oo. i HERR’S "BOOK STORE WE HAVE A SPEDNDID CROKINOLE BOARD FOR 90 CENTS Hurry up and get one before they ara al! gone, You must visit our 3 Children’s Game and Book Department § in the North Rooin., Many things . te Pleuse the little ones. CERISTMA PICTURES What makes a more accepta ble Christmas Present than a nice picture. We have a splendid assortment of these goods to select from. In pri- ces they range from 33c to $5. IMOYSY Ofthese goods we have assortment and prices are right If you've made up you men of eas mt x B. HERR, 51-53 North Queen St, LANCASTER, PENNA. fons DEAN FYING SHINO IOOBEOANY. sensible, as it surely is, and if yout 3 tn Price, as you doubiless do, then come her ¢ a share of the reductions in our ‘Early Shopper's : a big premium on earliness and you can save enough oz one pu ) } « A New Repair Shop! 5 I clesira to inform the public that I have opened a Shoe Repuir Shop in the basemnenv of David H. Eagle's Furniture Warerooms West Main St., Mount Joy where I am prepared to do eobbling of every description at reasonable rates handsome present, or stick a dollar or two down in your Time is short, A | 1 . coming after, but you must come soon. DOLLS <> from 1c up, toy pianos, d= horns, false faces, cannon d in other words toys of all kinds FURNITURE AND BH W.C SAPP, Yr Rememipoer { you want anything in the line of {What Shall I Get? Bread, Cakes, Buns, &c. and where can I find something suitable and the only place to get ii yvod and fresh is at the appropriate for a Christmas Gift ? Empire Bakery We Are fo Help You Out LORIE Ta. whal they are generally sold With Our. Call and see us. 8. 2. GING RICED, Prop. wll Sh SP LEN DI D Funerals Suppbied at Short Notice The Only Place to Get RACKET » STORES HO1.] DAY ‘Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &e. Schutte Building, Florin, Pa. STOCK Ee A woaner Beltiz. Bish 3ov. ¢ Scholing’ s West End Bakery gnger buiaing, GounL Joy, ra. Hg en en 0 | wohich includes something for every peri Mount Joy, Penne. ohn Baer's Sons 15-17 N. Queen St., Lancast Men's Shoes Half Soled and IHeeled for 65c Sewed on for 75 cents Ladies’ Shoes Half Soled and Heeled for 45¢ Sewed on for 55 cents and Boys’ Shoes According to Size A Trial Job Solicited Harry Sheaffer 41-43S. QUEEN STREET LAA 1STER, PA. AV La Tree Ornaments We think we have the best as- sortment in town. Cups and Saucers 10¢, 20c¢ and 25c. Cood Things We have a large assortment of candies, raising,cocoanuts, prunes and we First Spinster—And who gave the bride away? Second Spinster — Her youngest brother; just after the ceremony he was heard to say: “Wait till he finds her hair is false, her teeth are false, and she suffers from chronic indiges- tion.”—Ally Sloper. Girls’ Three Carloads of Pianos and Two Car- loads of Organs for Xmas. The largest and best stock of musical instruments ever seen in Old instruments taken It will pay you. ¢ Partinlly Trae, A person of aa invesiigating turn of mind had taken the trouble to run down ona of tha miraculous cures. “ls it true,” he asked, “that you have been a suffarer from neuralgia for 17 years?" “Yas, ir,” replied the man. “Is it true that you have been cured of it by taking six bettles of Dr. Ry- bold’'s celebrated Exteaey of Umpty- gump?”’ “Well, that’s pertly terue. I've taken the six bottles.” —Cuicago Tribune. oranges, bananas, &c. So Lancaster. Terms to suit every one. know our prices are away below in exchange. See us before you buy. MOUNT JOY, PA. for. Oui Solicitor will eull en you every Tuesday and Deliver Every Friday KIRK JOHNSON & CO. Your Work Solicited. 24 West King Street, Lancaster, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Penna. Coote todo bedeb et etot ete Retraspeot, Vith Miss DsVine I played tod saywasey links, id as "Ow played my memory sped to ’ + $ * | ® s ? * ’ $ ° ¢ ’ ® ¢ ® 3 ® ° o 5 Praga ay on ras RS roller-skating rinks here I went with her mother mora than twenty years age, n furthee did the carrent of my reminis- czuce flow, PARISIAN (CLOAK Hello! Is that 861A? | amonds, Watches, Clocks, Rings, Sit | verware, | son, something for every purse. You can secure Desirable Selections of Di- Sterling Silver Novellies, POTATOES. I have just receiveda Carload of New York State Potatoes which 1 am sell- ing at Lowest Market Prices. Prompt attention to mail or telephone orders, Cold Weather Bargains Lot 1—=Men"s Heavy Dack Coats, wool lined at Lot 2—Men's Heavy Duck Coats, wool lined and rubber tnteriiniet 1 at $1,00 $1.25 at Warm Weather Prices Toilet Sets wish, | Ebony and Sterling Silver | of any grade at any price you PIROSH & - - Oh Tes! Oh Yes! SIMMONS GEORGE §. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER The Old Established Pawnbrokers Post Office Address, Florin, Lancaster Co., Pa. Telephone Number 851. Rates Very Reasonable for All Kinds of Sales $3.50 $2.50 $2.75 $1.00 Lot 3—Men’s Heavy Waterproof Coats, weight 6! pounds at Lot 4—Men's Corduroy Pants, Sweet Orr make at . . . . Lot 5—Men's Corduroy Pants lined, Sweet Orr make at . . Lot 6—Men's Knit Jackets, tleece-lined at . >. . . . Defy Competition, A Full Line of Wool .. Cardinal .. Jackets from $1.50 to £3.00 In colors and ull excellent values. P’. 8. —It will be to your advantage to watch these ads. from time to time. £=The Colder the Weather the Warmer the Bargains,