- ELEGY NEIL THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH STORE £& £& 244 LOCUST STREET COLUMBIA, PENNA Up-to-Date Clothing Furnishings and Hats It Cost Him Just Fifty Dollars, Mr. Justwed—I found this: tobacco in your room. What d mean, madam? Mrs. Justwed—Why, Justwed—Oh, you tell me that I use it do! Why ! mar- before Ye didn her [uscd vhy. 1 are whet hor to keep the othes.—Judge. She to- Bearable, ‘ou must tell your husband to *hange his diet,” said the physician. | “Tell him to eat more beef aq pota- | toes.” “Oh, well,” said Mr. Cume x, after a moment’s consideration, “I suppose it is just as well. Beef and potatoes are geiting so expensive that even the >althiest families need not ashamed to eat them.”—Washington Star. To Cleanse the Anarchisis, Siranger—Why are those dirty an. archists sp howling mad at that in- offensive-laoking minister? tesident—He wants them to join his church. “Hum! I don't see angthing such an favisaiion to rave over.” “Yes, but he's a Baptist, that a wash would do them goad.” —N, Y. Weekly. Safficient to the Day. Deacon Medders— Yes, ho. ho, ha, ha! 1 got the best o' Deacon Plunicet | in thet horse trade yistid’y. Mrs. Medders—\¥ell, Josiah. think t@et wuz Christiao-like duct? Deacon Medders—Why, matter. Yistid'y wuein’ Philadelphia Press. megan eg pet meee aren coa- | wads the Sund’y.— Recommendadions, Mrs. Kuowlesg That is a Dbeawntiful recommendation yoa gave td yopte cook, Of course she deserved it ? Mrs. Milton—Of course. Mis. Knowles—But what do yen really think about the girl? { have written recommendations myself, you know.—Boston Transcript. Womap-Like, He-—1I think a woman's elub, to be | something | far removed from “Female Suffrage.” | [ be-| successfal, should aim at She-—I can’t agree with vou. lieve that should be its sale ob 1.” Helix actly, thing else it is more likely t —Philadelphia Press. A to Anjuey, WP Patches—I tell yon ht pa Ftedlarly object dog set on me, for it is ong of the » of the business and T am take my chances, but when is a water spaniel it's just much.”—N. Y. Herald. Roll Call, A pugijlist who makes his pile And then to congress goes Would be right in his glory when Hz: strikes a paper of | oes it | moth sya 1e3ire to inform the a Shoe Repair Sh 3 f.4 y. H. Engie's and kaows | do ye | but if it aims at some- | to hit that.! . Weary, ! tS haying at wai curved disks! arge willing to ia that dog! a little too! HERR’S BOOK STORE READY FOR CERISTMAS PICTURES What makes a more accepta- ble Christmas Present than a nice picture. We have al splendid assortment of these, goods to select from. In pri- ces they range from 33c to $5. ITOYST” Ofthese goods we have a big assortment and prices are ight Worried Rhont Xuas Presents? The very thing is a fancy box of Writing Paper. Always Useful. Our Holiday Boxes make a dainty gift. Tlurlbut's Highland Linen and al! lines of colors and finishes, per box, 15¢ tos0¢. Holiday hox es with 1 to 19 quires of fine paper, from 3 cents to 23.00, 7, : B. HERR, 3-53 North Queen St, ASTER, PENNA. > LANC SCN | ge ou OAS | : - A New Repair Shop! hat I have opened Nop in bhasemenr uf Farniture Warerooms Main St., Mount Joy pared to do cobbling of ever tion at reasonabla rates he public t the nform CZ DOLLS=> | from 1c up, toy pianos, drums | horns, false faces, cannons and | in other words toys of all i West here I de ag es Half Soled and Hecled for Sewed on w/ m pre y Men's Sho 63¢ Jor 75 cents Tree Ornaments We think we have the best ee sortment in town. Saucers 10c¢, Cood Things We have a large assortment of| candies, raisins,cocoanuts, prunes oranges, bananas, &c. and we know our prices are away below | what they generally sold | for. Call and see us. Ladies’ Shoes Half Soled end Heeled for fac Sewed on for 94 cents and Boys’ Shoes According to Size A Trial Job Solicited Harry Sheaffer Girly’ Risser’s Ellx horn Steam Laundry MOUNT JOY, PA. are Our Solicitor will Tuesday and Deliver Your Work Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. CPP eG POGOe Ge Pot ete eadl on you Eve every I RLS RACKET : STORES Schutte Building, Florin, Pa. Your a, Mount it doy Pa. ry Friday | i o { PARISIAN CLOAK ~ & SUIT Co. 28-30 E. King St., Lancaster Royer's Saddler Shep West Main Street, Mount Joy Lam still making all kinds of Harness strictly hand | Talso sell anything kept Repairing Done Promptly. | made, no machine work. in a saddler shop. Prices to suit the times. Pur Dopsttuaent | STANDARD | COACH WORKS IN NEED OF A $ We have v large assortinent of Fur Scarfs | special values : Black Marten Scarfs sast received anothe and want to call your ! aliention to these Ir Jenny Lind, Surrey handsome scarfs, riakls, Exceptional values 25 5 Eieetric Seal Coat, $20. } Tlaetric Coat, tight fitting back, 24 inches long, 1 a : : 7 | lined with Skinner's satin, large revers. storin collar pasIn’s latest shape. Cannot de duplicated elsewhere fe 0 Automonde Seal and this s wr less than $25.00. ® n 52 | ; : ; . \ month, in the way of a biy reduction from the marked price. Gups and | = 20¢ and 25c¢. K 3 | Silver Watches to select from at the Lowest Prices in | ies® from & If you want to give Furniture, and certainly The stock is the fullest There's no time like the present. there's nothing better to give, make your selection now. the choice the best and we offer you special inducements till the middle of the We've prepared Jor a great business for Christmas and have now the biggest stock in our history | s0 big in fact that the store won't hold it, eventhough the building was doubled | during the summer. So come now, make your selection, and on the payment of | @ small sum, we'll put your purchase away till you want it, and so get the room THE EARLY BIRD &C. WwW. C.SAPP, 41-13S. QUEEN STREET LANCASTER, PA. Remember if you want anything in theline of AAT RPRAANAAN SA WATCH ES || Bread, Cakes, Buns, &c. the only place to get it good and fresh is at the Empire Bakery FLORIIN. PA. SS. 8. SINCRICEL, Xrop. Funerals Supplied at Short Notice The Only Place to Get Good Bread, Cakes, Baus, &c. TIS AT Scholing’ s West End Bakery Mount Joy, Penna. e POTATOES. I have just received a Carload of New York State Potatoes which 1 am sell- ing at Lowest Market Prices. Prompt attention to mail or telephone orders. T. N. HOSTETTER. | The Largest Stock of Rolid Gold, Gold Filled and You will convince yourself by the follow Solid Silver Watches gents' or ladies’ Gold Filled Watches, gents® or lad L25up. Solid Gold Watches, ladies® from $12.75 up. Gents’ Gold Watches from £20.00 up. All the the above are guaranteed for time and quality. PIROSH & SIMMONS The Old Established Pawnbrokers the city. ing prices. from $2.75 up. Oh Tes! Oh Tes! GEORGE §. YOGEL, AUCTIONEER Post Office Address, Florin, Lancaster Co., Pa. Telephone Number 851, and Jewelers, Rates Very Reasonable for All Kinds of Sales 20 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Penna, Opposite Woolwortl’s 5 & 10¢ Store FOR S&LE! Three Acres and Fourteen Perches Gravel Land Xs lina good state of cultivation and fences in good re- pair The land is siteated ow the road leading from Florin te the Mount Joy Cemetery, a short distance For particulars eall on or address MUSSELMAN, Florin, Penna west of the latter HARRY The Leading Clothiers ITE oe === a nN Christmas Goods Rely: or Your Selection - —— AANA AAA AAAS. CARD LETTER AND WRITING CASES POCKET BOOKS DIARIES FOUNTAIN PENS, $1 T0 §5 | PAPETERIES 10c TO $2.4 BOX TOILET CASES AND WORK BOXES NEW PUBLICATIONS CALENDARS : ILLUSTRATED CHILDREN'S BOOKS FAMILY AND TEACHER'S | BIBLES CHURCH BOOKS PRAYER AND HYMNAL | ENGLISH CLASSIC. 5, 2 25¢ to #5 Call a and - the Book Store of John Baer’s Sons 15-17 N. Queen St., Lancaster. —— —— _— I —— _—— — Three Carloads of Pianos and Two Car- loads of Organs for Xmas. The largest and best stock of musical instruments ever seen in Lancaster. Terms to suit every one. Old instruments taken in exchange. See us before you buy. It will pay you. KIRK JOHNSON & CO. 24 West King Street, Lancaster, Penna. VAAEIE TRCN NINN Cold Weather Bargains at Warm Weather Prices Lot 1—Men"s Heavy Duck Coats, wool Hned at . Lot 2—Men's Heavy Duck Coats, wool lined and rubber inte eHiicd at Lot 3—Men"s Heavy Waterproof Coats, weight 64 pounds at Lot 4—Men's Corduroy Pants, Sweet Orr make at Lot 5—Men’s Corduroy Pants lined, Sweet Orr make at Lot 6—Men’s Knit Jackets, fleece-lined at Defy Competition, Wool Cardinal Jacl ets from $1.50 to $3.00 in colors and all excellent values. It will be to your advantage to watch these ads. from time to time. Ag The Colder the Weather the Warmer the Bargains, “a4 A Full Line of P.8.— =X. BE. ERE RSOI..FE— MOUNT JOY, PA. S aN SOR Ya Ba
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