six Hairpins of the same, as well;
And Rubber Dressing Combs so fine,
With Hair Brushes—a varied line !
A Porcelain Clock surely charms,
We've also those that give nlarmss
And Watches, too, for either sex.
Which man or woman can annex;
There's Handkerchiefs for man and wife,
Lace Handkerchiefs to last a life;
And, for the Ladies’ special use,
Suppertera, Garters, we produces
A Shopping Bang, or Ladies’ Belt,
Or Pocket-Beok to hold the *‘gelds,”
And Silver Te: or Table Spoons
Are listed in our Premium boons!?
A Kitchen Knife so sharp and keen,
Conspicuous in the List is seen,
And Linen Tewels—lhiousewifeo’s pride,
For Lj Heads we will provide.
u ushes that aro strong and fine.
tles whito and genuine;
r Napkin Rings so neat
¥ you but scldom meet;
both small and great, —
ec varied views
EE use!

=very Package.